Martial Peak-Chapter 5551: Another Kill

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Chapter 5551: Another Kill

If the Portal Corridor were to break apart, Yang Kai would not be the only one doomed to die. All the people hiding inside the Universe Cave Heaven would face the same fate; therefore, he had to stabilise this Void Corridor through any means possible.

He could not afford to continue fighting here any longer, so he had to finish this battle as soon as possible. However, there were two Territory Lords and in his current state, it would not be easy for him to deal with them unless he resorted to his Soul Rending Thorns once more.

[Will I be able to bear the burden?] Yang Kai took a moment to check the condition of his Soul.

Half a day ago, he had consecutively unleashed three Soul Rending Thorns, so his Soul had been severely damaged. Fortunately, he did not face any major issues thanks to the protection and nourishment of the Soul Warming Lotus. The condition of his torn Soul had also somewhat stabilized, but he did not know whether he could afford to use the Soul Rendering Thorns again.

If he could bear the burden, then the situation would turn around for him. He only needed to slaughter one of the Territory Lords as quickly as possible, then he could slowly figure out something in regard to the last one. However, if he could not bear the burden… He did not know what he might do in a state when he fell into a state of delirium.

At this moment, using another Soul Rending Thorn would not count as him using this Secret Technique four times in a row because there was a buffer period between the first three uses, but the difference was not great.

[As expected, I’m still too weak. If only my Soul were strong enough… Two Territory Lords would have been nothing. I could simply hit each of them with a Soul Rending Thorn, then lop off their heads.]

While Yang Kai was hesitating, the two Territory Lords began attacking him. They could clearly see his distress; moreover, the turmoil in the Portal Corridor was becoming more and more obvious to them. If they attacked him at this time, they could cause further damage to this space even if they could not kill him. They were hoping that they could escape this place by shattering the Portal Corridor.

The Void Turbulence was becoming more and more ferocious, so when the two Territory Lords made their decision, they released furious roars in unison. Activating their strength, they threw themselves at Yang Kai from both sides.

[Whatever! Let’s just go for it!] Yang Kai steeled himself. There was nothing in this world that was absolute. More importantly, nothing would change if he didn’t take a little risk!

In any case, he was currently much stronger than when he first left the Great Sea Celestial Phenomenon. The repeated tearing and repairing of his Soul had also been beneficial to it. There was no denying that his Soul had gotten much stronger than before.

Besides, there was a buffer period of half a day, so he should be fine even if he unleashed a fourth Soul Rending Thorn today.

With such thoughts in mind, Yang Kai looked at the two Territory Lords charging unsteadily towards him and instead of retreating, raised his spear and went forward to meet them head-on.

A golden cross appeared in his left eye, and under the urging of the Demon Eye of Annihilation, one of the Territory Lords saw his own reflection suddenly twist and distort.

The Territory Lord reacted as though he had been struck by lightning and howled at the top of his lungs, inflicted by unimaginable pain.

At the same time, the blood vessels in Yang Kai’s left eye burst and blurred his vision. There was no helping it as he had not completely mastered the Myriad Demons Heaven’s Eye Technique yet. If the Old Ancestor from Myriad Demons Pass had been the one to unleash this Eye Secret Technique at full force, this Territory Lord would have immediately died.

Nevertheless, this was enough. With both sides suffering injuries, Yang Kai ignored the Territory Lord he had just targeted and with a tearing pain in his Soul silently unleashed a Soul Rending Thorn at the other Territory Lord.

In the next moment, the other Territory Lord screamed in agony and terror. The pain in his Soul was far greater than any physical pain he had ever experienced.

In the blink of an eye, both Territory Lords were severely injured.

Meanwhile, Yang Kai had already arrived with his spear in hand! Thrusting out, the Azure Dragon Spear stabbed into the Territory Lord who was struck by the Soul Rending Thorn. Various Dao Strengths wove together at the tip of the spear, causing both time and space to become distorted and disordered at that moment of impact.

The Territory Lord didn’t even have time to react before the Azure Dragon Spear pierced into his head and caused it to explode, his aura swelling up before fading out of existence!

Yang Kai had no time to rejoice as, currently, the world was spinning around him. He felt so dizzy that he feared he might lose consciousness at any moment. Biting the tip of his tongue, he barely managed to maintain a sliver of clarity in his mind.

