Martial King's Retired Life-Book 13: Chapter 22

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Book 13: Chapter 22

From one team’s perspective, the campaign in Nieyao was a successful one worth celebrating. Luo Sword Manor didn’t have to be exterminated. Luo Ming had his long-awaited revenge. Abels successfully helped his wife restore her state. Emperor Yuansheng achieved his goals. Many of their followers were also handsomely rewarded in one way or another – such as Long Zaitian’s combat improvements and his promotion, as well as Shen Yiren’s achieving a new level in her swordplay and regaining functioning in her hand.

“You seem like you’re fine with the pace of things,” Ming Feizhen suddenly said to Tang Ye one day in Nanjiang, lying back in their tent.

“What reason is there to rush?” Tang Ye responded.

“Yi Wangyou defeated you in Huzhou, and you didn’t contribute whatsoever in Nanjiang. Su Xiao wouldn’t mind, but wouldn’t it be odd for you not to feel anxious as you watch everyone around you improve?”

Although Ming Feizhen’s frankness caught him off guard, Tang Ye quickly recomposed himself and answered, “My past self probably would’ve.” He passed Ming Feizhen a cup of tea and sat down himself, then continued, “The events in Huzhou reminded me that revenge isn’t the only thing to life, and training isn’t only for revenge. I feel even less pressed since I know where my target is. If there really is this enemy and he is watching me from the shadows, wouldn’t my temptation for fast results play straight into his hands? I can’t let him have his way.” Tang Ye’s smile no longer had the aloof vibe it once had.

“Let’s leave the tea for now.”

“I just brewed it…”

Ming Feizhen stood up. “Leave it aside for now. I’ll teach you something first.”


Ming Feizhen turned around to see Tang Ye’s teacup in pieces on the ground. “I said ‘for now’, not ‘forever’. What did you smash your cup for?”

“You said no.”

“No what?”

Tang Ye filled his chest with air. “You said you wouldn’t teach me.”

Ming Feizhen scratched the side of his head. “Well, I won’t teach you if you’re going out there to die, but,” Ming Feizhen folded his arms and finished, “I can’t turn a blind eye if someone wants you dead.”

“Who wants me dead?”

“If people who want me dead come across you, they’ll probably want you dead, as well. Unluckily for you, I’ll be defenceless for a few months, while the odds of you encountering them are exceptionally high.”

“Okay, but that’s still no reason to start rushing. It’s not too late to teach me once we return to the capital.”

Ming Feizhen reached overhead for a stretch and then spread his legs as if he was preparing for a pancake stretch. “It makes no difference when I teach you these moves. Now, prepare yourself.”

“For what?”

“Some sparring.”

“With you?”

In the past, their matches were one-sided beatings – with Ming Feizhen swinging the hammer. Now, Ming Feizhen was without internal energy to utilise, so the tables were completely reversed even if Tang Ye pulled his punches. Yet, Ming Feizhen warmed up as though nothing had changed and asked, “Where’s His Majesty’s reward?”

“In my bag.”

“Pass it over.”

Ming Feizhen warmed up his legs and wrists before taking the Heaven Shocker sword off Tang Ye. He could see his own reflection in the blade as he unsheathed it. “Nice broadsword, nice.”

Tang Ye wanted to comment on Ming Feizhen’s comment, but he refrained. Instead, he questioned, “Big Bro, how much?”

“How much what?”

“How much should I hold back?”

Ming Feizhen had all his attention on Heaven Shocker. “Forget about that. I’m short on time. Now, answer these five attacks.”

Ming Feizhen threatened Tang Ye’s face with a stabbing motion, prompting Tang Ye to hurriedly dodge. As soon as Tang Ye dodged the first thrust, he had to dodge the next one coming from another direction. As Tang Ye bobbed, Ming Feizhen had already scored the checkmate, placing the blade on Tang Ye’s shoulder.

“What just…” Tang Ye uttered.

Ming Feizhen removed the sword from Tang Ye’s shoulder and mumbled, “Three is the limit, huh?”

“What exactly just…”

“Although you’re able to use the right discipline for the right situation, who do you think will win between you, who utilises a mish mash of disciplines, and an opponent who has mastered one discipline? If you don’t get it, we can go another round.”

Tang Ye nodded, took a few steps back and monitored Ming Feizhen’s armed hand. Suddenly he saw everything in front split. He forgot everything he learnt, dropped to the ground and rolled out of desperation. Ming Feizhen stabbed downwards, compelling Tang Ye to use his hip strength to bounce to his feet, only to feel the blade at his neck.

“Still three.”


In the next round, Ming Feizhen chose different angles, tempos and output. Tang Ye attempted to repel the attacks, but half of his body was trapped. In desperation, he turned and turned. Alas, Ming Feizhen’s third attack stopped at his neck again.

Tang Ye tried a defensive approach in the fourth round; however, he found himself running into the sword at the third attack.

While Tang Ye didn’t use his internal energy, he couldn’t have used it even if he tried because it all happened too fast. Unless he used Yang Blood True Qi as armour so that he didn’t need to worry about blocking, nothing would change. The more he tried, he more he couldn’t believe it.

“I’m teaching you right now.”

Tang Ye whipped his head up.

“These five attacks are the culmination of all my martial arts knowledge. Nobody taught me details before, and I won’t teach you. What you learn through peeking and eavesdropping will always be remembered more than what you learn. Come see me daily – as long as you’re confident.” Ming Feizhen chucked the sword aside and turned around for a drink. “Once you can survive my five attacks, you can start training.”


Five attacks and five exchanges – The title is supposed to reflect this theme that Ming Feizhen started. The problem is, in English, exchanges and attacks can’t be use synonymously. Furthermore, the “broadsword” and “sword” words that Ming Feizhen deliberately swaps around are gone. “Five swords” can mean five actual swords, five sword attacks or five exchanges involving sword(s).