MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter-Chapter 136 - : Eye-Catching (Additional updates for 400 subscribers)

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Chapter 136: Chapter 136: Eye-Catching (Additional updates for 400 subscribers)

Translator: 549690339

Suddenly, Orca had a bad feeling, and he also received a distress call from his friend. f𝚛e𝐞𝐰𝚎b𝚗o𝚟𝚎l.c𝗼m

“You’re lucky today. My friend needs backup. Next time I’ll kill you. Prairie Fire, huh? I’ll remember you.”

Li Yao slowly drew his long bow, settled an arrow, and said with a smile, “I’m afraid it’s not up to you. You’ve done well, managing to hold out against me for so long. That’s something to be proud of.”

“You’re arrogant. You’re dead in the second round.”


A startling sound came from beneath his feet. He felt his feet being entangled, and his figure was also revealed.

“I told you. You can’t escape.”

Li Yao leisurely turned around, his fingers slowly letting go.



A dazzling arcane light shot through the thief’s throat. The Soul of Falcon appeared, but the target was already dead. The Falcon slowly disappeared.

The astounded look in the thief’s eyes didn’t fade, but his life was extinguished. The frailty of a thief, facing Li Yao’s monstrous attack, along with the damage bonus from a distance of over ten yards, was simply catastrophic. He was instantly killed by a single arrow.

Li Yao glanced at the thief’s body and walked over, discovering a piece of blue leg armor. However, Li Yao didn’t need it, so he put it directly into his bag.

“The dagger is good. Shame it didn’t drop.”

Li Yao shook his head. Due to the passive effect, his figure blurred and disappeared from the audience’s view again.

Orca’s soul returned to a small cemetery. He blankly recalled the recent fight, but he still couldn’t figure out when Li Yao had set the traps. There were two of them.

“Hey, we’re being chased by monsters right now. Are you almost done?” The voice came again.

You can’t team up during the trial, and others can’t see his status.

“I died.” Orca said with a wry smile.

“What, did you get instakilled by a powerful monster?”

“No, I found a hunter from the Dark Camp and decided to kill him.”

“My god, unbelievable, you were killed by a hunter? Aren’t hunters total trash?” His teammate was utterly surprised.

“From now on, no one should say hunters are trash.” Thinking of the hunter who killed him, Orca felt powerless.

“Is he really that good?” The teammate didn’t really believe it. He knew Orca’s assassination skills too well. Ever since they undertook the elite mission to solo Invincible, Orca had proven his capabilities.

“I don’t even know how I died. I could not even scratch him and he one-shot killed me with his arrow. What do you think?” Orca was not convinced. He had been on a winning streak these past few days, but he really had no idea when Li Yao had set the traps.

He felt frustrated at losing without knowing how he lost.

KB coughed lightly and said, “I guess everyone is wondering when Prairie Fire set up the traps. Let’s take a look at the replay.”

Xiao Ze nodded and added, “The truth lies in the replay.”

Both of them were making something up. In reality, neither of them noticed when Li Yao placed the traps. Of course, the truth was in the replay.

Then the audience saw Li Yao laying traps under his feet right after he launched the Flying Round Blade, the metallic figure sliding down from his back.

The snake from the Poisonous Snake Trap was really thin and completely covered. It’s not just Orca who was dueling with Li Yao; even the audience couldn’t see it.

After the Poisonous Snake Trap landed, it went invisible and started moving around. Then Li Yao fired an arrow and dropped an Ice Trap at his feet, just like the Poisonous Snake Trap.

However, the thief’s assault had already arrived and he had focused all his attention on the back of Li Yao’s head, preparing to control Li Yao.

He didn’t notice at all that there were traps at Li Yao’s feet.

After the Intimidation successfully blocked him, the Ice Trap also entered the invisible state.

Of course, Ice Trap didn’t move, but the problem was that Li Yao’s backward jump completely attracted the thief’s attention. He turned towards Li Yao, completely unaware that there was an invisible Ice Trap to his left.

“Terrifying control.” KB said inhaling deeply.

“He’s way too monstrous. It’s one thing for him to control others with his bow. How is he also knowing the opponent’s next move in combat?” Xiao Ze was all excited and raved. The fight didn’t last long but, just like the last one, it was regarded as a classic hunter tutorial by countless people.

That’s right. She explained Li Yao’s video last time, then posted it on the official website. Not only did the players adore it. the officials also responded.

The long-empty tutorial section had its first video. The official acknowledged and rated it as a textbook-like operation. And explained, the so-called weak hunters, could learn from it.

So, when they knew Starfire and Prairie Fire were the same person, the official spent a lot.

“Like a prophet who can predict the future, I take back my previous words. This technical and perceptual skill, along with the terrifying control and judgment, will absolutely make for a terrifying and unbeatable powerhouse on the battle stage.” KB exclaimed excitedly.

“Not bad, another new star has risen in Huaxia.” Xiao Ze also affirmed.

At this moment, after the two of them explained and set up the stage, the entire venue was already boiling.

Talking about kills, talking about sweeping thousands, they had been through a lot of games, saw all sorts of scenes. Even if it was made realistic, but many

people thought it was just so so.

However, seeing Li Yao’s monstrous operation, they were already thrilled. He was playing smart, playing with his brain.

At this time, the backstage sent a message, ‘Put all of your focus on Prairie

Fire, put his image and commentary first.’

KB and Xiao Ze looked at each other, apparently the official also realized the value of Li Yao. This kind of astonishing detailed and weird operation, compared to the grand scene, was even more thrilling and made the blood boil. The propaganda effect is greater.

At this moment, Li Yao didn’t know that he had become the real protagonist.

And the other players did not know that they tried so hard to show themselves, but basically had no chance to be on the main screen. As long as Li Yao revealed his figure, the main picture immediately switched to Li Yao.

Of course, fortunately they didn’t know it, or else all the elite players would probably go crazy and definitely rally to attack Li Yao.

Li Yao began to explore again, spending an hour but still not finding a satisfactory place or monster.

Some places were either inappropriate, with elite monsters visiting from time to time. Killing bosses in these scenarios was tantamount to seeking death.

Some places were good, but the dominant boss was also an elite monster.

However, after observing, Li Yao found that there were only two types of level 10 bosses, one was the River Beaver Beast that lived by the water.

This was also what Li Yao most wanted to kill because the River Beaver Beast was obviously easier than the second one. Most importantly, although the River Beaver Beast was a boss, it had few skills. At least it was easier to handle than the second one.

The second one was the Unihorn Earth Dragon. Strictly speaking, although Unihorn Earth Dragon has a ‘dragon’ in its name, it is not even a Subdragon species.

It just has a diluted Dragon Clan bloodline, but that doesn’t affect its strength and dominance….