Despite the half-day buffer period, he had truly reached his limit after using a fourth Soul Rending Thorn today. He couldn’t use a fifth any time soon.

Unfortunately, there was one more Territory Lord!

The surviving Territory Lord was now frightened out of his mind. [What happened to the assurance that Yang Kai would be helpless against us as long as we worked together in pairs? Bullshit! There were two of us in this damned place, yet he still managed to kill one of us so easily!]

At the juncture of life or death, the Territory Lord responded purely on instinct and desperately threw his fist out.

Yang Kai was thrown backwards and slammed into a cluster of Void Turbulence that almost drowned him.

After this Territory Lord threw the punch, the already unstable and turbulent Portal Corridor shattered, tearing open a large hole in the relatively stable stretch of Void.

Three powerful Masters had battled for their lives in the Portal Corridor, and four Territory Lords were trying to shatter this section of Void from the outside. It was only natural that the Portal Corridor had a hard time maintaining stability.

Seeing the hole in the Portal Corridor, the remaining Territory Lord was overjoyed and plunged into it without any hesitation.

Not far away, Yang Kai struggled to climb out of the Void Turbulence with a strange expression on his face. Although he had a splitting headache and trouble focusing, the actions of the Territory Lord had not escaped his notice.

[That Territory Lord… Did he perhaps assume that a hole in the Portal Corridor would be a means of escape?] There was no other explanation for why he would plunge into the hole so quickly. Regardless, that made things easy for Yang Kai.

Yang Kai had no wish to fight the remaining Territory Lord at the moment. The truth was that he could no longer move a single muscle. He had been wondering about what to do for his next move, but it would seem that there was no need for such trouble anymore.

That hole in the Portal Corridor was anything but a means of escape. It was impossible to escape from this place as long as the Portal Corridor was not broken from one of its ends. On the contrary, a hole in its walls would simply lead deeper into the Void. That was why Void Cracks were said to be extremely dangerous as even a Master could be trapped inside forever if they accidentally lost their way.

Yang Kai watched the Territory Lord disappear into the hole and did not bother to give chase. In any case, this Territory Lord would not be able to find his way out within a short time after falling so deep into the Void.

Yang Kai decided to come back and kill him after recuperating for some time. Retrieving the Azure Dragon Spear, he manipulated Space Principles and travelled along the path of the Portal Corridor and quickly emerged inside the Universe Cave Heaven.


“Young Master!”

“Adoptive Father!”

“Big Brother!”

A burst of shouts came from all directions as it seemed like all the people who entered the Universe Cave Heaven earlier rushed forward to greet Yang Kai.

Yang Kai was covered in blood that had yet to dry, and new wounds had been added to his previous ones. After seeing his condition, how could they fail to realise that he had encountered another strong enemy?

He landed on the ground and spat out a mouthful of blood. Waving his hands dismissively, he answered their calls with an ashen complexion, “I’m fine!”

Among the crowd, the soldiers headed by Li Zi Yu and others stared at Yang Kai in shock, [Isn’t that the aura of an Eighth-Order Open Heaven Realm Master!? Has Yang Kai advanced to the Eighth Order already!?]

They knew about Yang Kai; after all, they had fought on the Black Ink Battlefield in the past. Yang Kai’s name was famous there, but it was also well-known that he was just a Seventh-Order Master. It was not until meeting him today that they learned he had advanced to the Eighth-Order Open Heaven Realm!

For a time, Li Zi Yu and the others burned with motivation. They had wanted to rush into battle earlier because they were afraid of being blockaded inside the Universe Cave Heaven by the Black Ink Clan again. But now… with two Eighth-Order Open Heaven Realm Masters like Yang Kai and Feng Ying leading them, they might just stand a chance against the Black Ink Clan.

The Universe Cave Heaven trembled, and the sky was covered in countless cracks that crisscrossed each other. It was a horrifying sight; moreover, the ground split apart as though the end was upon them. It felt as though the entire Universe Cave Heaven could collapse at any moment.

