Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel-Chapter 43: There’s Too Many Characters In this World

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Chapter 43: There's Too Many Characters In this World

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history have no interest in offend any party. Having the sole objective of only entertain the readers. Enjoy~


"If our lives are already written, it would take a courageous man to change the script."

From the game "Alan Wake"


Third Person P.O.V.

Emma Frost is annoyed.

Returning to her penthouse in New York, Emma Frost goes to take a bath to cool off. She is almost fuming with anger. The reason? Eidolon...

Or rather, the fact that she can't find him.

And "find" is a strange word for what she is trying. In truth, she is trying to "lure" him in coming talk to her.

Orchestrating some situations, like the robbery of a jewelry store or something similar, she hoped to attract the hero, allowing her to have a conversation with him.

Well, everything failed till now.

Eidolon simply doesn't appear. It's not hard to deduce that he mostly appears when lives are in danger. Rarely showing himself to something like a discreet robbery in the middle of the night.

But this is all Emma Frost can try for now. She can't risk orchestrating a dangerous situation, threatening civilians, and as result gaining Eidolon's displeasure and ire.

After taking her bath and putting on a nightgown Emma Frost pours herself a glass of white wine and thinks. 'Tch. I never thought such a public figure would be so hard to meet...'

Unknown to her, her plan worked on the second try.

Eidolon really doesn't care too much about crimes without direct victims but he is passing by nearby when he saw the robbery.

But one glance of him is enough to see the farce. No criminals, and the hidden bodyguards and Emma Frost are nearby in a room, only expecting him to appear.

He smirked and turned around.

The old trick in the book to bait heroes. He's not gonna fall for that.

Seeing that there are really no traps or strong opponents, Eidolon thinks that Emma Frost probably wants to talk with him and probably manipulate him on some troublesome thing.

Maybe even try mind-control him. Who knows...

Remembering the contacts that Emma has with the Hellfire Club, Eidolon is not against talking with her, and even being "used" by her, if she really wants him to eliminate some of her enemies.

Because her possible enemies of her are Sebastian Shaw, a meta that Hector wants both to get rid of and to take his power from him.

And other members of the Hellfire Club are famous for being sponsors and directly involved with mutant-hate groups. And even with the Sentinel project.

A little ironic that there are so many anti-mutant members when the top figures are meta themselves.

So Eidolon can allow himself to be "used" if he can gain something from that. BUT...

It has to be on his terms.

He will only meet her when he wants. And right now, he is focusing on other things.

Power plays are necessary when dealing with someone like Emma Frost.

"Maybe I should contact Xavier..." Emma Frost muses to herself while circling the wine in the glass.


Felicia Hardy, The Black Cat P.O.V.

The night was going so well...

A flawless heist- I mean, recovery of some objects that no one will miss.

And while I'm basking in the afterglow of a job well done, jumping from rooftop to rooftop and enjoying the cool breeze of the night... A head pops off exactly where I will land.

The surprise took my reaction time from me and was impossible to dodge anyway.

I braced myself for the impact but it never came, I just passed through him like he is a ghost or a hologram, who knows?

Recovering, I roll on my landing to don't hurt myself and turn to face... Him.

Fucking Eidolon is standing just a few feet away from me.

You know... My moniker of Black cat is to bring bad luck to other people... I don't need to meet the greatest superhero just after I acquire some trinkets in non-conventional ways.

Can I run? Pfft, no chance. I have watched the footage of the invasion...

My only options are... I don't know... Convince him that is all a misunderstanding? Seduce him?

I know very well the advantages that my body can bring to me, and I can use that to escape this predicament...

Well, I know the disadvantages too... I think darkly and shake my head to dispel the bad memories

For some reason he is not saying anything, just staring at me... Is a little unsettling.

Damn, he's big!

Way over six feet. Maybe I haven't noticed this before because in the images that I saw he is close to equally big people like Captain America and Thor.

His mantle with the two front slits covers most of his body but it's possible to see his muscular neck and trapezius. Everything under his eyes is covered by his half mask.

His hair is white like mine but is pulled back in his characteristic man-bun, with some strands falling over his face.

His eyes which are now shining purple does not blink while he looks at me.

Even if it is not possible to see his face, I can tell that he is 10/10. Too bad I'm over with men...

Slowly getting up from my "ready to flee" position, I bend forward a little too much to give him a good view of my cleavage. Maybe I can open my way out if I'm a good girl~.

He will take it easy on a beautiful woman, right?

Ugh. I wince remembering the treatment that he gave to Amora. No he will not take easy just because I'm a girl.

I sneak a glance to catch him off guard and I'm disappointed to see that his eyes never wandered to my body.

Is he gay? That would be a such waste... Not for me, I don't care. I correct myself.

His gaze finally left me and goes to... my bag. fuck!

Before I can say anything, my bag floats to him and he opens it unceremoniously.

"Is rude to open a woman's purse like that you know?" I try to say. But he just looks at me in silence. Damn' this one is a tough nut to crack.

He raises an eyebrow seeing the contents of the bag. Why do I feel like a child being scolded after being caught with the hand in the cookie jar?

C'mon dude, say something. Give me something to work on, and I can talk my way out of this... maybe...

Then his eyes change ... Blue takes over all of his pupils and his sclera, and some patterns and circles appear too. His now even more shining eyes look at me for a second before he turns in another direction...

! The Direction of the museum where I came from early.

Is he seeing the place? There's no lack of discussion on the internet about Eidolon's supposed powers.

His timely appearances make even the criminal world float with people trying to figure out his powers... Some people say that he can read minds, see the past, present and future, see people's sins, have X-ray vision and can always hear when someone says his name.

Hehe. Seriously, there are people afraid of saying his name out of loud thinking that he will just appear like a demon or a ghost.

I just laughed at the absurdity of all this, but now face to face with the man I'm worried that he truly has these powers.

After a few seconds of looking away, his eyes become normal again and he just shrugs his shoulders almost imperceptibly and drops my bag on the ground after closing the zipper.

Without looking at me he starts walking way to the edge of the building and starts staring at the city.

What the hell? So... Can I go? I'm afraid to ask...

Walking cautiously to my dropped bag. I grab the handle and I feel relieved feeling the familiar weight of my shinies.

Now I just need to dash away and never look back, but...

It looks like such a waste...

I slowly start to back away while looking at Eidolon's back, even after I'm on the other edge of the rooftop he doesn't move. It appears that he has no intention of arresting me.

I prepare myself to jump but...

I pause and turn to watch the hero's back again.

Um~ This looks like a good opportunity, no?

Is not every night that we meet the most powerful man on the planet. And for some reason he is letting me of the hook, would be good to know the "why".

And... This is a little thrilling, right? I mean, half of the reason that I do my non-legal activities is for the thrill. It's exhilarating! The planning, the execution, and the success!

I never know what could happen. So many unforeseen things can happen. And surpass everything is the better feeling ever.

And right now I have the chance to dance another type of dance... A dance of two. A dangerous tango where I can be arrested on the spot if I annoy him or I can make a good impression on him and maybe have a little leverage on the case that he doesn't feel so merciful in the future.

We never know... Maybe his ignoring me tonight is a one-time thing. Would be good to know.

Letting the bag on my escape route I start to approach him slowly like I'm approaching a dangerous animal.

In no time I'm by his side. I look at the side of his face and see his eyes in that blue pattern again. Is he watching for crimes? Searching for something?

"Why are you still here?" I hear his voice for the first time tonight. Is a deep and clear voice that appears to reverberate in my bones. Even his voice is sexy... damn.

"What? This is a free country. And isn't it nice to have the company of a beautiful woman on this chilly night?" I say flirtatiously while putting my elbow on his shoulder.

"Are you assuming that just because I haven't arrested you early, you are free to do as you please?" He says without even looking at me.

"Well, maybe... And I'm curious about this too. Why are you letting me go away? Is it because of my good looks?" I bat my eyelashes at him "Or is it the opposite and I'm too ugly to receive your attention?" I say with a sigh while going closer and passing a finger on his face.

That's a sharp jawline... Is this man perfect?

He slaps my hand away and says. "Don't act familiar, Black Cat. You're just one decision of mine away from going to jail." He finally looks at me.

"Aw~ C'mon, we're already super close. A minute ago you are very deep in my uterus." I say coyly. "And you know about little me? I'm flattered..."

And... That's it. I don't know... he doesn't change expression or anything, but I can see that he relaxed a little. The tension is gone.

"You remember me of someone..." I heard him whisper while he shakes his head almost imperceptibly and goes to watch the city again. "And obviously I need to know about criminals in New York, it's part of the job."

Taking advantage of the momentum, and the fact that the mood improved, I decide to continue. "SoWhat are you doing?"

