Martial Online.-Chapter 123 Prison Escape

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Chapter 123 Prison Escape

[You have been fined 5,000 silvers!]

Ambrose lifted his gaze while the message hovered in front of him.


With a single word, the message disappeared.

Ambrose then lowered his head and tried moving his shackled arms. They were tightly bound to his arms without any sight of loosening.

'Hmm...' He took a deep breath, and then the world around him froze while the background screams of prisoners died down.

A transparent figure appeared in the cage, emitting a faint glow.

'Can you possess people?' Ambrose asked internally.

The transparent figure shook its head. It was a fragment of soul, not a haunting ghost.

'Very well. Find the location of the keys and then return with that information.'

The transparent figure floated out of the cage and went to search for the keys. It didn't take long for it to return with somewhat bad news.

The keys were carried around by Prison Warden. He was lounging around in the guards quarters, and getting there was impossible without keys.

However, all guards carried their own keys that could be used on the shackles and the cages. The Prison Warden's keys unlocked the door to the outside world.

'I need to get rid of the shackles. Return to my body.' Ambrose felt the transparent figure return to his body.

Then the world began moving again.

He stood up from the hard, cold ground and approached the metal bars.

"Jaeger, are you here?" He shouted.

After a while, an annoyed voice replied. "What do you want, bastard? Did you come here to taunt your Ordinary Prison Service?"

"Yeah, I came to laugh at all of you." Ambrose grinned and looked towards the cage, where a red-haired woman was lying down as if she were dead. "Redheart, are you having fun? Hahahaha!"

"Huh?" Redheart raised her head and looked around towards his cage with a twitching eyebrow. "What the fuck are you laughing for?"

"I am laughing at you." Ambrose grinned. "I just returned from the beach, and then I remembered that my old friends might need company. So, here I am."

"Well, you can piss off!" Redheart stood up and walked to the metal bars with crimson cheeks as she tried to calm down her rising anger.

"Why would I do that when I can laugh at all of you?" Ambrose innocently tilted his head. "Jaeger, how long is your sentence again? Just a reminder: I will be freed in a few days."

"Shut the fuck up, bitch!" Redheart slammed her foot on the metal bars. "You think you're so clever, but we'll see who gets the last laugh!"

"Ambrose, I am going to enjoy seeing your downfall." Jaeger said through gritted teeth.

"Silence, prisoners!" A slightly overweight guard spoke from his guard post and slammed his baton against the metal bars.

"I can't tell which one is the bigger bitch. A woman who is the real definition of a female dog, or a man who wags his tail in front of her!"

"Fuck, I am going to kill you!" Redheart screamed and tried to bite through the metal bars.

She then screamed and punched the rock wall, breaking her hand in the process.

"I am going to SOOOO enjoy your begging face when I get my hands on you!"

"Hahahaha..." Jaeger laughed in rage. "Before, I thought of just returning to Tonshen after serving my sentence. I have now changed my mind. I can't live knowing that you are somewhere out there!"

"Silence!" The guard shouted, opened the door, and stomped through the hallway.

He approached Ambrose's cage, opened it, and walked to the shackled figure with a baton in hand.

"When I say silence, you will quiet down!" The fat guard shouted and slammed his baton down.

The baton slammed into Ambrose's head, making his vision dizzy as his body fell back to the ground.

"Hahahahah!" Redheart laughed with an ecstatic look. "Hit him more. More. More!"

"Silence!" The fat guard shouted and planned to visit Redheart's cage next, but then a figure stood up in front of him. "Huh? Sit down, inmate!"

He raised the baton and slammed it back down, but this time, the young man grabbed the baton with his bare hand.

"Ggggh, let go!" The fat guard screamed, but then Ambrose lifted his gaze, showing his crazy eyes with an enormous grin.

Ambrose slammed his feet deep into the fat guard's stomach, sending him flying out of the cage.

The fat guard slammed into a wall, coughed blood, and passed out.

"Lalalala~" Ambrose sang a lullaby while walking out of his cage.

