Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize-Chapter 92 The Aftermath 1

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With determination, Daniel delved into his mindscape, seeking the card that would be most effective in this dire situation.

Card: Cleansing Fire

Picture: The picture of the white flame pyre that burns the foul creatures, reducing them to ashes.

Rarity: Rare 𝘣𝑒𝑑𝘯𝘰𝘷𝑒𝘭.𝑜𝘳𝘨

Type: Spell

Mana Cost: 1 Light, 1Fire, 1 Non Element

Description: Deal 3 Damage to all creatures, if it dies, exile it instead of putting it into graveyard.

Flavor text: The fire that will cleanse all sins and foul substances turning them to nothing but ashes.

The white flame, radiant in its brilliance, danced and flickered with an ethereal glow. Its intense heat embraced the bodies submerged in the pool, swiftly consuming them in a cleansing blaze. As the flame engulfed each form, a sense of release and purification permeated the air. The lingering stench of decay and suffering was banished, replaced by the subtle scent of smoldering embers. Undesirable substances were stripped away, leaving behind only fragile remnants of what once was.

Amidst the consuming flame, something extraordinary unfolded. The souls trapped within the soul trapped bodies found solace in the purifying inferno. One by one, they emerged from their physical confines, rising as ethereal beings of light. A collective sigh of relief echoed through the air as their radiant forms shimmered and danced with newfound freedom.

In this moment of liberation, the souls turned their gazes towards Daniel, their expressions a mixture of gratitude and peace. Their eyes, once burdened with pain and sorrow, now held a glimmer of serenity. A smile graced their lips as they extended silent thanks to the man who had orchestrated their release from torment.

As the last traces of the bodies dissolved into ash, the souls began to fade, their luminous essence gradually dispersing into the surrounding atmosphere. Michaela, her heart heavy with compassion, clasped her hands together and offered a solemn prayer. Her soft words resonated with hope, beseeching the heavens to embrace these redeemed souls and guide them to their rightful place of rest.

Together, Daniel and Michaela stood witness to the culmination of their efforts—a cleansing fire that had not only consumed the physical remains, but had also granted solace to the tormented spirits, allowing them to find peace in their final moments.

As the Sylvan tree continued its rapid withering, its fruits underwent a remarkable transformation. In a matter of moments, they shrunk in size, their once alluring features now fading into the wrinkles of old age. Ultimately, they disintegrated into fragile remnants, resembling nothing more than crumbling sacks of bones.

Amidst this spectacle, a radiant beam of light bathed the tree, highlighting a single fruit that defied the withering fate of its predecessors. Growing swiftly, it reached the size of a five-year-old girl, perched atop the now crumbling tree. Without hesitation, Daniel sprang into action, rushing to catch the descending fruit. In this extraordinary circumstance, he instinctively recognized her as a girl rather than merely a fruit from the Sylvan Tree.

With a resounding thud, Daniel's swift action prevented the girl from plummeting to the ground. As he held her in his arms, he observed her serene breathing, her soft and lustrous red hair inviting to the touch. In her slumber, she appeared as a cherubic angel, no different from any other child, except for the striking hue of her hair. Daniel pondered whether she should be classified as a human or a plant.

Recalling the moment when he incinerated the plant's nourishment, he sensed a profound shift within it. It was as if the plant, realizing its inability to survive in that environment, had chosen to transform itself. All its energy condensed into a single fruit, now cradled in Daniel's arms, in the form of this sleeping child.

It was as though the Sylvan Tree possessed a certain level of consciousness, perceiving the events unfolding in its vicinity.

Daniel gazed down at the innocent child nestled peacefully in his arms, a smile gracing his face. He retrieved a sheet of cloth from his 'Universal Pocket' and tenderly wrapped the child in it. Together with Michaela, he made his way out of the room.

Upon emerging from the basement, Daniel instructed one of his soldiers to conduct a thorough search of the entire research facility once more, ensuring no one remained hidden. Once the search was complete, the facility would be obliterated, leaving nothing but ashes and rubble. Daniel was determined to prevent any further use or recovery of the basement's contents.

With the girl cradled gently in his arms, Daniel stepped into the waiting VTOL aircraft, leaving the aftermath in the capable hands of the soldiers and Penthesilea, who commanded the team from the battleship. Exhaustion weighed upon him, a weariness that seeped into his bones after bearing witness to the unspeakable cruelty of the mages within the basement of the Willow family research center.

