MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist-Chapter 157: Festival of Gil 2

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[Father is calling you!]



Exhaustion caught on Ren when he stopped working, and he almost dropped dead on the ground from the sudden dizziness. For a time, he saw burn spots before he took a deep breath and calmed his nerves.

Looking at his palms, it was shaking. He huffed a shaky breath as he looked at his screen. Ren had to admit that for a time, he thought of not answering his father. He was thinking of calling him back later. Every second was gold, and he couldn't stop now.

However, his past memories interfered with his decision, and he pressed the [ACCEPT] button. It might be an emergency, and he wouldn't forgive himself if something happened to his family because he prioritized money over them.

"Dad? Is something the matter?" Ren immediately asked despite his panting breaths.

There was silence for a moment before his father said in a serious tone, "Ren, are you okay?"

Ren was baffled why his father's question and asked, "Yeah. Why?"

". . . Leonel told me that you're working hard."

". . ." Ren shut his eyes tight.


He should have known that friend of his would go to his father if he wouldn't get his way with him.

"I'm not, dad. Don't worry."

"Are you sure?"


"Then tell me, what are you doing right now?"

Ren couldn't speak for seconds before he said in a low voice, testing the waters, "I'm just doing . . . something."

"This late in the night?"

". . . Yes." Ren wasn't sure if Leonel spoke about the game with his parents, so he was careful with his replies.

There was a slight pause on the other line, and Ren heard his father sigh.

"Working hard is good, and all but do remember to take a rest and live the moment. Don't feel guilty about taking breaks. You deserve it."

". . ." Ren knew his father to be straightforward and didn't show any emotion on his face or words. He rarely spoke anything to him, and the last time they talked for more than a minute was before he left Zone C. It was usually his mother who always spoke with him on the phone.

But the few sentences coming from his father cut deep into his heart.

It was only then that Ren's whole body stopped, and his muscles relaxed. The tension in his bones and the pressure in his heart dissipated at his father's rare words of comfort.

Ren cleared his throat, wanting to swallow that big lump but failed miserably as he choked. "Ah . . . I'll keep that in mind."

". . . Good. Then . . . We'll see you when your mother and I come visit."

"Ah . . . Sure. I'll buy you guys a ticket. Call me when you get your leave."

What came after that was a brief silence that lingered some more before Ren ended the call.

Father and son didn't say their feelings often but didn't need words to convey them. That was their relationship, and Ren was satisfied with it.

Ren released a long breath before he raised his head to the ceiling. A minute passed, and he just looked at the stone-covered walls. He thought about his past actions, and he got to admit that he was angry and pressured because of what happened in Illusion Forest.

He didn't know why he got that rattled. Though there was a small feeling that surfaced in his heart at remembering Evie's beautiful face before he immediately pushed those feelings away.

What he felt towards her was guilt. She was the person he owed the most because he ruined her life. And what was worse, it was intentional because of his own selfish desires. He knew what was going to happen to her but he still went and exposed her identity anyway.

She deserved someone more like Ragnar not a person as selfish as him.

Ren shook his head and decided to call it a night. His adrenaline was doused, and his muscles were sore while his goal for the day was sated.

He felt like he only wanted to be submerged in a hot bath and enjoy a movie for days to come.

Then the image of the festival struck his head.

Maybe he would go after all?

Ren immediately messaged Leonel before he went to Erendia and sold all his stones. After which, Leonel replied, and Ren could almost see the wide toothy grin on his face.

[Leonel: Whoa! Did your dad finally convince you?]

Ren rolled his eyes while slightly shaking his head.

[Ren: Yeah. Thanks to you]

[Leonel: Don't worry. I didn't tell your parents about the game like you said before. I just told them that you're working overtime for one week straight]

Ren could do nothing but shake his head. But thanks to Leonel, he got hold of his emotion and he was back to begin calm again. A talk with his father was what he needed, even though it was short.

[Leonel: Where in Turtle number seventy-four, by the way. Come quick, or you'll miss all the fun]

Ren didn't reply and logged out. He took a bath, changed into a new pair of clothes, ate, and logged into the game.

He then pressed the [Festival of Gil] on the options screen. He also picked a casual clothing of a V-nick black shirt and white pants as a free dress before he was transported on the flat back of a giant turtle together with hundreds of other players.

Ren didn't have a chance to come here before since, in the past, he didn't play the game yet. So he welcomed the surprise and feasted on the scenery. The place was packed with both players and NPCs alike, and Ren had to admit that the cheery mood made him feel festive as well.

Taking a deep breath at the refreshing cold night air, Ren took a whirl at his surroundings. He seemed to be in the area where the games were situated, and it was impossible to spot Leonel with this crowd. Not to mention the size of this turtle, Leonel could be kilometers away from him.

Ren messaged Leonel, asking where he was, and Leonel answered straightaway.

[Leonel: Where at the market square. It's in the center. They're selling awesome stuff here, and there seemed to be an auction going on]

Ren was busy reading Leonel's message as he walked, and in that short time frame, he bumped into someone.

"Sorry," they both said at the same time.

Ren was shocked at the familiar voice, and his eyes shot to a woman wearing a white porcelain crow's mask that covered half her face, only leaving her lips to view. Her long white hair was braided at her back, and she wore an all-white long sleeve shirt and slacks.

Her mask alone was eyes catching, and the all-white get-up and hair were a bonus.

Evie! Ren almost burst out. Good thing that he stopped himself in time. Was this fate that from all the hundreds of turtles, they were in the same number? Not to mention that despite the area being vast and thousands of players present, the two of them still met.

It seemed that they were connected.

Ren liked the idea, but Evie didn't look at him for more than a second before she went past him and continued marching on.

Ren didn't know if he should be glad that Evie didn't recognize his voice or not.

Watching her back disappeared within the crowd, there was an undeniable pull that wanted Ren to follow her. It was so strong of a desire that his mind and heart even fought, and he stood like a statue from where he was for a good five minutes.

Finally, Ren took a large breath and released it through his nose in one go before he went to where Leonel was. However, his thoughts were all in shambles now, thanks to Evie's unexpected appearance. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get his mind off her.

I see that she has the mask now. Ren mused to himself. That must be the unique item that lets her dominate the game as a Blue Mage.

Evie wore it all the time in the past too.

But could she at least look me in the eyes and recognize my voice? Ren grumbled.

Evie didn't bother to spare him another glance after their eyes met for only a fraction of seconds before she left without looking back.

Ren somehow expected that since the Evie he knew was aloof and distant. She didn't seem to care about anyone. So it was understandable if she didn't put him in her eyes. At this point, in his current identity, they were strangers.

After releasing another heavy breath, Ren took a wagon going to the market square since he felt that he was going to get lost. It was faster that way, too, though he had to pay 50 gil for just a single ride.

The wagon he chose was the cheapest. It was just a cart with a cover on top for the rain made of metal decorated with colorful fabrics and balloons to match the theme of the place. And it was also pulled by a single beastman.

There were other types of vehicles, too, like riding on top of a tiger or a small hog. Or even being carried on the back by a handsome and irresistible NPC which was popular among the girls.

There was also a ride by a luxury wagon where you got to be served by beautiful women. Needless to say, this attraction was popular with the men.

And gil flowed like water, slurped and gulped by the place. Its thirst was unsatiable.

At least that was how Ren saw it, and he really hoped . . . with all his might that Leonel didn't spend all his gil.

Eventually, Ren arrived in the market square. It was bustling with players, too, and everyone was congregated in a circle at the center stage where an auction was happening.
