MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist-Chapter 236: The Night Crawlers

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The most anticipated event started when the Shaman reached her bare arm into the fire, sending green, blue, and yellow sparkles into the burning wood.

"Everything begins and ends in the clan fire," Zukulum rasped. "Everyone, come closer. Warm yourself by the fire, and we shall start our story and songs. If you all are ready to listen, I'm ready to tell. Let me just gather my drums and strings."

Everyone was eager at what would happen next. Compared to before that the camp was so crowded with little breathing space. Now, it was a little breezy and cozy, with just enough players to make room for a comfortable space.

The others must have abandoned the rare quest in pursuit of the 'Rare Beast' that Ren and Evie faced before.

The Shaman spoke some more before Sharina took over.

"For seven nights, we're plagued by terrible creatures' called the Night Crawlers, minions of the Evil God, Rakshat Parah. They killed several of our tribesmen and wounded more. "I'm calling all warriors to kill these menace and bring back peace into our clan."


"For those who rise in the call – are you brave enough to face the creatures of the dark and survive until tomorrow?"


"Will you escape the slithering reach of Oozes and avoid turning into one? Will you be able to slay Giants and reach Blood Mountain to defeat the evil God Rakshat Parah, who hunts beings who defy his will?

"If you dare . . . if you're strong enough, crazy enough, wild enough – Twin Moon Axe Clan is calling for you with an echoing, feral, besmirched howl!"

Everyone's nerves were tearing them apart from how hyped they were, and they all shouted at the call.


But Ragnar only leaned at Ren with a skeptical expression. "I thought we were only here for the Mask and to defend this camp for two nights. Why is the list of the things we have to do kept getting longer?"

"It's because this is a chain quest. And every NPC and choice we make will affect the outcome of the story and the fate of the Twin Moon Axe Clan as a whole as well as the items we received," replied Ren.

"I'm confused. How does this work, exactly?" chimed Evie. "A lot of us are doing the same quest at the same time, but there's only one who can complete the quest, right? Does that mean that whoever is the fastest to complete the quest is the winner?"

Ren shook his head. "No. That's not how a rare quest works. There are dozens of choices that only lead to one true ending. All other choices besides that mean the end of their quest, and they would get the corresponding price depending on their completion rate.

"However, as long as no one completed the True Ending, the quest is still available for everyone to retry again."

Ragnar paused and processed what Ren said. "So that meant . . ."

"We have to be really careful about the choices we make and the inhabitants we side with," finished Ren for Ragnar.

"I see . . ." Evie stretched her eyes in the camp. The simple quest, she thought, turned into something complex.

"I need a raise," she said to Ragnar.

Ragnar merely stifled a laugh. "No problem, as long as I got that mask in the end."

The only one who wasn't satisfied with the whole thing was Ren. He had nothing to gain from all of this except maybe Ragnar's end of the deal.

Ren sighed. Let's just get this thing done and over with.

The night moved forward, and some of the clan members rested in their tents. The only ones who were up were the warriors, the Chieftain, the Shaman, the Saurians, the Spellskin and the players.

A blood-curdling howl split the night, and something slithered in the shadows when the moon and fire couldn't illuminate the darkness. Voices whispered in their ears, scratching the wooden gates and tents, begging to be let in.

They felt like they were surrounded from all sides by unknown things. Untouchable. Unstoppable. And thick with malice and killing intent.

Orakh raised his weapon, as well as the soldiers under him. Sharina only looked around, alert. While the players' excitement to complete the quest was replaced with dread. Clearly, they didn't know what they got themselves into. They thought that it was just normal beasts, but to their horror, what stumbled before them were hordes of shadows the size of humans. But they took many forms, horns, tails, wings; they have it.

ǁ N I G H T C R A W L E R S ‖

Location: The Great Valley


"The minions of the Evil God Rakshat Parah."

Born from the cumulative negative energy from all beings in ARCADIA, these spiteful creatures took many forms and fed on life energy.

