Marvel: Impregnation System-Chapter 59 - 58: Truly Meeting The One
Chapter 59: Chapter 58: Truly Meeting The One
As Raven walked down the dimly lit hallway, her fingers deftly loaded a pistol, the soft click of the chamber barely audible.
With practiced ease, she slipped the weapon into the concealed holster at her waist, her pace steady as she approached the safe.
The echo of Raven's footsteps caught the attention of the four men, their hands instinctively reaching for their guns.
But as they caught sight of Luis emerging from the shadows, they hesitated, lowering their weapons in recognition.
"What took you so long, Luis?"
"Must've been one hell of a stinker!"
"You were probably up there drinking and having the time of your life, instead doing your job."
"Alright it's my turn, I got a fully loaded bladder ready to go!"
The four men unleashed a rapid volley of words, but to Raven, time seemed to slow.
She started analyzing every movement, calculating her next move with precision as the chaos unfolded around her.
'The one on the right goes first, then the second on the left, the one in the middle, and I'll finish with the one clutching his crotch.' Raven calculated swiftly, mapping out each move with cold precision.
Yet, even as her plan crystallized in her mind, her hand remained still, the gun concealed at her waist as she held her ground, not yet ready to make her move.
Raven patiently waited, aware that in moments like these, a single second could mean the difference between life and death.
As the bladder-filled man rushed past her, she moved with precision and in one fluid motion, she drew her pistol and leveled it straight at the only man still gripping his rifle, her focus unshakable.
The bullet casing ejected from the chamber, spinning through the air as the shot rang out.
The projectile sliced through the space between them with deadly precision, its trajectory unerringly aimed at the man's forehead.
The first bullet hadn't even reached its mark before Raven fired again as the second shot tore through the air, this time aimed at the man on the far left, who was just reaching for his hunting rifle.
With a swift flick of her wrist, Raven adjusted her aim, her finger pressing the trigger once more.
The pistol responded with a sharp crack, sending another bullet soaring, it's spent casing clinking to the ground in a metallic celebration.
Blood splattered across the wall behind them, creating a gruesome canvas of crimson and brain matter.
The three men collapsed helplessly forward, unable to witness the impeccable artistry their blood and brain matter had painted behind them.
Each had a single, precise hole in their forehead, their lives snuffed out in an instant as the life dimmed from their eyes.
"W-What was that-"
Without a second glance, Raven fired a shot behind her, the motion fluid and instinctive as she continued down the hall, her pace unbroken, as the echo of the gunshot faded into the silence.
The man behind her crumpled lifelessly to the floor as Raven moved with effortless grace toward the safe.
Her expression remained carefree, almost nonchalant, as she paused by the fallen men.
With a practiced touch, she began patting down the middle one's pockets, searching for what she needed.
"I might have felt some remorse for killing you all if I hadn't known that the Gulf Cartel has been abducting young girls and selling them into the sex trafficking ring," Raven sneered, her voice cold.
Despite the severity of the revelation, she was unfazed; it was hardly the most abhorrent thing she had encountered in the underworld.
After methodically using the various keys, Raven finally unlocked the safe. Inside, the duffle bags piled up, revealing a staggering two million dollars.
The sight of the cash, stacked neatly and waiting, met her gaze with an almost tangible promise of power and reward.
"Come to mama~"
30 minutes later,
"Luis?" A man asked as he watched Raven push a cart brimming with money bags, each covered by a light white cloth.
"The boss is sending me back to deliver this cargo." Raven sighed, her face reflecting a hint of frustration as the man shook his head in disbelief.
"Well, that's the boss for you." The man showed an understanding expression.
"But she's ready to haul whatever you need." The man tapped the car and lowered the drawbridge, which formed a ramp.
He then helped Raven maneuver the cart, but as it rolled into the car, the cloth covering it caught on the wheel and was pulled off, revealing the bags of money underneath.
"What is-"
Raven didn't bother with an excuse, knowing it would waste precious time as she pulled the trigger, splattering his brain against the back of the truck.
His body slumped lifelessly against the nearest wall, his vacant eyes reflecting Raven as she hopped off the truck and raised the drawbridge.
With a content smile, Raven climbed into the driver's seat, turned on the radio, and started humming a tune as she drove away.
"Huh?" Ricky's eyes fluttered open to a scene of chaos, with men scrambling about in a frantic rush.
