MTL - 10,000 Ways To Clear Players-Chapter 357 Lin Bai, who always likes to take the initiative

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  Chapter 357 Lin Bai, who always likes to take the initiative

  Peace is often built on the basis of war.

  In short, it is necessary to subdue the thorns that jump out.

  Lin Bai used practical actions to wake up all the dizzy people and suppress their arrogance.

   No one knows what happened to the palace.

  But the Eighth Fleet returned on the same day, and in all the news reports, the news about the invasion of alien civilizations disappeared, replaced by friendly reports of mutual exchanges and mutual development between the two worlds.

  The parade organized by the Western Continent because of Magpie Bridge ended before it even started.

  On the game forum, discussions about the international situation were in full swing.

  The Magpie Bridge traverses the east and west continents, and the people of the east continent are full of joy waiting for leader Lin to brutalize the west continent. However, the west continent surrendered upon hearing the news, and even a few words of news have not been exposed. They are not as exciting as the game, and they are very disappointed;

The people of the Western Continent were extremely disdainful of the Eastern Continent, which cooperated with Lin Bai, and they were eager to launch an invasion war. They wanted to use this to overwhelm the Eastern Continent and completely establish their hegemony in reality. As a result, the magpie bridge pointed directly at the palace, and the local officials quickly attacked They are also very disappointed, and feel that their faces are completely humiliated...

People in the real world started a heated discussion on the Justice League's invasion of the mainland on game forums. Some were keen to cooperate, some wanted to endure forbearance and then counterattack, some wanted to take the opportunity to attack the game world, and some protested against the game company's bringing to the world. The chaos and so on and so on, the quarrels are in full swing, and so on.

  After dominating the forum of "The World of Immortals and Heroes", Lin Bai dominated the forum of "The Continent of Gods and Demons".

  All his past video materials have been dug out and studied by people and experts in the Western Continent.

   After all, Lin Bai is the first legendary character who broke the boundary between the game and reality, and brought the skills in the game to reality.

  Suddenly, Lin Bai's fans increased dramatically.

  The language experts from the Eastern Continent have become the most popular talents in the Western Continent, and the practice of laws has become the research direction of everyone in the Eastern and Western Continents.

   It turns out.

  There is no aura in the real world, and the skills learned in the game have great limitations, but Lin Bai's law has no restrictions, and its power is far greater than the skills in the game.

  So, the real world is full of people who practice the law.

The influence of the   law not only extended to the real world, but was also brought into "The Continent of Gods and Demons" by players from the Western Continent.

  The players of "The Continent of Gods and Demons" originally followed the rules in the game and developed step by step, but after being affected by the rules, the style of painting changed suddenly.

  Send warm words to follow the practice; the practice of love to fall in love everywhere; and the practice of the incomplete way of destruction...

  The demonic and crazy way of practice spread like a virus in "The Continent of Gods and Demons", quickly disrupting the inherent order of "The Continent of Gods and Demons".

  Because of nonsense, many players were tied to crosses and burned to ashes as heretics; players who practiced incomplete ways and caused damage everywhere were caught by the sheriff and sentenced to various punishments...

Players and NPCs in the Western Continent coexist peacefully, and they have also established their own public opinion system. They spread the law of the law in their newspapers, talked about the fairy world on the opposite side and the magical Lin Bai, looking for someone who can travel through time and space and enter reality. Great magician or wizard, in order to use them to fight against Lin Bai.

  The Western Continent players have their own dignity, and they don't want to be led by Lin Bai in everything.


   Also playing games, Dong Dalu has opened up the game world and reality, but they have no clue. This feeling of being behind also makes them very uncomfortable.

  However, without the strong evidence of Lin Bai, their argument is like a castle in the air. No NPC is willing to believe their words, and they are more willing to treat the players as lunatics and heretics.

   Immortal players are the key defense targets of NPCs.

  The relationship between the NPC and the players has developed rapidly to the point of tension...


  However, the noise of the players has nothing to do with Lin Bai. He didn't do anything more extreme in the United States of the West, and he didn't even hurt anyone.

  The weapons in the real world are indeed powerful, and they may be able to hurt Lin Bai.

  But the people who control the weapons are too weak, and using the law against them always makes Lin Bai feel like an adult beating a child.

   And leave the matter to the people of Tiantang Kingdom to negotiate.

