MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist-Chapter 400: The Mad Lab 7

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Just as the group was about to split, a loud bang of the metal doors caused them to pause and flinch. Upon looking, they saw that the Doctor had returned and rushed to them.

"That's right! I forgot!" Dr. Frida ignored the others and went directly in front of Roz.

She grabbed him by the shoulders, ignoring everyone else as if they were invisible in her eyes.

"You! Come with me!" she said.

Roz stared at the others and nodded at them to move along. "I'll catch up," he said to Ragnar, while the latter only nodded back.

Ren gave Roz one last glance before he went out of the door together with the others. He didn't know what the Doctor wanted with Roz since he himself only had bits of pieces of information regarding this event.

No matter what it was, Ren would find out later.

"Is he going to be alright?" asked Leonel, worried for Roz's safety.

"Roz doesn't fear monsters here, so he'll be fine," Ren replied.

"No. I mean . . . will he be fine with the Doctor?"

"We're the Doctor's creations now, and we're one of the monsters in this mansion. I doubt she would do anything to Roz now that she asked us a favor," said Ren.

On Roz's side, Dr. Frida brought him back to her research room.

Scattered maps, journals, and other documents were cluttered on a large table, and Roz was waiting for Dr. Frida to speak of the reason why she brought him there.

"Boy, I noticed that you're classless. Do you want to be my predecessor?" Dr. Frida asked with a serious voice.

Roz was surprised because he didn't expect that. But what did she mean by a predecessor?

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"You'll become like me," she exclaimed with a proud voice. "You'll create and animate life! You'll become like me — a genius Mad Doctor!"

"You mean like . . . summon the undead? Like a Necromancer?" Roz wanted to be like one because that was what the other guilds wanted the most.

If he became something like that, then getting jobs would be so much easier.

"Necromancer?" the scowl on Dr. Frida's face deepened, and her nose wrinkled like she smelled something funny.

"Those rotting vermin don't stand a chance against a genius mad scientist like me!" she said with pride.

"What does this genius mad scientist do exactly?" Roz asked, unsure and suspicious of this class. Was that even a class to begin with?

Dr. Frida's smile widened. "You'll be able to create unique monsters, of course! And you can even combine them to make more powerful ones! You can also aid your allies by temporarily boosting their abilities! Or alter them into monsters, and they would gain unique skills!

". . ." Roz was still skeptical. He didn't know anything about that class, and he was hesitating because once he acquired a class, he could never become a Necromancer or other rare class that where popular with other guilds in the future.

However . . . he was tempted. Creating monsters was very powerful . . . right?

Besides, Roz wasn't even sure whether he could get that Necromancer class in the end. What if he couldn't? What would happen to him? To his grandmother?

Wouldn't it be better if he grabbed the opportunity now?

After all, Roz had a feeling that this opportunity would only last until the end of the event.

"Ah, I see you're not yet convinced," Dr. Frida said, her smile fading away. "But don't worry! You will learn everything in time! What's more, you can craft dynamites, bullets, gunpowder, and all those juicy explosives! Aren't you excited?"

Roz's eyes widened at the mention of crafting things. That sounded like an amazing skill to have. But he wasn't sure if it was worth getting since there might be ingredients and materials involved. It was better than nothing, though, so he decided to go for it.

He took a deep breath and spoke up. "I'll take this class."

"Good choice!" Dr. Frida smiled again before she turned back to her desk. "Now, let's get started!"

She rummaged through the books on her desk before finally spotting the one that she was looking for. It was an odd-looking book with a metal cover decorated with clock gears.

She then gave it to Roz and ordered, "Open it."

With a click, the gears on the clock rotated and eventually opened, revealing the contents that Roz couldn't see because of the blinding light that illuminated everything in the room.

The book disappeared, and the next thing he knew, a series of notifications rang in his ears.

‖ S T A TU S ‖

Name: Roz

Age: 18

Race: Sprite

Class: Novice Mad Scientist

Eye Color: Violet

Hair Color: Black with streaks of violet

A T T R I B U T E S:

HP (Health Points): 200 + 200 (Class Bonus)

MP (Mana Points): 100 + 400 (Class Bonus)

STR (Strength): 2 + 10 (Class Bonus)

DEF (Defense): 10 + 20 (Class Bonus)

MDF (Magical Defence): 5 + 10 (Class Bonus)

INT (Intelligent): 20 + 50 (Class Bonus)

AGL (Agility): 10 + 20 (Class Bonus)

LCK (Luck): 10 + 10 (Class Bonus)

S K I L L S:

❶ Attract Lightning

–– You are resistant to Lightning and can summon thunder to bring life to your creations.

❷ Mobile Casting

–– A unique skill to all mages that grant its user the ability to move while casting.

❸Monster Blood Bond

–– All monsters created will be utterly loyal to you.

❹ Monsters Compendium

–– All monsters you see will be stored in your library, and you can create the same monsters depending on the level of the [Create Monsters] skill.

❺ Perfect Armor

–– A unique skill to the Mad Scientist's altered body. After two successive attacks against you, you become immune to the same attack for the whole day.

S P E L L S:

❶ Awaken Body LV.1

–– A dead body can be awakened to heed your command for one minute.

–– Can not cast the same spell on the same body.

–– Cost 50 MP

–– 1-minute cooldown

❷ Create Monster LV.1

–– You can now create monsters in your monster compendium from your library.

–– The monster created is dependent on the skill level.

–– Only 1x monster created per cast.

–– cost 100 MP

–– 2x a day

❸ Mutate Monster LV.1

–– Monsters created can be joined together to evolve into a new type of monster

–– Cost 200 MP

–– 1x a day

❹ Boost Ability LV.1

–– you can now boost your allies skill/spell by 1 level for one minute

–– single target

–– Cost 50 MP

–– Cooldown 1 minute

❺ Alter Body LV.1

–– you can alter your allies' body and turned them into a monster for one minute, gaining unique abilities along the way

–– single target

–– Cost 100 MP

–– Cooldown 1 minute

❻ Fire LV. 2

–– Cost 20 MP

–– Inflict 20% fire damage based on INT

–– Single target

–– 2-sec cooldown

❼ Teleportation LV.2

–– Cost 50 MP

–– Teleport within a 1000m distance

–– 2x day

L I F E S K I L L S:

Cooking: Beginner

Fishing: Beginner

Foraging: Intermediate

Crafting: Intermediate

‖ E N D ‖

Estimate Net Worth: $ 100.00