Martial Cultivator-Chapter 512: Flying Sword Arrives in the Snow

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Chapter 512: Flying Sword Arrives in the Snow

As a renowned young genius from the foreign lands, when had Ye Zhihua been looked down on like this before?

If it were someone else, no matter how calm they were at this moment, ripples would likely arise in their Dao heart too. But Ye Zhihua merely frowned slightly and then ignored it. Given the cultivation realm of the woman before her, if she were truly a cultivator of the younger generation, her bloodline was likely extraordinary. Ye Zhihua even suspected that the demoness was of royal lineage among the demons.

However, there was no time for her to ponder this further. As time passed, she found that every method she employed was easily countered by the demoness. With a flick of her hand, the demoness conjured a crystal clear snow sword from the snowstorm and drove it straight through Ye Zhihua's shoulder.

Blood instantly soaked Ye Zhihua's daoist robe.

Ye Zhihua winced in pain but, being one of the Twin Pillars of Daoism, she remained resolute. She endured the excruciating pain and struck out at the demoness' chest, forcing her to retreat, pulling the snow sword out at the same time. Blood spurted out, staining the snow as if countless bright flowers had bloomed between heaven and earth.

The demoness stopped, slightly surprised by the young woman's decisiveness in this critical moment. "Quite resolute, but your cultivation is terribly lacking."

The demoness spoke softly, her voice calm, but her words were deeply insulting to Ye Zhihua.

Ye Zhihua's expression remained unchanged. The wound on her shoulder quickly formed a blood clot. While it did not heal the injury immediately, it at least stopped the bleeding.

The demoness then looked at Ye Zhihua and said indifferently, “Even so, you'll still die.”

Ye Zhihua said nothing, but the qi within her body gradually began to rise. The snowstorm behind her came to a sudden halt, and the entire world seemed to freeze in that moment. The daoist spells of the Infatuation Daoist Temple were numerous, and as one of their heaven's chosen, Ye Zhihua knew countless spells.

Above the clouds, faint thunder rumbled.

When dealing with demons, daoist lightning spells were the most powerful weapon. These were the laws of heaven and earth, which naturally restrained demons and evil.

Demons were born with bodies far superior to humans and had longer lifespans, giving them a clear advantage over humans. Yet, heaven and earth had their own balance. Despite their physical weaknesses, humans were more adept at using magic spells, particularly lightning spells that were naturally effective against demons.

When the demoness heard the thunder, she glanced upward, and shook her head.

While lightning techniques might be effective against ordinary demons, who was she? She was the biological daughter of the Demon Emperor, could this puny little lightning spell do anything to her?

This girl before her was indeed the demon race's princess. Right now, she had a human name, Autumn.



As the thunder continued to roar, countless bolts of heavenly lightning fell from the clouds, trapping Autumn within a storm of lightning.

The Infatuation Daoist Temple's lightning techniques were renowned for their unmatched power. Although Ye Zhihua did not specialize in lightning techniques, she harnessed them with ease. Nevertheless, their power might not rival that of Yun Jianyue's.

Even so, the lightning bolts, each as thick as a woman's waist, fell one after another, sufficiently trapping the unidentified demoness. After trapping Autumn, Ye Zhihua briefly hesitated but ultimately decided against retreating.

As one of the Twin Pillars of Daoism, she had her own pride and was unwilling to retreat when facing opponents of the same realm.

Moreover, it was far from the time to determine the outcome, and she did not believe that she had no chance of victory.

As for the trapped Autumn, she merely frowned slightly, avoiding several bolts of lightning, while the ground below already bore several large craters.

Then, this young demoness did something that even Ye Zhihua had not anticipated or dared to imagine.

She reached out and caught a bolt of golden lightning, forcibly tearing it apart, and then hurled it towards Ye Zhihua outside the lightning storm.

The lightning was like a spear, its power astonishing.

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Ye Zhihua's pupils constricted in an instant as she watched the lightning spear streak towards her. She quickly manifested numerous golden threads at her fingertips, intertwining them in front of her, and then shattering the lightning spear herself.

But while she was distracted, Autumn had already stepped out of the lightning storm. She casually threw a snowflake, which instantly tore through Ye Zhihua's robe. Ye Zhihua felt a slight stinging coming from her lower abdomen. When she looked down, she saw a wound had appeared on her previously smooth stomach.

Before she could take any action, she looked up to find countless snowflakes descending upon her like a swarm of locusts.

In an instant, Ye Zhihua’s robe was riddled with numerous holes, and her chest was partially exposed.

Autumn sneered, as if mocking the lacking assets of a certain someone.

Ye Zhihua felt inexplicably annoyed. Her qi surged, shattering the surrounding snowflakes. However, at the same time, Autumn advanced again, reaching her front, and delivered a vicious hand strike to Ye Zhihua's previously injured shoulder. freeweɓnovēl.coɱ

The scabbed wound reopened at this moment, and Ye Zhihua grunted in pain, stumbling back a few steps.

However, instead of pressing the attack, Autumn abruptly stopped, inexplicably sliding back several dozen feet. As expected, a vine had climbed up to the exact spot where she had just stood. If she had not retreated, she would likely have been ensnared again.

"Quite the schemer. Compared to that guy, you're far too lacking. Unfortunately, your methods are too lousy. Is this all the skill a daoist of the Infatuation Daoist Temple has?"

Ye Zhihua did not feel shocked at her identity being exposed. At this moment, she was more concerned with how to turn the tide of the battle.

Autumn stared at Ye Zhihua and said calmly, "You must be the girl who's of the so-called Twin Pillars of Daoism. And the other one?"

Ye Zhihua felt somewhat at a loss. The other party seemed to know her background like the tips of her fingers, but she knew nothing about Autumn.

Seeing Ye Zhihua remain silent, Autumn did not waste any more words. She slowly approached Ye Zhihua again, casually pulling out a snow sword from the wind and snow as she walked.

However, after a moment, Autumn stopped once more.

The sound of a sword's cry echoed loudly through the snowstorm.

She looked up and saw a brilliant green streak cutting through the wind and snow from afar, speeding toward her.

The entire sky was filled with sword qi, making the snowstorm pale in comparison.

Autumn remained expressionless, she just threw her snow sword to intercept the incoming flying sword.

The flying sword collided with the snow sword, causing the snow sword to shatter instantly.

In the next moment, a young man in green appeared not far from them.

He was currently smiling as he looked at Autumn.

Autumn also turned her gaze toward him, and they locked eyes.

The young man in green smiled and said, "Aren't you going to run?"

Autumn remained silent and made no move.

The flying sword continued to hum, hovering by the young man's side, ready to strike again at any moment.