MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist-Chapter 285: The Continental Ooze!

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Ren then checked Jibblinplip's information.

ǁ J I B B L I N P L I P ‖

Location: Ruined Wizard Tower


"Behold the continental ooze! Jibblinplip."

Jibblinplip was originally not of this dimension. It came here through the doing of the wizards in the Wizard Tower a century ago.

The Wizards, like any practitioners of magic, were curious about elemental planes beyond the typical ones. Until eventually, they found the elemental plane of salt, red wine, and wheat, and life was good.

Insatiable and consumed with greed, they tried opening another portal, and they stumbled upon the elemental plane of ooze.

The wizards shut the gates immediately, but a tiny single mote of ooze made it through. This mote was Jibblinplip, and it was hungry. It devoured the wizards, their apprentice, and eventually the entire tower — the reason why the Wizard Tower was no more to this day.

And Jibblinplip has been growing ever since.

‖ A T T R I B U T E ‖

HP: 2 000 000

MP: 500 000

STRG: 200 000

DEF: 100 000

MDF: 50 000

INT: 20 000

AGL: 20

LCK: 100

‖ D A M A G E

R E S I S T A N C E S ‖

❶ None

‖ D A M A G E

I M M U N I T I E S ‖

❶ Poison

❷ Acid

‖ C O N D I T I O N

I M M U N I T I E S ‖

❶ Sleep

❷ Necrotic

❸ Paralyze

❹ Dizziness

❺ Charm

❼ Frightened

❽ Blind

‖ W E A K N E S S ‖

❶ None

‖ S K I L L S & S P E L L S

Passive Skill:

❶ Greedy Growth

For every day that passed, Jibblinplip gained 1 point to all its ATP, giving it the potential to become a catastrophe in a week.

What's more, if Jibblinplip consumed a village, a +1 point is added to all its ATP.

If Jibblinplip consumed a town, +2 points are added to all its ATP.

If Jibblinplip consumed a Kingdom, +4 points are added to all its ATP.

If Jibblinplip consumed an Empire, +10 points are added to all its ATP.

❷ Amorphous

Jibblinplip can move through a space as small as one inch wide without squeezing.

❸ Acidic

All Jibblinplip's damage contained Acid. Additional acid damage based on its INT. Anyone who is hit suffers from POISON.

❹ Birth

Jibblinplip converts the sudden influx of organic and geological material into a set of ooze minions, which it immediately belches up its periphery.

The ooze minion could take up elemental affinity and are immune to certain magical damage.

❺ Adaptive Immunity

When Jibblinplip takes damage by the same spell or skill, it develops immunity against that spell and skill.

Acquired immunities last for 24 hours.

❻ Adaptive Resistance

When Jibblinplip takes damage of a type it is not currently resistant or immune, it gains resistance to that type of damage.

Acquired resistance lasts for 24 hours.

❼ Adaptive Body

Sometimes Jibblinplip would consume some 'weird things that would alter the composition of its body.

❽ Regeneration

As long as Jibblinplip consumed things, it could regenerate its HP and MP.

❾ Ooze Minions

Sometimes, Jibblinplip is knocked hard from its falls and spews a part of its mass, creating minion Oozes that would take damage for it.

Oftentimes, after digesting a big meal, Jibblinplip would spew one to two oozes that are either an Artillery Ooze or Ooze Lord that would fight for it.

Active Skill:

❶ A Disturbing Hum MAX

–– Jibblinplip vibrates, releasing a curious, compelling humming sound. The sound is both disruptive and attractive at the same time, tricking the minds of those who heard. Nearby enemies rush towards the ooze, eager to become one with the beautiful song.

–– Jibblinplip song carried a kilometer radius from it. Enemies who have shitty LCK are easily drawn to it.

–– 100% hit if LCK is higher

–– Cost –100 000 MP

❷ Multiattack MAX

–– Jibblinplip makes two attacks and one Consume

–– Cost –100 000 MP

❸ Consume MAX

–– Jibblinplip engulfed a wide area of every living and non-living thing.

–– After it has its fill, it'll take a moment to digest it ate while its movement turns sluggish.

–– Cost –100 000 MP

‖ E N D ‖

". . ."

". . ."

Leonel's expression fell. "So, how are we going to kill that thing again?"

"We'll leave it to the villagers. Let's go and talk to the townsfolk first. Jibby wouldn't make it in the village for another thirty minutes or so anyway."

"Jibby?" Ragnar asked.

"Short for Jibblinplip. Its name is hard to pronounce."

Evie smiled under her mask. That's like a pet's name. Too bad that Ren hid Pii in this mission. She already misses the little guy. She hoped she had her own pet too.

"Is it necessary?" Ragnar didn't want to go there for some reason. The danger level was high, especially with a Boss that size looming just around the corner.

"Yes. It's necessary. Let's go."

"Aren't we going to engage it if we went there?" Leonel nervously asked.

"Jibby doesn't engage anyone unless you attack it and its minions first. Its interest is to consume villages and towns and everything that is a hindrance to its path. Besides, the inhabitants are already a hundred meters away from it."

Their eyes went to the NPCs who evacuated from their village as Jibblinplip approached.

There were some players dispatched by numerous guilds in there, too, with the same idea as them. Everyone was trying to ask for clues on how to defeat the giant mass of jelly. And along the way, hoping to trigger some kind of an event that would lead to their victory.

"Jibblinplip started small, and then it just spread and spread. It is almost impossible to stop. But mercifully, it's also sluggishly slow," said a merchant NPC who was amongst to site the continental ooze first.

"It says nothing of substance, and yet anyone can't help but talk about it. Its attacks most often ascribe to its personality and commonly included words like 'insatiable' and 'ravenous,'" another chimed in.

"In truth, Jibblinplip did have a personality. It is bored. It likes to grow. It likes to consume. It didn't like things that hurt. It is slightly beyond animal intelligence with a limited appreciation for music, though it enjoys the vibration and geography, flowing down canyon walls is especially delightful for it." A cryptic message from a Wizard.

[New Information Acquired!]

"Jibblinplip expands!" Jibblinplip consumes!" Jibblinplip prospers! Eventually, the ooze takes over an entire continent and begins tunneling towards the very heart of the world. If left unchecked, all life shall be consumed by Jibblinplip," a crazy woman shouted.

"Jibblinplip . . . escaped?" a wary wizard hid his face under his cloak. "I must tell . . ." It mumbled something before he said, "I must go to Lone Valley."

[New Information Acquired!]

"The ooze is hatching! Or . . . spawning! Or maybe it's pooping! Just run!" a frantic teenage kid hollered.

Ren and the others watched the villagers hurry to the nearest town while praying that the Kingdom's soldier would arrive and finish it off.

"Well . . . that's helpful." Ragnar mused.

"Coming face to face with that thing . . . I couldn't blame the others when they chose to just stare at it. It's really mind-numbing and bone-shaking just looking at it from afar," said Leonel, eyes on Jibblinplip, who was getting closer to their location. "Let's go back to a safe distance. I felt like this creature would be here anytime soon and eat us."

Both Evie and Ragnar agreed.

The three of them ran towards a safe distance before a familiar sound stopped them and have a look.

"Ren! Leone!"