"Searching for a meta with a mind-control ability that is using it to do the worst thing that a man can do with a woman using the said power." He answers darkly.

Oh... That's bad. I have my own bad experience to confirm. There are people with that sort of power, huh? Fuck. "Are you gonna catch him?" I ask

"I'm trying... Wanna come?"

"Hell no, I'm not gonna approach this bastard, not even a mile close..." I say.

"Hm... And here I thought that you want to be my sidekick."

"What? Who wants to be your sidekick??" I ask raising my voice a little. The cheekiness of this guy.

"Well, you're still sticking around. You're using my colors... Even the hair. If you want it so badly I can put you on probation."

"Probation my perfect pale ass. I'm using these clothes way before you appear, mister." I retort.

He doesn't answer. And I'm feeling that he is messing with me... Jerk.

"I just want to know why you did nothing to me. Just say so and I will be a good girl. Or maybe I will do the exact opposite, and be a bad girl~ If you want~" I say again flirtatiously.

"I rarely get involved if it's not a life-threatening situation. People are already accusing me of vigilantism. I have no responsibility in protecting the possession of rich people that are using it as money laundering." He answers. Oh, so this is why this new batch of jewels arrived.

"You didn't hurt anyone and you didn't steal anything of cultural value. So I don't care." He finishes before going silent again.

Okay, do not hurt anyone, and don't steal things with cultural value. Noted.

"Don't feel relieved so early. Maybe next time I will think that will be good for you to spend some years behind bars. Set you on the right path." He says throwing a bucket of cold water on me.

I pout "So mean. And the right path is so boriiiing. Why don't I take you on a ride out of the right path, Eidolon? I can show you... some interesting things~" I say and he rolls his eyes.

"Don't flirt if you have no intention of backing it up. It just makes you look childish." he says

Excuse me? "Who said I won't back it up?" I continue sultrily.

He snorts and then... The world moves. No, I'm the one that is moved.

When I realize, I'm with my back pressed against a wall. Eidolon's large frame pressed against mine. He uses his index finger to move my chin up. His face is now very close to mine.

If I were paying attention I would see that there's no mirth or flirt in his eyes. But I'm not paying attention.

For a moment the world goes black and no air goes to my lungs. Without thinking I shove him away. And even with the great difference in strength between us, he moved away.

I bend forward a little and take big breaths.

"I'm sorry, that was a little insensitive of me. Are you okay now?" I hear his voice soothingly close. I look up and see his eyes, there's worry and a little... pity in them.

I don't need to be pitied by anybody. Even if you're the strongest or whatever in the world!

"I'm sorry..." He says again "That I was not there to help you." He finishes and I can see that he truly means it. Like is some sort of responsibility that he has to take care of me and he failed.

I snort "Forget about it" I say straightening up. "In truth, I'm grateful, really..."

And I am. Strangely...

I thought I was over that thing. That I was finally free.

I trained and trained to murder that son of a bitch and he dies run over by a bus before I get him. Is disappointing, but life goes on. Is good that he is dead.

After training and improving myself to never feel that helpless again and I finally became stronger and better than normal people. It's not easy to put me at a disadvantage now.

After this, I have taken my father's mantle and went to have fun as Black Cat.

My confidence slowly grew back, and I even start using my "assets" to my advantage here and there. Is not above me tricking some stupid and horny men to make them lower their guards or give me something.

I can even flirt and touch men without feeling disgusted but... When I'm in control.

This move of his... I was not in control at all. For a moment I felt like I was back at that time. Weak and fragile Felicia Hardy.

I'm still this weak? Or is it just because he is the strongest man alive doing a move on me?

Shaking my head I dispel these thoughts. Whatever... he proved his point. I'm just a balloon full of hot air.

Looking at him more seriously now I say. "I'm going now. Is your last chance to stop me." Is my turn to not even look at him. I grab my bag and start giving little jumps to build momentum.

"Okay. Take care." He says sincerely.

"..." This guy is strange... Not in a bad way at least.


Eidolon P.O.V

Well, this could have gone better... I think

Now I almost feel bad for replacing the stolen jewels with rocks. Tsk Tsk.

But I can't let her go off the hook so easily. I have no interest in arresting her, but I can't pull off a Batman and play a little and let her go. Is pathetic... Instead of playing, is better to not even start.

And she is starting to distract me.

I always joke about the "Sigma Male grindset", hehe. In my last life is a funny meme with ridiculous rules like "Don't pay taxes", "Kick kids", and "Goes to sleep 3AM and wakes up 2AM." Haha.

But like all jokes, there's a little of the truth. I can't allow myself to be distracted by women. The great trap to any men...

This world is dangerous. I can't be caught lacking because I'm chasing skirts.

As a male teenager obviously I want to get intimate with a great number of hot women in spandex here. And my many waifus in other worlds. But...

... I can do this in other worlds.

Not in my home universe.

Heck, If I want to bang Black Cat I can use D4C to go to another universe and do it there. No consequences, no strings attached...

Hooking up with the female heroes and villains here can bring annoying consequences that make it all not worth it.

Hm... I'm really more mature, huh?

In the past I would never refuse booty, but now...

Maybe it's the powers.

Maybe it's the death of my parents.

Maybe it's the fact that I'm aware that this world is dangerous.

Who knows?

I have to say that I'm impressed with my own willpower.

I don't even used X-ray on her. And in any other female till now.

Giving a quick look at the now far away backside of Black Cat, I save it on the memory.

Damn, putting my stoic face is good and all but ... Damn, that leather looks is painted in her body. Benzadeus...(PT/Br to "God bless that")

Black Cat is as beautiful as Mary Jane, with a body more developed. Damn, Peter. Now I know where all of your luck goes...

Patting myself on the back for my self-control I go back to complete my objective of today.


Did I already say that actively searching for a specific person or thing using my powers sucks? Yes, I will say it again. It sucks.

I have many powers that are very useful to feel my surroundings. Maybe mimicking the "divine/spiritual sense" of that xianxia/wuxia novel. Or a pseudo Cosmic Awareness if you want to bring it to Marvel terms.

The Force, the Advanced Observation Haki that allows me to see the "color" of people's feelings and overall aura, the technique Ren from Nen, many quirks that improve my senses and Homelander and Inuyashiki super senses, Telepathy and Empathy and others.

It's not a stretch to say that I can know everything about New York if I want. A limited from of Omniscience. But is not a pleasant feeling... Maybe it's my still "mortal body and mind", but feeling other people's feelings, emotions, thoughts, presences, aura and even feeling them like I'm touching them directly is... disgusting.

Maybe it would not be so bad if it is some pleasant things, but humans are assholes. And even when they are not, the great mix of feelings is horrendously unpleasant. Like you take all possible sauces and mix them. Simply not sit well in your mouth.

Using my power at its full potential left a bad taste in my mouth, a headache, and makes my skin crawl.

Fortunately for me, my brain is overdeveloped and copes with the plethora of information that I receive. Information that no normal human could take without overloading their own capabilities and becoming a vegetable.

"Let's start small..." I whisper.

Letting go of the restraints that prevent me from suffering from sensory overload I start hearing everything in New York.

"*Ziiiin* HeSACaToBZBmeBUToeYulospiRECmenwONE *Bzzt*"

Ugh, after some seconds I start to get used to it and even discern some words and phrases. Identify who is talking, if is a woman or a man. I'm very adaptable...

"You.." "Take" "Footb-" "Eidol-" "Tomo-" "Love" "Over" "Shit" "Mama" "Help"

The secret is multitasking. Hearing everything at the same time without the words overlapping is hard. Knowing the position and who is talking is a good way to distinguish the voices and make complete phrases that make sense.

"I seriously need help to do this." "Fuck off, asshole." "Mama, tell me a story." "Where are you looking, huh?" "Dear, he is only a friend." "Hng~ Eidolon. Make me your whore." "No no no no..." "When I see you again..." "I'm not wearing anything underneath~" "Son of a bitch!"

Now I can hear everything. From the faintest of whispers to the loudest screams.

Normally, I would just pay attention if someone shouts. If I hear the distress in someone's voice. And some keywords like "Help", "police" and "Eidolon".

Obviously filtering these words is a pain in the ass, and generally take a second to me "pay attention" and see if it is really something worthy of notice.

One day I hear a couple roleplaying. An awkward moment to say at least.

"Tomorrow, I want this paper on my table!" "Hehe, you silly." "*Whistle* Hey, baby wanna have some fun?" "We have a 2-1-1 in the-"

Now, that I'm comfortable hearing EVERYTHING, I up my game. My empathic powers start enveloping the city.

I also help a little where is needed, a telekinetic blast throws a mugger on the wall, I choke hold a rapist, and hold a bike that would crash against a car.

