MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist-Chapter 294: Princess Lorelai

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Instead of rejoicing at the appearance of a saving grace, Ren's heart rate increased in anxiety. He now knew why the NPCs won in the end. It was because of her. Her presence was nothing but bad news to his conquest for the [Monarch Sovereignty].

The players found out about her true identity after their ATPs reached the hundreds. She was even voted as the top Waifu in the game for two years in a row until a goddess pulled her to number two.

Princess Lorelai of Renais.

The eldest among the four daughters of the Emperor and the second child in line for the throne after her older brother.

Princess Lorelai was as much a warrior as Emperor Vanadel himself, finding ringmails more comfortable than silks. She wielded the Legendary sword [Demonsbane] in one hand and held the renowned shield [Might of the Mountain] in the other, making her a walking treasure trove.

If players were able to steal from NPCs, Lorelai would be at the top of their list. But even if they could, the Princess would send them flying before they could even come close to her. Not to mention that all her ATP were reaching thousands already.

She was not an NPC that players could mess with.

According to the gathered information, Princess Lorelai was well-loved.

Most women had commented that she was so beautiful, so brave, and so strong. Everyone would agree that she had always been gorgeous, even as a child. She was the first daughter of the mighty Emperor Vanadel Renais, but she was infamous as a bastard with an unknown mother.

However, Ren knew that her mother was 'ancient' and 'divine.'

According to word of mouth, the Princess came from heaven and was just gifted to the Emperor. With her beauty, it was hard to think of her as human. Aside from that, even her battle prowess was so immense that only her father could match her.

A howling gale stormed that afternoon without any sign of stopping, but at the appearance of Princess Lorelai, it suddenly turned into a steady stream of rain and was about to cease. Thanks to her, the day broke free from the dark clouds' shackles, releasing some light that shone upon her. She was basked in warm luminance, bringing hope to the hearts of many who saw her.

Even though she was clad in an armor of gold and bronze, Ren could see through her image behind it like it was etched in his head. He could see the Princess's deep purple eyes and shining silvery hair with streaks of gold.

Princess Lorelai didn't lack suitors, and they even came from different parts of the continent. The moment her face was revealed, even players were willing to pay a lot of money to claim her as their wife.

In COVENANT, players were allowed to wed NPCs. It was revealed later when a player's relationship with one of the NPCs turned [Intimate], and she accidentally proposed. The inhabitant agreed to her proposal, and they even got wed in church. They were gifted with a child — for a price, of course.

She couldn't actually get pregnant in the game. The child was optional after she got wed to the said inhabitant. After she paid for it, a baby appeared in the crib inside their home one night. And she had never been happier in her life.

There were, of course, requirements before you could live happily ever after with an NPC. First, the player's relationship level with them must be MAX. Second, a player could only ask to marry if they have a house and a ring, or else the NPC wouldn't agree. And third, there must be a crib inside the home for the [Baby] option to appear after the wedding.

But while that applied to most NPCs . . . 'most' weren't 'all' and some were not as easy. Others would require complicated stuff like doing quests, getting this and that, or even slaying a boss alone.

In history, so far, no player had gotten their relationship to [Friends] with Princess Lorelai.

Ren wasn't interested in having a virtual relationship, though.

Reports and information from the past regarding this event was a little blurred. A lot of players said that the Empire's Battalion arrived and took care of Jibblinplip, but others spread rumors that it was a top guild that would've finished it off if not for the Kingdoms' armies that got in the way.

Or it could be because Princess Lorelai was mistaken as one of the Kingdom's armies or the Empire's Battalion herself.

Shit! Ren cursed under his breath, and this was his first time cursing after, like . . . forever!

That was proof of how grave the situation was. Princess Lorelai's appearance was never in his plans. They must act fast, now that she was here.

"Let's move out," Ren ordered, which took Evie, Ragnar, and Leonel by surprise.

Leonel hurried to Ren, catching his breath. "Move out? Are we finally going to kill it?"

Ren didn't reply. He paused and stared at his companions. "Listen well . . . Here's the plan."

While the players were still shocked silly by the appearance of the she-warrior without a name, the higher-ups in the Kingdoms' Armies rejoiced, for they knew who appeared to save them.

Princess Lorelai might as well be the Empire's Battalion. No one knew how she appeared so suddenly, especially when she had to travel from the capital to here. She was even faster than the wyverns and hog riders of the Empire . . . but they had no complaints.

The Ooze Colossus strongly released gibberish noises that no one could understand. It attacked Lorelai, intending to eat her, but the warrior Princess was quick on her feet, and her blade danced with her. Whenever it hit the Ooze, a good chunk of its body flew like droplets before splattering on the ground, and its HP was also running out fast.

Jibblinplip was not about to let its lieutenant perish. It released another wave of vibrating hums that caught nearby NPCs and players alike off guard. The ones who heard Jibblinplip's hum ran into its embrace, but the White Mages managed to salvage some of them.

Amidst the chaos, Princess Lorelai wasn't the least bit affected by Jibblinplip's hums. Her body was tempered, and she was immune to all kinds of status effects.

With Demonsbane in hand, the Princess channeled all her might into her sword. A bright light engulfed the area around her, and she released the concentrated force toward the Ooze Colossus, intending to end it in a single blast.

"I got you!" Princess Lorelai's eyes glinted with satisfaction, and there was a grin across her face hidden beneath her helmet.

But the victory she so desired didn't come as a Dwarf Defender with a fake golden beard and weird ass lazy smile suddenly leaped towards the blast, taking the damage that should have ended the Colossus's life.

The HELL?!