Ms. Doctor Divine-Chapter 761 - Busy With

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Chapter 761: Busy With

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

So judging from what this young girl was saying, she was not going to do anything according to their suggestion? And she sounded very confident that she was able to cure dying people

Doctor Wang suddenly became very furious.

He had received a lot of respect from doctors in the capital, but this young girl dared to counter him so boldly leaving him totally humiliated.

Very well. Very well.

Doctor Wang looked at Gu Chaoyan. “So you mean that you are able to cure dying people? “of course.” Gu Chaoyan answered peacefully.

Doctor Wang nodded. He did not continue to argue with Gu Chaoyan, but turned to the other doctors as he said confidently, “Since she thinks that we are causing her trouble, then we will wait and see if she is able to cure dying people. If she fails, then we will have to do something about her!”

The other doctors had a discussion among themselves, then they nodded at what Doctor Wang said. They believed that it was a good idea.

Those visiting doctors could just send their patients who they were not able to cure to the Xinlin Clinic.

When that moment came, it would be more than about arguments.

Doctor Wang went away with the gang and silence dominated the Xinlin Clinic again.

As Xiu Jie saw these people going away, he asked worriedly, “What are we going to do, Elder Miss? “No worries.” Gu Chaoyan answered briefly. She did not attach much importance to these people at all, but Xiu Jie was still very worried.

He did not think that Doctor Wang was a man with integrity. He was a doctor with a terrible look in his eyes and he might use some filthy tricks to win the bet.

Sword One patted Xiu Jie’s shoulders seeing his worried look. “Aren’t you confident in Elder Miss’ medical skills?

Xiu Jie nodded.

Well He did not have to worry about anything. Elder Miss was a very capable person.

Gu Chaoyan glanced at the clinic, then she nodded in satisfaction.

Xiu jie looked like a tough man, but he was very careful in his tasks.

The Xinlin Clinic wasn’t very large in size, but Xiu Jie had very carefully decorated it. They were not specialized in selling medicine, so the Xinlin Clinic looked a bit concise inside, but the Xinlin Clinic set up shelves in the clinic, where some medical books were placed neatly.

That must have been prepared by Xiu Jie for her, when he noticed that she loved reading books.

After the examination, Gu Chaoyan had intended to take a walk around when someone came to the clinic.

Gu Chaoyan was very surprised to see the visitor, who turned out to be

Madame Wang!

A look of delight and surprise appeared on her face.

Madame Wang’s grandson was the first person she cured, and she had taken good care of her, but Madame Wang barely went outdoors, so they almost never ran into each other. Unexpectedly, she was at the clinic now. “Madame Wang” Gu Chaoyan went up to greet her politely.

Madame Wang was in a good mood. “Theard that you opened a clinic, so I am here to check up on you. You are selling medical pills, right? Officer Wang has been very busy these days, and he barely has time to take a break, so I would like to buy some medical pills for him to be healthy. I am very assured about your medical skills, so I am very assured about your medical pills too.”

Gu Chaoyan was very surprised. Nothing special was going on in the court. So, what kept Officer Wang so busy? “What is Officer Wang busy with? Gu Chaoyan asked subconsciously..