Monster Integration (Web Novel)-Chapter 1238: Treasure Touching

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"I had placed the camouflaging sheet over the hole in case I return here." She said with a sneaky smile as she collected the huge sheet before storing it in her storage.

"Let's go." She said, and she jumped in the sky, seeing that I couldn't help but shoot my head before following her behind.

I jumped, and to my surprised, the hope is deeper than I had thought as we kept falling for about twenty-five seconds before Mary stopped herself in the air, seeing that I also stopped my free fall and appeared beside her.

When I looked around, I found myself in a huge hall or maybe a floor. There are signs of shelves in this near-collapse shelf.

"Follow me, and don't let your body touch anything, this building is hanging in the delicate balance, and there are many runic formations with nasty effects." She said shudderingly.

Seeing how she had shuddered, she likely have triggered one of these nasty formations and suffered.

"Ok," I said and followed. "The first eight floors are a complete waste; they seemed to have born the brunt of cosmic energy and are most damaged, the floor below the 8th had suffered little less damaged, and some things in it have survived." She said as she leads me down.

8th Floor! I couldn't help but sweat hearing it; if these floors were to collapse, then one surely get squished, but I did not a thing someone like her have to worry about collapsing of the building; I am sure she would have a hundred ways to survive something like that.

As Mary said, this building seemed huge; it is either a huge shop or treasure storage of some organization. Both options are good as long as I find something useful here.

Floors had passed, and now finally, we have reached the 10th Floor and are at the entrance of the 11th Floor. Mary had said she had cleaned the Floor above when she was here previously, and the eleventh and below floors are completely untouched by her.

We slowly float toward th 11 floors, and when I reached it, I found it a little different from the above floors. Many things are seen on the collapsed Floor and shelves.

"Most of these things collapse when you touch them, but if you are lucky, you might find something did not fall into a piece of turned to dust when you touched them and worked just fine."She said.

She might not know, but I am pretty in 'Peek a touch.' So, I nodded her thanks before took out a stick and started touching things with it; a surprised expression couldn't help but appear on Mary's face before she too took out a stick for her storage and started to touch the thing with it speedily.

Dhub Dhub Dhub…

The familiar came out of things as they turned into dust, which did not turn to dusk into pieces. I am not disappointed; mary said she has to check the huge Floor before finding something useful.

So, I have to keep sticking my stick to things before I found something useful. It is a lengthy work, but for the treasure, one has to do it.

Forty minutes have passed by, but I did not find anything useful on the; Mary also the same; she did not find anything valuable yet, but she did not seem discouraged, just kept touching the things at a very fast speed.


Suddenly a metallic ting rang out from the thing my stick had touched something hard; the thing it did not collapse and turned to dust.

Hearing the sound, I stopped immediately and carefully picked the thing that brought out the sound.

"A brush!" Mary said suddenly; I don't know when she appeared beside. "Inject your energy inside and see what this brush is useful for?" Mary said excitedly; I nodded and injected a slight amount of mana, and the next moment, I come to know what it is, and I immediately connection of mana to it.

"It is quite a dangerous artifact," I said and handed to her without answering her curious gaze. She took the brush in her hands and carefully injected the mana inside the brush before her expression turned stiff, and she, too, cut off her connection with it.

"You are right; this is a dangerouns artifact." She said as she hands me back the brush. The brush has no defensive power or an offensive one, but it is still dangerous when used in front of others.

This brush is what we called Mind Projection Artifact; through it, one can project what one is thinking or seeing inside one's mind and seeing how difficult it is to control the mind and how easily it reacts by the slightest word not better to use it front of others.

The Artifact is fell into the soul category, and Pyramid had put restrictions on using such Artifact. Only a selected few Tyrants have permission to possess them legally. They put in the restrictive category as one forces another to use it and get what they want from their most precious thing: their minds.

"It is quite an Artifact you have found," Mary said before she went to her place and started searching for the treasure. I observe the brush for a second before placed it carefully in storage.

I have not decided what I will do with it; the restriction pyramid involves only when you found out. And this might turn useful against the Grimm monsters but still invading something this personally just feel wrong.

I kept it in my storage before think about what to do with it when I got out of this ruin.

Time passed by, and an hour later, Mary found two things back to back, one storage artifact while the other was a hammer. Half an hour after, I found my 2nd treasure, which was a really nice dagger. It is extremely sharp, and current me did not have enough strength to power up fully.