Martial King's Retired Life-Book 12: Chapter 90

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Book 12: Chapter 90

Emperor Yuansheng instated Huang Yuzao as Daren Academy’s principal as he respected the latter enough to permit him to carry a sword into the palace, not require him to address himself as a subject and not ban his nickname. Whenever they met, Emperor Yuansheng addressed Huang Yuzao as his elder brother. Today, though, he was just so furious and had a good guess behind the motivation for Huang Yuzao’s visit, which was why he addressed Huang Yuzao as “Brother Huang” instead of the usual “Brother Yuzao”.

Huang Yuzao subtly smiled. “Your Majesty.”

“Hmm?” Emperor Yuansheng turned the page, pretending he wasn’t interested.

“You have your book upside down.”

“Huh?” With a beet-red face, Emperor Yuansheng flipped his book over, only to realise it was now in reverse, prompting him to smile. “Brother Yuzao, you know I have a lot on my mind, yet you would use me for your own amusement?”

“Hahaha.” Huang Yuzao held his hands in salute. “This old one would never. This old one was merely afraid you would miss the wisdom of the sage in ‘The Zuo Tradition’, so he wanted to lift your spirits.” He sat down next to Emperor Yuansheng without any feeling of discomfort or awkwardness.

Emperor Yuansheng went back to his straight face. “I assume you must be here for that wretched traitor.”

“You are most perceptive, Your Majesty.”

“What do you think?”

Huang Yuzao stroked his beard. “There are lots of questionable things about the whole case.”

“Such as?”

“Your Majesty, it is obvious at first glance. Fiends’ Genesis have been off the radar for twenty years. You and I both lived through their reign of terror. How old is His Highness this year? How could he have been supporting them until today?’

“Perhaps Muye couldn’t, but what about his mother? You know as well as I do who has kept Wondrous Warrior Estate afloat all these years.”

Li Muye’s maternal grandpa, Zuo Qiukuang, was one of the strongest in the northern martial arts community and one of the few elite spear wielders. Since his mother inherited his martial arts plus tactician teachings, she was highly respected in the martial world.

“While she may be capable, would she? Twenty years ago, when her husband was still alive, when they were still in love, the likelihood that she wanted to harm you was extremely unlikely. Why would she need to wait twenty years if she truly wanted to harm you?”

“What do you make of this case, then?”

“Framing and sowing discord.”

Emperor Yuansheng’s visage didn’t change despite the sound rhetoric.

“The Seven Champion White Princes are not taking your plans for them kindly. If they weren’t purposely loosening the leash to encourage chaos in the capital, Fiends’ Genesis never would’ve had any opportunities to explooit. They slap a ‘white’ label on themselves and then call themselves orthodox sects. When orthodox sects commit murder, they do their best to avoid using their own weapon.”

Emperor Yuansheng let out a long exhale. “So we agree, then?”

“What good is there if we agree? Your verdict says a thousand words. His Highness cannot wash his slate clean. There are truths in the fabricated evidence, and there are fabricated facts in the real evidence to seal his fate. You cannot appease the masses if you do not execute him. As long as Fiends’ Genesis do not surface again, the masterminds can sit back and watch you execute him. They have forced you to personally end Wondrous Warrior Estate and galvanised his mother to fight the imperial court. A most brilliant strategy.”

“Hmph, he deserves to die! He gave them his neck; it’s what he gets for trying to play with people out of his league when he’s just an ignorant brat. Had he not reached out to Fiends’ Genesis, he wouldn’t be in his current predicament. Even if I want to spare him, can I when all the evidence has incriminated him?”

“I now understand the source of your anger.”

“Does it make sense for me not to be angry? Brother Yuzao, you always taught me that death is nothing if a man dies for a just cause. I have no qualms sacrificing my life if it is for my people. What about him? Why is he risking his life? Does he not have enough food? Or does he not have enough clothing to stay warm? Neither. He was purely pursuing fame and glory. He believes he should stand above accomplished young men because he’s a Prince. Has he ever considered how much danger those accomplished individuals had to overcome? Has he ever thought about how much blood and sweat it cost them? Has it never dawned on him that his house, his income and the fear his fellow students feel for him is all thanks to his grandpa staking his life for it back then? What makes him think he can behave so preposterously without any ramifications? Has he ever spared a thought for his grandpa’s sacrifices?!”

Huang Yuzao gently raised his teacup for a nip of tea. “Do you… see someone in him?”

