Martial Online.-Chapter 113 Prologue

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Chapter 113 Prologue

In Yatagarasu, rain pattered down on the cobblestone streets, creating a soothing melody.

In a two-story bookstore with stained windows, the scent of old books filled the air. The fireplace created a cozy and inviting atmosphere.

Several NPCs rented a book, picked up their umbrella, and opened it before stepping out of the store to enter the rain.

"Mm~~ Mm~~" A girl with an adorable face, chubby cheeks, and shoulder-length black hair hummed pleasantly while reading a book with a softcover.

She was completely engrossed in the story, ignoring the world around her.

"Emma, what are you reading?" A pleasant voice came from the upstairs.

Emma's expression brightened significantly, and she immediately sat up on the sofa and showed her book. The title said, "Helen and Eleven Challenges."

"Bella, come come!" Emma tapped the spot beside her.

Bella giggled while walking down the stairs. She had a very unique pair of red eyes, adorning her beautiful and delicate face.

Her delicate features were flawlessly sculpted, accentuated by a soft complexion that seemed to glow with an inner radiance.

Her long, black hair added a touch of refinement, while her perfectly arched eyebrows framed her mesmerizing eyes like delicate, artistic strokes.

Her button nose and plush, rosy lips completed her captivating face.

Bella then sat beside Emma, who laid down and placed her head on her lap.

They began to talk about their day, sharing stories and laughter while enjoying the peaceful atmosphere and sound of falling rain.

This was their bookstore—called "Whispering Pages"—a cozy haven filled with shelves upon shelves of books waiting to be discovered.

"You have a new brother?" Bella said in surprise while caressing Emma's soft hair. She treated the little girl like she was her little sister. "That must've come as a surprise."

"Mm, it was a pretty big shock," Emma said while turning pages in the book. "Zach didn't take the news lightly. He was furious when he found out."

"Mm..." Bella hummed thoughtfully and then asked. "What do you think about your new brother?"

"I don't know..." Emma replied, burying her head in the book.

Bella chuckled and caressed the little girl's head. She knew that when Emma buried her face in something, she was too shy to continue talking about that topic.

"Maybe you should try talking to him about some common topic." Bella suggested. "That might help to break the ice. Perhaps about Martial Online. If he isn't playing, you might convince him to do so. Who knows, he might like it."

"Mm..." Emma whispered something inaudible and continued reading in silence.


Ding—bell chimed above a store door.

"Welcome~" A shopkeeper with her hands full greeted the new customer with a warm smile. She was filling up the shelves with fresh merchandise.

A purple-eyed woman entered the store, looking around with a suspicious gaze.

She looked rather average with her slender body and red hair that cascaded down her back, but there was something about her that felt out of place.

After landing her gaze on the shopkeeper, she approached her while taking a parchment out of her inventory. 𝚋𝚎d𝚗ov𝚎𝚕.co𝚖

The parchment had a drawn face of a pale and sickly-looking individual.

On the side of the parchment, his eye color, assumed height, body type, and name were written down.

"Have you seen this man?" Redheart asked while showing the picture to the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper turned to look at the parchment and squinted her eyes. She then shook her head and returned to filling the shelves.

"Don't ring the bell. Is he a runaway criminal?" She asked curiously.

"Yes, he is a wanted fugitive." Redheart replied with a smirk. She then grew bored and planned to head out to search for him in other buildings.

"Hmm, could he be the person responsible for Tonshen?" The shopkeeper asked curiously, with a tint of paleness in her features. "What a horrible incident that was. I hope you find him soon and get justice for those poor folks who died."

"I'll do my best." Redheart replied with a fake smile and left the store. She placed the parchment back in her inventory and looked around the crowded streets with narrowed eyes.

'If only I could kill everyone in here so I could find him easier, but the moment screams land on his ears, he would escape like the coward he is.'

Redheart scoffed and walked deeper into the crowd, pushing everyone aside with narrowed eyes. She didn't forget to check everyone's faces, just in case.

After her departure, a black-cloaked figure aimlessly walked the cobblestone streets. He then stopped and looked inside a store that sold the stuff he was looking for.

Ding—the bell chimed as he entered.

"Welcome~" The shopkeeper said while returning to the counter. She then smiled at the customer, but her face soon froze as the figure removed his hood and looked around.

"Hey, are you selling any Restoration Gel?" Ambrose asked after seeing a sign outside that said "Healing Items On Sale."

"A-a-ah, n-no." The shopkeeper rapidly shook her head.

Weirded out by her strange response, Ambrose narrowed his eyes and asked. "Where can I find the place that sells it?"

"A-A Church's C-Clinic, r-right beside the Church!"

"Thanks..." Ambrose left the store, shook his head strangely, and then covered his head with the hood to start his search for Restoration Gel.

The shopkeeper paced about with her heartbeat resounding in her ears. She thought she would be murdered and robbed.

She thanked her quickwits for lying about not having Restoration Gel when she actually had a new batch in the backroom.

"R-right, that woman. I have to tell her!" The shopkeeper removed her apron, closed the store, and rushed into the crowd in search of the red-haired woman.

Knowing that she was actively looking for that person, she expected her to go check out other stores as well.

Therefore, she also checked out all the stores she came across, and soon she saw a red-haired figure stepping inside a cafe.

She rushed inside the cafe and saw the red-haired woman showing a parchment picture to the cafekeeper.

The elderly cafekeeper frowned while looking at the picture, and thought he had seen that person before.

However, then the shopkeeper rushed to the red-haired woman and shouted. "I-I saw him!"

Her resounding shout made the cafe customers turn their heads towards the voice.

"Hmm?" Redheart turned around and saw the panting shopkeeper. "What did you say?"

"T-that person just visited my store!" The shopkeeper shouted in a hurry.

"Where did he go?!" Redheart rushed to the shopkeeper and squeezed her shoulders powerfully.

"O-ouch, you are hurting me!" The shopkeeper shouted and started shedding tears because she thought her shoulders were about to break.

"H-hey, calm down; you are hurting her!" The elderly cafekeeper spoke in a concerned tone.

"Shut up!" Redheart venomously shouted and looked at the crying shopkeeper. "Where did he go, where?!"

"I-I sent him to the clinic; it is right beside the Church!" The shopkeeper shouted through her cries.

"Hmph!" Redheart tossed her to the side like she was garbage and rushed out of the cafe.

She ran through the crowd, pushing everyone out of her way. 'I got you, hahahah!'

With her excitement at an all-time high, she forgot to send a message to Cerberus and continued rushing towards the clinic with bloodlust rising.

She could feel her adrenaline coursing through her veins as she imagined that black-haired young man kneeling before her, begging for mercy.

'You are dead!'