MTL - 70s: Dressed As a Villain’s Wife-Chapter 32 Sudi

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In the early morning of the next day, Su Xiaoman packed up and prepared to go back to Su's house. This time he went out and brought a lot of things to the Su family, including cigarettes for Su's father and Su's mother's clothes. , as well as the vanishing cream for my sister-in-law, and the shoe belts for several brothers.

Xie Mingtu got up earlier, obviously he had gone out for a walk and came back with a small basket in his hand.

Su Xiaoman thought that he must have prepared something secretly. After all, he was going to accompany her back to her parents' home. If she wanted to be a good son-in-law, she naturally had to please her father-in-law, mother-in-law and a few uncles.

She thought that the bamboo basket would contain a dried rabbit, but it turned out to be a freshly killed chicken.

Su Xiaoman blinked, tilted her head and couldn't help looking up at Xie Mingtu: "Are you still hiding meat?"

It seems that Xie Gouzi has mastered the ability of "mingling the plank road with darkness and Chencang", and it is not easy to develop himself into such a big man, Su Xiaoman patted his hard back.

Seeing her star-eyed appearance, Xie Mingtu couldn't help but smiled and nodded, "Also."

Su Xiaoman was really curious, took his hand, and asked quietly, "Tell me, how did you get this chicken?"

Xie Mingtu: "Raised on the mountain."

Su Xiaoman: "???? You raised it on the mountain?"

Is it possible to raise chickens on the mountain? There are indeed many deep mountains and old forests near their Qiaoxin Village. Generally, no one will dig into the forest. They may encounter some jackals, tigers and leopards, and their lives are in danger.

Xie Mingtu nodded hesitantly, and shook his head again, "I put a few chickens over there before, and they have grown up."

Su Xiaoman: "…"

How else? So these chickens grew up on their own in the mountains?

Su Xiaoman was stunned, and suddenly felt that this was indeed a solution. If the chickens were kept in the deep mountains and old forests, they would search for food around by themselves, but they could not eat feed, but could eat insects and wild vegetables.

Like an orchard chicken?

So the chicken raised in this way must be thin, but the meat quality must be good, the chicken that has been tempered is sweet and tender, and it is a free-range chicken that has grown up hard and tenaciously.

The chickens raised in this way do not know whether they are pheasants or artificially raised chickens.

Old God Xie Mingtu shook his head on the ground, "No."

Su Xiaoman guessed that he had his own secret breeding base.

"I take Manman to see?"

Xie Mingtu had nothing to hide from her, but Su Xiaoman shook his head when he heard this, "The less people know about this kind of thing, the better. , Ordinary people can't keep up with you, but the two of us are too conspicuous, leaving traces, it will be bad if they are discovered."

At least until they are not at Xie's house.

"Forget the rabbit, you should not take out the chicken easily in the future, it's too eye-catching."

Xie Mingtu nodded, "I listen to Manman."

After he finished speaking, he added, "I'll catch a rabbit for Manman."

Su Xiaoman couldn't help laughing, thinking that this guy was too confident, "Are there really so many rabbits waiting to be caught by you?"

Xie Mingtu blinked: "I know hundreds of rabbit holes, and I haven't caught them all."

Su Xiaoman was speechless: "…"

She believed that what Xie Mingtu said was not an exaggeration, but a fact. He probably really knew so many rabbit holes and where the little rabbits on the mountain lived.

Su Xiaoman felt that he was too simple before. Thanks to Gouzi's ear, he would never fail to eat meat on the mountain.

He seldom brought meat back to Xie's house, but at Xie's house, it was not his turn to eat meat.

"Do you occasionally feed the rabbits?"

Xie Mingtu nodded honestly, "Cut some grass."

Su Xiaoman: "..." Really implements sustainable development.

With his ear, he might be able to hear that the rabbit in this hole is not at home today.

Su Xiaoman sighed and sighed so enviously.

She feels that her partner is amazing!


Su Xiaoman stood on tiptoe, raised his hand and pinched Xie Mingtu's earlobe, when he bent down, leaned into his ear and said softly: "Your ears are so powerful, don't take this ability lightly let others know."