Emperor Yuansheng gazed into the distance for a while, then wiped the corners of his eyes. “Ever since Cheng’er’s rebellion, I’ve been questioning if I’ve been wrong. Maybe he once had a just heart and righteous ambitions. Mayhap I am to blame for prohibiting him from this and prohibiting him from that. Muye’s case reminds me of Cheng’er, so I just can’t control my anger.”

“Perchance the battle to abolish the seven is stressing you out.”

Emperor Yuansheng exhaled again. “There is a rat in the imperial court. I don’t know who it is; perhaps everyone is a rat. My father once told me, tacticians are heartless, and rulers are ruthless. My vassals might once have had grand righteous ambitions, but time has wilted away their drive. I desire the abolishment of the seven for the sake of the land and people. They, on the other hand… If it wasn’t for them, why would I have to abolish them?”

“For that reason, you took the risk to participate in the pugilistic world’s affairs and dragged this old one back to join your imperial court.”

A smile came to Emperor Yuansheng’s lips. “Different situations. You have the people’s interests at heart. I ought to be grateful to you for all my life.”

While he was adventuring in the pugilistic world thirty years ago, Emperor Yuansheng dragged Shen Wuzheng along to the East China Sea to visit Canghai’s survivor. Impressed with Huang Yuzao’s honourable character and indifference to materialistic desires, Emperor Yuansheng coerced Huang Yuzao into following him with a bit of wheat. Thanks to Emperor Yuansheng’s recruitment, scholars across the land saw hope, and a cleaner name for orthodox sects.

Confucianism was as good as gone in the imperial court in the past, especially among the upper echelon. Consequently, Emperor Yuansheng’s decision to employ Huang Yuzao was met with a lot of objection; there was even an internal conflict that resulted in many elders quitting. Huang Yuzao took in those elders’ students who chose to stay.

As the head of Confucianism in the imperial court, Huang Yuzao encouraged people to study in hopes of one day finding employment as civil servants. This move raised the level of education in the imperial court. Because these actions removed Confucianism as a martial arts faction, one could say Huang Yuzao sacrificed Confucianism’s future for the sake of the imperial court and, by extension, the people under Emperor Yuansheng’s rule.

“I have always respected you for your devotion to the land and its people.” Emperor Yuansheng saluted Huang Yuzao.

As such, Huang Yuzao, too, rose to return the salute.

“Did you come here for the wretched traitor?”

“That is only one reason.” Huang Yuzao sat back down. “It has been a long time since you have attended a class. Seeing as this old one has cleared his schedule already, let us chat for a while longer.”

Being young back then, Emperor Yuansheng was more prone to flouting conventions, which was why Huang Yuzao lectured him for his recruitment method. The man Emperor Yuansheng often called Professor Huang as a means of teasing him had the ability to make the monarch wear on a long face.

A bird landed atop the pavilion in the imperial garden and then stopped moving just as everything, including the clear water, around was still.

“He who exercises government by means of his virtue may be compared to Polaris, which keeps its place and all the stars turn towards it… Even with Li Lou’s and the cleverness of Gongshuzi, one cannot form a square without rules. Even if one is blessed with Shi Kuang’s intellect, one cannot produce the five notes of the pentatonic scale without the six pitches… To win the world is to win the people.”

Emperor Yuansheng had finished the book Huang Yuzao read out long ago – many times by this point. Therefore, despite shaking his head, Emperor Yuansheng repeated after Huang Yuzao.

“You have read these books, and you understand their teachings. This peasant still has some things to add.”

“I am listening, Brother Yuzao.”

“First, you are a virtuous monarch. Howbeit, not everyone wants to see these situations. They could be wrong, and they could be right. They have their books and their reasons. You cannot reason if they do not respect your reasons. Your Majesty, when it is time to fight, you must fight.

“Second, you have a lot of children and even more capable individuals. This is a blessing for the country. Why would you find all means possible to stop their progress? When your family is healthy, things will fall into place.

“Third, you must always ensure your provision storehouses are full and the people can lead peaceful lives. Never forget you once starved.”

Huang Yuzao took out the wheat Emperor Yuansheng gave him back then.

“I often experienced hunger pangs in the pugilistic world, and I can confirm it does not feel nice to starve. Left with no choice, I had to pinch some wheat or corn. If I had to pinch to survive, I can only image the people are in the same circumstances. If they have to starve even more, they will probably have to sell their children. Although I am happy to plant this all across Jiangnan’s north, there will be uncountable challenges to overcome in the process. I am but only one incompetent man. Please help me.” Emperor bowed his torso to parallel after he was done. This was the very speech he gave before taking the head of Confucianism with him back then.

