MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist-Chapter 277: [BONUS] Taking Her Home

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After Ren came to Diamond Palace, he quickly took another bath so he'd be fresh when he picked Evie up later. He still had one hour left to prepare, but Ren felt like it wasn't enough.

His problem with the Alvarez family was pushed to the back of his mind. It was only a problem when he didn't know what Serius Alvarez wanted with him. But now that he did, a plan was already set in motion in his mind.

Serius could threaten him in the real world where he held power but in COVENANT . . . the Alvarez would live by his rule.

COVENANT was his domain, and no one could threaten him there.

Staring at his closet, Ren didn't know what to wear. Rather, why were his clothes the same V-neck black shirt and dark pants? His face was dark as his taste in fashion.

Sighing, it was too late to go shopping for new clothes. He could do nothing but grimace as he put on his usual outfit. At least he could style his hair. But that would be trying too much to impress. He never even styled his hair to school.

Taking a deep breath, Ren looked at himself in the mirror one last time. This was probably the first time he looked at himself on the reflective glass multiple times in a day.

Halfway satisfied, Ren got out of his room. His parents were already in their quarters, asleep, so he didn't bother to wake them up to let them know what he was up to.

Besides, he wasn't keen on the idea of informing his parents that he would be escorting a girl home. It was embarrassing for some reason, and he wasn't sure if he was ready to answer their questions, if ever.

In the grand hall, every step he made was like threading into the snow. Cold, biting, and he was shivering from both excitement and nervousness as he neared the exit of the palace.

Evie said to meet outside, near the grand fountain, at ten in the evening.

On the way, Ren even passed by Sumeri, but he didn't notice her. He couldn't see anything past the giant doors.

Sumeri gave Ren a twice-over. She almost didn't recognize him until he was close enough. She had to blink many times to get the blinding light out of her eyes since Ren sparkled for some reason.

He was radiant as the sun and calm as the moon. Though his lips were pressed firmly together in a flustered expression that tried hard to maintain his cool. He had the kind of face that would stop anyone in their tracks.

The sudden pause in a person's natural expression when they looked his way was expected. Some were already getting his attention, hoping a flirtatious wave would break his stride. But the man kept on going like he saw nothing else but the door.

Sumeri was about to call him when she noticed that he was not himself. His shoulders were stiff, and it felt like he didn't know where to put his hands.

Where is he going this late at night? Sumeri thought.

Maybe to catch some air to get away from all the troubles he was facing? Serius Alvarez wasn't an enemy that he wanted to have this early in his gaming career.

Sumeri gave an elegant half-shrug and reassured herself. I'm sure he will weave some crazy plan — something way beyond the hem of mundane folks like me to understand.

Eventually, she decided that it wasn't her problem, and she went to her unit. Nikolai was waiting for her. She only went out to buy midnight snacks for later. They were ready for a deep dive in COVENANT.

Outside of the palace, Ren's unsettled eyes glanced around and tried to avoid catching others' glances that passed by. For some reason, if he did, the others would take it as a signal that he was interested and approach him.

Seconds burned away, and Ren didn't have to make any effort to search. His eyes knew where she was. His chest swelled eagerly, and it took everything to keep a smile off his face.

Evie was sitting at the edge of the fountain with a face of utter nonchalance as if she was merely waiting for a bus on a spring day. Though half her face was covered with a mask, Ren knew the beauty hidden within, and his mind had already pictured her without it.

Ren approached her in steady steps, and her silver poles pinned him to a stop. Making him think that all the glitters in the world couldn't compare to her eyes.

The side of Evie's mouth kicked up a smile behind her mask. She pushed herself up from the fountain and went to Ren.

She blinked slowly and spoke softly. "Shall we go?"

Ren threw a nonchalant gaze her way. "Sure. Have you waited long?"

Evie shook her head. As they walked, the cold night breeze swept past the small gap between them. There were a lot of people that night.

The city really didn't run out of people, even in the most uncertain of times. Past one in the morning or even four, and there were a lot of people still roaming the streets going in and out from their graveyard jobs.

Evie's eyes drifted at Ren for a moment before she looked away.

"How did your meeting go with Serius Alvarez?" she started. She was both curious and worried, but the big reason was . . . the silence bothered her.

Ren's long fingers ran through his short and thick black hair, which shifted back into place once his hand had gone past them.

"I shouldn't have went," he told her. "He wanted me to beg for forgiveness from defeating his daughter in a PvP fight, which she started."

"And you didn't, right?" That was a stupid question. For the short time that she knew Ren, Evie was sure that he wouldn't bend the knee to anyone even if it was Serius Alvarez.

Ren took a giant breath and let it out in one long blast. "Of course not. I'd rather die than give them the satisfaction of watching me crawl. It would have been better if he had threatened me into clearing a dungeon or getting a rare item. At least he acknowledges World Conqueror's might."

Evie hushed though her pulsed drummed in her head.

"I'll help you," she said after a solid fifteen seconds.

Ren's lips quirked to the side. "With what?"

"I know you're going to redeem World's Conqueror's name, and I want to help you. It's my turn to pay you back." It might be presumptuous of her to offer her help since she knew Ren's might. But she really wanted to be by his side in these times, offering what little help she could give.

". . ." Ren flashed Evie a weak smile, one that melted his eyes. "You don't owe me anything, though."

The panic inside her rose up, clutching her breath and Evie looked away. With a lack of comeback, she could only say in a stubborn tone.

"I want to."

". . . Very well then." Ren then gave a lazy half-smile. "It might be dangerous, though. Are you ready to start all over again if we fail?"

Without one bit of hesitation, Evie nodded. "Yes."

Ren's heart was so full it was going to burst. It was his turn to pull his gaze and look the other side while keeping a smile from stretching his lips to the limit.