I trained hard with telekinesis after my fight with Thor.

The first damage that I received in that fight is because I'm concentrating on saving some people.

It's not as easy as it sounds to hold people telekinetically over long distances.

If I'm not careful, my grip will be too weak and will be useless or will be too Strong and... crush them. Like trying to hold a soap bubble with dry hands.

Because of that moment of distraction, Where I held people falling without crushing or killing them by whiplash I received a full blow of Mjolnir right on the face.

The Mjolnir that is one of the strongest weapons in the universe. That one time going back to Thor traveled at FTL and destroyed planets on its path without giving a fuck.

Luckily I became intangible rapidly and only lost my teeth.

But not anymore. One error is okay, is human... But repeating the same mistake is stupidity...

Now I can use my telekinesis very well in the range of the city. I mean, if asked to do a meticulous task like solving a Rubik's cube on the other side of the city I would have a hard time. But I'm improving.

Now That I'm comfortable hearing anything in the city, it's time to take away the excess. Filter what is not importing. Using my many empathic powers I started feeling the places and people with negative feelings.

And is a lot.

I will focus on only hearing them for now.

"Why are you doing this?!?" "How could you?!" "No baby, please don't leave me!" "If you stop it now I can forget about it." "You worthless piece of-" "I HATE YOU!!"

Focusing even more where I feel the despair, helplessnes, bleakness...

Ugh... Disgusting. Like a myriad of bugs and worms crawling on my skin.

"No... No... Please..." "No one care anyway..." "I don't want to do this anymore..."

I stop only hearing their voices. I focus on the people. Searching their biotype, seeing if there's any abnormality. If this doesn't work I will need to step up and use full-fledged telepathy. But I want to spare myself from the unpleasant experience.

Haah~ This would be much easy if my Power Manipulation was stronger. Power Manipulation's greatest weakness/restriction is... the range.

Normally any Omega-level power could span for miles and miles. This includes feeling the thing that you control.

Metals, minds, Ice, the Weather... All Other Omega-level metas can control and feel their "domain" from far, very far.

This doesn't apply to my own Meta-power.

To copy, steal, and feel a power I need close contact.

Well, but considering the possibility of eventually having all others powers... is Worth it. Very fair.

In truth, my power is on the bottom level of the Omega powers. Potency wise...What I mean is that there's room for growth.

The quirk [All For One] itself could be considered an Alpha-level power even here on Marvel. I used 8 Power Boost Cards to help the quirk bypass the threshold and become a low-Omega-Level Power.

In the future, if I dump more Power Boost Cards on it I will probably be capable of feeling powers from far and even copying without contact, understanding the nature of someone's power just by looking at them, etc.

The problem is that I don't know how many Power Boost cards will be needed for that. There's no indicator bar to show when the power or item will have a breakthrough and become better qualitatively.

For all I know, maybe will take hundreds of Power Boost Cards to Power Manipulation to go Beyond Omega-Level. (What doesn't make too much sense if Omega-level means "unlimited potential", but this is how Marvel rolls).

While I think about this I hear it...

When I'm almost losing hope and going to use other unpleasant means I hear.

"What should we do tonight, Jessica?" An overly sweet and nauseous voice said in a Hell's Kitchen. The voice has affection, lust, and a hint of mockery. But is out of place... A misplaced affection like you're talking with a pet.

Focusing my attention on the place I murmur. "Got you..." Before disappearing while exercising my powers on the purple bastard.


Third Person P.O.V.

In the MCU he is called Kevin Thompson and has a very different backstory from his comic counterpart, Zebediah Killgrave. A former soviet spy that received his powers by accident.

It didn't take long for him to slowly start using it for personal gains. And slowly but surely his actions start to become even more evil and depraved.

Right now Killgrave is with his, saying in his own words, great acquisition: Jessica Jones. This "relationship" has lasted for a few months, since December last year.

Killgrave has stumbled on Jessica using her superhuman strength to help someone that was being mugged. Unlucky to her, her good action was rewarded awfully.

Updated from freewёbnoν

Now in a shady hotel in Hell's Kitchen, because of Killgrave's purple skin, he doesn't have many options to go out and have a normal life. But even in this shady building, the interior of his room is filled with extravagant furniture and other expensive items like a huge bed and fancy clothes.

Killgrave is now admiring his thrall. Jessica Jones is slim and can even be considered a tiny woman, with black hair and eyes. Her small body contrasts with her power. She looks very fragile but can give Captain America a run for his money.

Killgrave likes to make Jessica wear fancy clothes with purple colors and right now she is using a long sleeveless dress of the color purple.

Her face is impassive but it is possible to see the unwillingness in her eyes. But is also possible see the lack of brightness in her eyes, meaning that she give up on hope a long time ago.

"So beautiful..." Killgrave says approaching the standing Jessica.

He runs his hand gently over her face and goes slowly down. Running his fingers over her nose, mouth, neck... His hand stops on her shoulder.

He toys with the strap of her dress before pulling it slowly from her shoulder, leaving one of her breasts bare.

"What should we do Tonight, Jessica?" He says with a smile that only makes repulsion and despair appear in Jessica's eyes.

And then it happens...

Killgrave feels the world solidify around him. He can't move a muscle.

The smile slowly slips off Killgrave's purple face. The strange situation horrifies him. He can't even open his mouth.

He can only move his eyes and some facial muscles. He starts sweating profusely. He wants to scream. Scream to know what is happening. Scream to know whos doing that with him. Scream to Jessica to protect him.

Jessica also starts noticing the strangeness of the situation, but she can't move after the "stop" command of Killgrave.

If this was an anime, there would be a shot of Killgrave feeling that is being watched, there would be huge eyes on the sky watching him coldly and he would know that is very close to death.

But this is real life, He can't feel those things. The confusion only makes his mind panic, the uncertainty and the "not knowing" are even more terrifying to a human.

Humans are naturally afraid of dark places because they don't know what is there.

This situation stretches for a few seconds, which looks like hours to Killgrave before black mist starts to coat the walls, cover the lamps and other sources of light, and the rooms start to become cold.

In no time Killgrave is in complete darkness.

He still wants to scream, but even that is taken from him.

"Are you enjoying yourself before?" He hears a voice behind him, but he can't look back.

A big hand grabs his head in an iron grip.

"What we should do tonight?" He hears ominously closer before pain assaults his body.

And he can't even scream.


Eidolon P.O.V.


This is my thought after stealing Killgrave's power. All for one description of some quirks as being "appetizing" is fit because my power allows me to "taste" powers.

Powers have different shapes, flavors, and textures... It's hard to explain. But I can differentiate them after close contact.

His power is very similar to Shinso's quirk [Brainwash], the two are unpleasant, but Killgrave's is much more.

Hm... I wonder if is only my personal preference... Because of my distaste with mind control, maybe I don't like the "taste" of related powers. Other people, with different mindsets, may find them more "delicious"...

Well, whatever. I have no one to compare.

My mind is strange, going sideways like that...

Back to the present.

After taking Killgrave's power and storing him in the Infinity Castle (Yean I didn't kill him. And No. Is not mercy. Is hard to come across people that fit so perfectly on my "will be used to better humanity" conditions), he is a precious human resource, right?

Or how Demiurge from Overlord would say: a bipedal sheep. Human rights don't apply to him.

Making the dark mist retreat from the room, I appear in front of a shocked Jessica Jones. She was still not moving ... The effects do not disappear after he loses his power? Or she just forget to move because of the situation.

Telekinetically taking a sheet to cover her I watch her move her hand unconsciously to keep the sheet around her body.

So she's just shocked.

I remember reading in the wiki that Killgrave's power has many weaknesses like don't working on telepaths, people with indomitable will, and people that don't need to breathe and wearing off if he walks away for too long.

"He can't hurt you anymore." I say simply making Jessica's eyes widen.

And her face morphs into one of anguish and she starts bawling her eyes out while kneeling on the ground. So she is letting everything out now, huh?

Uh... Protagonist's charisma and speech help me now.

I'm afraid of saying something that will hurt her in some way. Heck, I'm afraid that she has trauma and doesn't want a male to touch her...

Let's wait for her to recover. Should be the safe choice.


Jessica Jones P.O.V.

Finally... Finally...

It's over...? It's really over?

I'm afraid of opening my eyes and seeing Killgrave's slimy purple face with that mocking smirk. To realize that I'm still trapped in that nightmare.

In the beginning I'm just crying, but then anger starts to appear as well.

I punch the ground many times and practically roar to let it all out.

After an unknown amount of time and being much calmer, I finally look at him.

I know this guy. The new superhero that is a much a hot topic as the Avengers.

