MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist-Chapter 138: The Enchantress

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On the other hand, Michael's group dealt the most damage to the Windegos. While Roxy and Ragnar were keeping the Windigos from reaching them, Michael and Gilbert were dealing damage to the monsters and keeping them away from Evie, Emerald, and Lyka.

So they wouldn't OT, Emerald and Lyka only attack those Windegos that had low HP. The one that Michael and Gilbert already chipped away.

So far, the fight was leaning in favor of their group as the battle raged on. But after thirty minutes, Evie felt that something was wrong. They were winning, but everyone was catching their breath while the Windigos numbers weren't thinning the slightest, no matter how many they defeated.

Evie hovered her eyes around, and that was when she caught something. A pair of round eyes beyond the trees that weren't red but blue.

Evie was about to say it to Roxy, but she and Ragnar were busy fending off the non-ending wave of monsters. Both of them couldn't go in that direction and have a look, or the whole formation would crumble. They were needed here to keep the Windigos from targeting the others, while Rox couldn't notice anything but the Windigos in front of him.

At this moment, Evie didn't mind her distaste for Michael. There was no need to keep her personal feelings involved in this time of urgency.

She was going to ask for their help so they could look at that weird blue glow behind the dozens of red eyes. But when she was about to open her mouth, Emerald was already beside her.

"What are you doing just standing there? Don't tell me that you're leeching off?" she said, garnering some eyes to their location.

"Girl, get your ass working. This isn't a free ride!" Lyka seconded.

It was only less than five minutes that Evie stopped attacking because she couldn't take off her attention at the pair of blue orbs. At just that tiny window of time, Emerald and Lyka didn't pass that chance to pick at her fault.

"Evie, don't stop attacking," said Roxy, voice laced in irritation. No wonder the Windigos weren't decreasing. Was Evie conserving her MP or taking breaks, or did she simply wanted a free ride?

Since her back was facing Evie, Roxy didn't know what had happened, and the only thing she saw was Evie standing at the side, doing nothing. This got her irritated, and forced her to raised her voice.

"Sis, the monsters aren't lessening in numbers." Rox attempted to change the topic to save Evie, but it only backfired.

Roxy barked. "It's because one of us isn't attacking."

Evie couldn't say anything but pulled her gaze away. She didn't care what the others thought of her. She searched for the pair of blue orbs again and didn't leave it from her sight.

Emerald and Lyka misunderstood Evie's silence as her being embarrassed, and their lips rose in a smirk.

Ragnar wasn't interested in the drama. His whole focus was keeping the monsters at bay.

While Michael and Gilbert also couldn't bring their attention elsewhere but the Windigos even if they wanted to.

"Calm down. We can win this," assured Michael before wiping his sweat and rolling his shoulders. They were getting heavy for some reason.

"But these monsters' numbers aren't really decreasing," panted Gilbert after he pierced a Windigo and took a step back to catch his breath. Was it only him, or had his eyesight became bad? The Windigos seemed to be multiplying.

"There's a pair of glowing blue eyes there. Maybe it's connected to all of this," Evie finally said and pointed her fingers behind the rows of Windigos.

"What are you talking about? Get back to fighting!" Roxy shouted.

Ragnar looked at the direction to where Evie was pointing and found no pair of glowing blue eyes there. Was she hallucinating? He couldn't blame her. Something in the air made even him see things, like the Windigo, for example. It seemed like they were doubling in numbers.

At that point, Evie was stunned. Couldn't they see it? It was glowing so bright amidst the dark. It was set apart from the glowing red orbs.

While the others were busy, Evie decided to take a look at that pair of blue orbs herself. She wasn't happy with the accusation even though she didn't show it. And that adds up to her guts to take matters into her hands.

Since the Windigos aggro was locked on Ragnar and Roxy, Evie was free to pull away from the group and went after the pair of blue orbs.

"Hey, where are you going?!" Lyka hollered.

"For the love of–!" Roxy cursed under her breath when Evie ran towards the other side of the forest. But she couldn't do anything since she was occupied with the swarms of Windigos that were trying to bite her flesh.

Emerald shook her head though a small smile tickled her lips. "She probably ran away because she was upset."

