MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist-Chapter 460: Herbarium 101

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Ren proceeded to Maze Forest next after his short meeting with Lamir. He rounded a corner, and when he knew that he was alone, he put on [Phantom Cloak] and let out Pii.

The little creature flew happily in the air, finally getting out after so many weeks of confinement.

"Pii. I want you to find the [Queen's Fairy's Tomb]," Ren said to it. "And don't forget to alert me of foraging spots and hidden treasures."


Pii let out a happy chirp of acknowledgment, and the little creature began leading Ren deeper into Maze Forest.

As it did so, Ren checked the items he auctioned to pass the time.

The Time Trap Device, Herbs Book, and Clockwork Dragon he got from the Mad Lab had sold for more than fifty million. The Clockwork Dragon alone was auctioned for more than twenty million, and the [Time Trap Devices] were sold for five million each.

A pity about those two items, but Ren had Pii, so he didn't have any use for the Clockwork Dragon. And the Time Trap Device served no purposed to him since he would be pursuing his Alchemy days. He wouldn't participate in any war or mission, and the others had already agreed to sell them to add the payment for Frizkiel's debt.

Leonel even joked one time, "Evie sure is expensive, huh? An entire country for her hand in marriage."

To which Sumeri replied, "Every woman is expensive. It depends on the guy if he's really dedicated enough to have her."

So instead of just sitting in his inventory, Ren decided to auction all items he didn't need at the moment. He could just replicate them later anyways.

The Herb book might be rare, and it was definitely useful to him as an Alchemist, but since he was going to Vanadon-Necroth's lair, he no longer needed it.

The Phoenix X-bow, made with the wood of an elder oak and adorned with the feathers of a newly reborn Phoenix that Ren got as one of the major prizes in helping Dracula, was sold for more than ten million.

It was a rare bow considering that the welder could choose for their bolts to harm or to heal. Another item he got from Dracula's Castle was the Bone Dagger that dealt extra damage to undead and creatures of the night that sold for two million.

The Cursed Ring, which increased DEF and MDF but lowered LCK, sold for nine hundred thousand. Bat Potions that could summon hordes of bats on the battlefield sold for one million each. And the Bone Armor, which added +50 DEF and MDF and resistance to piercing and slashing damage, sold for four million.

But of course, there were other items as well, but Ren had evenly distributed them within the group so the others could upgrade their equipment and, in turn, helped in their mission for World Conqueror.

Ren even saved Dracula's Cape for himself. This accessory, once equipped, could turn its wearer into a bat and granted the ability to fly to no more than ten meters in height for only ten seconds. It was enough if Ren wanted to reach items in high places, like these towering trees for example.

Still, all the money he accumulated wasn't near enough.

Ren took a deep breath and closed his screen. He proceeded to focus his attention on his mission at hand.

The land of the Elves and Fairies was nestled in the forest. These ancient territorial borders were deep and dense, filled with swathes of bluebell meadows, veteran trees, a broad trickling brooks.

Made distinctive by their prominent number of trees, their interlinked canopies form a continuous cover over the plant life that grew beneath them. Communities of plants and animals that couldn't be found anywhere else thrived here alongside a wealth of unique mosses, lichen, and fungi.

Notable woodlands included Maze forest, where the Elves reside, and the Winter Woodlands, where the Feys were located.

Ren took in his surroundings and exhaled a sigh. The atmosphere was pleasant, as always, in these parts of the forest. The warm sun lit the woods and responded in kind by providing shades.

This woodland was full of young, thin-trunked trees – rowan, alder, and hawthorn covered in flowering blooms, on the ground lit by the golden sunlight was a blanket of bluebells, bright and clean and perfect, with small white anemones peering their heads through where they could find space. Along the borders, the Lady's mantle grew small and sweet, filling the air with the fragrant of flowers.

Ren wasn't just idling by while admiring his surroundings. He foraged what he could get his hands on.

The beasts in the area all scurried away from him because of his high ATP. At least for now, this part of the map, where the beasts were no match for him and weren't aggressive and territorial enough to initiate an attack, he could forage in peace for the meantime.

The Lady's Mantle was especially special. This small plant, with clusters of yellow flowers, was easily overlooked on the woodland's floor. If Pii didn't point it out to him, then Ren would surely not found its foraging spot.

The Lady's mantle had large, cup-shaped leaves that gathered the rain when it fell, and the raindrop separated on their surface, took an odd, metallic sort of sheen. This water was known to those that had the [Appraisal] skill as 'Agua Aurea.' This rare water would appear to those who didn't have the said skill like a question mark [?] rather than an ingredient for Alchemy.

Agua Aurea is considered to have magical properties and was highly valued for its ability to increase the potency of potions.

Actually, Ren could craft simple potions right now with the right ingredients and tools. He had already bought simple tools in Erendia Town like mortal and pastel, measuring cups, a grater, scissors, flasks, and a burner.

Ren also bought a Herbalist Backpack containing sprout sponges and jars to preserve the expiration of every plant and fruit he would acquire. He also bought all sorts of containers for Alchemy.

( . . . continuation on NOTES)