MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist-Chapter 270: Problems

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Back in the real world.

Ren was taking a shower to clear his head, but the water rolling over his skin and massaging his tired muscles weren't helping in getting his mind off from Evie.

One problem was solved, and another came in. It was never-ending.

His nerves were tearing him apart to call her or even just message her to know her reaction to the whole thing. But he would only appear pushy . . . right?

Evie should be the one to message him first. Besides, she was the one who was so adamant about exposing the truth out of his mouth. And when he did tell her, she just disappeared and left him hanging?

What the hell was that?

Was she mad? Embarrassed or just plain didn't care anymore?

Ren couldn't decide which was it, which was bothering him to no end.

His phone rang by the lavatory just beside the shower. He put it there so he'd know if Evie had left a message or called him. It was not like he was eager or expected anything . . .

Snatching his phone and seeing the caller, Ren's hope fell faster than a coin in a pond.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Ren! Thank God I can call you now!" Leonel heaved over the other end.

"What is it?" Ren repeated, tone impatient.

"Problem. All our clients are backing out of us. Have you opened your emails? Even in the middle of my quest here, they shooed me away. Saying they'll be in trouble with the Alvarez family or something. Whoever that is."

". . ." Ren was still disappointed that it wasn't Evie who called, but the news that the Alvarez was causing trouble with his group made his brain pound hard.

Were they sour about what he did to their daughter, or was it because he was a bane in Scar's butt and Black Lion?

Either way, this confrontation was bound to happen sooner or later. In his line of work, and considering what happened with his past history with Scar and Black Lion, they would meet with resistance from one of the powerhouses.

And by hindering Ren's business and by making it personal, Serius Alvarez, Scar's father, had just declared war against him. And the question now was . . . who's going to win in the end?

"Ren, what are we going to do? It seemed like some big shot in the real world is trying to make our life harder. How did we even attract its attention in the first place? Aren't rich people supposed to be busy?" Leonel panted and caught his breath. He had been talking nonstop ever since Ren picked up the phone, while the latter was nothing but silent throughout.

". . . I'll take care of it," said Ren after a short pause. "In the meantime, you can grind first."

Ren then ended the call before Leonel could say anything more.

After Leonel, another numbered registered on Ren's phone screen. It was Sumeri this time.

"Ren, how did you even manage to anger Serius Alvarez? I know your history with Scar, but it shouldn't be enough to anger his father to the point that he is banning you."

Ren sighed. "How do you even know that?"

"It's all over the forums and chats. Serius Alvarez posted a notice that whoever employed you would have problems in the real world. And the authority couldn't even do anything against it."

As Sumeri explained, Ren was reading the red notice that the Alvarez family posted. It was just a short paragraph that contained nothing but a threat.

"So tell me . . . what did you do for Serious Alvarez to personally make you his enemy?"

"Maybe because of that girl . . . Lily," said Ren without care.

There was silence on the other line before Sumeri continued, ". . . Figures. That girl is the apple of the Alvarez family." Sumeri took a deep breath and released it in one go. "Are you going to be alright?"

Ren smiled a little at the genuine concern in Sumeri's voice. "Why? Are you going to lend me money if I become poor and unable to find a job?"

"Sure. You can work for me as my butler in the house. Nikolai could also use a playmate, and we could really use a housekeeper around here."

Ren chuckled. "I'll send you my resume then."

Despite the problem they were facing, Sumeri managed a giggle before her expression changed. "Seriously, though. Being an enemy of Serious Alvarez isn't a joke. Scar is one thing but his father . . . Are you sure you're going to be alright?"

Ren closed his eyes for a moment before reopening them with newfound vigor. His silver poles swirled with intimidation and coldness. "Don't worry about me. I have my ways. They can threaten me all they want in real life, but not in the game." Never in the game.

Sumeri wasn't convinced, though. "Don't be so sure. Black Lion would dominate the game soon. They've been clearing dungeons and quests after the guild wars. Not to motion that they are expanding their guilds. Have you heard the news? You can put artilleries and walls around your guild house now."

". . ." Ren didn't comment.

"They might be planning for the Guild Wars to be a literary war between guild houses. But that would seem unfair to the other small guilds, who don't have the money to expand and upgrade, right?"

Sumeri went on and on until, eventually, she got tired. "But anyway, I have to go. Nikolai and I have some exploring to do in the game."

Without waiting for Ren's reply, Sumeri ended the call.

Ren was still quiet from where he stood, dripping with water and naked. He didn't mind the cold digging into his skin and boring into his bones.

His problem with Evie was pushed to the back of his mind as numerous plans emerged from his head. He knew this would happen, and he had already planned ahead in case it would.

He wasn't worried about assassinations and the safety of his parents since Diamond Palace had a state in the art technology, for that matter. Kidnapping and killing in this era were scarce even for the ultra-billionaires because the law enforced high technologies to know who did what.

He was just unlucky in his past life.

But that was it. The killing was the bottom line, but anything in between, like coercion or threatening, ran rampant even in broad daylight, like what was happening to him now.

The Good news was he was popular in the gaming world, while the Alvarez was known throughout the globe. And they just declared war against him, so if anything happened to him and to his family, they were the first suspect – and the law would excuse no one. They weren't that stupid.

Ren knew that the Alvarez wouldn't stoop to that level just because he aggravated his daughter. Serius Alvarez was only teaching him a lesson. A lesson about not going against them.

Ren's eyes glowed in seriousness. Let's see who will teach who then. He thought to himself.

A series of sounds rang in his ears when he turned on his notifications, and one particular message caught his attention.

[Mr. Ren

This is to inform you that Serius Alvarez would like to speak to you in his office in Alvarez Tower 1 tomorrow at your convenient time]

It was a black card. A VVIP card that only a selected few were given to meet the current head of the Alvarez Corporation. Everyone was trying to covet it, but only a selected few were given the card to meet the elusive and busy head of the family.

Ren stared coldly at the card before turning off the notifications on his phone. He then finished bathing before he went to bed early so he could have the energy to face the Alvarez family tomorrow.