Chores loomed over him, while Chester perched on his shoulders, both observing the commotion before shifting their gaze to the side.
"TAKE UP YOUR ARMS FOUL CREATURE, FOR I SHALL SLAY YOU WHERE YOU STAND!" Alexander let out a drunken roar from the side, adorned in his armor as he stood before the mighty Barko.
"Can you please stop-Slick's gerbil, please stop." Barko swatted at him with his paw, but Alexander emerged aggressively three times in quick succession.
"YOU SHALL NOT STOP MY THIRST FOR YOUR BLOOD!" Alexander charged in, only to be swiped away by Barko's paw as Ricky weirdly looked at the scene.
"Listen closely, two hours ago someone killed Juan's men and made off with all the money given for the deal." Chores hurriedly explained to Ricky, currently rubbing his head while reaching into his coat pocket.
"Truly a lost cause." Chester sighed, shaking his head as he watched Ricky down the remainder of his flask.
"Calm down, it's not like it's our fault that they couldn't keep the money safe." Ricky put the flask back in his shirt pocket as he stood up.
"I understand your point Slick, but the blame might fall on us if no recourse is taken on your part." Barko pushed the drunken gerbil away while Chores nodded along.
"Slick, we think the best action to take is to affirm your stance with Juan and make sure to assure him that we had nothing to do with this." Chores insisted, helping Ricky up as Chester hopped off his shoulder and swooped down to grab Alexander.
"UNHAND ME!" Alexander shouted, but his voice was drowned out and ignored.
Chester, meanwhile, settled himself on Ricky's shoulder, carefully stowing the drunken Alexander into his shirt pocket.
"Alexander, you need to calm down." Chester said to Alexander, who was struggling to regain his footing inside Ricky's pocket
"Where is this-"
"I SHALL NOT BE SILENCED AND ALL OF YOU WILL FEEL MY WRAITH!" Alexander squirmed inside Ricky's pocket, causing the man to scrunch his brows in irritation as he glanced at the unruly gerbil stirring in the pocket.
Ricky flicked Alexander's forehead, causing his eyes to roll back immediately before he slumped back into the once-panicked pocket.
"Where's Juan?" Ricky asked as Barko took the lead, accurately sniffing out Juan, who was furiously pacing in his conference room.
"PUT A BOUNTY OUT ON THEIR HEAD, FIFTY THOUSAND TO WHOEVER CATCHES THAT BASTARD!" Juan spat out a vicious remark just as Ricky burst through the door.
Juan and his men turned their attention to him, their expressions a mix of surprise and hostility.
"Hey Juan." Ricky gave a casual wave as he pulled up a stool and took a seat, rubbing his forehead with a weary expression.
"Passed out in your garden, and lower your tone," Ricky informed him, correcting his earlier outburst.
Juan opened his mouth to respond but closed it again, adjusting himself as he prepared to address Ricky.
"I apologize Slick, I'm just very stressed and angry after finding out that not only was my precious sister found unconscious in the bathroom, but the money in our deal had been stolen." Juan said as Ricky yawned but nodded before Barko nudged his leg.
"Oh yeah, I didn't steal your money." Ricky clarified, Chores facepalming and Juan raised his eyebrow.
"If that is true then show your-"
"Fine, but I get to slap you in the face once you find that there isn't any money in there." Ricky stretched his arm, but Juan froze at the absurd request along with everyone in the room.
"What?" Juan incredulously asked for him to repeat himself, Ricky shrugging at his reply.
"I don't care if you doubt me, but if you want me to go out of my way then I'll need something in return." Ricky leaned on the counter and noticed a half-rolled joint and without hesitation, he began rolling it up with practiced ease.
"But you-" Juan opened his mouth to retort but noticed Chores shaking his head, a silent signal that arguing would be futile.
"F-Fine." Juan said as Ricky nodded while pulling out his forever lighter and lighting the joint before pulling out the key.
Ricky gestured for Juan to follow him, leading him around the corner before opening the storage space.
As Juan approached, he was abruptly knocked back by an invisible force. Ricky then allowed him entry, and Juan walked in, immediately beginning his search.
The area, as expansive as a small warehouse, was carefully navigated by Juan.
However, the only money he found was the dirty cash Ricky had left over from robbing the Jewish supply house, totaling around $150,000.
