MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist-Chapter 214: Ferocious Ravens

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Ferocious Ravens was one of the top guilds every player was eying to join. However, due to its exclusive membership that was only opened to Beatrix's followers and cult members, other players were simply not welcomed.

Not to mention that the groups worshipped the darkness wasn't really appealing to everyone.

Nevertheless, their strength was a force to be reckoned with. Most of their members were either pro players or beta testers that shifted fate to the darkness. And Beatrix had strong backing from her family's money.

Inside Ferocious Raven's guild, Beatrix and her loyal hundred members all rejoice at their victory.

"This win is all because of the darkness!" Beatrix cheered. Her black-stained lips quirked at the side into a smirk. "Let's all celebrate in the name of darkness. In my mansion's backyard tonight. Everyone in the guild is invited. Be ready to bring an offering to our lord, and we will celebrate all night for seven days!"

She then tilted her head to the side while her black stained nails swiped her lips. "My treat, of course."


"All hail Beatrix!"

"All Hail Lord of Darkness!"

Jorge then pulled Beatrix to the side when the others shifted their focus on the party and their victory.

"Did you ask Gina to apply for a Bank in the city?" Jorge asked Beatrix.

Beatrix's smile dropped, and she pouted. "Yeah. Yeah. We already had the money, so she went there as soon as we got the awards. She hadn't messaged me, though. She still must be in the process of applying."

"Good. Those items we got are expensive, and a lot would think of stealing them. The only safe place for it is in the bank. A guild bank is a must for us now."

"I know already. Geez. Stop patronizing me. What are you, my father?" Beatrix went to her black throne made of Raven's feathers, customized to her likings.

She had just spent millions building her guild as well as preparing for the guild war. She was broke. Her parents and the investors wouldn't supply her any money until he got that Championship title.

And now that she did, money would start purring in, and she had a list of the things she would buy. That included a new wardrobe of Goth and Lolita dresses as well as new customize black cars, pieces of jewelry, and bags. If not for Jorge and Gina's constant nagging about buying a storage bank for the guild, she wouldn't even think of it.

That bank was hella expensive and more expensive to maintain. But since the items she won were indeed valuable, she needed a secure place to store them, and in this case, it was the bank.

Beatrix sighed. "This guild is so expensive," she complained. But since she was running a cult here, and her loyal fans were all relying on her, she had to meet their expectations and spent some millions.

While Ferocious Ravens were busy partying outside, a lone man was in front of the guild, staring into oblivion.

Outside of the guild, Ren blocked all incoming notifications in his mailbox. There were also calls from Mike, Saya, Roni, and even Jonathan, and his aunt was calling him nonstop as well as unknown people who introduced themselves as his relatives.

Ren didn't reply to anyone and blocked all incoming notifications. With his cloak on, he looked over at the gothic mansion that was the guild of Ferocious Ravens.

Ren didn't know if Ferocious Ravens had already applied for a bank storage, but he was betting that they didn't. Most guilds hadn't applied since everyone just spent millions constructing their guild and probably another million on the preparations for the war.

Even Golden Phoenix hadn't applied for one yet.

And like most guild house, it was equipped with security features. However, a guild house could be destroyed depending on how much [Hit Points] it had. Usually, a mansion like Ferocious Ravens had 200 000 Hit Points. So Ren might have a problem if he attacked from the outside. He might not even reduce the house to three fourth of its HP before the others would come out and kill him.

Of course, that HP was upgradable the more you upgraded your guild house. Features like gates, wizard towers, archer towers, cannons, and artilleries were soon added later on. And in time, Guild Wars were literally wars between houses.

What's more, an outsider couldn't enter into its halls without opening its doors. The keyword was open.

There was a loophole in the early parts of the guild buildings where all you had to do was enter the hall and wreak havoc as you pleased.

PvP was allowed inside and outside guilds. The only exceptions were cities and towns.

It was common in the past for numerous players to break inside another guild and start a fight. It was never fixed. The developers all wanted the guild house to be an ordinary estate. Breakable and siegable, so the guild would spend more money on fortifying its defenses.

Ren was going to steal that grand prize. If they caught him, then he was surely dead. But first . . . they must catch him.

He was also aware that there might be a [Teleportation Crystal] inside the main hall. This crystal only works for members in the guilds. There was also the issue of logging out, so Ren had to steal the Grand Prize from Beatrix before she had the chance to escape.

