Manipulative Harem God-Chapter 472 Another Monkey from the mountains?

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Chapter 472 Another Monkey from the mountains?

"Are you leaving?"

The shocked voice of Li Liying reverberated across the dining table, her eyes wide with disbelief. She sat across, her figure tense. Li Xiaoyu, similarly surprised, furrowed her brows and shot a concerned glance at Zhang Wei.

"Godfather... Are you leaving?" Li Xiaoyu's voice trembled with sudden nervousness.

Zhang Wei, observing their troubled expressions, felt his face involuntarily twitching. He couldn't fathom they'd think he was abandoning them forever!

With a cough, he clarified, "I'm not leaving you two forever; it's just a matter of time." Despite his reassurance, the mother and daughter remained visibly unsatisfied.

Their eyes shimmered with determination, as if silently agreeing on a course of action.

That day, Li Liying's fiery resolve burned brighter than ever as she, for the first time, shared a bed with him without succumbing to drunkenness.

In that moment, Zhang Wei experienced an enlightenment, realizing he might be missing something vital in his life.


Few loving widows!

After tasting the affection of these two devoted widows, Zhang Wei found himself irresistibly drawn to continue exploring this forbidden territory.

On the morning of April 25th, as he prepared to depart, Li Liying's voice broke the quietude, "Be safe!" Her lips pressed against his cheeks in a tender smooch, her cheeks flushing with a mix of shyness and affection.

Across the table, her daughter barely contained her amusement, suppressing giggles as she continued to eat her breakfast, while Li Liying shot her a embarrassed glare.

Shaking his head with a fond smile, Zhang Wei made his way out, only to lock eyes with Ye Feng, who was approaching from the distance.

"You!?" Ye Feng's body froze in disbelief as he spotted Zhang Wei emerging from Li Liying's home in the early hours of the morning.

Meeting Ye Feng's gaze, Zhang Wei couldn't resist the urge to smirk in satisfaction.

"Tch," he uttered with disdain, flashing a triumphant grin before striding confidently towards the waiting black limousine parked nearby.

Yet, Ye Feng gathered his courage and confronted him, demanding answers, "You! Why are you leaving Sister Ying's home?"

Despite the question, Zhang Wei remained silent, offering only a smug smile before disappearing into the sleek vehicle, signaling the driver to whisk him away, before the dog starts barking again!


As the sleek car whisked away, Ye Feng felt an intense tremor of rage coursing through his entire body, like a storm raging within.


His eyes blazed with bloodshot fury, fixated on the disappearing car, a foreboding chill creeping into his heart like an icy grip.

With a heavy heart, he approached Li Liying's door, his hand poised to knock.

But his hopes were dashed as silence greeted him; Li Liying was enveloped in the steam of her shower, and Li Xiaoyu was lost in the melodies pulsating through her headphones.

Disappointed and disheartened, Ye Feng reluctantly turned away.

Yet, just as he did, his phone erupted in a buzz of vibrations.

Glancing at the caller ID, "Jane," a spark of hope ignited within him, and a smile reclaimed its place on his face, chasing away the shadows of frustration.



Inside the car, Zhang Wei winced, a pounding headache throbbing at his temples as Chu Yaoyao practically flung herself at him, her nagging pleas for instruction echoing in his ears.

Wen Tingguang, navigating the vehicle, couldn't stifle a cough, a subtle reminder for Chu Yaoyao to comport herself with the dignity befitting her status.

Yet, the new born calf wasn't going to fear tiger!

She kept pressing even closer to Zhang Wei.

"Do you want my guidance?" Zhang Wei, already feeling exasperated, inquired with a strained tone, his face twisted with annoyance.


"Hm! Hm!" Chu Yaoyao, interpreting his question as a positive response, nodded vigorously, her movements causing her ample bosom to bounce, further intensifying Zhang Wei's discomfort.

He couldn't help but marvel at how such formidable assets ended up in the possession of such a naive woman.

Nevertheless, he reluctantly agreed, "I will personally impart my 'teachings' to you, once we reach a suitable location," Zhang Wei announced with a hint of resignation in his voice.

"Truly, master?" Chu Yaoyao's face lit up with unabashed enthusiasm.

Zhang Wei offered a strained smile, "Yes, truly."


Chu Yaoyao couldn't contain her excitement as she leaped towards him, impulsively planting a kiss on his cheek.