Eidolon. I have seen him on TV, together with that son of a bitch, I remember him commenting on how useful would be to control the mutant hero.

But I know that is just fucking hot air, that motherfucker is a coward. He would never risk going ten miles close to Eidolon. He is even more afraid recently because of the Hero, always looking over his shoulder, afraid of being caught.

Well, look at that. He was right about being afraid.

Thank god Eidolon comes now, the human trash was thinking about running from the city with his tail between his legs. And obviously, he would take me with him.

I can't even imagine how fucked up my future would be.

But now is ok... Is okay right?

It's hard to believe even now. In a moment it was in a shit place and in another everything changed...

So this was what feels to be saved.

"Are you feeling better?" I hear him talking with me in his deep and smooth voice. Strangely I become more calm hearing him.

"Yes... I think... I think I'm okay now..."


"W-what happened to him?" I ask, my voice quivering a little

"He won't hurt anyone else. I can assure you of that."

"Did you kill him?" I ask hopefully, that guy is better six feet under.

"Heroes don't kill..." He says simply and I almost scoffed.

But I don't want to discuss it with my savior.

"Do you have any place to go now? I would prefer you to stay with a family member... Someone who can take care of you." He says. Very considerate but... I can only think of my sister right now...

And I don't want to burden her. No... This is an excuse. I'm ashamed.

I'm ashamed of what that... made me do...

"None of this is your fault, do you know? You are the victim. Don't let your mind go to these dark places." Eidolon says as if reading my mind. Maybe he is. Or maybe he just has experience dealing with cases like mine.

"There's my place... I-I want to stay alone for now." I say standing up.

"..." I can't even meet his eyes, I'm full bullshiting right now.

"Okay..." He finally says "Do you want to take something from here?" He gestures to the room.

"As if. I just want to go away and forget everything" I hug my shoulders, covering myself with the sheet.

"Are you sure?" He looks at me again. "Your name is Jessica, right? I hear him saying it..." And before I can answer he continues.

"Do you know, Jessica? The next days, months, or even years of your life will not be easy for you..."


"You can take some money or something like that as compensation. You will need to stabilize many things in your life, financial problems are not something that you will want now... If you don't need it, you can just donate later." he says and he convinces me.

I have nothing to my name now.

An almost empty bank account and I don't know how my place is going. Maybe I've already been evicted.

"There's a safe behind that locker" I say pointing with my chin.

Eidolon moves his hand and effortlessly moves the furniture. And then he yanks off the front of the safe like is nothing. He then makes the contents float to him.

"He has a good amount of money and jewels..." Eidolon comments

"He said one time that he wants to open a casino one day..." Is one of the bastard's ambitions.

"Your documents are here too..." Eidolon comments on passing me the things that I have when I met the motherfucker for the first time. "And here, take these clothes..." he says giving me a pair of jeans, one white T-shirt, and one jacket.

He turns to give me privacy and I nearly rip this disgusting purple dress off myself.

Hmm? These clothes fit perfectly...

"Do you always carry women's clothes around?" I ask a little more relaxed.

"I'm always prepared." He answers. Is he some kind of boy scout?

"And how do you know my exact number?"

"Because I'm Eidolon."



"Well, I think you need to find another place to stay." Eidolon says helpfully while we look at the destroyed land that used to be where I lived.

"Do you think?" I ask sarcastically.

He shrugs his shoulder "To where Now?"

I look at him. This guy is a rare good person. "I can take care of myself now... I will just search for a motel or something like that."

"You really don't want to meet your family, huh? " He sighs "Okay, Jessica... I can understand you. You want to solve your issues alone. Get up without help. I'm a little like that too."

"I will go now, but promise one thing... Before the week is over you will go talk with someone you trust." He looks at me seriously.


"Promise me." I can't deny him


"You don't need to tell everything if you are not comfortable, but I advise you to vent to someone... Goodbye, Jessica. Better days will come. Believe in it..." He says before simply disappearing.

I take a deep breath.

Okay, Jessica.

Time to left all that shit behind.


Hector's Residence, Hector P.O.V.

As Helena and I watch TV, I multitask with a little of Nen training and reading some files about people of interest.

Isabella is in the kitchen and Shego is in her house. She said that want to search for personnel to open her club.

"So... Why didn't you show up to beat that guy?" Helena asks me pointing to the TV showing Spider-man fighting Scorpion.

"I'm trying to bait a bigger fish." I answer while training Gyo.

'60% of aura on the right arm, 40% on the rest of the body.' I make the transfer while reprising my fight with Thor in my mind.

I'm training to see how I would use my new acquired Nen on that fight.

'40% in each leg. 20% on the rest' I started slow, very slow.

But now the aura moves around my body at a good speed.

'50% on right hand, 40% on my knee and 10% on the rest' Is not useful in battle yet. I need to make the changes in the blink of an eye to keep up with my speed.

'100% on my left cheek' Heh. I'm so fast that my sources of strength can't keep with me...

"What bigger fish?" Helena asks.

"Green Goblin." '55% on my right elbow, 45% on the rest. "I'm very active on New York, people think that my base is here..."

"But it's true." She says

"Yeah, but I don't want them to know that Now that I'm going international, the scum will feel comfortable to crawl out of their holes." 'Shu on the Sword of Actuation, 70% should be good enough'

Villains are not stupid(I mean, most of them), if they know that there's no chance of winning they won't show themselves.

"And why all this trouble to get this guy?" Ah yes, she never saw the Green Goblin.

"Hm... To put on terms that you understand... He is like the weird love child of Lex Luthor and the Joker." I say while increasing the speed of my Nen moving around my body.

"Ookay, Why didn't you kill the bastard yet? Do you want me to do it?" Her eyes widen and she turns to me. Wait, from where did she take that crossbow?

"Relax, he is not as smart as Lex and he is not crazy as the Joker. His secret identity is Norman Osborn, by the way. From Oscorp." I say showing her a hologram of the guy on my palm. Quirks are so handy.

"If you know his secret identity, why didn't you discreetly..." She raises an eyebrow at me and passes her thumb over her neck.

"Hey, I'm a hero..." I say holding my laugh. She can't, and she laugh out loud.

"Hahaha. Yeah yeah. Now tell me the truth."

"It's not enough to end him secretly. I want to end him in all possible ways. Destroy his public image, his company, his legacy... that even if he comes back, he would have no place to return." I say darkly.

"So I take that you have a plan..."

"Huh. Yes... He only needs to appear and he is finished. All is in place..." I smile remembering my preparations.

"Tell me more. I like plans that end scummy bastards" She leans in my direction and asks conspiratorially.

Our relationship really improved, huh?

"Well, it's like that... *Beep* Big fire in New Mexico, gotta go." I say fast while already changing to Eidolon and teleporting myself kilometers high on the air.

I can still hear her "Tsk" even miles away.


Third Person P.O.V

Jane Foster can't concentrate.

Her life took a strange turn recently, is not common for someone's boyfriend to suddenly reveal himself as Thor, The God of Thunder of Norse Mythology.

And there's the discrepancy between Donald Blake, the man that she has fallen for, a mild-mannered doctor, and Thor, the Almighty God, one of the strongest superheroes and who knows what's more...

Because Jane doesn't know Thor.

Not too much at least. She would be angry with Donal- Thor, if he knew beforehand. Lucky to him, he doesn't.

But when she accepted this craziness and starts to become more acquainted with Thor. The Invasion happens and then he has to go back to Asgard.

She barely knew Thor. This relationship is complicated. The... relationship between the two alter-egos is also complicated. Is not like Thor is wearing Donald's Identity.

They're the same person, but at the same time different. They act differently. Donald is a normal guy. And Thor is...a Viking.

You can almost feel his boisterous aura and his mannerisms scream someone completely different from Donald.

Well, it's not a bad thing to suddenly have a tall blonde, blue-eyed, big hunk of a man as a boyfriend, Jane thinks. But it is hard to conciliate.

And then, after the Invasion... "I have to go back to Asgard now."

"Jane..." Darcy Lewis calls Jane Foster in a low voice, but the astrophysicist doesn't hear it.

Thor said that he would come back eventually. But when? And if his notion of time is all screwed up because he is a long-living race. Maybe he will come back in ten years.

"Jane." Darcy Lewis calls again, but Jane is too deep in her thoughts to hear.

So what should Jane do? Wait till she became an old and emaciated lady?

"Jane!" Again, this time Jane heard it, but she choose to ignore it.

Jane has not signed on to date the God of Thunder. Is this what she really wants? Is it even possible? Are they not too different?


"What?!" Now Jane turns around. She just wanted to contemplate in silence for a while. She is having a crisis for god's sake.

"There's an Eidolon in the widow" Darcy points to the closed widow. They're on the second floor.