  The limitations of the two sides' vision, and various historical conflicts, the result of the negotiation does not know where it will go, maybe it will really drop nuclear bombs on each other in the end...

  At that time, Lin Bai came forward to solve the problem, which was even more troublesome.

   It's better to cut the mess quickly and nip all possible things in the bud.


  What Lin Bai needs is not destruction, but the control and deterrence of the two worlds. He is an alien in the game, and he doesn't know the purpose of the game company and the origin of the system.

   For a long time, game companies have been putting pressure on him through players to increase the difficulty of his survival.

  Lin Bai doesn't like to be passive.

  Having the right to speak in the two worlds, when the game company uses tricks, he will be more calm when dealing with it.

  The game between the two sides is nothing more than to see who has more resources in their hands.

   Moreover, control the real world in advance, and when fighting against the world of heaven and man, the backyard will not catch fire.

  Lin Bai knows that people's hearts are complicated, and those who are forcibly persuaded by him may cause troubles at any time.

   But Lin Bai is fearless, there are many people who hate him, and he doesn’t care about one more world, as long as he flashes his claws from time to time and keeps in a position that they can’t reach.

   It took a long time.

   When everyone tastes the sweetness of the trade between the two worlds, they probably won't want to fight.

  The purpose of the development of civilization is not to destroy, they will find the balance point of survival in the process of growth.


   Think twice.

  Lin Bai did not build a magpie bridge into the game world of "The Continent of Gods and Demons".

   Meals have to be eaten bite by bite, roads have to be walked step by step, his energy is limited, there is a fairy world in "The World of Immortals", and there is a group of things in "Continent of Gods and Demons"!

  Lin Bai is good at winning in chaos, but he won't let himself fall into the quagmire.

  Two different civilizations intersect, and the things to be dealt with are majestic and complicated. Lin Bai doesn't care about handling these chores, leaving Lin Wubai to maintain order, and he returns to the world of heaven and man with everyone.

  After being fresh, Takumi and others lost interest in the real world.

Modern civilization technology may change the lives of the people at the bottom, but when they reach their level, the civilization of the real world does not help them much. Only higher-level civilizations can improve them, such as the fairy world, such as the higher-level civilization. Layers of the Gate of Justice...


  Lin Bai stayed in the real world for two days.

  The body of the **** of war was stationed at the reception pool. During this period, no celestial beings came to check the situation.

  The disappearance of Bai Feng's team did not cause waves in the fairy world.

  Back to the Reception Pool, Tuohai and others seized the time to devote themselves to practice, read thousands of books, traveled thousands of miles, and followed Lin Bai to the real world. They firmly believed in Lin Bai's statement of the great world.

  The strength of the real world is not enough to keep them on guard.

  But the behind-the-scenes game company, this formidable enemy, made them deeply aware of their own lack of cultivation.

  The indestructible game pod and the casually created immortal body remind them all the time that their world is in danger.

   It also made them realize how stupid and narrow-minded it was to oppose Lin Bai for the sect's three-acre land.

   Only those who are strong will have the ability to protect themselves when encountering game companies in the future.

   Lin Bai is indeed saving the world.

  All those who practiced hard have changed their mentality long ago. Everyone hopes to give Lin Bai some help when he saves the world.


   Receive pool.

  Bai Feng was out of his mind, shocked by the news of the real world and the game company, he looked at Lin Bai: "Who the **** are you?"

  Lin Bai glanced at him and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter who I am, you just need to know that everyone is the plaything of the game company, and we need to work together to hold our destiny in our own hands."

  Bai Feng said: "I have never heard of the power of law."

   "You haven't heard of it, it doesn't mean you don't have it." Lin Bai said, "Bai Feng, now, you basically understand everything, about game companies, about God and Demon Continent..."

Bai Feng interrupted him: "Lin Bai, you described the game company as the mastermind behind the scenes, but what you did was as suspicious as the game company. The game company used players to disrupt the world, and you accelerated the process. Those people Not your opponent, forced to accept your rhetoric, but I didn't, I was sober.

  Lin Bai, even if there is a game company, the fairyland is still at the top of the food chain. As long as the heavens and humans do not make mistakes and the players cannot make waves, they will become our playthings just like the ascended ones. The fairyland has been quiet for so many years, the Ascender can no longer bring us more fun, we need something fresher to inject vitality into our lives..."

   Dead stubborn!

   And arrogant...

  Lin Bai frowned.

