Martial God Conqueror-Chapter 33 Mountain Range Deadhunt

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Mountain Range Deadhunt

Sometimes, when facing a dangerous situation experience probably counts more strength.

Originally, Du Shaofu has got no experience at all however surviving recent days had surely helped him accumulated some of it; this made him feel a little grateful towards the white-clothed lady, and it makes him wonder if she’s still somewhere in Wild Beast Mountains.

“Demonic beasts are coming, quickly run ah!”

A minuscule smile etched on the corner of his mouth; Du Shaofu rushed out from the bush in disarray, panic on his face but his actions were very quick, heading towards the five men of the White Panther Hunting Group.

“Demonic beasts.”

Hearing someone shouting ‘demonic beasts’ behind them, the five men instantly turned around vigilantly, in full defense mode staring at a young man dashing towards them in panic, immediately one of them questioned loudly: “Kid, what demonic beasts?”

“At the back, there are demonic beasts coming behind…”

Du Shaofu quickly ran up to the group of five in ‘panic’ - frightened senseless.

“Where are there any demonic beasts behind…”

The earlier brawny man has yet to finished his sentence, Du Shaofu’s already in front of him, with a wave of his hand a cold ray light slashed across the brawny man’s neck in lightning speed, his unfinished words forever remain in his throat.

After eliminating the beast hunter, the panic on Du Shaofu’s face was taken over by a cold sneer; with a flip of his hand another cold ray shot out slashing a second beast hunter’s chest. His left fist enveloped in xuanqi and with strange fluctuations fell heavily on a third beast hunter’s chest.

“Bang Bang Bang!”

While small blasting rang out, that one punch’s force was enough to carom him, whereby the second beast hunter fell to the ground, stuck on his chest is a sharp dagger, blood spurting out like a fountain.

The dagger belongs to a person of the White Panther Hunting Group that died the day before. Du Shaofu dealt with three beast hunters at lightning speed as if he had rehearsed the act; his quick speed makes it difficult for people to react in time.

“Who are you...? You are the one who killed the Third Captain…”

A short while later the remaining White Panther Hunting Group’s beast hunters finally regained their wits.


But, already too late, accompanied by a salvo of noise, a muscular man spat out blood from his mouth as his body flew back from a punch.

Du Shaofu move towards the last brawny man, a hint os edgy on his stalwart face, asked in a low voice: “How many of you are there in White Panther Hunting Group, how many Xiantian level warriors; what is the cultivation level of your Big Chief and Second Chief?”

“Overall, there are three hundred people in our White Panther Hunting Group, five Xiantian level cultivators; Second Chief is mid-Xiantian and Big Chief is already at peak Xiantian. You dared to kill persons from White Panther Hunting Group definitely will not walk out of Wild Beast Mountains alive.”

The brawny man stared at Du Shaofu his body trembled slightly; his words earlier were to boost his own courage a little, at the same time his left hand secretly took out a whistle, immediately placed it on his lips blowing out a high sharp sound.

“Was just waiting for you to inform your comrades!”

A tiny smile etched on the corner of Du Shaofu’s mouth, his silhouette dashed and xuanqi wraps around his fists as another punch strike on the man’s chest. The brawny man saw clearly the fist striking down his chest but powerless to dodge; when the fist landed, he could hear the sound of his ribs fracturing then his internal organs shattered into pieces from the impact, his life gradually dimmed.

After killing the last beast hunter, Du Shaofu swiftly searched all five bodies but unfortunately, he did not find any elixirs and couldn’t help to feel disappointed.

All elixirs fetch a high price, these five men’s strength weren’t high and have little status within the hunting group; even if they manage to scour some elixirs inside Wild Beast Mountains, they are not qualified to keep it.

After grabbing some miscellaneous items, Du Shaofu surveyed the surrounding area, from around the forest shadows could be seen moving towards him.

From the mouth of the last brawny man, Du Shaofu knows White Panther Hunting Group only has five Xiantian level in total, and he had already killed one of them thus four remaining. The Second Chief is mid-Xiantian whereas the Big Chief is at peak Xiantian; if he is somehow surrounded the result will not be to his liking.

“White Panther Hunting Group.”

Muttering softly, a smirk skims passed Du Shaofu’s face as he turned around disappearing quickly.

More than a hundred people of White Panther Hunting Group rummaged the forest to find him; he had to think of a way to elude them. The more people are here, the easier it is for him to avoid detection. This is what they call a diversion tactic.

“Second Chief, our people are killed.”

Moments later, more than thirty silhouettes looked respectfully at a fat man.

The fat man wore a murky expression on his face, squatting before the five corpses and examined them, the result only made his face turned even gloomier: “The killer is a Xiantian level warrior, they died the same way as the Third Captain; must be that brat who did it. I will tear him into thousand pieces!”

In the evening, another set of five corpses lies somewhere within the forest. The surrounding areas were not badly messed up; proof the killer made his kill neatly, killing of five people using the shortest time.