The four Territory Lords outside were bombarding the Void with all their might. There might even be other Black Ink Clansmen who had joined in to attack the Void. It was impossible for these attacks to not affect the Universe Cave Heaven. If they were left alone to do whatever they wanted, it would only be a matter of time before the Black Ink Clan broke open the portal and rushed inside. In fact, they might even destroy the Universe Cave Heaven entirely, causing it to break apart and drift into the Void.

At that time, the Void Turbulence would wash over everything and everyone inside the Universe Cave Heaven would be swept away. There was no saying how many of them would survive such an ordeal, but even if they did manage to hang onto their lives, they would still be lost inside the Void.

Fortunately, they were not powerless to deal with the current crisis.

At this moment, Zhao Ye Bai, Su Yan, and Liu Yan were urging their powers to stabilize the space around them. These three were not the only ones, as there was also another Sixth-Order Open Heaven Realm Master helping them!

Space Principles surged around these four figures and the trembling of the Void was repeatedly smoothened out, which stabilised the Universe Cave Heaven for now.

There was no need to say anything regarding Zhao Ye Bai as he was taught the Dao of Space by Yang Kai himself, and his attainments in it had reached impressive heights.

Meanwhile, Su Yan had an ancient Ice Phoenix Empress’ Source while Liu Yan had a Fire Phoenix Source. The Phoenix Clan’s Bloodline Talent was the Dao of Space. In the past, these two had failed to reveal their talents in the Dao of Space, primarily because their Bloodline Power was not strong enough at the time.

After cultivating in the Divine Spirit Ancestral Land for many years though, their Bloodline Power had improved vastly. Not to mention, the Phoenix Clan had brought out the Immortal Parasol Tree after the No-Return Pass was destroyed. As a result, Su Yan and Liu Yan had both entered their respective Phoenix Nests and cultivated in retreat for some time.

In terms of attainments in the Dao of Space, Su Yan and Liu Yan were not inferior to the current Zhao Ye Bai, which was the advantage of their Bloodline Talent. The other Sixth-Order Open Heaven Realm Master was somebody whom Yang Kai did not know. His strength was inferior compared to the others, but it was naturally better if even one more person was to contribute at this time.

With these four people working to stabilise this space, the Universe Cave Heaven would not be destroyed for some time.

Yang Kai breathed a sigh of relief. The situation could be considered safe for the moment. Nevertheless, it simply resulted in another troublesome matter now that he had entered the Universe Cave Heaven with so many people.

It was exactly what Li Zi Yu had been worried about earlier. After entering the Universe Cave Heaven, they were no different from a turtle hiding in its shell. That was why Yang Kai initially did not want to seek shelter here. It was unfortunate that the Black Ink Clan Army had blockaded all the Territory Gates in Acacia Territory, so he had no choice but to seek temporary shelter here.

Be that as it may, he was happy to see the Territory Lords outside keep up their constant bombardment. Attacking non-stop at such intensity would be a huge drain on their energy. If the Territory Lords exhausted themselves, then he could easily stab them all to death once he recovered his strength!

After considering everything, Yang Kai sent a Divine Sense transmission to Su Yan and the others, “Don’t bother trying to stabilize this place entirely, just keep things from deteriorating to a critical point. It would be best if you can keep the Universe Cave Heaven right on the verge of destruction.”

If he wanted the Territory Lords outside to continue their onslaught, he had to give them some hope. If the results of their attacks were suppressed to the limits and the space in the Universe Cave Heaven was completely stabilised, they might not even bother to continue attacking.

Su Yan and the others immediately understood Yang Kai’s intentions while Zhao Ye Bai was filled with admiration. [Honoured Master has great forethought as usual. Such things would never occur to me naturally.]

Yang Kai then glanced at the Hunters. These people had stepped forward to support him in battle, proving that they were quite courageous. In any case, they were now trapped inside the Universe Cave Heaven with him. 

Then, he turned to the other side and was secretly astonished, [Why are there so many Human Race Masters here?]

Looking around, he discovered that there were nearly 10,000 Human Masters gathered inside the Universe Cave Heaven.

The Supreme Headquarters had only received news that some Humans refugees from Acacia Territory had been trapped here, but they did not know the specific numbers. Judging from the current situation, it would seem that those trapped inside the Universe Cave Heaven were not just those from Acacia Territory, but probably others from neighbouring Great Territories as well. Otherwise, there would not have been so many of them.