"There's a what on what?"

"Eidolon is on the window woman! Look!" Darcy points to the floating Eidolon patiently waiting for them to finish they talk.

"Oh~! What?! Eidolon is on my window! Why didn't you tell me before? And why didn't you let him in right away?" Jane exclaims, first confused than surprised.

She moves fast to open the window but Eidolon just phases through it.

He could have done it sooner, but it would have been rude.

"I don't know! This is not a normal situation, don't blame me." Darcy answers while Eidolon stops before the two.



They go on a momentary silence. Jane doesn't know if she should say "welcome" or offer a drink. This is not an everyday situation.

Eidolon is a little... scratch that, he is very intimidating.

While the situation is tense, Eidolon goes to speak but Darcy beats him on it.

"Dibs!" She exclaims making Jane widen her eyes. Even Eidolon looks at her strangely.

"Darcy... You can't call dibs on someone like this..." Jane whispers while giving her assistant a look.

"What? You can't hoard all super-powerful hot guys to yourself. Is not fair." Darcy answers outraged making Jane blush.

She doesn't know if she feels more embarrassed by what Darcy said or by the fact that she spoke in front of Eidolon.

"Huhu" But Eidolon chuckles and whatever embarrassing mood disperse with his laugh. "You're funny Ms. Lewis. Sorry to intrude, by the way. Please, there's no need to become nervous."

"Eidolon! Big fan!" Darcy suddenly exclaims and goes to hug Eidolon "Damn, you're tall."

It's understatement, Darcy is 5'3"(1.60) while Eidolon is 6'4" (1.93). The discrepancy became even more obvious when she hugs Eidolon.

"Can I take a Picture?"


There's no photo of Eidolon with fans on the internet.

To Eidolon this is a little of a novelty, he didn't interact much with people other than cops, heroes, or criminals. He's never had anyone fangirling over him.

"Huhu, sure." He answers.

"Jane take a picture of us." Darcy quickly gives her smartphone to Jane before going back to Eidolon. She even goes under his mantle and covers herself with it.

"Darcy..." Jane says tiredly

"Relax, he doesn't care, right? Right. See? Take a Picture. Will be the first Picture of Eidolon with a fan in the world." Darcy says

"In truth, would be the second..." Eidolon reveals. Remembering the selfie that he took jokingly with Jean and asking himself if she still had it.

"Damn. Well, the second is good enough." Darcy shrugs her shoulder.

She still goes under Eidolon's mantle, her head popping out of one of the mantle slits and she smiles.

Jane relents and just takes the picture.

*Snap* "Here, now get out here. You're making him uncomfortable." Jane says returning Darcy her smartphone

"No, I'm not. Oh, I'm gonna post this now."

"This will distract her for a few minutes..." Jane says making Eidolon chuckle.

"She is very... enthusiastic." Eidolon says uncertainly

"Hehe, You could say that... But, you are saying something before." Jane decides to go back to the topic. Darcy's antics are already embarrassing enough, no need to talk more about that.

"I'm just checking to see if everything is okay. I promised Thor that I would take care of you guys. And I was close because of a fire in a nearby factory." Eidolon explains. "By the way..." he suddenly became serious.

"Did you know that you are being monitored?" He says and raises his hand and many small objects fly to his outstretched palm.

Cameras, hearing devices, wires...

"What the hell!" Darcy exclaims and Jane would too if she was not so shocked.

"S.H.I.E.L.D., they're across the street." Eidolon turns to a window facing the street and waves his hand. "Even in the bathroom... Dick move. But everyone monitoring you is female so Fury is a least a little considerate, I think." Eidolon lets all devices fall on the ground.

And there's a lot.

"They can't do that! There are laws preventing this... Against this... Invading my privacy and violating my home!" Jane is reasonably angry.

Eidolon just takes her rant calmly and finally says when she is out of breath "They're spies. Laws are to normal people, Ms. Foster."

And is true. No laws apply to the one with the power. Be it Money, the status of being a politician/spy or holding whatever position of power, or just simply being powerful like Eidolon.

"If they come to talk to you they will say 'that is to your protection, can be... But..." Eidolon says and just shrugs his shoulders letting the two take their own conclusions. "And they will come, by the way. Now that I revealed them. Be prepared. Scream if you need help..."

"Ah... Eh... Okay, thank you." Jane says distracted

"Are you okay?" Eidolon asks looking at her closely.

"Yeah, of course..." Jane starts talking before being interrupted

"No, she is not." Darcy intervenes "She has been a wreck since the invasion."


"If you want to blurt out I'm all ears, Ms. Foster. I can imagine that you find yourself in a... difficult and unique situation." Eidolon says politely

Jane's first instinct is to just say no. But she thinks more and concludes that if there is someone that she can talk about that is Eidolon.

Even if he is a super-powerful guy, he is still a human. At least was raised as one, right? She is not sure, there are many theories that Eidolon was made in a lab, that he is thousands of years old, and that he lives on the moon...

But she can at least try to talk to him, maybe he can help.


"It's really difficult..." Eidolon says while sitting on a couch. Jane is in front of her and Darcy as his side too close to comfort. But he just ignore her. "I myself just met Thor on that same day, so I can't speak for him, but... Let me say something." Eidolon continues.

'I'm giving many pep talks lately... Well, whatever.' Eidolon thinks. Is not a bad thing, many big problems in Marvel always start with small things or misunderstandings.

If he can stop something bad from happening with a little 10-minute talk, he would be more than happy.

It is not just about avoiding disasters. His meta knowledge could help to take someone faster from some depressive thoughts like with Captain America, or Jessica by using his "Protagonist Speech".

Is also a good way to check the person's personality and see what version of the character he is dealing with.

There are simply too many versions of characters in so many universes. For all he knows everyone could be evil here.

Eidolon starts talking "By what you said, you and Thor himself just discovered recently that he is something... more. You guys just don't have the time to figure out how to work all of this. And now you are here all alone, with a thousand thoughts... Stagnate without the opportunity to take action. Is no wonder that your mind you going to dark places." he says

"To this, you will have to wait for Thor. If he said that he will come back, he will come back. And he lived for a long time among us, so do not worry... He must be familiar with our concept of time he will not appear ten years from now thinking that just passed two days."

"The main problem is that apparently, Loki damaged the Bifrost..." Eidolon put his fingers on his chin "And probably there will be so many problems for him to take care of now. So it should take some months." He says and watching Jane sigh makes him go assure her again

"But he will come back. That's for certain..." And he decides to continue "You know that spell that he is put under? The mind control of Amora apparently doesn't create feelings from nothing. She just transfers pre-existing feelings to her..." Eidolon gave Jane a look

"That's means that Thor loves you very much. I don't know how your relationship will work from now, but I believe that he really wants to take things seriously with you. The fact that he discovered himself as a God of Thunder changes nothing."

After Eidolon finish Jane smiles a little. Eidolon doesn't give her an answer, because he doesn't have one, but he managed to calm their nerves.

Sincerely, Hector doesn't believe that the relationship between Thor and Jane has a future. His own prejudice against Super / normal relationships and his meta-knowledge make up his mind.

But is not like he will sabotage the thing. Right now, Jane is a good thing to Thor. He will let the two of them figure it out on their own.

Who knows? Maybe in this universe it will work out.

"By the way, they, Loki and Amora, were only able to capture Thor because they used an image of you as a bait..." He adds to emphasize how much Thor cares for Jane now.

He remembers that in that movie Jane try dating new people because Thor stayed away for months and she didn't know how Thor felt. He can help him with that now.

"You know, Ms. Foster. One of my mottos is: 'Suffering for anticipation is suffering more than necessary'. Don't torture yourself with dark thoughts. Take this time to focus a little on yourself, and your research... When Thor comes back you guys can talk." Eidolon advises.

Jane appears to be in thought "Yeah... I think that you're right... You know, the reveal that aliens exist just makes my work even more exciting! And here I'm all depressed." She lets out a sigh and Eidolon sees that her expression it's much better now.

"Thank you Eidolon." She says gratefully.

"I consider Thor my friend already, is only natural that I help." He shrugs with a smile in his eyes.

"So wise..." Darcy says dreamily while caressing Eidolon's chest.

"Darcy, Hand." Jane facepalms

"What?" Darcy asks slowly like nothing is wrong. "I'm just checking if his heart is beating..."

Hector finds it funny, but he keeps a stoic face.

"Answer me something, Eidolon..." Jane suddenly goes to ask

"Go on..."

"Is true... that.. while Thor was under the control of Amora... They got intimate?" Jane asks looking into Eidolon's eyes.