"Evie!" Michael bellowed and was about to run after her when Emerald blocked his pat.

"Michael, we have other pressing matters to take care of."

But Michael was deaf to her pleas and even shoved her to the side. His gaze was forward, and he didn't care about anything else.

Looking over to where Evie ran, Michael skidded to a stop when he noticed that he couldn't find her anymore.

How was that possible when not even five seconds had passed?

"Evie . . . ," muttered Michael. He was about to storm into the unknown to search for her when Gilbert pulled him back.

"Forget about her, man. If we don't do something about these monsters, we're all going to be wiped out."

". . ." Michael seemed like he didn't hear anything. His attention was still on the darkness from where Evie went.

Another thug on his clothes, and Michael woke up from his stupor. He gritted his teeth before briefly closing his eyes. He then returned to his group and continued fighting the non-ending Windigos.

He'd search for Evie after he was done here. Michael promised to himself.

"Damn that girl," cursed Roxy under her breath. She was so going to kick Evie out of the group after they were done with these monsters, even if she had to threaten her brother to vote for it.

Roxy had nothing against Evie, and she was an amiable person. Just don't cross her. What Evie did was crossing the line. Where the heck would she go at this time that they were in a pickle?

"We are so going to kick her out of the group after this."

Ragnar didn't comment. Maybe Evie did see something. Else she should have left the group already if she was really a bad person. She would have pressed on and search for another party. With her looks, it was a piece of cake to enter a new group.

But since there was no notification of her leaving, it only meant that she saw something like what she said.

Meanwhile, while everyone was busy fending off the monsters, Evie went after the two pairs of glowing blue orbs. She felt they were near, yet she couldn't reach them. She ran with all her might but still couldn't catch it.

She was surprised when the scenery changed, and she found herself in a wide clearing surrounded by trees and a glistering crystal lake at the center. Floating at that lake's edge was a woman who seemed like it was made of water.

Its long hair fell like a waterfall to her waist, moving in waves just like her dress that fluttered gently on her frame. It had a crystal crown on top of her head while its face was ethereal as its body was transparent with eyes of crystal blue. It was the same pair of eyes that Evie saw a while ago.

"You've finally come," she said, voice deep and soothing. "I have been waiting for you."

Evie used a [Monocle] and got confused at what she saw.

� E N C H A N T R E S S,

M E R I Y A A H ‖

Location: Illusion Forest


"Beware of the Enchantress's charms."

Meriyaah was a powerful enchantress in her time. Everyone sought her power and charms, but only one succeeded at claiming her heart.

She fell in love with Thomas, a Knight that served the continent of the elves, and life had never been the same since then.

Using her powers, Meriyaah made Illusion Forest her new home together with Thomas. However, one day, Meriyaah died, not knowing how and why.

She believed that it was Regard, her sworn nemeses, who did it.

Since then, the once beautiful and mystical forest had turned into a den for cursed monsters and evil spirits. With Meriyaah gone, a foul creature claimed the forest, turning it into a wicked, twisted place.

‖ T R I G G E R

R E Q U I R E M E N T ‖

The Enchantress Meriyaah can only be triggered one time by a [Blue Mage] whose LCK is +30.

‖ E N D ‖

Evie was dumbfounded.

There was no ATP or skill and spell, so that meant that Meriyaah wasn't the Boss.

What's more, an [Enchantress] was the final evolve subclass of a Blue Mage. Given that there was no other hidden sub-class after that.

What baffled Evie more was the fact that it could only be trigged one time and that her LCK so happened to be +30, all thanks to the [Black Choker] that Ren lent to her.

Could Ren know about this?

Evie wasn't sure, but a smile tickled the side of her lips at the thought of the man.

Her attention was then stolen when Meriyaah spoke.

"Oh, hear me, young one. Please find my killer and give light to my murder so I can finally rest in peace."

<An EPIC QUEST appeared!>



A/N (Doesn't cost a coin)

We'll wrap up Evie's side of the map at and get back to Ren.

After which the Festival of Gil and after that ARC 3 is next 😆

I know that i have so many pending storyline. Don't worry, I take notes of all of them.

And Alchemy will start maybe in ARC 4 so . . . still a long way 😭

Thank you all for your support! �