"It's really not here." Juan left the storage space, clearly baffled.
He had expected Ricky to deny him access to the mysterious storage space entirely, not to find the meager stash that was there and as he walked out, his face was a picture of confusion.
Ricky rubbed his hands together and handed his joint to Chester, who gave him a deadpan look but accepted it, holding it for him with a resigned sigh.
"Alright, hold still." Ricky said, turning Juan around while raising his hand.
"Wait I-"
Ricky slapped Juan, causing his head to snap to the side as Juan was propelled into the air, and his men watched in shock as the scene unfolded before their eyes where he flew out from the corner.
As Juan fell to the ground, his shoes remained neatly positioned in front of Ricky, a testament to the force of the slap that had sent him tumbling out of them.
"Thanks Chester." Ricky said as he reclaimed the joint from Chester, who nodded in acknowledgment.
"Anyways, we'll help you get back all the money but I'm gonna need 250,000 for my services." Ricky inhaled the last of the joint, then flicked the remains to the side with a casual gesture.
"That's a little-"
"Listen Juan, I'm gonna get my money but I've been out fooooooooooor-"
"Two hours." Chores saw that Ricky didn't remember, deciding to help him out rather than let this conversation draw out anymore.
"So whoever stole your money has a two hour head start, which I doubt you'd be able to stop them, so for every second you don't take this deal then your losing out on-"
"OK, OK!" Juan stopped Ricky, his desperation evident as the night had made it impossible to follow the tracks, leaving him with no viable leads.
"It's such a delight doing business with you." Ricky said, strolling towards the exit only to turn back to him.
"Hey Juan, do you mind if I borrow a car?"
4 hours later,
Driving down the dirt road, Ricky tapped rhythmically on the pristine leather steering wheel.
After Juan reluctantly allowed him to take one of his cars, Ricky chose the most luxurious Ford, customized to Juan's specific taste.
Juan watched with a pained expression as Ricky drove off with Chores and Barko.
Utilizing Chester's night vision, Ricky followed his lead and Chester's enhanced sight allowed them to track where the truck had left, revealing details that the others had missed.
Chester dove down and perched on Ricky's window, his wings beating softly as Ricky glanced at him, awaiting the signal or information Chester had gathered.
"I found it." Chester spoke, and Ricky nodded in acknowledgment as Chester took to the air again, allowing Ricky to see clearly.
Ricky activated his shared sight with Chester, spotting a truck in the distance, making its way along the dirt road.
Meanwhile, Raven sang along to a popular hit on the radio, confident she would reach the continental before sunrise.
However, her eyes suddenly darted to the side, sensing something amiss as headlights appeared in the horizon.
"How?" Raven glanced in confusion as headlights appeared behind her, cutting through the darkness.
Given her ability to see well in the dark, she had no need for headlights herself, making her presence all the more elusive.
To avoid detection, she had even taken the back dirt roads and all the while they still managed to find her which baffled her to no avail.
Meanwhile, Ricky slammed on the gas, the car surging forward as the truck gradually came into clearer view against the darkened landscape.
"I have to know, can you communicate with your pet Crow?" Barko had remained mostly silent despite his unusual reactions, but after witnessing Ricky engage in brief conversations with Chester, his curiosity could no longer be contained.
"Yep." Ricky confirmed Barko's suspicion, leaving him utterly gobsmacked.
Chores, however, wasn't surprised by anything anymore, having grown accustomed to the unpredictable nature of their situation.
"Chores, how are you so calm, Slick can literally talk to animals!" Barko said ironically, as Chores sighed and pointed at him, a gesture that indicated his growing frustration or resignation.
"You're literally a talking dog." Chores' words made Ricky chuckle, causing Barko to freeze momentarily before he cleared his throat, attempting to regain his composure.
"I can literally juggle refrigerators and Slick can generate force fields with his mind, what's the point of being surprised at weird phenomenons if we are literally walking weird phenomenons." Chores said something that left Barko wanting to refute his words, but in the end, he remained silent, unable to come up with a rebuttal.
"Woah." Ricky remarked as he unconsciously activated a force field around himself.
The bullet crumpled inward, losing all its momentum before slowly dropping into Ricky's lap.
"Of course it's the arrogant pretty boy." Raven sighed as she saw Ricky's narcissistic filled smile through her rear view mirror.