He went to the fat guard, took his keys, and unlocked his shackles.

His heavy shackles fell to the ground with a thud.

"E-eh?" Redheart couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"What the hell is he doing?" Jaeger's eyes widened in shock. "Why is he... trying to escape?!"

"That's much better." Ambrose then glanced at his scabbard.

He couldn't use his sword because those shackles made him incapable of using any weapon.

However, now he was able to unsheathe his sword.

The Black Sword's blade made of Dark Metal shone with deadly intent.

Slam—a door to the guard's quarters swung open, and dozens of screaming guards poured out with their batons.

Behind them, a crimson-faced Prison Warden appeared and shouted, "Stop him!"

"Back to your cage, inmate!" The guards shouted and charged towards the escaping prisoner.

"Kill!" Ambrose lunged forward and slashed through the guards, blood spewing around the air.

The Prison Warden watched in horror as Ambrose unleashed his brutal fury.

[You killed 20x Prison Guards!]

[2500 XP Acquired!]


"Stop right there, prisoner!" The Prison Warden shouted and lunged forward with his heavy-looking baton. "Hammering Justice!"

The baton slammed into the ground, causing wide-spread cracks around the rock-tiled floors. However, it didn't hit his target.

In the air, Ambrose flipped over the enraged Prison Warden and landed gracefully on his feet, right behind the warden.

"High Pain!" With a reversed grip, he stabbed the sword through the Prison Warden's torso.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Prison Warden screamed in agony as Ambrose's blade pierced through him. He had never felt pain like this before.

Ambrose kicked off the ground and finished off the Prison Warden with a swift slash through his body. The Prison Warden fell sideways with lifeless eyes.

[You killed a Prison Warden!]

[500 XP Earned!]

[LEVEL UP!] 𝒃𝒆𝙙𝙣𝒐𝒗𝒆𝙡.𝙤𝒓𝙜

Ambrose snatched the keys from the Prison Warden's lifeless body and hurried towards the metal door that blocked his escape.

"It was fun, but goodbye!" He turned around and bowed towards the shocked prisoners. "May you all suffer, losers!"

"Fuuck!" Redheart's eyes reddened, and she quickly started spamming messages to Cerberus with a single text—Ambrose had escaped!

Click—after unlocking the door, Ambrose rushed out and ran up the spiraling staircase.

After reaching the top, he took a deep breath and kicked open the door.

A sharp light entered his eyes with fresh air.

Ambrose walked out of the tower and inhaled the air with a relieved gaze.


Turning his head to the right, his eyes widened after seeing white-winged horses on the stables.

They were the strange Chrysalis Horses that had the ability to soar through the skies!

Whistle—a loud whistle echoed across the vast Amaterasu with a deafening alarm. It was the signal that someone had escaped the prison!

It was also a signal for every Watchmen of Amaterasu to come capture the escapee with all of their might.

The guards in the prison itself were rather weak, as they didn't expect anyone to be able to escape.

They would keep the strongest or most dangerous prisoners in different prison, while this prison was for weaker ones.

They greatly underestimated the power of one of their prisoners.

'That doesn't sound nice. If all the guards rush here, I won't be able to escape, even if I could somehow duplicate myself. What to do...' Ambrose thought about running away and hiding himself in the crowd.

However, he greatly doubted that would work.

Then his gaze lingered in the direction of the Chrysalis Horses.

"Well, I know how to ride a horse now. They can't be any different... right?" Ambrose rushed to the stables and kicked open the door of the stall and mounted one of the Chrysalis Horses.

However, the Chrysalis Horse fought back strongly, trying to shake him off its back.

Ambrose held on tight and grabbed the reins tightly to gain control of the horse.

The Chrysalis Horse still neighed, but then it began galloping down the yard and finally flapped its wing and started flying through the vast skies.

"Wohoo!" Ambrose screamed in exhilaration as he soared through the air on the majestic Chrysalis Horse.

The guards on the ground helplessly watched as one of their inmates escaped with a valuable Chrysalis Horse!