“Bastard, search, quickly search, we definitely must find that brat!”

The fat man lost his temper, his face looking incredibly ugly and his eyes filled with murderous aura.

Dusk. The sky grew dimmer however within the forest a blood-thirsty aura pierced the sky.

“Bastard, spread the message out, say that kid stole out White Panther Hunting Group’s ‘Dong level martial skill’. I want that brat to have nowhere to run nowhere to hide.” Beside the several corpses of White Panther’s beast hunters, the fat man roared furiously.

In the next few days, a rumor spread like wildfire – a young man stole the White Panther Hunting Group’s ‘Dong level martial skill', and quite a number of White Panther Hunting Group’s people died by his hand; his movements mostly unpredictable which cause panic and fear inside the White Panther group.

“Don’t know what’s the young man’s background, he dares to make a move against the White Panther Hunting Group.”

“The White Panther Hunting Group’s Fat Dragon and Skinny Tiger are not to be trifled with; it’s absurd for a young man to be stronger than the both of them.”

“I heard that young man is also a Xiantian warrior, I guess he’s a descendant of a prominent sect or a renowned family, or he wouldn’t dare to challenge the White Panther Hunting Group; anyway this time ‘round the White Panther Hunting Group’s sure got a loud slap to the face.”

“I heard Skinny Tiger headed to Spirit Gorge, hearsay recently the spiritual aura became overly concentrated most probably due to a high-grade elixir maturing.

“High-grade elixir could fetch an extremely high price, let’s go and have a look, who knows that we might be able to get it…”

Within the mountains, sporadic conversations could be heard from small teams passing by; the most popular topic of discussions are relevant to the mysterious young man and White Panther Hunting Group.”

“High-grade elixir.”

Du Shaofu’s figure which was hidden by the forest surfaced, and his eyes brightened; the physique refining law of the Golden-winged Garuda prompted his need for a significant amount of elixirs, and the higher the grade of the elixir the better the result.

“Really insidious.”

Du Shaofu’s brows scrunched up, White Panther Hunting Group actually spread the rumor that he stole a ‘Dong level martial skill’. A ‘Dong level martial skill enable one to link to one’s martial pulse – a Maidong warrior’s martial skill; a Dong level martial skill’s value is attractive enough to lure every beast hunter and mercenary within Wild Beast Mountain to relief it from him.

His figure emerged only for a few seconds before disappearing again among the forest.

Sunsets in the mountain range, colors of clementine-red filled half the sky.

“That kid’s right in front, chase quickly.”

“There a Dong level martial skill on that boy, don’t let him run away...”

A rare peaceful dusk on the edge of Wild Beast Mountains was suddenly broken by numerous loud shouts, chasing on a dead hunt kept resounding within the forest.

“Such an insidious guy.”

In front of the pursuing crowd, Du Shaofu ran as quickly as he can while cursing under his breath, spat out in an aggressive manner at some bushes as he ran past. Unfortunately, he was discovered by some people nearby when he was killing another batch of White Panther Hunting Group’s people and fell into an endless pursuit.

“Brat, where can you run, you’re definitely will die today!”

A slightly stout middle-aged man who looked clumsy but his has incredible speed; shouting aloud while pursuing Du Shaofu, a cold sneer on his face. Behind the middle-aged man, various figures were dashing towards his direction; a blatant dead hunt begins in the mountain range.

Du Shaofu dares not linger; it’ll bad if he’s surrounded, as the saying goes two fists is hard to contend with four hands.

The stout middle-aged man squint his eyes watching the back of the fleeing young man, his expression turned dark – it didn't cross his mind the young man would be so agile.

“Let’s see how far you can run; Dragon Strolling Step!”

With a loud howl, xuanqi fluctuates around his body, under the soles of his feet streams of xuanqi gushed out and as if the Gods were aiding him; his body surged forward rapidly closing in on Du Shaofu, devouring the distance between them.

“Movement martial skill.”

Sensing the vibration of piercing wind behind him, Du Shaofu hastily turned his head back to look; and he was greatly surprised. Clearly, the stout middle-aged man used a movement type skill to increase his speed; with a faint pale gold light spilling out from his body, Du Shaofu too increased his speed, maintaining distance running towards the mountain range in front.

Two people; one in front running and one at the back chasing, from behind them can loud shout of other pursuers resounding through the forest, it’s just that none of their speed is comparable to the stout middle-aged man. Awhile later only left the stout middle-aged man chasing behind Du Shaofu.

“Brat, you won’t be able to escape today.”

Half an hour later, the stout middle-aged man shortened the distance, chasing closer and closer behind Du Shaofu, his meaty face filled with murderous killing intent. Xuanqi gathered in his palm condensed into a whip-like gust of wind directly striking Du Shaofu’s back.

Sensing the wind-like attack coming from the back he looked back; on his left hand, xuanqi fluctuates like waves, clashed against the incoming whip-like wind.