The bullet never came close to hitting the car as Ricky calmly brought the vehicle closer and turned his attention to Barko.
"Slick, are you okay-"
"Barko, take the wheel." Ricky spoke, not waiting for a response.
He let go of the situation, rolled down the window, and climbed out of the car while heading towards the roof.
"I got it." Chores saw Barko's struggle and leaned over, lightly pressing the steering pedal forward as Barko started driving.
"This is so much harder with paws, man, I miss my thumbs." Barko voiced his frustration aloud as he watched Ricky climb onto the hood of the car.
Raven, frowning at the sight, quickly weighed her options before slamming on the brakes, causing Ricky's eyes to widen in surprise.
Chores reacted first, punching the door of the Ford so hard that it flew off its hinges, then burying his left hand into the dirt road.
Despite his efforts, the car swerved to the right but wasn't stopped in time.
As the vehicle neared a collision that could decapitate Chores and Barko, Ricky activated his force field.
The Ford crashed into the force field, and Ricky was launched forward as he didn't attempt to halt his momentum; instead, his body was perfectly aligned with the back cargo hold, absorbing the impact.
Chores grabbed Barko and jumped from the Ford, rolling to the side as Raven glanced at the mirror, assuming the commotion was caused by Ricky.
She returned her gaze to the front, remaining vigilant for the next few minutes before allowing herself to relax slightly.
"Hey, could you unlock the door-" Ricky tapped on the window of the passenger side door, only to have a gun pointed at his face in response.
Raven instinctively whipped her pistol to the side, shooting three times as Ricky moved his head out of the way and seeing the window shatter.
"Is that a no?" Ricky asked, but received no answer as he peeked his head into the car, finding Raven squinting her eyes at him.
"How." Raven asked with a single word, and Ricky smiled, pointing to the door as she frowned but proceeded to unlock it.
"Ah, the refreshing heat~" Ricky sighed in relief, opening the door before putting his hands on the heater of the car as Raven frowned deeper.
"How did you-"
"You see that crow?" Ricky asked, pointing to the window.
Raven side-eyed it while keeping half her focus on Ricky, noticing a crow neatly perched outside her windshield.
"Magical?" Raven inquired while Ricky thought about it for a second compliance.
"Sure, why not." Ricky shrugged, Raven confused whether it was a magical crow at this point but decided to let it go.
"I'm Ricky." Ricky held out his hand, and the currently disguised Raven raised an eyebrow but shook it.
[Mission received: Raven Darkh?lme]
Difficulty: Hard
Character Sheet: S
Description: Raven is an ageless time piece who has fought hard against father time in order to keep her luxurious curves and drop dead gorgeous body. Gifted the ability to take any appearance, even time cannot shed her beauty as it is ageless. Her heart, however, has already been sworn to Irene Adler; however her needs are still on the table. However although Irene gives her so much, she can't give her the family you can and that is your biggest strength.
Objective: Knock up the famous and fierce Raven who can only be described as breedable.
Reward: 100,000 IP
Main Mission:
Impregnante Once:
Rewards: 300 Gacha or Raven's Powers
Impregnate Twice:
Rewards: ?????????
Additional Missions:
Impregnate Raven while she's still in a relationship with Irene(Incomplete):
Reward: Legendary Coupon
Ruin sex for Raven(Incomplete):
Reward: Legendary Skill Coupon
Make raven question her love with Irene while you Impregnate her(Incomplete):
Reward: +5 Intelligence
Have Raven profess her want to have your children(Incomplete):
Reward: Legendary Weapon Coupon
Bonus Missions:
'Oh f*ck yes.'
"You're a little liar." Ricky accepted without hesitation, skimming the description and silently praying to the Lord above that this was one of her changed appearances.
"I'm not-fine." Raven tried to refute his words, but he responded with a dumb smile.
Realizing it might be easier to just show herself, she decided to reveal another identity.
"Happy, this is my-"
"No, it's not." Ricky watched as Raven morphed into a beautiful woman, but he could immediately tell she was lying.
He corrected her with a knowing look once more as Raven furrowed her brows, sensing something was off.
Despite changing her appearance four more times, Ricky still saw through her deceptions, confirming that he could sense lies.
'So he can even tell when I'm lying, but it seems like it only works when I respond to him.' Raven easily deduced this, given that her detective skills were among the most prominent in history.
