Manipulative Harem God-Chapter 503 Xiong Mei wants to give Zhang Wei a monkey!?

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Chapter 503 Xiong Mei wants to give Zhang Wei a monkey!?

Xiong Mei hesitated, "But she would never accept—"

"Mei? Is everything alright? Hello?" Her mother's voice crackled with anxiety through the phone, prompting Xiong Mei to quickly respond.

"Y-Yeah, Mom, I can hear you," she stammered.

"Thank God, I was worried something terrible had happened to you," her mother exhaled in palpable relief.

Xiong Mei paused, gathering her thoughts before addressing the delicate subject. "Mom... about the money."

"What about it?" her mother's voice sharpened with curiosity.

"It was sent by Brother Zhang," Xiong Mei explained, her voice tinged with nervousness. "He wants you to treat yourself to some new clothes, maybe find a new house, and buy some gifts for Rui and yourself... He had to rush off last time because of work and couldn't give it to you in person." She crafted the last part on her own, hoping it would soften her mother's stance.

Silence engulfed the other end of the line, stretching out uncomfortably long.

Finally, after a tense pause, her mother's voice returned, ice-cold and firm, "Tell him we don't need it."


Xiong Mei swiftly muted the phone again, turning to face Zhang Wei with a look of nervousness. "What now?"

Zhang Wei's smile was a mix of amusement and nonchalance. "Tell your mother if she refuses to accept it, I'll come and deliver it myself."

Xiong Mei gulped, feeling a flicker of hope that this tactic might sway her mother. She lifted the phone back to her ear.

"Mom... he said if you don't accept, he'll personally come to visit and hand it over."

The line went deathly silent, and then, after a tense pause, the voice of her mother returned, subdued and restrained, "I see..."

Xiong Mei bit her lip, her heart pounding. She couldn't predict her mother's reaction, but she sensed a storm brewing, her mother's emotions seemingly held at bay by sheer willpower.

Despite the tension, Xiong Mei knew deep down that her mother desperately needed the money, especially now that her father was gone.

The need was evident, yet acknowledging it made her emotions swirl in a complex dance of guilt and responsibility.

As these thoughts tangled in her mind, her mother's voice pierced the silence once more, probing and cautious. "Are you still with him?"

Xiong Mei hesitated, casting a glance at Zhang Wei, who offered a smirk that didn't quite reach his eyes, "Y-Yes," she stammered.

"Has he beaten you?" her mother's voice sharpened with concern.

A flush of embarrassment warmed Xiong Mei's cheeks. The only "beating" that came to mind was a spanking, she recieved during bath. "No," she replied softly, her voice a mixture of embarrassment and relief.

"Good, if he threatens you or beats you, call me immediately. We will lodge a police complaint against him," her mother's voice came through, tinged with slight relief.

"Hmmm..." Xiong Mei nodded lightly, though her mother couldn't see.

She watched as Zhang Wei turned and walked back towards the living room, his footsteps fading into the distance.

He was giving her some space to talk privately, which she appreciated.

She sighed softly, a wave of gratitude mingling with her ongoing anxiety.

"Thank you, Mom. I will," Xiong Mei whispered into the phone, her gaze lingering on Zhang Wei's retreating figure.

His casual dismissal of the situation both annoyed and reassured her; it was typical of him to act as though nothing serious was afoot.

She continued, feeling the need to reassure her mother further. "Everything's really fine here, Mom. Don't worry about me. How have you been?"

There was a slight pause on the other end, her mother's voice softer when she finally spoke. "I'm alright, Mei. Just a bit surprised by the sudden money transfer. Make sure you're not getting into anything... complicated."

"I won't, Mom. It's just Zhang Wei being overly generous." Xiong Mei forced a chuckle, trying to lighten the mood.


"... If you say so, dear. Just remember, I'm here if you need anything at all."

"Thanks, Mom. I really appreciate it."

They exchanged a few more pleasantries before saying goodbye.

Xiong Mei ended the call and tucked the phone back into the pocket of her shorts.

She stood alone for a moment, collecting her thoughts.

The quiet of the apartment wrapped around her like a thick blanket, the distant hum of the city outside echoing silently.

Walking slowly towards the living room, Xiong Mei mulled over her conversation.

Her mother's words echoed in her mind, a constant reminder of the delicate balance she had to maintain.

'Why does everything with him have to be so complicated?' she pondered, her steps heavy with unresolved feelings.

As she entered the living room, she found Zhang Wei staring out the large window, his silhouette framed against the city lights.

The tension from earlier seemed to have dissipated, replaced by a pensive stillness.

"Everything okay?" Zhang Wei asked without turning around, his voice surprisingly gentle.

"Yeah, everything's fine," Xiong Mei stammered, slightly taken aback as she joined him by the window.

"Thank you." Her voice trailed off after a moment, filled with a hesitant undertone as if she might never have the chance to speak to her mother freely again.

Zhang Wei gave a casual shrug, his eyes glinting with mischief. "Still dreaming of spreading your wings and soaring through the open sky?" he asked, his tone dripping with taunt.

Xiong Mei stood silent for a beat, her gaze fixed on the city lights below. She gave a slight shake of her head, her voice barely a whisper. "Don't know..." Then, after a pause filled with doubt, she added, "Would you even let me?"


Zhang Wei burst into a chuckle, amused by the idea. "All I can do is grab you and throw you from here," he joked, his laughter echoing slightly in the quiet room.


Xiong Mei flinched instantly, a quick shake of her head as her eyes widened in alarm. "Never mind, then," she muttered, dismissing the frightening thought.

After a lingering silence, Xiong Mei finally mustered the courage to voice her dreams, albeit hesitantly, "I don't want to attend a normal university. I want to join the arts academy in the capital and enter competitions."

Zhang Wei gave a noncommittal shrug. "It doesn't really matter to me what you do, as long as you're not seen with other men. I'll support you. If you run short of money, contact Lisa; she'll transfer some to you."

Xiong Mei's expression clouded with a mix of relief and another, heavier thought.

After a slight pause, she ventured further, her voice tinged with a hint of longing, "I also get bored being alone all day..." Her eyes flickered with reluctance and a daring hope as she asked, "Can I have a child...?"

Zhang Wei sighed deeply, his mutter barely audible, "Give them a date and they'll take the whole palm..."


His words sent a flush of embarrassment sweeping across Xiong Mei's cheeks, her face tinting red.

Noticing her discomfort and the subtle shift in her demeanor, Zhang Wei shook his head, his smile soft yet firm. "You're too young to handle the responsibilities of a child," he observed gently. "Not now."

"Okay..." Xiong Mei whispered, her disappointment evident.

Yet, there was a glimmer of hope in her voice, sparked by his choice of words—"Not now..."—which suggested a future possibility rather than an outright denial.