Mesmerizing Ghost Doctor-Chapter 2077: A bunChapter of lunatics

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During the fight, some people rolled down from the top. For a time, screams and shouts echoed continuously.

Seeing this situation from beneath, Guan Xilin told the men he led. “Descend first, it’s not a good time to go up now.” Although they were climbing from the slope of the mountain, it’s not advisable for them to go up there. However, just as he was about to descend, he looked up and vaguely saw a gleam of sunlight on the top of the mountain.

Was it the Volcanic Flare Stone? What’s more, it’s a huge piece of Volcanic Flare Stone!

With this thought, he looked down and saw that other mercenaries had gone down the mountain safely. So, he summoned his flying sword and flew up the mountain.

“How odd, why did that man directly go up on his flying sword? What’s his purpose?”

“Whoa! He went straight halfway up the peak.”

“Ah! Take a look, there’s a brilliant light reflected from the top of the crater. Isn’t that a Volcanic Flare Stone?”

“My goodness! How big is that Volcanic Flare Stone? Why didn’t we see it earlier?”

“Go and grab it! A Volcanic Flare Stone of that size is priceless!”

The people below rushed up. At this, one after another swept to the top on their flying swords. Guan Xilin, who reached the top of the crater first, saw the Volcanic Flare Stone.


However, there seemed to be something different about this piece of Volcanic Flare Stone. The ordinary ones were black and suffused with light in the middle. But, this piece was fiery red, as if it was burned red by the flame. The whole piece was a beautiful red, making him look at it appreciatively.

“What a pretty stone! I’ll take it back and give it to Sister. She’ll love it.”

Guan Xilin whispered. His calm and resolute face was beaming with childlike joy. It was an expression solely when he thought of his family.

He came over and picked up the beautiful red stone that was difficult to hold with both hands, then put it away in the interspatial ring. He thought of giving it to Feng Jiu as a gift when he went back. However, just then, a killing intent coming from behind made his smile disappear. As he frowned and turned around, a long sword’s attack came his way accompanied by loud yells.

“Hey, kid! Hand over the treasure!”

“Kid! If you keep it all to yourself, you’ll get choked to death!”

“Kid! you’ve got a lot of nerve! How dare you pocket the treasure alone in front of all these people? Hand it over and we’ll leave your corpse intact!”

As the cultivators shouted one after another, encircling Guan Xilin with their swords in hand, there came again a loud cry from below with a powerful spirit energy breath.

“Don’t you dare act against the member of our Fierce Tigers Mercenary Group! Kill!”

Each one of the Fierce Tigers Mercenary Groups came up with a sword in his hand. As soon as the mercenary group members besieged those people who encircled Guan Xilin, the clanging of swords rang out and a melee broke out.

Some of those who watched on the side and were not involved in the battle were speechless. “Are these people crazy? Although the Volcanic Flare Stone is a bit bigger, there’s no point in trying so hard, is there?”

Hearing this, a man who rushed to the front could only stop and glance at the speaker. “What do you know? In this world, can we succeed without trying hard? Brothers, kill them for me! If you can’t grab it away from that kid, rob someone else! I’ve been here for more than half a month and keep waiting for this kind of chance!” As soon he said this, he rushed up with more than a dozen people behind him.

The onlookers were surprised and could not help but step back and wipe their cold sweats. “A bunch of lunatics…”