"Fine, but I warned you." Raven thought, already readying herself for Ricky's disgusted expression.
Then before Ricky's anticipating eyes, her true form was revealed to him in all its glory as he widened his eyes in shock.
Her ethereal beauty captivated his entire sight, his heart thumping out of his chest as his breath halted in place..
Her skin, an enchanting hue of cerulean, shimmers like the midnight sky, tracing the contours of her lithe, athletic form.
Eyes, the color of rare golden gemstones, peer out from a face of otherworldly grace, their depths concealing mysteries known only to her.
Bathed in the moonlit glow, her silhouette tells a tale of elegance and power, her every movement a ballet of fluidity and poise.
She is not merely a woman; she is a living work of art, an embodiment of allure and enigma.
"I warned you-" Raven misinterpreted his gaze and forced a fake smile, only to be stunned by words she never expected to hear upon revealing her true appearance for the first time in front of someone new.
"Marry me." Ricky instinctively spoke once his breath was finally restored after being stolen by Raven's beauty.
"What?" Raven was caught off guard once again, laughing heartily at Ricky's serious and bold words.
"I've officially fallen for you, please marry me." Ricky spoke seriously, his heart skipping a beat as he gazed at Raven.
He couldn't quite describe it, but when he looked at her, he felt an intense, almost magnetic connection that made him not want to look away, even if she herself couldn't yet understand it.
"That was you yesterday when Rosa came to 'talk' to me about being a mutant, right?" Ricky suddenly realized, widening his eyes and pointing at Raven who merely smiled at him.
"Are you mad?" Raven had a playful smile, chuckling at his love struck expression as he raised his smile.
"I'm not mad since sometimes in relationships, both people lie, but I feel like we can really get through this." Ricky eased her non-existent worries as Raven started laughing even harder after realizing he was serious as he continued.
"Okay, how about this: to help us through this rough patch, let me take you to the finest dinner money can buy here in Mexico, and then we'll celebrate by staying in the most luxurious hotel suite I can find. What do you say?" Ricky asked seriously, seemingly convincing her they were already dating with the prospects of marriage.
On the other side of this delusion, Raven was sitting there laughing her head off.
For the first time in her entire life, someone had been captivated by her looks at first sight rather than over time as her blue skin, an acquired taste for many, seemed to perfectly match Ricky's palate.
"Oh, so are we in a relationship now?" Raven asked, turning towards Ricky and noticing him closing the distance between them.
"We can be whatever you want." Ricky said, instinctively laying on the charm.
"As long as I get to let my heart feast on the feelings you produce while you're by my side, darling, you can have anything." Ricky slinked his arms around her as Raven responded by gently patting his cheek.
"Down boy." Raven joked as she turned back to the road, noticing him immediately stand down but still look at her with a smile.
Ricky was simply quiet, staring at her with his smile as she eventually raised an eyebrow in response.
"Yes?" Raven asked, seeing that he was almost expecting something.
"I was just waiting for my treat." Ricky gestured to Raven, who like anyone else, had to ask.
"What treat?" Raven asked with a toothy smile, unable to stop herself from laughing at this point.
"My treat? I've been a good boy so where's my good boy treat?" Ricky answered without any shame for his cheesy words, causing her to laugh once more.
"You're funny and cute I'll give you that, if I was seventy years younger than I might have taken you right here." Raven commented to herself, noting that Ricky was honestly exactly her type, though she wished he were a little taller, unknowing he was still in his growth period.
"I can make you feel seventy years younger-"
"Alright calm down, I get why they call you Slick so you can stop." Raven held up a hand to stop Ricky, then guided it to his collar.
Raven suddenly pulled Ricky toward her, pressing her lips firmly against his, her tongue slipping into his mouth with a confident, serpentine grace.
The kiss was aggressive yet smooth, Raven's way of claiming dominance, her tongue teasing and exploring before Ricky had a chance to respond.
Just as he began to lean into the moment and gain the upperhand, Raven broke away, leaving him breathless and craving more.
"And that's your little good boy treat." Raven smirked, licking her lips as Ricky was left speechless at this woman in front of him.
'Oh my god.' Ricky couldn't believe the woman standing before him as he had never felt his breath stolen so completely, as if she had effortlessly captured his very sense of being.