Eidolon remembers Amora kissing Thor, and Thor reciprocating because of the spell "I haven't seen that happening, and I arrived early." He lies, a guy needs to cover for his bros.

If Thor wants to come clean with Jane, his decision. Eidolon has nothing to do with it.

Jane nods, accepting Eidolon's answer.

"Now, I need to go." Eidolons say while getting up.

"Already?" Darcy asked willingly.

"Yeah... I'm sure that we will meet again." he says

"Alright, let me open the door to you this ti-" Jane starts but stops "Where did he go?"

"I don't know... I looked away a second and he disappeared." Darcy says unsure.


Mutant Town/Ghetto, Night some days later.

Mutant Ghetto is a remote part of New York where roughly a thousand mutants, or what they are starting to be called nowadays: meta-humans, live.

Similar to what happened with the segregation of black people in the first half of the 20th century, the mutants live isolated from the rest of the city because they will not receive the same treatment as their fellow humans out there.

Even if there's no law openly discriminating against mutants, there are no laws defending them either.

The Mutant Ghetto is the place where the metas can have "normal" lives without being lynched or worse... Water, electricity and other vital amenities reach the place. So is livable.

But the whole ghetto is very much poor. Commerce only happen between them and sometimes things that the gangs smuggle from outside.

Normal people sometimes visit... Most of the part with bad intentions. And the one with good intentions usually wants to visit the strip clubs or brothels to see the "exotic goods".

Police patrols are scarce and generally they just bully the locals, throwing their little authority around on the "lesser people".

Most of the inhabitants have very weak powers with changes in appearance. So it is difficult to defend themselves in the case of some extremist anti-mutant groups appearing to do some "cleanse".

So the people here are generally under the protection of gangs.

There are only two gangs in the whole ghetto. And unfortunately is the best prospect of rising in life in these parts.

People with a little better powers became criminals, for lack of options.

Right now, Callisto and Caliban are waiting to meet one of these gangs.

"Well, well long time no see, Callisto. I'm almost thinking that you forget lil ol me." A man approaches accompanied by only another.

The two are in formal attire. But while the first that talked has an appearance that resembles a businessman, the other man's vibe screams hitman.

The first man, and obviously the boss, is Frankie Zapruder one of the two gang bosses of Mutant Town. He is a fat man middle-aged man, that has no unusual features but is his power that makes him live in the ghetto.

His power is Mood Odor (self-explanatory), which makes him emit different odors based on his mood. When he has negative emotions like anger and anxiety he emits a bad smell. And when he is happy he smells good.

Callisto at the moment can smell that he is in a good mood.

The man accompanying Frankie is Vincent, also known as Zippermouth. Like his codename, his distinctive feature is his huge mouth that goes from ear to ear.

His power is a simple empathic ability that allows him to scan people in his environment and determine their moods and intentions. It is useful to be a bodyguard.

Zippermouth narrows his eyes a little when he spots Callisto and Caliban.

"The world is going crazy, just keeping my head down for a bit." Callisto says making Frankie scoff.

"You can say that. Things are pretty difficult lately. A man needs to do everything to survive..." Frankie says while lighting a cigar.

"Like kidnapping and selling our fellow targets?" Callisto receives Eidolon's commands telepathically and throws all pretenses out the window.

Her declaration makes Frankie pauses. Before he starts laughing

"HAHAHA! You're smarter than you look, girl." He says without any shame "I choose the winning side. I would make you an offer to join, but... I know that you're a pain in the ass with all that responsibility bullshit and you will fetch for a good price. You're a better breed than us, right Vincent?"

"You think that you're winning? Just wait till Eidolon come for your ass." Callisto says looking angry. But Zippermouth finds it strange that she is not as angry as she looks.

"Pfft. HAHAHAHA Did you learn nothing in all these years, girl." Frankie laughs even more before looking at her "God doesn't care about us. Did you think the all-powerful Eidolon will care? He must be very happy receiving head pats and belly rubs with his fellow Avengers." The odor that is emiting becomes even more prominent.

At this moment Zippermouth grows even warier.

Callisto doesn't show anger because of Frankie's mockery. In truth is the opposite, Zippermouth can feel scorn and... satisfaction.

"Sir, there is something strange." Zippermouth starts saying and already reaching out for his pistols.

But he is punched in the face and knocked out instantly. Mikhail appears from nowhere making the smirk that Frankie wore slip off from his face.

Grabbing the gang boss by the necklace, Mikhail's shoulder throws him onto the ground.

"Argh!" Frankie gasps for air while on the ground.

"Not so smug now, huh? Scum." Callisto says while stepping on Zapruder's chest.

"Girl... You don't know on what are you getting yourself into... Hehe." He gives an ugly smile.

"What? Are you talking about the hidden squad surrounding us?" Callisto says shocking Frankie.

"Wha-?" And before he could finish the many soldiers just drops from the sky unceremoniously. Frankie's eyes widen and he asks "How?"

And the answer appears to him.

On the form of Eidolon slowly landing on the ground.

"Damn, man." Callisto closes her nostrils with her hand "That is the most fetid that you ever have been." She mocks the mouth-agape gang boss.

"So they planned to ambush and capture us tonight? No wonder he agreed to the meeting so easily." Caliban says looking at the unconscious soldiers.

"It's appears that my presence makes them have a little shortage of 'goods'." Eidolon comments calmly.

"So they targeted the Morlocks." Mikhail finishes the thought

"Only business, huh? Motherfucker." Callisto kicks Frankie on the ground.

"These people are not from here. They are too well equipped." Mikhail says while checking the people that Eidolon dropped.

"A third-party... The 'client'... Care to tell me more, Frankie Zapruder?" Eidolon eyes the criminal coldly.

Mikhail grabs Frankie, bringing him to his knees.

"Heh. Go fuck yourself. " The gang boss says before spitting on Eidolon.

It never reached the black-clad hero, but Mikhail punchs Frankie in the stomach and making him cough blood nonetheless.

"Do you think you won? You have no idea what is happening right now, huh? While you're here..." Frankie continues while gasping for air, but Eidolon completes to him.

"...another squad is being led by Daniel Kaufman to attack the place where the Morlocks live."

Frankie's eyes just grow more.

'Is this guy really a god?' He thinks while his odor only grows in intensity.

"Heh. Kaufman will find a good surprise there." Callisto laughs.

"Now, Mr. Zapruder. Who is your client?" Eidolon asks with an extra something in his voice.

"I don't know..." Frankie can't resist but answer truthfully.

"You don't know-" Callisto was ready to punch him, but Eidolon stops her.

"He can't lie. This is one of my powers." Eidolon says before continuing. "How do you contact your customer? And where do you deliver the people that you kidnap?" Eidolon starts the interrogation.


On the sewers

Daniel Kaufman, or Shakey, is the other gang boss of the Mutant Ghetto.

He is also a Middle-aged man on a business suit, he has long black, but his hairline is receding on a widow's peak.

His power is simply generating high amounts of adrenaline. And even if it gives him above-average strength, it also makes him prone to fits of rage.

He usually vents his frustrations on his bodyguard by beating him up. His bodyguard is a tall blonde man full of scars.

Jimmy Damiano, or Mister Punch, doesn't feel pain, as well as being Shakey Kaufman's bodyguard he is also his punchbag.

But right now Mister Punch is not faring very well.

Him and many others are unconscious on the ground. Some are even dead.

All because They met Gigantomachia.

Shakey, right now is paralyzed, even with great bursts of adrenaline inaction takes over him before the giant of a man blocking his path.

This should have been an easy job.

Frankie Zarpruder captures the strongest Morlocks in the meeting place and he goes to raid the place full of the rest of the scum.

The client lent many well-equipped and well-trained soldiers. It should have been a walk in the park.

But is over before they even have a chance to fight.

"Master said to capture alive. But so weak... So weak... WHYYYY? WHY SO WEAK? NOW I KILLED MANY. I FAILED MASTEEER!" Machia screams while crying rivers.

"Calm down, Machia." Eidolon's voice can be heard through the Palantir on Machia's neck.

"Master..." Machia gently grabs the crystal ball gently.

"I don't blame you. Just clean the corpses and catch the ones alive. Stay on guard for the rest of the night." Eidolon says before cutting the comunication off.

Machia nods before obeying.


Back to Eidolon

After contacting Machia, Eidolon turns to everyone and uses [Compress] to capture Frankie and the others. And store them in one of his mantle pockets.

He already has all the information he wants.

It's time to raid some labs.

"Mikhail, you come with me. The rest go back. Callisto, in the future we will take control and disperse the gangs of Mutant Town. Try to collect information when you can." Eidolon says making Callisto nod.

Grabbing Mikhail telekinetically Eidolon starts flying.

