Monster Integration (Web Novel)-Chapter 1235: Rule Advancement

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Mary said as she looked at the yellow Rhino that is moving in front of her, "I had thought my energy control was better according to my stage, and then I met your friend Jim who had a similar level of energy control but now I met whose control is beyond belief." She whispered.

"It is one thing to shaped this Fluid, but it is another thing to making it move this smoothly." She said, to that, I just smiled.

She is right; moving it in such smooth motion is far difficult than shaping it, but I am not having any problem doing that; it is far too easier than controlling the numerous energies when I am cooking.

Before I got the Tome, I had enough control over the energy to shape the Rhino; moving it was like climbing a tall mountain, but after cooking for thousands of hours in the Tome, my control got good enough that I could make it move.

"Where is the spot were you talking about earlier?" I asked; she talked about her knowing a good spot for finding treasure, and since there are still a few days, I am up for finding the treasures.

"When I transported to this ruin, I had been transported above it, and just as my feet landed on it, it collapsed, taking me that place." She said, hearing that I couldn't help but feel jealous, landing directly above the treasure; one would rarely have such luck.

"It seemed to be some treasure shop of treasure storage; I can't tell, but I found some good things there, and if not for Crown Tree, I would have spent all my time in the ruin there." She said.

'Who wouldn't?' I asked myself; if I had found myself in a treasure house, I would have too not got out of it unless I have to.

"How long will it take us to get there?" I asked; I don't plan to move out of this abode no matter how great treasure is. "Its shouldn't take us more than after tomorrow if we leave in the morning; if there were interruption, it might take us evening." She said.

When she said the time, she especially emphasized the word 'morning,' making it clear that she too does not wish to leave the abode before morning.

"Ok, we will leave in the morning," I said before I changed the topic, two hours passed by without me realizing as I continued talking with mary; by the time I realized what time it is, it is time for dinner again.

I cooked something light for dinner seeing with has late lunch for a few hours. Dinner was fun, and after dinner, we talked for an hour before we retired to our rooms.

Like always, I went to the practice room but did not materialize the tub instead;, I took out a big log of wood with a curvy hole inside it. I planned to make the tub out of it.

Since there is already a hole, I furnish it little to make it comfortable. After I went back home, I will make a proper tub out of it by the professional carpenter, but it will have to do with my work for now.

I took out a couple of tools and started to carve out some parts I needed, but to my surprise, the powerful tools I am using barely make a scratch.

The wood of the crown tree is one of optimum timber for making the furniture, it is soft yet firm, not to forget it had many amazing properties for which I am making it my tub, but it looks like, one needed to have not only strength but extremely sharp tools to work with it.

Seeing no other options, I took out my sword and started to use it to shave it a little. Even using my sword with its full enchantment, I am having problems problem shaving it.

If not for shaving only a small part, I would not do the hassle; still, that small part took the better part of an hour to do. With my work done, I filled the hole with Cosmic Energy and Vitality rich water before crushing the leaves.

I did not add the fruit; I have done that because I did not have the other option yesterday, but today, I have it.

I took out a small bottle and dropped a few drops of Vibrant green liquid inside the water. It is root juice of Crown Tree Roots; it is not from central roots; I am not ready to use them; using them now would be a waste.

As I dopped the root juice inside the water, it thicked the water like the mist and made it a little greenish. Seeing the thick water, a smile couldn't help but appear on my face as I floated over the tub before gently slid inside.


Immense pain hit me like a sledgehammer; the root juice had not decreased the pain brough by Comic Energy but increased it much fold. It is due to my sheer willpower stayed in the tub; if it had been any other, he would have flown out of the tub.

It is not pure cosmic energy that is tearing through my body and hammering it and the root juice's special energy. I could see them hammering my cell and making them stronger and stronger.

But the next moment, vitality came, too mixed with the special energy of the root juice and all the pain I am feeling desspeared. Soothing energy spread over the cells, healing all the damage they have received during the hammering.

The soothing continued for a second before intense pain came at me and hammered my cells again.

The feeling of soothing and pain in circles is unbearable, before there only used to pain and believe it or not, it was bearable that the pain that hit me every other second, it knows when the knighmare is coming and waiting for its peace.

It is the work of Root Juice, and I don't like it at all. I wanted to fly out of the tub, but I stopped myself seeing its amazing effects. I will bear this discomfort and pain for the amazing benefits it is giving me.

Seeing it will only irritate me more if I focused on the discomfort and pain; I began to focus on how my cells are going through the hammering and soothing process, I put my full concentration on it.

It seemed to help in just a few minutes; the irritating discomfort has lessened noticeably.


I continued watching the process when it suddenly clicked inside me, and everything seemed to become clear, and I started to see life everywhere. I could see how much life energy is contained in the water and how large the special energy of root juice is vitality.

Not only that, the dried piece of wood in which I am laying also seemed to be filled with life energies.

It took me a while to realize what is happening, but an ecstatic smile couldn't help but appear on my face when I did.

My healing Rule had advanced, and the advancement is not small at all but a whole Grade.