"I've decided, I love you." Ricky concluded outwardly with a serious expression, Raven continued to laugh as she covered her face.
"Oh yeah? Well I hate to break it to you but my heart belongs to-"
"Not for long." Ricky interrupted with an arrogant expression eclipsing his face as Raven rolled her eyes.
"HER name is-"
"It doesn't matter if you swore yourself to god and became a nun who idolizes the virgin mary, I'll steal your heart." Ricky waved his hand as he already read the description and knew she thought of herself as a lesbian, but that was before she met him.
"Ha!" Raven let out a single, loud laugh.
She'd encountered men who claimed otherwise before, but none had ever exuded the kind of confidence Ricky did.
"Shouldn't you stop me and catch up to your friends-"
"Baby, time can stand still for all I care, as long as I get to talk to you." Ricky said with a playful smirk, raising his eyebrows suggestively in a humorous way.
"What about the money-"
"Who cares?" Ricky shrugged as Raven was a little baffled at his words.
"Do you really think I'm that easy to let you-"
"In no way shape or form will I ever think of you as 'easy'. I'm simply saying that nothing else matters when I am with you." RIcky leaned his head against his hand, winking at her while chuckling out..
"Then you're not going to stop me?"
"If you don't stop our conversation?"
"And you're okay with me driving this truck full of your supplier's stolen money?"
"Of course mama, I did say whatever you want."
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Raven started laughing once again until a couple minutes later she finished.
"Okay, what do you want to talk about-"
"Oh baby, I only want to know all about you." Ricky continued to shamelessly put on the moves as Raven shook her head since she should've expected that response.
"Raven, Raven Darkh?lme." Raven started out by introducing herself as Ricky delicately took her hand and placed a kiss on it.
"Ricky Luciano, pleasure to meet my future wife and it's an honor to be your future husband." Ricky smiled as Raven pulled her hand back, but she maintained her smile.
Compliments about an insecurity she had carried her entire life were something she couldn't help but appreciate, even if they were shameless and cheesy.
"Like you, I'm a mutant and an old one at that." Raven remarked but Ricky was even more impressed.
"And here you are, aging like the finest of wine." Ricky remarked as his eyes stared at her luscious curves.
"Is that it?" Ricky asked but Raven went to talk but remained silent.
"Nope it's not, come on, tell me." Ricky gestured to Raven who side-eyed him but continued driving.
"Do you remember our earlier talks about the future? The part where I brought up preventing certain situations." Raven said, recalling their conversation as she frowned, thinking back to when she took on Rosa.
'I knew I shouldn't have opened my mouth-' Raven saw Ricky's silent deposition, misinterpreting his contemplation for disbelief.
"Yeah, it's coming back to me, the stuff about changing things." Ricky snapped his fingers, remembering that part and looking at Raven who was staring off into the distance.
"Nevermind, it's stupid so-" Raven thought about her next words and simply thought it would be better to drop it here but Ricky shook his head.
"Oh come on, why won't you tell me?" Ricky asked, leaning towards the dashboard to appear in her area of view.
"Because what good would it do if I told you things that you wouldn't understand?" Raven asked since Ricky was way out of his element.
"Well, I could literally destroy this truck, take all the money back, and leave you stranded in the middle of the desert." Ricky spoke with an innocent expression as Raven's brow twitched slightly.
She quickly concluded that if he used his forcefield, it might actually destroy the truck filled with money or at least, that's what she assumed to be filled with money.
'Well, he is a mutant like me so it wouldn't hurt telling him enough so that I can stall until I get to the continental.' Raven said since once she gets to the continental, not even Ricky could stop her which was her main goal in the first place.
"I'm trying to stop the destruction of our kind." Raven confessed to Ricky who raised an eyebrow at this remark.
"Mutants will cease to exist in the future due to humans-"
"Wait, aren't we human?" Ricky interrupted, not understanding the lore at all as Raven shook her head.
"We're evolved humans, much like how humans and Neanderthals diverged into different species. But that's where the problem lies." Raven looked ahead, her gaze steady as she began selectively speaking the truth.
"In the near future, within a few years, there will be a surge in our kind, and with that surge, the world will finally have to take notice of us. Of course, humans will see us as a threat and will try to eradicate us using beings called Sentinels. They'll then attempt to 'cure' humanity, erasing the X-Gene entirely." Raven said, her filled with rage as she remembered everything she read in Irene's Diaries.