The nostalgia compelled both men to smile. One had spent thirty years of his life educating people. One had devoted thirty years of his life to running a country and trying to serve his people. From their perspectives, their efforts were worth it, and they would punctuate their journey with a smile.

“Lastly, this peasant, from the bottom of his heart, is grateful for your friendship.” Huang Yuzao bowed back to Emperor Yuansheng.

As much as Emperor Yuansheng wanted to know the reason for Huang Yuzao’s uncharacteristic behaviour, he respectfully bowed back.

“It is getting late. This old one shall leave you to your business now.”

“I will be waiting for your next visit and your next lesson.”

Huang Yuzao nodded with a smile.

Huang Yuzao stopped by Daren Academy to check on many of his prized students he was hoping would pass the imperial exams. He asked how they were doing with schoolwork and stressed the importance of continuing to read outside of class. Prior to departing, he took a piece of ruby from the academy.

Instead of having a coach, Huang Yuzao rode a horse carriage alone. It had been many years since he personally had to ride himself, but he was still as masterful as ever as a jockey. He kept a letter, one that he had been separated from for twenty years.

While the capital was on high alert – courtesy of Fiends’ Genesis – people paid Huang Yuzao any mind given he only appeared to be going on a tour. Plus, his horse carriage didn’t seem particularly dazzling enough for people to stop and care. In reality, it was the work of his Eclipse.

The instructions in the letter were for him to just stroll around in the capital, and somebody would come to lead him. Hence, he employed Eclipse in order to catch them off guard. His plan was flawless until he saw a man wearing a bronze mask watching him from the roof of a tall building. The masked man pointed northeast, then took off, vanishing into the night.

Suffice to say, Huang Yuzao wanted to avenge Song Lian. Nevertheless, for the sake of the bigger picture, he had to wait.

Huang Yuzao rode northeast as he was directed. Once he arrived at the designated location, the masked man, standing on a rooftop once again, pointed in the next direction. Huang Yuzao followed him until his navigator disappeared into an abandoned estate.

Huang Yuzao dismounted to venture into the abandoned estate. There were no ambushes waiting for him. After all, hoping to successfully ambush someone of his calibre was just wasting troops.

I have an intellect, do I…?

Huang Yuzao tried to get a read one his opponent’s personality and tactics from the environment, striving to prepare himself mentally for as many scenarios as possible. Once he was within the premises, he found it was as brightly lit as day time. Though bewildered, he still pushed open the doors. The exterior signs indicated it was an abandoned estate, yet the interior was furnished with the most opulent chairs, rare animal furs for rugs and white tiger fur for back rests.

Sitting beside the pretty man was a middle-aged man who looked slow. The pretty man didn’t emanate a sinister aura. He adopted the posture of a wise sage, yet his gaze made a sick feeling visit Huang Yuzao’s stomach. He asked of Huang Yuzao. “I have heard of your reputation as an upstanding man, so I lit the place nice and bright for you. Are you satisfied?”

“An upstanding man is one who does not let the darkness corrupt him. It does not mean he is a coward who does not have the courage to enter the darkness to slay evil. Do not make a fool of yourself.”

“Hahaha, it really is hard to win an argument against you. If only your disciple was half as competent as you.”

Huang Yuzao was visibly uneasy. “Where is Jizhi?”

“When your teacher met me, he knew how to address me. Did all your manners disappear along with Confucianism?”

Huang Yuzao angrily knelt down to bow. “Yuzao’s humble greetings, Elder.”


Half a Life Goes By in One Laugh – For readers who don’t understand what’s implied, it’s implying how one loses track of time in a joyous moment. The four-characters writing structure is very common to describe losing track of time.

The Zuo Tradition – Originally, it was named “Zuo’s (Zuo Qiuming) Spring and Autumn”. In the Han Dynasty, it was renamed to “Spring and Autumn Zuo’s Tradition”. “The Zuo Tradition” is the title assigned after the Han Dynasty. It’s an ancient text traditionally regarded as commentary on the Spring and Autumn Annals.

Li Lou – A person supposed to have existed during the Yellow Emperor’s time, who was blessed a pair of incredibly discerning eyes.

Gongshuzi – Real name Lu Ban. A structural engineer, inventor and carpenter during the Zhou Dynasty, he is revered as the Chinese deity of carpentry and masonry. Gongshu was his surname, while “zi” is just a common honorary title in ancient times.

Pentatonic scale and six tones – This is a reference to the system used in traditional Chinese music. By our era’s system, the five notes of the pentatonic scale would be C (gong), D (shang), E (jiao), G (zheng), A (yu). The six tones refer to the six out of the twelve-tone equal temperament system.