MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist-Chapter 311: Djinni

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"Ren? Ragnar?" Evie took a twirl at her surroundings. She got separated from the two, and this didn't bode well for her. As if that wasn't scary enough, she also found herself alone in the room.

Looking around the random room she was shoved into, she found nothing in its interior except ten random things in varied colors, shapes, and sizes parched on the stone floor. There was a mirror, a coin, a lamp, some accessories, one pair of slippers, potions, and some things she couldn't put a finger on as to what they were for.

Evie was baffled about why she was the only one who was present there.

"Oh, finally! Someone who could free me finally came!"

She heard a voice from one of the things on the ground — but she couldn't specify where it came from, and upon closer inspection, the items glowed with a strange light. There was yellow, green, blue, red, black white, and so on.

After the items glowed, strange creatures also appeared on top of them, taking the form of droplets with big dewy eyes with another small droplets floating on top of their heads.

Evie was alert and used [Monocle] on them but found that the creatures didn't have any ATP — only a description of what they were.

[ D J I N N I of S L I M E S

A Djinni is stuck in here, bound to the things that Jibblinplip consumed. It is none too pleased to be here and offers the party a [Wish Spell] from its list if they can set it free. But first, they have to figure out which Djinni is the real one — the one that the ooze hasn't consumed.


If there's a Blue Mage at the party, all the better. The Djinni will offer a contract to the lucky mage who can set it free.]


"You're a blue mage, right?" a Djinni asked, hopping on top of its lamp. "A Blue Mage's final evolution form is an Enchantress. But do you know that there's still another legendary class hidden from the world after that?"

Evie's eyes shone, totally forgetting about the danger she was in. "Really?"

"Yep," another answered with a twinkly squeaky voice that sounded like those chipmunks in the movies.

"There's an even rarer class that you can get after you become an Enchantress. And that is . . . a Djinni master!"

". . ." Evie tilted her head to the side. ". . . Djinni . . . master?"

[New Information Acquired!]

The creatures all nodded at the same time.

"That's right. Only a Blue Mage can become one! It's a super awesome legendary class!"

Evie's interest was piqued. "What does it do, exactly?"

"They can summon us, Djinni, to aid them in battle!"

"But first, you have to form a contract with us!"

"But . . . isn't that class inclined with a summoner?" Evie questioned.

The little droplets all jiggled left and right to indicate no as an answer.

"Djinnis are different from summoned beasts and spirits. We're more attuned to music and dancing than in butchery and submission."

"Being an Enchantress allows you to use all kinds of musical instruments and also gives you the greatest ability there is that could bend even the mightiest empire! That is . . . singing, dancing, and playing instruments!"

The Djinni all squirmed, and their hopping became faster tenfold from excitement.

"I like that very much!"

"When was the last time I heard an Enchantress play?"

"Soo long!"

"I want to hear one!"

"Too bad she's only an Illusionist at the moment."

"Who cares? She'd be an enchantress soon enough! She inherited the will of Meriyaah!"

"Meriyaah . . ." sighed a Djinni, melting upon recalling just the memory of her. "She's the greatest performer in the entire continent."

"With just a song, she could bend even the mountains to her will."

"She could even give order to nature if she so desired!"

"Too bad that she died before she could become a Djinni Master! I could have been her number one minion!"

"Minion? Forget about that! I would slave for her just to hear her sing every day!"

"Come to think about it . . . is there anyone who has reached the Legendary Class of Djinn Master?"

While the Djinni was excited and chatting about Meriyaah, Evie was petrified. Not to mention how they knew the Enchantress, but the fact that she would gain skills related to the art of music horrified her.

She had never sang, danced, nor held an instrument in her entire life!

In that split second, she suddenly saw her future, singing and playing instruments as she supported the others. Dancing was even worse! These thoughts gave her goosebumps, and she immediately erased the idea.

The prospect of becoming an Enchantress didn't seem to excite her anymore, and there was a growing desire inside her to erase her account and start all over again!

"Wait! Where are you going?!" a Djinni asked when Evie walked away.

"Leaving this place," she said in a very flat voice.

"Aren't you going to help us?"

"No." Evie vehemently shook her head. No matter what, she would not sing and dance or perform in front of dozens of players. She wouldn't do it even if she were alone.

"But the door to the next room wouldn't appear unless you chose the Djinni that still lives in this room."

"That . . ." Evie looked dead on the side, ". . . that's something horrid to hear."

"What's there to choose? We all know that I'm the one alive here. Out of all of us, Djinni of the slimes, I'm the only one who survived Jibblinplip's digestion."

"No! It's me! You died long ago and only hunted this place as a spirit!"

"Shut up, both of you! I'm the one who's alive here. Can't you see how shiny my face is?"

"All our faces are shiny! Idiot!"

"My face is extra shiny! You can see your reflection! See!"

The room was filled with quarrels within a minute. It sounded like little tinkling bells, only that it was cringing in the ears.

( . . . continuation are in NOTES)