"We are literally their evolution yet they want to stop humanity from reaching a new existence, it's absurd and-"
"Alright I get it, you're Pro-mutant so why does this have to do with stealing the money?" Ricky asked as he didn't want to listen to her rant.
Ricky honestly didn't care about other people's beliefs as he had been bombarded with countless ideologies over time, which had left him disinterested and somewhat indifferent.
It might be a bit ignorant, but that's just who Ricky was, at least for now.
"I need funds to prevent certain events from unfolding, and making an honest living just isn't enough to stop entire countries from going to war." Raven said, prompting Ricky to raise an eyebrow in curiosity.
"Then why don't you infiltrate the government-"
"I've done that and I've disguised myself as different figures, but to be that person means that I can't prevent an earth shattering phenomenon somewhere else in the world and trust me, any question you think of, I've already thought of it."
"I've tried gathering our kind, I've tried forming organizations, and I've tried to stop events from happening. Yet over time, I realized that I can't trust others except Irene." Raven already knew where Ricky was going and shut him down.
"So you can only trust the person you're cheating on with me, rather than your own husband?" Ricky asked with Raven immediately rolling her eyes.
"What about me? Am I not enough-"
"No, you will probably be dead by then." Raven said as Ricky scoffed at this.
"I'm not dying until you have at least four of my kids." Ricky confessed as Raven laughed at this bold proclamation once more.
"I'm sorry Ricky, but Irene's predictions are rarely ever off the mark-"
"Or she didn't tell you everything." Ricky interrupted her, determined to make it clear that he wouldn't be absent from Raven's future.
He was resolute in ensuring he'd be a part of her life from now on as the feeling he had experienced once before was something he wasn't going to let go of easily, unlike in his past life, he was prepared to hold on to it, even if it meant risking everything, which, given the circumstances, might be a real possibility.
"Then can you help me out with some future knowledge." Ricky asked and Raven held up three fingers.
"Three questions," Raven said, her tone serious.
"Since you're a mutant, I'll answer three of yours and no more. Even if you try to torture me to death, I won't utter a sound." Raven proclaimed and Ricky rubbed his chin thoughtfully.
Honestly, Ricky's mind wasn't in the best shape for contemplating the future, so he needed to focus on questions that could provide him with practical insights or immediate benefits.
"When is the next time America enters into a huge war." Ricky asked, considering that part of Lucky's plan involved him joining the military under the church's guise.
However, Ricky wasn't fighting for any religious cause—he was too indifferent for that. Perhaps the army or something similar would be a more fitting route.
Ricky knew of World War 2 from his past life but he isn't obsessed with it and only knew the barebones but had forgotten when it even happened.
"In seven years America will enter into a world war." Raven's response took Ricky by surprise, revealing just how accurate Lucky's prediction had been.
'Damn, am I going to have to fight in WW2.' Ricky scratched his head, realizing that he actually could be drafted for that.
"So pops was right about germany." Ricky thought out loud as Raven raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything.
"Alright next question, what is this ebony blade?" Ricky asked Raven, who was a little surprised by this question.
"The Ebony Blade is a legendary weapon," Raven explained, her knowledge of this extensive since she has encountered a black knight before.
"It's said to have been crafted by Merlin for the Black Knight and can cut through anything." Raven finished it with a cut and dry explanation, Ricky nodding since he couldn't help but feel as if those dreams would haunt him in the future.
"My last question is how can I see you again after this." Ricky asked Raven who was still curious as to why he asked those specific questions.
"This will be the last time we see each other." Raven smiled as she started driving past buildings but Ricky shook his head.
"No, this-"
"Listen, Ricky, you're cute I'll give you that." Raven smirked, then turned away and slammed her foot on the gas, propelling them forward with a sudden burst of speed.
"But my future doesn't involve you." Raven smiled warmly at Ricky as he turned his head before raising an eyebrow.
The truck crashed into a sturdy wall, the impact sending a large cloud of dust and debris billowing into the air.
The vehicle bounced violently, skidding on its side and coming to rest with Ricky trapped amid the swirling dust and scattered debris.
"Thanks tiger." Raven kissed Ricky's cheek before leaping out of the window as she landed gracefully on the cement, her descent as flawless as a gymnast's routine.
