Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize-Chapter 111 Resurrection

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After hearing Daniel's offer, Murphy remained silent for a few minutes, his gaze fixed on the urn as he contemplated the potential complications. As a former police force commander, he was aware of the existence of the Curtained World, but he was unfamiliar with the implications that resurrection could bring. Nonetheless, he understood that such a feat should not be taken lightly.

"What price must I pay to bring her back? Is it my soul? Or perhaps my life in exchange for hers? If that's the case, then so be it. You can commence the ritual or whatever is necessary," Murphy stated with unwavering determination.

Upon hearing these words, Daniel couldn't help but smile. 𝒃𝙚𝙙𝙣𝙤𝙫𝙚𝒍.𝒐𝙧𝒈

"No, Uncle Murphy, you don't have to pay any price. I've come here to repay the debt I owe you for taking care of me when I was at the lowest point in my life," Daniel explained.

"As I've mentioned before, I wasn't the one who saved you. It was that girl, and she even provided me with some money to take care of you," Murphy disagreed, recounting the events of the past.

"I know. We've already discussed this. But when I was at my lowest, having someone to rely on until I could stand on my own two feet was a tremendous help. So, I still consider myself indebted to you, more than you can imagine," Daniel expressed his heartfelt gratitude.

Hearing this, Murphy tilted his head before breaking into a smile.

"You truly despise owing debts, don't you, lad?" Murphy remarked.

Daniel reflected on his past as an orphan, his subsequent adoption, and how he had become more of an investment for his adoptive parents to exploit. It was during those experiences that his aversion to being indebted to others had taken root.

"Perhaps you're right, Uncle Murphy. Perhaps you're right," Daniel mused, momentarily contemplating Murphy's conclusion before regaining his composure.

"But that's not the reason I'm here today," Daniel said, composing himself as he directed his gaze towards the urn.

"I mentioned earlier that she won't return as undead, but there is a small complication I need you to be aware of before we proceed," Daniel solemnly explained to Murphy, pausing to allow him to process the information.

"Go ahead. What complication are you referring to? What do you need?" Murphy inquired.

Daniel decided to introduce a slight white lie to make the explanation more comprehensible to those unfamiliar with the concept of the card.

"Since she doesn't possess a physical body and exists only as ashes, it's impossible for her to return as an undead or a regular human. Therefore, the only way to bring her back is through reincarnation as a half-angel, half-human being. It's the only solution I could come up with," Daniel explained, adding a touch of deceit to his words.

"I understand... So, do you require anything from me?" Murphy asked.

"No, Uncle Murphy, all I need is for you to place the urn on the ground and open the lid. That's all," Daniel replied.

"Alright..." Murphy carefully retrieved the urn from the shelf, cradling it in both hands as if it were a precious treasure, before gently placing it on the ground.

Daniel gestured for Murphy to keep a safe distance, uncertain of how the actualization process would unfold. Murphy assisted by moving the furniture in the room, creating ample space for Daniel to perform the ritual.

Once the furniture had been cleared, Murphy positioned himself at a respectful distance, observing the ritual with anticipation.

Daniel allowed his consciousness to sink into his mindscape, accessing the power of the "Angelic Essence" card and directing it towards the pile of ash within the urn.

As the radiant light poured forth from the ashes, a sacred aura enveloped the room, infusing it with an ethereal glow that seemed to transcend the mortal realm. The brilliance emanating from the ash transcended mere illumination, casting a divine radiance upon the surroundings. Every corner of the space became adorned with an otherworldly luminescence, evoking a sense of awe and reverence.

With each passing moment, the particles of ash responded to the celestial call, their earthly weight dissipating as they levitated gently in the air. Guided by an unseen force, they ascended towards the majestic glow, carried by an ethereal current that seemed to defy the laws of nature.

As the fragments of ash converged within the luminous embrace, they began to coalesce and transform, shaping themselves into an exquisite manifestation of purity and innocence. The silhouette of a young girl, bathed in the resplendent light, gradually took form before their eyes. Her features were angelic, radiating a serene beauty that transcended mortal understanding.

She materialized as a vision of grace and holiness—a being caught between the realms of angels and humans. Her presence exuded an overwhelming sense of divinity, as if she were a vessel chosen to embody celestial purity. The room itself seemed to hold its breath, humbled by the presence of this sacred entity.