"From the soldier's own mouth we have their base. There are eight that really matter here in New York. Two of them are where they do the experiments. You and I will go on the main base, and I already sent Lady Jade and Huntress on the secondary base." Eidolon says while they stop above an apparently abandoned factory.

"And the other six places?" Mikhail asks

"Are places to store weapons, to keep they people and escape routes. I got that covered too." Eidolon says before raising his hand

A mouth appears on the palm of his hand and black ectoplasm starts being regurgitated. Using Ectoplasm-sensei clone quirk is better than Twice's one because the clones are more resistant and is possible to control them.

Eidolon can also duplicate himself thanks to Dark Danny's powers, but his limit is just making two of himself for now.

And his power drops a little when he splits himself.

After a dozen of clones be formed, they fly away without a word to the designated places.

"There are many soldiers, with rifles and pistols. Some people with power and many hostages... Be careful." Eidolon conveys the situation inside the place that he can see with his X-ray vision.

"Try not to kill any scientist, especially one using a blue coat and with a big mustache. And..." Eidolon pauses

"Ugh... So is this plot... Let's go, Mikhail. Just take care of the goons." Eidolon says before dipping down.

"Fucking Deadpool..." He mutters before invading the place.


Mikhail can dispatch any henchman easily. His mobility coupled with his physical capabilities made him the terror of these low-level goons.

Especially in a closed space like that.

Hector checks his fight a little and finds similarities with the opening scene of an X-men movie where Nightcrawler invades the White House.

Punch and disappearing, kicking and disappearing, grabbing one guy and giving him a Screwdriver and before hitting the ground he is already choke holding another guy.

Is one-sided.

After ending all the soldiers on this floor, he hears a ding... the elevator.

Someone is coming. Readying himself he waits for the double doors of the elevator to open revealing only one person.

'A Woman?' Mikhail thinks

Hector almost laughs at the situation while he keeps tabs on everything in the Building.

Mikhail just met Angel Dust, the woman that fought Colossus, Mikhail's brother, in the Deadpool movie.

'There's really destiny?' Eidolon muses to himself while he does his own things in another part of the lab.

The tall, black-haired woman says nothing while slowly approaching Mikhail. She crackles her knuckles while getting ready for the fight.

And she suddenly gets a right hook on the face.

Although Mikhail is a little bit of an old-fashioned guy, he is not Colossus. He is not a gentle person. And he is with Eidolon, so he is also an advocate of true gender equality.

Angel Dust is brought to her knees by the punch, but she gets up, surprising Mikhail.

"It appears that you are not a normal member of the fairer sex. I will treat you as such..." Mikhail says before putting on a fighting stance.

Angel Dust throws herself at him, trying to grab his waist and slam him against the wall. But Mikhail just disappears and lets her go head first on the concrete.

Appearing behind her, he grabs her vest and pulls her from the wall before slamming her on the wall again. And again. And again. And again.

Till she roars and grabs his arm and slams Mikhail on the wall, she tries giving him a punch in the face. But Mikhail blocks her forearm from by not allowing her to build momentum and headbutts her.

She gives some steps back after the hit, but Mikhail is also hurt.

"You are harder than expected. Good, good... I can try that thing on you." Mikhail says rubbing his forehead

Mikhail's fists start to glow in a blue light. His powers are evolving.

Initially, he could only "blink" across space. But the truth of his powers is much more complex.

Spatial Warping, allows him to manipulate subatomic matter and warp energy by altering their wavelengths to an unknown degree. In addition to using it to teleport, he also can use it offensively.

And he is slowly figuring it out after Eidolon throws some light on the true nature of his power.

Mikhail goes for another punch, Angel Dust blocks but her forearm bends a little.

She widens her eyes feeling her broken bone.

Mikhail does not give any more time before burying his other fist in her face.


Eidolon P.O.V.

Oh, Mikhail finished on his side. I should wrap things around here too.

Well, I already finished.

I captured Ajax and the leading scientist Dr. Emrys Killebrew. He was not in the movies, he is a geneticist and worked on the Weapon X Project, but now he is here on The Workshop, or whatever he calls this endeavor.

I have seen his mind, many important people finance these thins. Before I call the police and the inevitable arrival of S.H.I.E.L.D. I will throw everything on the internet. The idiot let their files here with true names... Retards...

Will be good for PR, people think that metas don't suffer. That we're blessed with powers and have easy lives.

Let's slap their faces with a little of grim reality.

I will keep most of the scientists to myself to use them as human resources. If they do it with others, I can do it with them, right?

Now I will rescue the victims. Seriously, trying to awaken the meta-gene using torture is another level of fucked up.

Yes, it's proven that many times, is in moments of distress that the powers awaken, but... Ugh, whatever. These guys think that we are disposable. So what if 9 out of 10 die?

Now I need to address the elephant in the room.

Or better yet, the red and black anti-hero in the room.

"Motherfucker! Why in all timelines a big Russian guy and his edgy sidekick need to stop me from killing that evil British Shitstick?" Deadpool rants while trapped in my forcefield bubble.

Wait... Is this his fourth wall awareness? I'm curious, but I'm not touching him with Power Manipulation or Telepathy even if I'm paid with the Infinity Stones.

And he just compared me with Negasonic Teenage Warhead? I'm much cooler

And I'm not the sidekick. Mikhail is the sidekick...

"Shut up, Deadpool. Ajax will never hurt anyone more. Why didn't you go back to Vaness-"I start but he interrupts me

"Not even start you protagonist bullcrap to me, Mister. I'm not buying it. Just lend me that cockfissle for a second to me to finish everything. Damnit, I wasted weeks tracking that evil Muppet and you arrive and blueball me."

"Well, if you searched him as an Ajax instead of Francis, maybe you would have finished it a lot sooner..." I say.



"Damnit, because of this you're the Main Character..." He exclaims.

What bullshit he's talking about?

I'm the Main Character?

Oh no, I'm on a fanfic, aren't I? shit

Who's the author? I hope someone above 12 years old.

Heh. Jokes aside, maybe Wade is really crazy. Maybe this is real life and he has some sort of hallucinations that makes him think that he is on a comic or whatever. So he thinks that he is talking with the audience.

But maybe he is right... And so what? What changes?

Did my acts are decided by the writer? Or the writer receives inspiration from my actions? Who is controlling who? Who comes first, the Egg or the Chicken?

Whatever, nothing good comes of thinking about that.

Author, if you're there... Give me a package of goth girls on the next gacha. Thank you.

(Author: No.)

Dmm? Did I just hear something? I must be imagining things.

"Stop cursing, Wade. You're annoying me." I say to the anti-hero

"Fuck you, this story is R-18." He answers but I decide to be a little more threatening.

"Deadpool... Maybe you're taking this too lightly." I say narrowing my eyes and making the ball force field shrink, squeezing him. "I just saw you killing a bunch of people. I can very well give you the same treatment... In truth, I think that you're too much trouble. A liability... Maybe I should end you, right here and right now..."

"So... What can you say to change my mind?" I ask the now trembling Deadpool.

He slowly raises his hands in surrender and goes to speak


"..." Okay, he's good.


Xavier Institute, Jean Gray P.O.V.

"Jean, check this out!" I hear Kitty calling me while I just walk through the door of our room.

Rogue and Jubilee are present too.

Our relationship improved overall and continued good even after Rogue is cleansed from Eidolon's influence.

She even kept some habits of him, like jogging every morning and she is training and studying more seriously now.

"What is it?" I aks approaching

"Watch this!" She says showing her smartphone

Is a video from Eidolon.

"Oh, I have already seen that. Is it from that rescue of the two kids that are almost run over by the fleeing criminals?" I say

"Yes, but this is after that. Just shut up and watch it."

So I go to watch. Is really after Eidolon saved the children. The rescue is cool, he appears in the path of the car and extends his hand, and makes the car stop, he uses that power that makes things elastic, so no one is hurt. Not even the criminals.

Is interesting seeing the car deforming on his body.

"Are you gonna fly like a superhero?" I hear the kid, a boy asking Eidolon on the video.

"Fly like a superhero?" Eidolon turns to the boy and kneels down to keep an eye level "I don't know how to do that... I have never gone to a Hero School." He puts on an exaggerated thoughtful expression..

Pfft. Hero School, like something like that exists. Wait... Are we...?

"Why you don't teach me how to do it?" Eidolon asks the boy

"Is something like that *Boom* and goes..." The child starts doing some poses like flexing the knees and raising this little fist high in the air.

"I see, I see... Like this?" Eidolon mimics the kid.

Hehe. I can't help but smile. He is cute, acting like that...

After some more seconds, Eidolon stops "Um... I think I have a good grasp now. But how I land?"


"Yeah, the superhero landing... Do you know how to do one too?"