Rakshat Parah performed a taboo spell to get these creatures to his side, controlling them to his bidding.

And now, the Evil God of Blood Mountain controlled the Night Crawlers to conquer every clan in the Great Valley and consumed every God and their territory to widen his area of command.

‖ A T T R I B U T E ‖

HP: 10 000

MP: 1000

STRG: 50 +10 [Nigh Bonus]

DEF: 40

MDF: 20

INT: 50 +10 [Night Bonus]

AGL: 50

LCK: 10

‖ D A M A G E

R E S I S T A N C E S ‖

❶ All Physical Damage

❷ All Magical Damage except Divine Magic

‖ D A M A G E

I M M U N I T I E S ‖

❶ All

‖ C O N D I T I O N

I M M U N I T I E S ‖

❶ All

‖ W E A K N E S S ‖

❶ Divine Magic

‖ S K I L L S & S P E L L S

Passive Skill:

❶ Negative Regeneration

The Night Crawlers could regenerate their limbs whenever they were cut or destroyed.

As long as negative energy is present, they will never die.

❷ Immune to Death

Physical or magical attacks couldn't kill the Night Crawlers. Only Divine Magic could vanish these creatures.

Active Skill:

❶ Physical Attacks

–– Night Crawlers can take the form of their attacker and copy its physical attacks

–– Damage is dependent on STR

–– MP costs the same as the skill copied

❷ Magical Attacks

–– Night Crawlers can take the form of their attacker and copy its magical attacks

–– Damage is dependent on INT

–– MP costs the same as the spell copied

❸ Curse Hiss LV.5

–– Night Crawlers released whispers and hisses that adds fear to their enemies

–– 50% chance of inflicting Fear if LCK is higher

–– Cost –50 MP

‖ E N D ‖

Looking at the creatures stats, the players suddenly took a turn of hearts and tails.

Divine Magic?

No one told them that.

While the guilds panicked, Ragnar and Evie looked over at Ren.

"This is the best time to tell us what you know," Ragnar said, eyes roving at the shadowy figures that were crawling in each direction. There were so many of them, like black ants huddled in their nest.

"No worries, just stay alive the whole night, and everything will work out."

Ragnar was a calm man, but Ren had this uncanny ability to make even a saint lose their temper.

"That's not vague at all."

"Relax . . . our saving grace will speak."

And as Ren said, Sharina spoke instructions to the players.

"Warriors, these creatures couldn't be killed without Divine Magic. Protect the Shaman, Saurians, and Spellskin throughout the night, and we will emerge victorious against their attacks!"

The players' hope revived at Sharina's voice, and everyone was divided to protect their respective inhabitants. However, most were going to Sharina's location, sticking to her like glue.

"Let's go with Orakh," Ren said.

"Orakh?" Evie questioned. "Shouldn't we go with Sharina like most are doing?"

"Don't worry about them. We're not after Sharina's prized blade anyway, but the Mask."

"Orakh doesn't have a mask, though," Ragnar grumbled under his breath.

Ren didn't explain further and just replied with a short, "You'll see tomorrow."

Ragnar and Evie could only shake their head but still followed Ren toward Orakh's group. The Orcish Warrior was protecting a lanky Orc with tattoos on his skin, while Sharina's team was protecting the Shaman.

Everyone was hurrying, panicking and nervous as the creatures were fast approaching their location. In sheer contrast, Ren walked like he was in a park. His calm and relaxed face put others on edge, especially since they knew that he could copy a skill.

Everyone knew that Ren would copy Divine Magic to combat the creatures. In comparison, the others would rely on the inhabitants for protection and not the other way around. They knew that this quest had just turned from a guarding job into a cannon fodder job.

It would not have been the case if their White Mage could perform Divine Magic, but it seemed that it was class-restricted. And like an epiphany that came so suddenly, they realized that an Arcanist class was overpowered.

Or was it simply because Ren had a unique spell he acquired through books?

They had no time to ask since the Night Crawlers released a loud shriek and appeared right before them in a blink of an eye.