Zhang Wei gently pushed her away, his attention already shifting to his other women, on the phone.

Feeling a twinge of annoyance, Zhang Wei glanced at the driver, a balding old man. If only he were someone more suitable, Zhang Wei mused, he would have dealt with Chu Yaoyao's impulsive behavior right then and there.

Several hours later, as Zhang Wei stepped out of the limousine parked discreetly on the roadside and made his way towards Xiang Hui, Chu Yaoyao couldn't resist asking, "Master, why are you leaving here?"

"It's because," Zhang Wei replied, patting her head affectionately, "There's a woman in this area who's particularly eager for my money. If she sees me inside your car, she'll pounce on us and beg shamelessly, holding by thighs." He offered the explanation with a hint of resignation.

"Hm?" Chu Yaoyao couldn't help but feel a flush of embarrassment as she nodded in understanding.

'So even Master is wary of beggars,' she thought to herself, unaware that the "beggar" Zhang Wei referred to was none other than the Scarlet Lady from the Jade Court.



As Chu Yaoyao left Zhang Wei finally let out a sigh of relief, but as he looked around, he was in an stranded place, only mountains surrounding it, as the highway cut between the mountains, connection the ancient Xianghui to Qingyun.

There were still few kilometres remaining to his destination and Zhang Wei couldn't help but shake his head, thinking he had to sprint his way across the whole way!

With a resigned sigh, he decided to test his speed using this excuse as an excuse.


In the meantime, a sleek phantom glided down the highway, three occupants nestled inside.




Suddenly, the car jolted to a halt, prompting grimaces from those within.

A closer look revealed the driver, with a face as unremarkable as his existence—forgetten.

A girl with long blonde locks seated next to him.

Her cute, childish features were marred by a furrowed brow of annoyance.

Despite her childlike face, her chest seemingly burdened with the weight of two worlds.

Her white, slender legs peeked out from under a short skirt, drawing attention to her thighs, while her black heels tapped impatiently on the car mat.

"Beibei, why so impatient?" a melodious voice chimed from behind her.

Seated in the back was a woman in a professional blue suit, her long black hair cascading like a waterfall. Her face exuded a mature charm, contradicting her youthful appearance.

Ye Mingying, looking to be in her late twenties, watched with a wry smile as Su Beibei expressed her frustration.

"Ugh! This trashy car!" Su Beibei's hands clenched into fists as she vented her annoyance.

The driver awkwardly smiled, preparing to lift the bonnet and diagnose the issue.

Ye Mingying shook her head, her voice tinged with resignation. "We can't control what we can't, Beibei. Stop messing around," she said, folding her hands in a gesture of patience.

"Cousin, I'm not patient like you. Why don't you toss this piece of tin and buy something better?" Su Beibei retorted.

Ye Mingying furrowed her brows. "I just bought this a week ago. I can't change it like this," she said, shaking her head in disapproval.

Buying a car worth millions wasn't the issue; it was the timing.

With her business under stress, making such a purchase now was definitely problematic.

The shareholders would likely dissent, especially since she lacked the support of her grandfather at the moment.

"Humph!" Su Beibei folded her arms in frustration.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the car windows.

Knock! Knock!

Su Beibei furrowed her brows and glanced outside to see a young man with short black hair smiling shamelessly at them from outside the window.


Her eyes widened as she nearly had a heart attack at the sight of his 'average' face, so forgettable it could have been under her math textbook — eating dust!

"Who are you!?" Su Beibei demanded, suspicion coloring her tone, as she cautiously lowered the window.

Yang Lei's shameless grin widened. "Two beauties in distress, stranded on this desolate road. Fate has surely brought us together for this fateful encounter—"


Before he could finish his poetic spiel, Su Beibei swiftly rolled the window back up with an annoyed huff.


Yang Lei's eyes bulged in surprise as his face awkwardly pressed against the glass, his features moving mechanically with the motion.

Inside the car, Ye Mingying shook her head with a soft chuckle at the spectacle.

"This guy is amusing. Beibei, why not give him a chance?" she suggested. After all, stranded as they were, they weren't accomplishing much by being stubborn.


Su Beibei whirled around, her eyes ablaze with suspicion. "Cousin, can't you see it? Just look at his face! He looks like a scammer, even his face screams it!"




A/N: Outside of the country from 22nd to 27th, updates would resume afterwards!

This chapter is updat𝓮d by fre(e)webnov(l).com

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