Marvel: Start with Level Five Mutants-Chapter 468: The true power of Chaos Magic!

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Chapter 468 The true power of chaos magic!

After all, changes in light energy are small, and what is really useful to him is chaos magic.

After the fifth level of Chaos Magic, distorting and modifying reality has really become the norm!

His hand flashed with red light, and the wall next to him suddenly turned golden, as if it had turned into gold.

Su Yao sensed it and murmured, "It seems to be permanent?"

His mood suddenly improved a lot.

It can even be said that even turning the entire city into gold would not be difficult for him.

?Moreover, this is just a small burst of chaos magic.

Su Yao couldn't even imagine how much impact it would have if he used it with all his strength.

Hand out his right hand, the crimson light on his right hand was shining brightly.

Having a closer look, the maximum range of influence seems to be several thousand kilometers?

As for the specific number, because the noise caused by using it was too great, he did not choose to test it and would wait until it was needed.

Red light bloomed from his hand, trying to twist a stone on the ground into a space gem.

Of course, the current modified reality of chaos magic is enough for him to use against his enemies.

After all, his real mutant ability is not the sunshine and chaos magic, but the ability to imitate!

It's like the power of a big snake. It got out of control and became violent once!

Chaos magic is no exception!

Just like Su Yao can completely twist the wall into water, but he cannot turn the wall into infinite gems.

“Chaos magic cannot be modified under normal conditions, but what about the rampant state?”

Su Yao knew very well that the situation of going berserk also existed for him.

Distorting and modifying things will consume different amounts of energy depending on the scope and circumstances of the modification!

At the same time, he also noticed a certain shortcoming of chaos magic.

The stones on the ground were wrapped in red light, like a mosaic, changing for a while.

The light energy in his body is completely insufficient, it can even be said to be far from enough!

This leads to the fact that his energy is limited and he cannot modify reality unscrupulously.

Su Yao discovered the shortcomings of his own use of chaos magic.

The energy source of Chaos Magic comes entirely from itself, or it is actually converted from light energy, not from the outside world.

Eventually, it turned into a blue-white gemstone.

Just like turning New York City into an amusement park before, it was just childish. Su Yao played around casually without using any real power!

He can completely turn those people into frogs, bugs, paper figures, and even deconstruct and erase the reality of that area!

Suddenly, Su Yao couldn't help but think of a question.

After a little testing, he found that it was indeed not an illusion.

The gems on the ground are obviously just superficial and not real space gems.

Su Yao sighed.

His current abilities do not support his ability to twist and modify to create something like the Infinity Stones.

That time I lost control, it was obvious that there was a problem with my ability to imitate!

As for the upper limit of the true ability of imitation, Su Yao couldn't figure it out.

This leads to Su Yao not knowing yet. If chaos magic truly goes berserk and affects the ability to imitate, what consequences and impact it will have in the end!

Su Yao quickly shook his head and stopped thinking about this problem.

“I don’t know what the upper limit of my chaos magic is in the normal state. I can’t create infinite gems. I wonder if I can create a black hole?” frёeωebɳ

“Also, with full power, can you distort and modify the Celestial God Group?”

Su Yao was a little curious, but after thinking about it he still didn’t try it.

After testing the changes after the upgrade of Chaos Magic, his attention returned to the Book of Darkness.

Su Yao is floating in the air, his right hand glowing with red light.

The Book of Darkness floated in front of him, turning pages under the red light.

Soon, Su Yao saw the recorded dream witchcraft.

At a glance, with his strong mind, spirit, and soul, he directly memorized the contents of the dream witchcraft. As a **** and the son of the world, this kind of mysterious witchcraft knowledge is not difficult for him to cast. It is a children's book, one plus one.

Su Yao crossed his legs and closed his eyes, and immediately tried the dream witchcraft.

I think it will be successful the first time...

The reality was pretty much what he thought. As soon as he cast the spell according to the content in the Dark God Book, he discovered that the dream-walking witchcraft was successfully cast.

But then, Su Yao's brows frowned.

Because he discovered that he did not sense the so-called parallel self!

“How could there not be…”

After being surprised for a moment, Su Yao immediately thought of what was going on.

“Is it related to my specialness?”

Thinking about it, Su Yao only felt distressed and couldn't help but sigh, "Now we're in trouble."

If you can’t sense other parallel selves, you can’t talk about invading other universes, and dream witchcraft is half useless!

“Forget it, let’s talk about invading other universes later. The worst we can do is use portal magic to try again and again…”

After thinking about it, Su Yao took one last look at the 838 universe and opened the portal to the main universe.

Yellow round sparks appear.

The next second, he stepped in.

As soon as he returned to the main universe, Su Yao suddenly felt a sense of urgency.

After all, the eternal threat from the God of the Universe is always there, and even if he hides in Universe 838, he may not be safe!

Who knows how far that eternal strength has reached.

?There is also the threat of the Celestial God Group, and the original body of the ancient god!

“Badr’s Omega Power…”

In spite of the urgency, Su Yao had some expectations in his heart.

I hope that the Omega mutant ability of Baldur, the God of Light, can bring some changes to him!

Thinking about it, he stepped into the sunshine and absorbed the sunlight.

After sunbathing for a few minutes, Su Yao felt the light energy slowly filling up his body. Su Yao only felt slow.

The next second, his body quickly flew up and rushed out of the atmosphere.

Not long after, he broke through the clouds and arrived outside the earth's atmosphere.

Floating in space, Su Yao absorbed the sunlight to his heart's content.

Without the obstruction of clouds, the speed at which he absorbs sunlight suddenly increased.

?While Su Yao was absorbing sunlight, his figure was also noticed by satellites from various countries.

After experiencing so many things, all countries, including the United States, have paid more attention to satellites, and the number of satellites in the sky has increased for a while.

Even, there are people who are staring at the images taken by satellites 24 hours a day, fearing that they will see another invasion of the earth, or another terrible disaster will happen on the earth.

So after Su Yao flew into outer space, it didn't take long for him to attract the attention of countries around the world.

“Is it the man in white?”

This chapter is updated by freēwē

“How come the man in white appears here?”

People all over the world were astonished.

Floating in outer space, motionless, what is he doing?

?If they hadn't known that the White Man was very powerful, they would have almost thought that the White Man was dead.

“Is it because Messiah has been so popular not long ago that the man in white is not willing to be outdone and is also preparing to steal the spotlight?”

However, even if the man in white is ready to cause trouble and show off, people from all over the world do not think that he will be the opponent of the Messiah.

After all, the Messiah can crush something as outrageous as a black hole. How can the Man in White compare to a super-Omega-level mutant?

So, they were confused and surprised as to what the man in white was doing.