Magic Academy's Bastard Instructor-Chapter 71: Conference [3]
"Ah, Professor! It’s so great to see you!"
Claude, who had just arrived at the auditorium, greeted Vanitas.
"Have you been here since the first day, Professor?" Claude asked.
"I have."
"I see. Then look forward to my presentation, Professor! You’re about to witness history in the making."
"Is that so? Well, I’ll be waiting."
"Haha! Let’s head inside."
With that, Vanitas and Claude entered the auditorium. They found seats, and as they settled in, Vanitas glanced back and scanned the room.
He spotted Karina, Roselyn, and Astrid sitting together nearby.
Vanitas made sure to sit apart from them, not wanting to draw Claude’s attention to Roselyn’s unexpected presence.
The third day of the conference focused on findings in alchemy, particularly alchemical engineering. This drew the attention of merchants and business representatives.
As the first presentation began, all eyes fell on the alchemist standing at the center stage.
——This device refines raw magical elements into a purer state with heightened efficiency.
A projection of the device appeared, displaying its design.
——Compared to existing converters, this model processes elements 30% faster while reducing mana consumption by 25%
The audience murmured with interest. One merchant raised a hand.
——What about durability? Existing converters often break down under prolonged use.
When his question was answered, questions began pouring in one after another.
——What’s the expected cost for mass production?
Questions continued to pour in, touching on topics like cost efficiency, compatibility with existing systems, and potential market demand.
The presenter skillfully defended his work, providing data and examples like a researcher in a thesis defense.
By the end of the presentation, the presenter left the stage, seemingly satisfied.
The emcee, a renowned mage in the field of alchemy, returned to the center stage.
——Next, we have Professor Raven Blackheart, from the Amethyst University Tower!
Unlike the earlier product-focused presentation, this one delved into theoretical alchemy, presented as a thesis.
As more presentations concluded, some being outright rejected, while others already securing promised investments, the emcee stepped forward and announced.
——Next, we have Professor Claude Rosamund from the Silver University Tower!
Clap, clap, clap—!
The audience broke into applause as Claude, seated beside Vanitas, stood up with a confident grin.
"Guess it’s my turn, professor."
Vanitas nodded his head. "Goodluck."
Claude walked to the stage. Adjusting the microphone, he began.
——Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed scholars, and my fellow professors, I present to you Adaptive Mana Channels, an innovative step forward in alchemical engineering.
It was a bold proclamation, as if he was confident his proposal truly was innovative.
But it was no surprise Claude was confident. The concept was a breakthrough in alchemy.
And it was all Roselyn’s work.
Yet, Claude acted as though the thesis was entirely his own, presenting it smoothly while ad–libbing on certain points.
It was clear he had put effort into understanding the material. Despite his trashy work ethic, Claude had been considered a genius during the first two years of his career.
But his success didn’t last. Over time, he faced countless rejections and hit many dead ends in his research.
That all changed when he met Roselyn, a true genius. Realizing her talent far exceeded his, he took advantage of her work to revive his failing career.
There were many ways to expose him right now.
Asking detailed questions about the specific formulas and substances used in his ’formulas.’
Questions only Roselyn could answer.
But Vanitas held back.
Roselyn held back, too, watching quietly.
——That’s impressive.
——As expected of Professor Rosamund.
He wasn’t even finished, yet praises were already pouring in one after another.
Praises that rightfully belonged to Roselyn.
Roselyn gripped the hem of her dress nervously, having just finished explaining the situation to Princess Astrid.
"Is that true, Miss Roselyn?"
"Yes, Astrid," Karina replied on Roselyn’s behalf.
"And Professor Vanitas is the one who made it possible for you to have this opportunity?"
Roselyn nodded slowly. "Yes."
Astrid sighed, crossing her arms. "I’ve heard of stories like this before, but to think it’s happening in the University Tower…. it’s disappointing."
Roselyn lowered her gaze. Karina gently placed a hand on her shoulder for support.
Astrid turned to Roselyn.
"Miss Roselyn, you’ve done nothing wrong. Your work speaks for itself, and you deserve the recognition, not someone who exploits your efforts."
Roselyn looked up. "Thank you, Princess Astrid. That means a lot."
Clap, clap, clap—!
Claude’s presentation ended successfully, with applause echoing through the auditorium. As soon as he stepped down and returned to his seat, he was instantly crowded by merchants and businessmen alike.
Professors, scholars, and alchemists took turns presenting after him, each showcasing their work.
——Up next, Roselyn Clandestine! An assistant Professor from the Silver University Tower!
The audience, still buzzing with lively chatter about the earlier presentations, barely paid attention as Roselyn stepped onto the stage.
Few even looked her way. To most, she was just another no-named alchemist whose proposal would likely end in failure.
