MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist-Chapter 336: White Unicorns Headquarters

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Ren wasn't worried about going to the White Unicorn's HQ since . . . obviously, no one could defeat Pii. And he was even less afraid of unleashing the little guy if his life was threatened.

Besides, he doubted if they even had the capability to kill him. Even if all the members of White Unicorns tried to do so, it would be like fighting a mini Boss since Ren's ATP was that high.

Going over at White Unicorn's request, they basically wanted to clear Thunder Cave. Apparently, their goal was to clear all Elemental Caves before the next Guild War commenced. It was probably to get the second-level elemental spells such as [Flame], [Hydro], [Gust], [Earthquake], [Thunder], and [Blizzard].

It seemed like White Unicorns wanted their Mages to evolve their class into the second stage as soon as possible, so they could use high-level AoE spells.

'Understandable,' Ren thought.

Every top guild wanted the number one spot, and it looked like White Unicorn planned to get it through their Mages.

Teleporting to Spring Breeze Hill, Ren inadvertently realized that the area had become a hundred times larger since the last time he was there. It was probably to accommodate all the guild expansions.

It was safe to say that Spring Breeze Hill was an entire continent of its own, where all rich guilds congregated. The scenic view was amazing, as always, with vibrant hills, towering mountains with waterfalls, lakes, rivers, colorful forests, and the likes.

Buying land here had no other extra benefits but the scenic views and the status that came along with the title.

There was also a Teleportation Crystal and carriages at the entrance of Spring Breeze Hill. The Teleportation Crystal only worked for members of the guilds residing inside, and they could only be teleported directly into their respective guild houses.

However, outsiders, with an invitation from the guild leader themself, could use the Teleportation Crystal to enter their HQ directly.

Without an invitation, regular players could only travel through other means. And because of the continuous expansion of Spring Breeze Hill to accommodate the development of more and more guilds, it would probably take about days or weeks to reach a guild house.

It was definitely beginning to form as a continent of guilds.

Fortunately, Ren didn't have to travel that far, wasting precious days. He already had an invitation, and using it, he was transported right outside the White Unicorns' gates.

At the sight, Ren blinked and forgot to breathe.

How many days since he last visited any guild? How come White Unicorn suddenly turned into a fortress?

The walls were made of white bricks, and they also had archers and watch towers. There were even armored players, who seemed to be the HQ's guards, going back and forth on its battlements. Each tower had arrow slits and cannon holes. And the most shocking of all . . . it was snowing, and their HQ was situated on a snowy mountain.

What the hell?!

Ren knew that each guild had a unique taste in architecture and preferred climate, but the albino twin had really outdone themselves this time.

In the past, he only heard rumors that White Unicorns' headquarters was on top of a snowy mountain. He had already seen it in pictures before, but up close . . . it was really something else. He almost forgot about the picturesque view entirely.

All guilds were given the option to change the weather encompassing their territory. Of course, it came with a price. Ren was so sure that White Unicorns paid millions for their HQ.

Eric and Erica were descendants of royalties from when Earth hadn't been segregated into Zones. In a way, the lost and forgotten monarchy could be seen again through their ethereal image.

There were very few monarchy countries left in the world, and often, they were very far away from the Zones, so their beliefs wouldn't be influenced by modern times.

The royal families on Earth had been living for centuries with a lot of wealth and power, but all of it was gone now. The monarchs had died out decades ago as the planet became more industrialized and less dependent on Kings and Queens.

Even so, there were still some people who believed in the old ways and kept the tradition alive. However, those families lived in countries far away from the zones. Those places were isolated, and they practiced their old ways there without being disturbed by outside forces.

Anyway, back to White Unicorns headquarters. Ren took a moment to marvel at the architecture. The flurries of snow sprinkled down on the fairy-tale towers of White Unicorn, like the ones in a fantasy world. A road curved up to the castle entrance came spiralling down to the foot of the mountain. The all-white walls, blue-tiled roofs, and pointy spires of each tower surrounding the main palace reminded Ren of a unicorn.

Whoever the architect of the palace sure did an excellent job.

"Who goes there?" the two guards at the entrance asked Ren, pulling the latter out from his sightseeing adventure.

"My name is Ren. I'm from World Conqueror," Ren introduced.

The two players looked at each other before saying, "Wait here for a moment."

The giant metal door opened to a wide, stony courtyard that was split across two levels by a grand staircase. The open terraces allowed visitors to gaze over lakes and lush forests, while the second level allowed them to see the open courtyard in its full view.

Behind the door was Erica wearing a white robe with blue trimmings. She looked like she had just stepped out of a painting. "Welcome," she said with a smile. "I'm sure you already know who I am, so we will skip the formalities."

"Thank you for having me here," Ren replied politely.

Erica seemed surprised by Ren's cordial attitude, as if their past didn't matter. She really thought that Ren would be antagonistic towards them for what happened with Jibblinplip.

But she guessed that she had judged the man without knowing him first. Her beautiful face then broke into a genuine smile for the first time. "I know that we haven't been on the best of terms in the past . . . but don't worry, we've already put that behind us. We invited you here today to talk purely of business."