The people walking outside the wall turned pale with fear, rushing away from the scene as if it signaled the onset of a horrifying event.
This content is taken from freeweɓnovel.cѳm.
The brisk sound of heels tapping on the ground echoed through the area as the dust began to settle.
A well-dressed man emerged from the hotel, his appearance contrasting sharply with the chaos surrounding him.
"Rafael it's good to see you-"
"I'll deal with you later." Rafael seethed at Raven as she remained silent, watching him approach the truck.
He stopped in front of it just as Ricky kicked the windshield open, making his dramatic entrance even more intense.
"Ugh, the things I do for love." Ricky sighed as he crawled out of the truck, only to find himself face-to-face with a finely dressed man.
"Good morning Mr. Luciano, I am Rafel, the manager of the Mexico City Continental." Rafael did a light bow before looking at Ricky dusting himself off.
"My little birds have informed me of your transgression and one of our members' rather unfortunate actions, however I urge you not to take any hostile manners on Conteiteinal grounds without a membership." Rafael informed Ricky who scratched his head.
"Do I know you or something?" Ricky asked though Rafael shook his head.
"We have not met formally but I've heard of your family's watered down version of the high table." Rafael pointed to Ricky then back to himself as he raised an eyebrow.
"You sure know a lot of things that shouldn't be known." Ricky raised his eyes in surprise, but it was Rafael who looked momentarily confused before a smile spread across his face.
"It seems Lucky has not told you yet, so I think it is best for you to have this conversation with him." Rafael's words left Ricky puzzled before he glanced behind him and winked at Raven.
"I would like to entertain you but alas per the agreement, until your side is fulfilled then you are not allowed to take part in any functions that are associated with the high table." Rafael informed Ricky, scrunching his eyebrows after realizing that he couldn't take Raven on a date..
"Can't I just-"
"Mr. Luciano, you cannot be here and the only reason I've not gotten aggressive is because of the curiosity of your situation." Rafael subtly threatened Ricky who laughed.
"Do you really think you can stop me?" Ricky asked but Rafael sighed while adjusting himself, backing up a few paces.
"No I cannot, but my associates will do it for me."
Immediately, fourteen individuals emerged from the shadows, appearing in all of Ricky's blind spots as he scanned his surroundings.
"This is the last concession I shall part onto you before having to forcefully get you to leave." Rafael held up a bag filled with coins before placing it in Ricky's hand.
"Now, please leave." Rafael directed him out the gate instead of the wreckage as Ricky frowned though weighed his options but shrugged.
"Fine." Ricky honestly had a lot of sh*t on his plate and even more answers that Lucky needed to tell him about.
"But let me say one thing, if you believe in true love." Ricky looked at Rafael who frowned, but parted the way with Raven raising an eyebrow at him.
"How do I see you again, I literally won't leave until you tell me." Ricky spread out his arms, prompting the shadowy figures to brandish their weapons in response.
"The only way we will ever meet again is if you change the course of history." Raven truthfully said to Ricky, the latter nodding before slowly backing away.
"Alright, but when I do, you'll have to let me take you out." Ricky laughed, Raven rolling her eyes but nodding since what were the odds they would run into each other again.
"Fine, it's a date." Raven said the words Ricky wanted to hear as he smiled widely.
"Then until we meet again, Raven." Ricky waved to Raven, but she simply ignored him as he made his way out of the continental premises.
"Rafael, wait, I can pay for all this, alright." Raven spoke to Rafael, whose eyebrow twitched as he gazed at the beautiful brick walls that had been completely destroyed.
Raven didn't wait long for a response as she ran toward the back of the truck, swatting away some of the dust, and her eyes widened in surprise.
"Ha~" Raven let out a dry laugh as she saw that the contents of the truck were only filled with the dead body she had shot earlier as she facepalmed in frustration.
Earlier, when Ricky was thrown into the back of the truck, he hadn't just skipped over the money, he had tossed the bags into the space before heading off to talk to Raven.
"He really got me." Raven let out a dry laugh, and Rafael walked up beside her with an amused expression.
"So Rafael, what's this about an agreement?" Raven tried to change the subject only to receive a scoff.
"Fix my wall Raven, then we'll talk."
Author's Note: I'm a little busy at the moment and only have time to post Chapters so if anyone has asked questions then they'll probs go unanwered until the weekend, sorry.