He only had one shot. But Ren was feeling a little reckless due to Pii's assurance at just one call from him.

It would be a piece of cake once he entered the guild. The plan was simple. Teleport inside and break out by logging out.

Knocking on the door, a player opened it, but he didn't see anyone outside. Shrugging, he closed the door and got back to everyone.

Ren bypassed the player using [Teleport] and went inside the grand hall of the guild. Everyone was still too occupied with their chattering, and the euphoria of winning clouded their mind that they didn't even notice him entering their ranks.

Ren's eyes locked on Beatrix, and when he used [Probe], the smile on his face widened. Beatrix still had the [Rare Class Ticket] and [Class Advancement Scroll].

The [Rare Class Ticket] alone was worth at least the grand prize money. At the same time, he'd reserve the [Class Advancement Scroll] once he turned into a [Scholar] so he wouldn't have to do the strenuous quest to become an [Alchemist]. Using that scroll was a shortcut to becoming an Alchemist as soon as possible.

Ren looked over at Beatrix, who was sitting on her throne while she was busy on her screen. She was a short lady around his age with black hair with strakes of black and red. Her dark lips and thick eyeliner were eye-catching against her ghostly skin. She was beautiful, if not for her creepy ways.

But who was he to judge? Ren didn't care what religious belief Beatrix was into. It wasn't his business, and he only needed two things from her.

He heard from the members that they were planning their celebration in Beatrix's house, but he didn't know why they were still in their guild house.

Either way, it worked out for him.

Ren went closer to Beatrix with careful steps and cast [Multiattack] using only [Steal]. His [Mind Palace] was lv.2 now and it could accommodate six spells/skills.

While the merry atmosphere was ranging on, Beatrix was snickering as she read the messages on her screen. A lot were congratulating her, while some wanted to buy the grand prize, willing to bid for it if necessary.

But the most important part was her family and the investors were willing to spend more millions on her guild for a job well done. They must have won hundreds of millions from that Guild War.

That meant that a whole new wardrobe was in the bag. Who knew that creating a guild was good business? Expensive to maintain but good business nevertheless.

At the same time, thousands of players were sharing their interest in joining Ferocious Ravens. There were thousands of them, and Beatrix was even contemplating to put a registration fee.

"Is Gina here yet?" Beatrix asked after some time when she was getting bored scrolling from her screen.

"Not yet. There are many guilds lining in the bank at the moment."

Beatrix sighed, raffling her fringe, but her nose wasn't leaving her screen the slightest. "The moment I deposit theses items in the bank, we'll log out from here and meet at my place."

Her eyes then twinkled in delight when she thought of something. "Let's play tarots and fortune telling. I have a new set of cards and dice."

Jorge only gave a wry smiled. "Sure. Sure." It was like he was taking care of a kid.

Everyone was happily chatting and waiting for Gina when Beatrix's loud scream distributed the lively atmosphere.

"Who the f*ck is Ren?! Who's the as*hole who stole my items? WHO IS IT?! Come out, you motherf*cker!" Beatrix stomped her feet, and the veins on her neck were popping while her vocal cords strained from how loud her voice was.

"What happened?"

"What's going on?"

Everyone looked at each other for a time before all of them panicked and burst into chaos when they saw tears of frustration and anger in Beatrix's eyes.

"Calm down. What's going on?" Jorge asked Beatrix, grabbing her shoulders.

But Beatrix wasn't listening, and she trashed from Jorge's hold. Her bloodshot eyes were hovering around, trying to spot the player named Ren, the Thief who stole her items.

Her breathing was ragged, and the veins pounding in her head and chest were so loud that they rang in her ears. Amongst the hundred members present in the guild, Beatrix didn't know where to put her eyes.

Then she spotted him.

A player named Ren, whose face was hidden inside a cloak.

Beatrix didn't know why but she felt that the man was grinning from ear to ear as he looked over at her from a distance before he scrolled his hand in the air.

"STOP HIM! QUICK! Don't let him get away!" Beatrix shouted and jabbed her finger at Ren.

But before the others could see where she was pointing, a bright light enveloped Ren's body. He burst into particles, leaving nothing in his trace, and Beatrix's screams blew the roof of Ferocious Ravens.