Monster Integration (Web Novel)-Chapter 1284: Camp Camilla II

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"Is Micheals healing method is different than normal healers?" Mira asked suddenly, to her question mark and other healers looked at her with a peculiar gaze.

"You will find out soon," Mark said before a cryptic smile before he turned to me, "Can you heal the damages of the miasma?" Mark asked; he is referring to the pink miasma of Miasmic Paradice, not the regular miasma which even a normal person healer could heal.

"Yes," I said; I had experimented with the miasma of it this place in the academy, and I did not have much problem; the upgrade of my runes and rule-bending power makes many difficult things very easy.

"How many patients you want to heal?" Mark asked; Mira was quite surprised hearing such a question, but this time she remained quiet.

"Open ten cabins," I said; I said to Mark, who got little surprise hearing that along with other healers but complied immediately. A moment later, he tapped a few buttons on his holowatch; the glass cabins started to desspeared inside the floor.

"They are all yours," Mark said as he waved his hands toward ten beds that were covered by the glass cabins earlier.

I walked toward them and stopped in front of the ten beds, "My healing method is a little painful, so if anyone has any problem with that, you can opt-out." I said. As I said, I heard 'little' said by many healers, including mark.

All of them shook their heads, saying they have no problem with experiencing little pain. "Still, as a precaution, I will ask mark to bind all you," "your guys don't have a problem with that, right?" I asked.

I could see doubt and hesitation appearing on their faces as if they are getting a bad feeling about this from their gut, but they still shook their head. They may not look like it, but they are in very serious condition; if they did not receive treatment within three hours, they would die.

"Since all of you did not have any objection, I will begin," I said, and two sub-Crysteline vines were released from my hands, and they further divided into five smile vines each before moving toward nervous-looking patients.

If I had eyes at my back, I would have seen healers looking at vines with extreme interest as if they are watching a blockbuster movie; one healer even had a gloating expression on her face as she looked at one specific patient.


Soon vines reached the patients, and without warning, they pierced through them before started spreading every inch of their bodies. Mournful screams rang out of the ward, scaring the hell out of other patients who were watching from a distance, and a look of horror appeared on their faces.

Only healers who knew about my healing method remained unsurprised, but traces of fear and awe could be seen in their eyes.

"Mark?" Mira asked, ready to intervene the moment mark gave her get-go. She had been expecting to see some strange healing method, not pure torture that is happening in front of her.

This Micheal gave her a very good feeling, but who would have throught he would be such a nasty fellow to downright torture people.

She could see vines spreading inside patients, and another shudder couldn't help but run through her body. She now needs marks permission, and the next moment this Micheal will be the one screaming in pain.

"Don't do anything, Mira; it is how he heals," Mark said to her before he again focused on Micheal and his vines wanting to see the essences of the process. Mira wanted to say something when she saw an unsurprised look on all the healer's faces; she decided to wait and see.


The vines have spread across the bodies of all the patients; seeing that, I started the extraction; as I did, their screams reached even higher, but I did not focus on them, its all became too common for me.

I focused on the pink roses that started sprouting on the vines; these roses are different than my Essense Roses. The Roses are crystalline, and if one looks carefully, they will see the pink mist stored inside the crystalline roses.

That would be an accurate description; I am not truly harvesting this pink miasma as I do with the Grimm Monsters' energies and essence.

This miasma is too different and high level for me to do something like that; I am just extracting the miasma and storing then in Cryteline Energy Roses, which are laced with rule-bending power, so the miasma would not break free from it.

"Mark, little help here," I said to mark which appeared beside me the next moment, looking very excited. "What do you need my help for?" He asked.

"Help me remove these roses and be careful; they are very fragile," I said; mark nodded and excitedly begun to cut the roses. These patients' bodies had more miasma than I had imagined, with minutes of extraction, nearly all the space in veins filled with roses.

More and more roses appeared on the vine, but Mark, with King Stage speed, has no problem removing them before the roses crowd the vines.

Finally, all the miasma was extracted from the patients, and I called back the vines from their bodies. As I did, all the screams stopped, and they slumped back on their beds, not even having the energy to curse me.

The extraction of miasma happened faster than I had expected; I had thought it would take me more than ten minutes, but I finished within five, which is slower than my extraction of special Grimm Monsters energy.

If it had been any other healer on my place, they would have taken half an hour to remove the miasma, and with all the precautions they take, healing single patients take then hour while I healed ten in five minutes.

In such moments, I couldn't help but feel proud of the Inheritance Ive created.