But despite the indifference, Roselyn stood tall as her gaze sweeped the auditorium.
——Good evening, I’m Roselyn Clandestine.
Her words were drowned by the audible chatter.
Clearly, the audience wasn’t interested.
But then, everything changed.
——Today, I will be presenting all eight layers of Magnus’s Mana Crystallization Formula.
Roselyn waited.
The silence.
The stares.
They felt suffocating.
It was soon broken by a renowned alchemist seated near the front.
——Young lady, do you even know where you are? Making bold claims like that.… is this some kind of joke?
Murmurs echoed through the audience as other alchemists frowned, sharing similar sentiments.
——This is absurd. Magnus’s Formula? Completed? Ridiculous.
——Even the greatest minds of our time couldn’t solve it. And now you, an assistant professor, claim to have done it?
——This isn’t just bold. It’s utterly disrespectful.
The Mana Crystallization Formula wasn’t a topic to be taken lightly.
Many esteemed alchemists had attempted to complete it over the years, but all had ultimately failed.
The reason was simple.
The errors began in the third layer. Incorrect solutions there led to flawed results in the fourth layer, which made the fifth layer unsolvable.
Because of this, progress beyond the fifth layer had always been impossible.
Roselyn took a deep breath, steadying herself. She raised her head and met their gazes.
"With all due respect, I understand your skepticism. But I’m not here to waste anyone’s time. I will prove my claims with detailed explanations and demonstrations."
——This is going to be a waste of time.
——Let her try. We’ll see how far she gets before she realizes she’s bitten off more than she can chew.
Negative reactions poured in, one after another, making Roselyn’s nerves skyrocket.
But her gaze drifted to her small circle of supporters in the audience.
Karina, who had always been there for her—reminding her to eat, visiting her apartment with food, helping her clean up, even urging her to take care of herself when she’d forgotten to shower after long days of research.
Princess Astrid, someone she had only met today, but who believed in her words without hesitation.
Professor Vanitas, who had supported her at every step.
He made her believe in her talent, that it was possible to rise from the depths of despair. He had provided financial help and made this opportunity a reality.
Her ghost co-author.
The thought of disappointing them weighed heavier than all the jeering voices in the room.
The idea of proving the skeptics wrong here, in this moment, filled her with a rush of excitement she couldn’t explain.
Her fingers tightened around the edges of the podium as she steadied herself.
"Let’s begin."
She turned to the projection and displayed the diagrams of the third layer.
"This is where the formula breaks for most researchers. The third layer has been misunderstood for decades. Errors here disconnect into the fourth and fifth layers, making further progress impossible."
She highlighted the adjustments on the projection.
"These are the corrections. With these changes, the transition to the fourth layer becomes stable, allowing the fifth layer to function as it should."
The audience murmured again, still skeptical, but curiosity began to arise.
An older alchemist raised his hand.
——Are you suggesting that the foundational structure of the third layer, accepted by scholars for years, is entirely wrong?"
"Yes," Roselyn boldly said. "And I will prove it."
Claude found himself baffled at sight.
’Roselyn?! What’s she doing here?!’
Due to the crowd around him earlier, he hadn’t noticed Roselyn standing at the podium.
Her bold claims aside, there was no way Roselyn could have afforded the presentation fee for the academic conference. That fact alone confused him.
"Is something wrong, Claude?" Professor Vanitas, seated beside him, asked.
Claude turned to him quickly.
"Ah, no. Well…. yes. Do you remember my assistant, Professor?"
Vanitas rubbed his chin, pretending to ponder.
"Assistant…. Oh, is that her?"
"Yes, Professor. It seems she’s somehow snuck into the conference."
"Is that so?" Vanitas glanced toward the stage. "This Mana Crystallization Formula she’s presenting…. I’m not well-versed in alchemy, but it sounds significant?"
"It is. You’ve heard the others, Professor. It’s one of the most challenging formulas in alchemy. But Roselyn’s claims are absurd. We’ve worked on it together before and barely made it past the fifth layer, like everyone else. If she’s been working on it…."
Claude’s expression darkened, and he abruptly stood up.
——Professor Rosamund? Is something the matter?
An alchemist nearby asked, startled by his sudden movement.
Claude raised his voice, loud enough for everyone to hear.
"I wish to raise a concern about Roselyn’s presentation."
Roselyn froze mid-sentence, just as she was about to explain the fourth layer.
——A concern? Regarding what?"
"Intellectual dishonesty," Claude said. "Plagiarism."
——Cough. Cough…!
A few alchemists shifted uncomfortably, clearing their throats at his accusation. Many of them had used others’ work in the past.
One of the scholars, an official judge, spoke up.
——Plagiarism? Are you certain, Professor Rosamund? That’s a serious claim.