"Must be something like this..." And the kid demonstrates how is a superhero landing. Probably from some cartoons out there.

"Understood. Now I know. Thank you." And Eidolon fist bumps the child before taking flight exactly like the kid said.

"Hehe. Cute..." I comment.

"Wait, the video has not ended." Kitty says making me look at the smartphone again.

After that is shown the compilation of Eidolon in action and...


"He is doing what the kid taught him.." I realized.

"HE IS DOING WHAT THE KID TAUGHT HIM, YES!" Kitty exclaims "He is too wholesome... *Huff*"

Kitty makes an act of faint on the bed. Forearm above her eyes and hand clenching on her heart. "I can't... A tall and Strong guy acting cute like that... The gap moe is too much... Ugh... I'm gonna die..."

The drama queen continues "Like that video of him cooking to that little children..." She comments

Ah, that one is nice too.

The case is like this, a little child calls the police to denounce his father that is beating his mom. But the police think that is a prank call and it almost ended up in tragedy.

The mother would be dead if Eidolon didn't show up. When the police arrive, Eidolon already solved everything. He took the mother to the hospital because of shock (He already healed her) and he is making lunch for the three kids.

The cops were the ones who recorded him cooking pancakes.

Seeing a super-powerful guy doing normal things like that is funny.

And those pancakes looked good. A man of many talents.

"Now we know what is Kitty type..." Jubilee comments at the side. "Is a big stoic guy with a big heart. Like a certain metal man here on the mansion."

Heh. This makes Kitty blush. Even if he is Eidolon's fangirl, she has a big crush on Colossus. Everyone laughs seeing her acting timid.

"Shut up y'all." She goes to look at her smartphone to hide her embarrassment "Hm? Who is that?"

She shows the screen of her smartphone. There's a Picture of Eidolon and a Woman. A fan apparently.

She is under his mantle, only her head is popping out and the subtitle says "Safest place on Earth"

The photo is a littl funny. Eidolo is looking at her like "Whos is this creature?".

I can't help but imagine those dangerous animals that don't care when other small animals go close. Like lions or crocodiles...

"Darcy Lewis?" Kitty's fingers move fast and she is already searching for everything about this woman.

"I think that is the first picture of Eidolon with a fan, no?" jubilee comments

Well, not exactly... His first picture of him is with me. I think with a little pride.

Eidolon rarely interacts with people who are not policemen, criminals or kids.

He just do his job efficiently.

"Darcy Lewis, graduating on Astrophysicist. Working with Dr. Jane Foster. Residence in New Mexico. Oh, this is yesterday when he stopped that fire." Kitty comments while looking at her phone.

"Damn woman, calm down. You look like a crazy fan." Rogue says rolling her eyes.

"And you're a groupie." Kitty retorts.

"You're the groupie! You are the one fawning over him." Rogue shots back

"And you're the one using his hairstyle right now." Kitty says making Rogue splutter.

"Wh-I-I was training. This has nothing to do with him." Rogue retorts a little too much on the defensive.

I decide to go check the picture myself. Wow, many likes.

There are comments like "Girl get on Eidolon mantle, Lucky Bitch", "Did you get a little handsy?", "If I was the one there I would already kneeled". Damn, women are thirsty.

Someone asked if this is the first picture with a fan of Eidolon and Darcy Lewis herself answered saying "He himself said that someone already has a picture with him. That is the second on the world."

Oh, he remembers...

I ask myself when he will come to visit.

(A.N.: And the readers too. Here is a little of X-men girls to help with your guys addiction. Is not because chronologically the visit is close, that story-wise the visit is close.)


Third Person P.O.V

Unknown place.

Raven Darkholme, the shapeshifter meta also knows as Mystique discreetly approaches a house on the suburbs of a quiet town.

Here live her long-last friend and lover Irene Adler, also known as Destiny, a meta with precognitive powers.

They met each other almost a hundred years ago. Irene is already an old Woman now. Fragile and walking on verging of death. But Mystique, thanks to her powers, still maintains her youth even though she is older than Wolverine.

"Irene, my dear. You should rest..." Raven says when she finds Irene sitting in the living room.

The TV is On, even if Irene can't see it. But she can hear it.

Irene uses a Golden mask and clothes that cover all of her body. A form of protection in the past, that she is accustomed to always wearing now.

"I was thinking, my love..." Irene answers softly, her voice weak.

"About what?"

"Him" Irene signals to the TV, the reporter talking about the newly discovered "Workshop that creates metas". Eidolon is the point of discussion at the moment

Raven wonders how Magneto hasn't seen something like that happening.

"What about him? He is of no importance." Raven says she don't want to Irene to burden herself with anything.

"I think he is... Of great importance." Irene says "Some dreams changed... I do not see things clearly. Seeing snippets and never the full picture... I think I need to go all out."

"No, you can't. The burden is too much. There's no need for you to do that." Raven protests holding Irene's hand tightly "I will not allow it."

"My love It's okay. I will not live for too long anyway... I can go knowing how things end... And I can give to you some important information." Irene says.

And she does not wait for Raven as she uses her power at maximum capacity.

With only one word as her focus... Eidolon.

She feels like she is in the middle of a kaleidoscope of images.

She can see many things.

Fights that can uproot skyscrapers...

Gods falling...



Wings made of flame...

Demons, angels...

Planets are being blown to smithereens...

Other planets growing with life...

People kneeling...

People Fighting...

Giant robots...

A silver man...

A purple giant...

Wings of darkness...

An arm going through a woman's torso...

Rage... Slaughter...

A pentagram shining ominously on the sky...

A city enveloped in red...

A floating city...

Heroes vs Villains...

Heroes vs Heroes...

A huge throne...

Blue eyes looking directly at her... !!!

"That is enough..." She hears one deep voice that looks like comes from everywhere "Don't do that again."


Back to the present Destiny stumbles and falls on her knees like she was hit.

"Irene!" Raven goes quickly to help her.

Irene is gasping for air.

Her mask fell from her face.

Her eyes are white, a result of her blindness. Her face wrinkled and with little hair on the top of her head.

And on her face. On her left cheek... A red palm imprint.

"What? What happened?" Ravens asks shocked "Who hit you??" She almost screams

"Its... It's okay... He saved me..." She gasp for air "I almost l lose myself."


Irene interrupts her "I know what he is..." She says and something incredible happens.

The palm imprint starts to fade, and as it disappears... Irene's face starts to gain color, her wrinkles disappear, her hair grows back and gains color, and even her previously murky eyes gain clarity.

"Irene" Raven's mouth is agape.

The one standing in front of her is a young again Irene Adler

"He is our best chance." She firmly declares before looking at Raven "As beautiful as ever, my love." She says smiling

Making Raven smile before the two kisses each other.

After some time to acquaintance themselves again, they separate and Irene says.

"Raven, I need you to find someone for me... Someone that you already know..."


"Moira MacTaggert." She says and an unknown light shines in her eyes.


A.N.: And cut. Hello there.

Things are progressing, huh?

After 3 chapters of only the MC sorting things of the Gacha. It's now time to explore the Marvel world.

Do you believe that there are people that called the last chapter a filler? Bitch please... These are the introductions of many plots.

In this chapters, I'm preparing the terrain for future arcs like Iron Man 3, Thor 2 and a bunch of X-men things.

People complain that it's taking too long to update. But a 14k word chapter Every two weeks to me is much better than a 2k words chapter every two days.

What would you guys prefer? There's nothing to build on 2k worlds. Stories like that I let accumulate before reading.

It would not be strange for me to upload monthly.

In all my chapters there's always some interesting plot going on. Something to let the reader satisfied. I'm becoming better at this.

Btw, Deadpool huh? Should I kill him? I think I would kill him if was me reincarnating on Marvel. He is so much trouble, can go crazy at any time and...

Deadpool: Wait, wait, wait! You can't kill me. I'm too sexy to die.

Author: Whattafuck? H-how?

Deadpool: Because I'm Deadpool. But seriously, people love me. Look above how many gifs of me they posted when I appeared! C'mon. Go look.

Author: Stop breaking the fourth wall. And how are you here?

Deadpool: Pfft, please... Anyone can hack your account. Seriously who has "177013" as a password? You sick maniac!

Author: That's it. I'm killing you next chapter...

Deadpool: Wait, wait. C'mon man. My girl is played by Morena Baccarin. She is Brazilian like you, we are like family already.

Author: That's not how this work.

Deadpool: Okay, let's negotiate. I have some kinky videos here... me and her...

Author: ...

Deadpool: And if you make your wish-fulfillment Mc miraculously heal my nutsack of a body... I have some old nudes here. And I have the body of Ryan Reynolds...

Author: Continue...
