Martial Online.-Chapter 37: Kill

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Chapter 37: Kill

"Rah!" Barbarian swung his axe powerfully down. Half of his face was covered in blue blood.

Karma sidestepped, dodging the axe, and then slashed through Barbarian's midriff with his sharp dagger.

A black smoke consumed Barbarian's body entirely, and he only saw darkness until his body disappeared into pixels.

"Ha!" Anthon screamed and slashed with his sword repeatedly. However, Karma deflected all strikes with precise parries.

Cauldron jumped behind Anthon and smashed his sword at Karma's block, but he couldn't push him back. However, he didn't seem defeated and continued attacking while Anthon supported him.

Ignite ran with great speed and lowered his stance, then swung his sword towards Karma's leg, trying to cut it. He came to the conclusion that the winning chances would increase drastically if he managed to cut one of his legs.

Karma sensed the blade nearing him and raised his leg. Once the sword was below his boot, he slammed his foot down on it, trapping it underneath the boot.

Ignite's muscles bulged as he tried to pull his sword back but couldn't, as if it were under a boulder.

Karma elbowed Ignite at his nose, sending him tumbling across the street.

"Fuck!" Cauldron pulled his sword back and stabbed it forward. Karma dodged the sword, pinned it under his armpit, and slammed his foot deep into Cauldron's gut.

Cauldron spat out saliva with a mix of blue blood, but he didn't back down. Instead, he grinned hideously and slammed his fist into Karma's face.

Karma staggered backwards as if he were a drunken man. He touched his bleeding nose and licked the blood off his fingertip with a crazed smile.

"Good, good, good!" He screamed with hysteria and tackled Cauldron. They rolled on the ground, and Cauldron was pinned down by Karma's weight.

Cauldron put the sword in front of his face as protection, but Karma's fist weight was heavy, and each punch hit him hard on the face.

'I lack strength, agility, and speed!' Cauldron quickly realized his peril, and the worst thing was that he couldn't do anything about it. 'Is he really someone that can be defeated so early? It would be doable if I was level 30, but I am only level 9...' 𝘣𝘦𝑑𝘯𝘰𝘷𝘦𝑙.𝘯𝑒𝘵

Another punch landed on his face, and he saw his vision turning darker around the rims. He saw darkness appear from the sides, slowly consuming his vision.

At that moment, Karma let out a scream as an arrow stabbed through his arrow. He shrieked and stood up, then looked towards the archer. Nora, the leader of Stormdawn, calmly stood in the middle of crow corpses.

Her brown hair was slightly disheveled, but she looked otherwise fine. She put another arrow on her bowstring and fired it.

"They are more persistent than ants!" Karma grabbed the arrow and broke it in the middle, then tossed the broken part away.

"The reward is mine!"

A sudden scream appeared behind him.

Karma widened his eyes in surprise and quickly docked the incoming spear strike. He turned to the unfamiliar player and saw a bone-chilling sight. All his crows were dead, and the players were marching towards him with greed in their eyes.

They had seen the scene of him getting injured and saw that the health bar had already been halved. He wasn't immortal!

'My crows...' Karma put his hand forward and summoned a black feather, but then felt a sharp pain in his chest. 'Ah right, if I spend all my crow cells here, I can't produce them anymore. I have to restore crow cells, but I can't do it in here.'

He grabbed his daggers tighter and realized one thing. He couldn't rely on his dark magic anymore. He had to rely on his dagger skills to overcome this obstacle.

The players screamed and swarmed towards Karma.

Karma took a deep breath and wrapped his fingers around the dagger hilts. The players screams vanished, and he couldn't hear anything else. The world became quiet for him. He only heard his own steady breathing.

He moved the daggers majestically and slashed through the players like a hot knife through butter. He left behind the corpses of players and continued his massacre.

The players attacked with their weapons. The arrows flew across the air. Brawlers charged towards Karma. Swordsmen flanked him. Spearsman stabbed with their spears.

Karma did one powerful slash with the dagger, sending powerful wind to send all the arrows flying away from him. He then slashed through the brawler's exposed bodies, and following that, he deflected all sword strikes before dodging all spears.

The hundreds of players couldn't even scratch his body!

The players felt a heavy amount of anxiety as they realized that Karma wasn't weak. The players fighting him earlier were just incredibly strong!

Karma changed the grips on the daggers to a reverse grip. He then charged straight at the player army and stabbed, slashed, and cut them all down. He moved in the midst of the players like a wolf among sheep.

Blue blood splattered across the air, landing on the faces of nearby players, the pavement, and the walls of buildings.

"Come on, just hit him somehow!" Players screamed and started arguing with themselves.

Among the players were RedBand and his party members. They couldn't properly fight, as every player around them was pushing them out of the way. There was zero teamwork among the players army, and therefore, Karma had a very easy time.

"Boss, what should we do?" An exhausted-looking player asked.

RedBand sighed. "There is nothing we can do. It is a goddamn mess."

At that moment, players screams turned louder as Karma was about to kill them all. They realized there was nothing they could do. He still had 1500 HP left, which felt like an impossible challenge.

"Are you alright, man?" Anthon grabbed Cauldron's hand and helped him stand. Soon, Ignite returned to their side with a bloodied, broken nose.

"These goddamn morons." Cauldron said while looking at the mess. Karma was slaying players as if he were playing on the easiest difficulty.

"Should we move to Yatagarasu? Amaterasu is doomed." Ignite said while holding his bleeding nose. "We lost."

"It takes one day to reach Yatagarasu. A lot of time wasted since we could spend it grinding XP, but I guess there is no other choice." Anthon sighed.

Karma bathed in the blood of the players, as he had already cut down every player who had the intention to attack him. Now, the rest of the players were trying to avoid his attacks but couldn't retreat as there were still too many players on the streets, blocking their path.

At that moment, a single figure pushed through the players and saw Karma charging at him with his daggers. The figure took out two swords and rushed straight at the dark-cloaked man.

Karma continued grinning while stabbing both his daggers at the figure's torso, expecting the player to go straight down. The players watching only looked at the stabbed player like he was a fool and continued trying to run away.

However, the player didn't go down.

"Huh?" Karma looked strangely at the player's pale face. He was... smirking.

Ambrose looked at Karma's frowning face, but there was also something else in his vision. A floating light blue holographic screen.

[Skill has been successfully created!]

[Do you want to name your skill?]


'No time for that!' Ambrose screamed inwardly.

[Your skill name has been randomly created]

[Skill "Kill" has been created]

[Kill: Release an unstoppable barrage. The skill has no time limit. The attack ends when the opponent or player has been killed]

"Kill!" Ambrose screamed and launched a barrage of attacks at his enemy. He felt himself losing all control of his arms and legs. His body had only one goal—kill everyone who stood in his way.

"What the hell?" Karma removed the daggers from Ambrose's torso and hurriedly deflected the strikes. The attacks weren't faster or stronger than the others he had fought before, but there was something dangerous about this.