"Yes. The work she’s presenting includes materials directly taken from my research. As her mentor, I recognize it. She’s claiming credit for something she didn’t create.
Gasps rippled through the audience.
——An assistant?
——Pfft. This is kind of funny.
When they realized Roselyn was an assistant, the mood in the room shifted.
Fighting a plagiarism accusation over an unpublished paper was already complicated.
But when it was a professor accusing their assistant, the outcome was almost certain.
In the current academic world, professors were always given the benefit of the doubt over their assistants.
No matter what Roselyn said, it would likely be dismissed as an excuse.
Claude pressed on.
"In fact, we worked together on this very formula. I was close to solving the fifth layer. She clearly took what I was working on and built upon it, passing it off as her own without ever giving me credit."
While the statement seemed to contradict what Vanitas had just explained to Astrid the other day, if Roselyn had merely copied Claude’s incomplete work without adding significant improvements or new insights, it would indeed be plagiarism.
Claude, however, was confident that Roselyn hadn’t made any meaningful contributions, considering the lack of time.
"There’s no way she could have done this without using my groundwork. Solving the Mana Crystallization Formula in under a month…. does that even make sense?"
——He’s right.
——Under a month? That’s not even possible.
The audience murmured, nodding in agreement. Claude’s confident accusations made it hard for Roselyn to refute.
——Professor Rosamund, your accusations have been noted. Miss Clandestine, you may continue your presentation. Your work will speak for itself.
Roselyn nodded, took a deep breath, and turned back to the projection.
"As I was saying…." Roselyn began once more.
Claude was certain she had stolen his work. How else could a 25-year-old assistant solve all eight layers of the Mana Crystallization Formula?
As Roselyn explained the structure of the fourth layer, Claude couldn’t help but smirk.
The formula mirrored the paper they had worked on together, confirming his suspicions.
Or so he thought.
It deviated.
As soon as the deviation began, the entire structure shifted, completely disregarding the work they had done together.
Claude’s confidence faltered as he scrutinized the sequence.
It wasn’t the same paper anymore.
The solutions were different. The diagrams were altered. Even the formulas had taken a new direction.
Roselyn pointed to the projection.
"This adjustment is the key to stabilizing the mana flow. Without it, the transition to the fifth layer is impossible."
The audience leaned forward, intrigued. Even the skeptical alchemists were now paying closer attention.
Claude’s expression darkened as he gripped the edge of his seat.
’That can’t be….’
Unable to contain himself, Claude stood up once more.
"Wait! This…. This adjustment…. isn’t original. It’s a direct modification of my work!"
The audience’s attention split between Roselyn and Claude.
"Anyone who looks closely can see the similarities in the structure of the fourth layer. This is a deliberate attempt to distort my work and present it as hers!"
"With all due respect, Professor Rosamund, your work stopped at the fifth layer because of fundamental errors in the third. What I’ve presented here are original solutions that correct those flaws."
But Claude wasn’t done. He turned to the audience, trying to rally them to his side.
"You all heard her admit that the structure of the fourth layer aligns with my research! Doesn’t that prove she’s building off my work? This so-called deviation she’s showing now is nothing more than an extension of what I started!"
A few heads nodded in agreement, but others remained focused on Roselyn, waiting to see what she would do next.
"Miss Clandestine," Claude said, pointing at the projection. "If this is truly your original work, explain this sequence here."
He gestured toward a specific part of the formula.
"This section. Right here. This is directly from my research notes. I recognize it because I designed it myself. Explain how this is yours, if it’s identical to mine."
Roselyn froze. She opened her mouth to respond to Claude’s accusation but couldn’t form a single word.
"Well? If you can’t explain it, perhaps it’s because you didn’t create it."
Roselyn’s hands tightened on the podium. Her chest tightened, her breathing became uneven.
The silence stretched unbearably.
The room remained tense until a calm voice broke through the silence.
"Miss Clandestine."
Roselyn’s head snapped up. The voice belonged to Vanitas.
"I too, found a flaw in your thesis."
Claude turned to Vanitas with a smile, completely forgetting Vanitas’s lack of expertise in the alchemy area.
Karina and Astrid only stared at Vanitas in shock.
Roselyn’s stomach dropped as she stared at Vanitas. She couldn’t believe it at all, to betray her in such a critical moment.
Vanitas stood and pointed to the projection.
"This section here. The methodology doesn’t align with the established progression. Could you clarify why this adjustment was necessary?"
Claude’s grin stretched wider. "Well, well. Even Professor Astrea noticed a flaw. Surely you have an explanation, Roselyn?"
Roselyn’s heart sank further. She recognized the section Vanitas had pointed out. It was the same issue she’d struggled with endlessly during her research.
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She looked at the highlighted section. Slowly, her thoughts aligned.