As the aircraft ascended into the sky, Daniel sought solace in the comforting presence of Michaela by his side. The events of the day had taken their toll on him, both physically and emotionally.

Seeking solace in the safety of his quarters and the embrace of sleep, Daniel's weariness tugged at him. However, a nagging concern pulled at his thoughts—he couldn't ignore the unconscious Wrath at the base hospital. He needed to ensure her well-being before he could rest without worry.

And then there was the matter of the little girl nestled in his arms. Thoughts of her stirred a headache within Daniel, for he couldn't comprehend why he had extended his help to her. Despite knowing her origins, born from the abominable Sylvan tree, he couldn't turn a blind eye.

Was it her powerless and innocent appearance that moved him? Perhaps. Or could it be that the tree had fought to survive with its last desperate attempt, succeeding in creating this child? The concept of sentient Sylvan trees perplexed him, leaving him with only conjectures.

Michaela, sensing his inner turmoil, placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, wordlessly reassuring him. Their unspoken bond, forged through companionship during the hardship, resonated deeply. With a nod of gratitude, Daniel carefully placed the girl on a nearby seat, ensuring her comfort. Settling into his own seat, he closed his eyes, surrendering to the soothing hum of the aircraft's engines.


— Sector Alpha City - Port Area - Daniel's Secret Base —

Within the expansive underground base, its vastness akin to that of a bustling city, bright lights illuminated the surroundings. The ceiling, towering nearly 300 meters above, contained a network of facilities that contributed to the base's bustling economic activity.

After two days had passed, Veneziale's men, having successfully passed the stringent screenings conducted by both Maria and Penthesilea, seamlessly integrated into the base. They assumed roles as staff in the base's restaurants and various stores, supporting its economic infrastructure. The underground environment, though confined, offered enough diversions and activities to prevent monotony during the extended stay.

In the heart of this bustling city-like expanse, the Atlantean soldiers maintained a disciplined and regimented environment. They moved with purpose, executing their duties with precision and focus. The strict adherence to protocols and protocols was evident in every corner they patrolled. The aura of professionalism permeated their every action, ensuring the security and orderliness of the base.

Yet, beyond the boundaries of their working shifts, a different atmosphere emerged. In the shared spaces and recreational areas, the Atlanteans mingled with Veneziale's men, forming an unexpected camaraderie. Laughter and conversation intermingled with the clinking of glasses, as they relaxed and unwound from their arduous tasks. It was in these moments that the strict regiment gave way to a sense of camaraderie and friendship, bridging the gap between different factions and cultures.

Amidst the vibrant atmosphere, a colossal VTOL descended, gracefully landing on the hangar floor. With efficiency characteristic of the Atlantean soldiers, they swiftly transported the prisoner to the base's prison facility. The detainee would undergo thorough screening and interrogation, awaiting the subsequent processes that would determine their fate—negotiation for release, ransom to their respective faction, or even recruitment. The base operated with a meticulous system, ensuring the appropriate handling of every individual who crossed its threshold.

After a brief nap on the VTOL, Daniel descended from its imposing frame and was greeted by Maria, who had changed from her armor into an office-like attire befitting her role.

"My lord!" she called out, her eyes immediately drawn to the adorable 5-year-old girl peacefully sleeping in Daniel's arms, showing no signs of waking up anytime soon.

Daniel noticed Maria's gaze and fell silent for a moment, considering how to explain the situation. Then, an idea sparked in his mind.

"I found her in the basement. She had been kept there her entire life, so I brought her out," Daniel explained.

[Well, I didn't exactly lie. She was being kept there, after all,] Daniel thought, casting a glance at Michaela, who observed him with a deadpan expression.

"What's her name, my lord?" Maria inquired.

"I don't know. She has been sleeping ever since I found her," Daniel replied.

"By the way," Daniel changed the topic, "where is Miss Wrath?" he asked.

Maria's initial surprise faded as she quickly composed herself, her curiosity about the child in Daniel's embrace temporarily overshadowed by her professionalism.

"Ah, yes! Miss Wrath. She has stabilized, but we still don't know what happened to her exactly. However, we anticipate that she will regain consciousness soon," Maria promptly reported, her professionalism returning in full force.