Bai Feng paused for a moment, and said: "Lin Bai, your law seems powerful, but it is only enough to dominate among ordinary people. The power of heaven and man is beyond your imagination. Our learning ability is very strong, smart and wise , it won’t take long for us to learn your laws. You are not our opponent. Don’t think that you will replace the heavenly beings and become the master of the world.”

   "It's really arrogant!" Lin Bai shook his head and said contemptuously, "Before you met me, your eyes were only limited to this world, let alone the game company, you didn't even know about the Gods and Demons Continent."

   "Now we know." Bai Feng said, "It won't take long before we will conquer the real world, conquer the so-called players, conquer the land of gods and demons, and finally find the game company and wipe them out..."

   "It's similar to my idea." Lin Bai laughed dumbly, "It seems that we can really cooperate, Xiaofeng, why don't you tell me about your world!"

   Bai Feng glanced at him and stopped talking.

   "Xiao Feng, you have been missing for two days, and no one is looking for you. It is really a failure to be a human being!" Lin Bai stood side by side with Bai Feng, and said leisurely.

"Taking care of the reception pool is an easy job. In recent years, fewer and fewer people have ascended from the lower realms. There may not be an ascended person who ascends in ten days and a half months. Ascended beings are getting more and more boring. If it is not This time the Feisheng Pool was alarmed abnormally, even I would not come over, it is normal for no one to come over for two or three days."

   Even if made into a puppet, Bai Feng still maintains his arrogance.

  But after being taught a lesson by Lin Bai, and leading him to gain insights, his attitude became much calmer, and he was no longer irritable when he was captured, and he could have a normal conversation with Lin Bai.


   He would still choose to remain silent on some key questions, because he was already afraid of Lin Bai's Power Words.

   "Is the Heavenly Tribulation pre-set, or is it controlled by humans?" Lin Bai asked suddenly, thinking of the Light of Exterminating Demons that was specially aimed at him.

Bai Feng looked at Lin Bai and shook his head: "Lin Bai, no matter how much I tell you, you can't understand the whole fairy world from my mouth. You should go out and see for yourself, only then will you know the truth about heaven and man. How powerful it is. Your power of law is very interesting, go to General Nan, maybe he will give you a different treatment."

   "Yes." Lin Bai looked at Bai Feng and nodded.

   "You agree?" Bai Feng asked in astonishment.

"Why don't you agree? You are just a marginal figure, and it's useless to talk to you. I need to cooperate with someone who has more power to speak, or he conquers me, or I conquer him." Lin Bai said, "Receiving Chi No matter how remote it is, someone will come to check it out. I don't have much time. I prefer to take the initiative rather than wait passively. Bai Feng, I know what you are thinking, but I can guarantee that the result will definitely disappoint you .”

   "I'm looking forward to it." Bai Feng said.

   "Master, are you going out?" Qingyun asked, "Do you want me to go with you?"

   "It's not me, it's him." Lin Bai pointed to the body of the God of War, and said, "This guy can't ask anything, he has to go out and really understand the world..."

  Bai Feng glanced at the body of the God of War, but didn't speak. For him, as long as he can leave the receiving pool, it doesn't matter if he goes out with anyone. Being trapped here is his nightmare.

   "He's in danger, won't it hurt you?" Qing Yun glanced at the body of the God of War and asked worriedly.

   "No." Lin Bai smiled, "I don't fight uncertain battles."

  Bai Feng snorted subconsciously, and couldn't help saying: "Greedy for life and afraid of death, you will never reach the pinnacle of life."

  Lin Bai looked at Bai Feng, smiled and said, "Bai Feng, I forgot to tell you, I can sense emotions."

  Bai Feng's smile froze on his face. He naturally knew how scared he was when he faced Lin Bai...

"Xiao Feng, I really appreciate that you are so afraid of me, but you pretend to be arrogant and simple." The body of the **** of war came to Bai Feng, reached out and patted his shoulder, and said with a smile, "Let's go, let's go Meet your General Nan, if you are lucky, maybe you can have another acquaintance to chat with."

  The emotional explosion from the real world, the fruits on the spiritual fruit tree and the temperament fruit tree are like stars in the sky, and the number is countless, but no matter how small the mosquito legs are, they are still fleshy. They are still keen to collect everyone's emotional value.


  Divided more than half of his energy to the body of the God of War. Under the anxious eyes of everyone, Lin Bai walked out of the reception pool for the first time.

  (end of this chapter)