It was the section Professor Vanitas had always helped her navigate.
Taking a deep breath, Roselyn straightened her posture, as if finding her confidence again, and addressed the audience.
"Regarding the flaw Professor Astrea mentioned, it’s a necessary deviation to maintain balance in the mana flow, compensating for the shift introduced in the fifth and sixth layers."
Then, she pointed to the section Claude highlighted.
"For Professor Rosamund’s accusation, while similar to our original work, includes a refinement he was never part of. This adjustment resolves the mana instability caused by errors in the foundational layer, allowing the formula to stabilize at higher levels."
Unbeknownst to the audience, Vanitas’s question was directly tied to Claude’s. To answer Claude’s question, Roselyn first needed to address Vanitas’s.
Claude could only sit back down, his smile fading.
Vanitas leaned back in his seat, a smirk tugging at his lips.
The emcee nodded, gesturing for her to proceed.
——Please continue, Miss Clandestine.
Roselyn met Vanitas’s gaze briefly, a sincere gratitude flickering in her irises before turning back to her presentation.
Her confidence had returned.
Layer by layer, Roselyn dissected and presented each part of the formula.
Claude, unfamiliar with anything beyond the fourth layer, sat in silence, unable to interject.
The audience, including scholars and alchemists, began asking questions out of genuine curiosity.
The solutions for the fifth to eighth layers were uncharted territory for everyone in the room.
Despite their probing, Roselyn navigated each question flawlessly.
The key to maintaining her composure was simple.
She didn’t focus on the overwhelming audience or their expectations.
Instead, she looked at Vanitas, Karina, and Astrid.
To her, they were her only audience.
Finally, Roselyn concluded her presentation.
"That concludes my presentation for Magnus’s Mana Crystallization Formula."
The room fell silent.
No one spoke.
No one moved.
The shock of what she had just accomplished hanged belatedly in the air.
Then, slowly, applause began.
Clap, clap, clap—!
Claude leaned forward in his seat, gripping his hair tightly. His earlier confidence had crumbled into despair.
In the world of scholars, plagiarism was one of the gravest offenses.
But falsely accusing someone of plagiarism, without valid evidence, carried its own severe consequences.
A stain that could tarnish a career forever.
Scholars valued truth and integrity above all else, and to recklessly accuse another of stealing work without proof was a betrayal of those values.
Claude had gambled everything, hoping to discredit Roselyn and reassert his reputation.
Instead, he had only exposed his own flaws and dishonesty for everyone to see.
The emcee stepped forward then.
——Miss Roselyn Clandestine, your work has been reviewed and accepted by the academic board. Congratulations on this groundbreaking achievement.
The applause grew even louder, and Roselyn turned to the audience. Her eyes shimmered with an indescribable emotion as she gave a polite bow.
"Thank you so much!"
But amidst all the applause….
Claude shot to his feet.
"This isn’t over! You think you can steal my spotlight? You wouldn’t even be here if it weren’t for me!"
The room fell silent, all eyes now on Claude.
"Years of my work! You built on my foundation! You’re nothing without me, do you hear me? A lowly assistant stealing credit from her professor! How dare you stand there like you’ve achieved something!"
Roselyn froze, stunned by the sudden outburst.
"You think one presentation erases the fact that everything you’ve done is because of me? I’m the one who brought you into the University Tower! I gave you opportunities! You owe everything to me!"
The silence stretched once more. Vanitas glanced at Claude from the corner of his eye, remaining idle.
It was then.
Roselyn, who had endured years of beratement, finally clenched her fists.
Claude blinked, taken aback. "What did you say?"
"For how long do you plan on making me suffer, Professor Claude?"
The room held its breath.
"Stealing my work. Presenting it as yours. Taking the Adaptive Mana Channels I spent years perfecting and passing it off as your own. Was that not enough?"
Gasps rippled through the audience.
"Do you know how it feels to have your hard work erased? To watch someone else bask in the praise you earned? You didn’t give me opportunities, you took them away!"
"H–How dare you?! You ungrateful bitch!"
However, the murmurs began.
——Claude’s responses during his presentation did feel rehearsed….
——He’s never been flexible during Q&A sessions either.
"I’ve stayed silent for years, letting you take credit. But not anymore!"
Claude’s mouth opened and closed, but no words came out.
The emcee cleared his throat.
——Professor Rosamund, accusations like these are serious. If there is truth to Miss Clandestine’s claims, it will be investigated thoroughly. For now, please return to your seat.
"No way! I—"
A calm voice interrupted, and a hand rested on his shoulder. With his rage boiling, Claude turned to the side and glared.
His words froze mid-sentence when he realized it was Professor Vanitas.
"Sit down, Claude. Keep your dignity in check. You have a child."