Monster Integration (Web Novel)-Chapter 2719: Burning Corruption II

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The core had finally begun to resist the energy as it had reached the limit, and it only took it nine minutes for that to happen; in these nine minutes, her bloodline had absorbed more energy than what Lady Yui had done.

It is all thanks to the core; it made a huge difference.

Now, it had reached its limit; the crystals were pushing more energy into it while core was resisting, but even in its resistance, it was still absorbing some of the energies coming toward it, and the only reason I have not pulled back Rhea out of the pool yet.

I want to see how long the energies could push up the core; it will also help me test the limit of the core, which is extremly important data.

It is certainly dangerous, but I have prepared for it, and as long as Rhea does not initiate the breakthrough, everything will be fine.

So, I just watched as Rhea’s bloodline struggled against the energy which wanted to be consumed by the bloodline; the only thing I did was mix my energies with the energies coming from the crystal.

Seconds passed by, and with each second, a stream of valuable data kept coming toward me as the energy pressed the core further and further, and to my surprise, the core continued its struggle for more than a minute before it began to repel all the energies; seeing that, I yanked Rhea out o the pool.

She was expecting it because she did not resist, and as she appeared, she immediately sat crossed-legged beside me, readying herself for what was about to come.


She only got a second of rest before the corruption in her bloodline burned. It was not that the bloodline spread around her body had started burning, but the center of her bloodline also began burning. Her core which looked like the most beautiful diamond in the world has now transformed into the blazing sun.

It is beautiful as it is horrifying that I couldn’t help but get transfixed by it.

The blaze of corruption is more powerful than it had been with Lady Yui. If it had been such powerful in Lady Yui, even I wouldn’t have been able to stop it from burning its essence; the prior preparations are necessary to deal with such a dangerous thing.

Unlike the last time, this time, I am more relaxed; still, I am keeping a vigilant eye on the core. If something bad were to happen, I needed to react immediately.

A few minutes passed, and nothing had changed; the only thing that had changed was me closing Rhea’s mouth. She had herself asked me to do it when I was making the changes; she did not want me to hear her raw screams.


Another few minutes passed when I noticed something in her core; it was nothing serious, but I still investigated it and looked deeper when I saw something which shocked me and upended my understanding of these energies; I had been very wrong since the beginning.

At first, I had thought the corruption inside was unintentional; it had someone produced in it through the thousands of years, but I have been utterly wrong in thinking it.

Corruption has been present in it since the beginning; the creator of the pool had intentionally put it, and seeing what is happening, I can understand why it had done it.

This pool is for the holders of bloodline, and it is not suitable for all bloodline holders. Sorry, wrong again; what I meant to say is being on a regular host of bloodlines or those who did not create a core is a clear waste of this resource.

It should only be used by those with core only as only those with core will receive the complete benefits.

The strengthening energies and the burning corruption worked in tandem; I could see how it is strengthening the core from deep within; without a doubt, Rhea will get far more benefits from it than Lady Yui did, all because of her core.

Though, that does not mean it is not dangerous for Rhea; it is even more than Lady Yui, and the only reason she is safely getting the benefits from it is because of the preparations I have made.

The burning continued for another twelve minutes before it stopped; all the burning corruption disappeared, leaving behind a diamond that is now shining even more brilliantly than before, and if I am not wrong, its size had also shrunk a little.

My energies did not protect her bloodline completely; it had to face the corruption, and it did and now came out even stronger.

She had got many benefits from the energy, from the huge increase in strength to purer bloodline energy, but the greatest of them all is the limit. Earlier during the absorption, her core had reached the limit, but now after the baptism of fire, that limit expanded further.

If I am not wrong, now she has gotten the strength to fight against the High-Grandmasters, not just passively defend against it, and with the limit increases, she will be able to gain even more power. By the time she levels up to High-Grandmasters, she will directly become one most powerful High-Grandmaster we will have in our arsenal.

Her defense, on the other, would be nigh-impossible to break within the same level, and quasi-Grand Lords would need to launch their most powerful attack to break her defenses.

“This strength,” said Rhea as she opened her eyes after resting for a few minutes; there was a clear look of shock in her eyes when she felt her strength.

“Don’t use too much bloodline power; it needs a rest,” I warned her; I gave the same warning to Lady Yui a while ago.

They have made a huge advancement, but it had also put a huge strain on their bloodlines, and it would be better if they let it rest for a while.

“Thank you, Micheal. Without you, I wouldn’t have been able to use this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,” said Rhea and turned toward the pool.

“It is quite regretful that such wonderful treasure is in such a dangerous place, or we would have definitely tried to take it,” said Lady Yui, and Rhea nodded.

“Who says we aren’t?” I asked, and to their shock, they saw the pool slowly separating from the ground, a web of hair-thin strings lifting it up slowly above the ground.