Unbeknownst to Daniel and Murphy, completely immersed in the miraculous materialization of the girl, a remarkable phenomenon unfolded beyond the confines of the apartment. In the vast expanse of the sky above, the heavens themselves seemed to respond to the sacred event transpiring below. A radiant cascade of holy light streamed down, casting its divine glow upon the surrounding area and captivating the gaze of those fortunate enough to witness it.

Witnessing this celestial spectacle, a profound sense of awe and reverence welled up within the onlookers. Some, guided by an innate understanding of the significance of the moment, instinctively dropped to their knees in prayer. The presence of something sacred and transcendent permeated the air, stirring a spiritual connection within the hearts of both devoted believers and unsuspecting witnesses alike.

Even individuals with limited knowledge of the Curtained World, such as novice priests, found themselves drawn into this extraordinary scene. Overwhelmed by the palpable divinity emanating from the heavens, they too joined in silent reverence and supplication.

In the midst of this awe-inspiring display, numerous individuals instinctively reached for their mobile phones, eager to capture and preserve this extraordinary moment. The ethereal radiance pouring down from the heavens, mingling with the earthly realm, became immortalized in countless photographs and videos—an enduring testament to the inexplicable convergence of the mortal and divine.

In one of the churches, a priest clad in a black trench coat stood resolute. The emblem of a Christian cross adorned his cassock-like shirt, overlapping the cross key. A blade scar marred his left eye, lending a ruggedness to his countenance. His piercing eyes mirrored the sharpness of an eagle's gaze, while streaks of white intertwined with his short black hair, adorning his temples. A hint of stubble on his face evoked the image of a seasoned warrior, weathered by the trials of battle.

This priest was none other than the one who had observed Daniel and Michaela at the bank after the auction. His visage remained solemn, contrasting starkly with any other priest who beheld this scene.

"Abominable!" the priest uttered with disdain, his voice filled with righteous indignation. Without hesitation, he swiftly made his way towards the location of the apartment.

Inside Murphy's room, the ethereal form of the girl continued to materialize before their eyes. As she took shape, two radiant wings unfurled from her back, formed by shimmering particles of light. With graceful movements, wearing a white one piece cloth she descended gently to the ground, landing on her two feet. Her eyes remained closed, shielding her from the outside world, while her chest began to rise and fall in a steady rhythm, a testament to the return of life within her.

The girl's eyes slowly opened, revealing mesmerizing golden irises that exuded a sense of divinity and reverence. Within those captivating eyes, a mixture of confusion and profound surprise could be seen as she beheld her father, who appeared five years older than she remembered.

"Daddy?! What...?" The girl's voice trailed off as she glanced around the room, her expression filled with bewilderment. Turning to the one person she recognized, she asked, "Where am I?"

Tears welled up in Murphy's eyes as he gazed at his daughter, overcome with a flood of emotions. He couldn't believe that the impossible had become a reality. It was as if his deepest yearnings, his desperate pleas, had been answered in the most miraculous way. Trembling with joy, he reached out and gently touched her face, as if to confirm that she was truly there.

"Oh, my sweet Molly, my little girl! It's really you!" Murphy's voice cracked with emotion as he spoke, his words filled with a mixture of disbelief, overwhelming happiness, and profound gratitude for Daniel. He could feel his heart bursting with love for his daughter, a love that had never waned even in her absence.

Murphy hugged his daughter tightly, as if fearing that if he released her, she would disappear like the many dreams he had experienced over the past five years. Every ounce of his being longed to protect her, to make up for the lost time, and to ensure that she would never be taken away from him again.

"Daddy…." Molly hugged him back, seeking solace and reassurance in his embrace. She gradually began to accept the reality of what had happened to her, but she still needed her father to fill in the gaps and tell her exactly what had transpired after she had lost consciousness on her bed. In that heartfelt embrace, the weight of their separation, the pain of loss, and the years of longing for each other seemed to melt away, replaced by a deep sense of connection and unconditional love.

In that moment, they knew that they had been granted a precious second chance, a chance to create new memories and rebuild their bond. Murphy vowed to cherish every moment with his beloved daughter, to guide her through life's challenges, and to make up for the time they had lost. As they held each other, their tears mingling, they felt an unbreakable bond, forged through adversity and now strengthened by the miracle of Molly's resurrection.