"I know, Manman." Xie Mingtu put his arms around Su Xiaoman's waist and hugged her gently.

He has known about it since he was a child.

Manman reminded him so carefully that he cared about him, which made him feel very sweet.

"Come on, follow me back to my mother's house."

"Xiaoman, this child came back yesterday, came over today? I haven't seen this child for a long time, I miss her, Tang Hong, you also want to see your sister Xiaoman. "After hearing that Su Xiaoman was back, my cousin Yang Guihua hurriedly urged Su Guodong to go back to Su's house, waiting to see Su Xiaoman and her poor husband-in-law.

"I want to see sister Xiaoman and brother-in-law." Tang Hong is a girl with a round face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, neither good-looking nor ugly, wearing new clothes. , like the girls in the city, painted his eyebrows and painted a little red on his mouth.

Does not apply grease.

Tang Hong is very proud in this dress now, thinking that she may be better than that beautiful Su Xiaoman since childhood.

Su Xiaoman's marriage is not good now, even if a beautiful flower in the past is not well married, it will not wither soon.

She has seen those women who get married in the countryside. After most of them get married, their hands and faces become rough in order to serve men and children.

Liu Shufeng was very happy when her daughter came back, but she didn't look good when she saw the difficult mother and daughter at home.

Liu Shufeng is still very happy, she wants to see her daughter more than anyone else.

The sister-in-law of the Su family laughed at her, "Mother, Xiaoman came back yesterday, and my uncle passed by. It's fine if you don't go there yourself, and don't let our people go to see Xiaoman."

Liu Shufeng snorted twice, "She is now the daughter-in-law of someone else's family. As a mother, I have to go to the village entrance to guard her return."

Sister Su Yingzi lowered her head and smiled, thinking that her mother-in-law was just pretending.

"I heard that Xiaoman came back yesterday to make a big noise. They all said that Xie Laowu has changed his appearance and became tall and handsome, which is very suitable for our Xiaoman."

"That's it! I've known that for a long time." Liu Shufeng appeared calm on the surface, but she was actually very anxious. She couldn't wait to see her daughter and son-in-law.

But she can't rush in so eagerly, waiting for her daughter and son-in-law to come and visit.

"Xiaoman's husband has changed? How much can she change?" Yang Guihua and Tang Hong laughed secretly behind her back.

I thought to myself, how can a poor boy become what he looks like, is it possible that he can still go to heaven?

There is nothing like Tang Hong's fiance.

"Mom! Mom!" Big Brother Su shouted outside, "Xiaoman and brother-in-law are here!"

Brother Su stared at Xie Mingtu beside Su Xiaoman at the door like a knife. When my brother-in-law looked at his brother-in-law, the more he looked at it, the more unpleasant he looked. The pretty little girl was kidnapped.

But today, Big Brother Su feels that the brother-in-law he hasn't seen in more than half a month is much more pleasing to the eye than before.

I heard someone say yesterday that he also learned to drive a tractor to transport.

I cleaned it up, it looks like a dog.

"Xiaoman is here!" Sister-in-law and Liu Shufeng quickly put down their work and ran to see people outside the yard. Yang Guihua and her daughter looked at each other and followed them to the outside of the yard .

Su Xiaoman greeted the family one by one, "Brother, help you take down the things in your hand, take this to the kitchen, Mingtu will give you a little thought."

Brother Su opened it and looked at the fresh chicken, but unexpectedly glanced at Xie Mingtu.

It seems that this kid went outside, not only became like a dog, but also seemed to be angry.

Xiaoman, who used to shout that she was unwilling to marry, now shouts "Ming Tu" intimately, and the relationship between the two has also made great progress.

Brother Su with a smile in his mouth, immediately relaxed, "Okay, I'll take it to the kitchen, chop it up with a knife, and let your sister-in-law make a good meal later."

"Xiaoman!" As soon as Liu Shufeng saw her daughter outside, she immediately shouted.


"You boy! Ah! This is Mingtu!" As soon as Liu Shufeng saw Xie Mingtu, her eyes were brighter than light bulbs, and a pair of eyes stopped on him, as if she forgot to even blink .

Su Guodong, next to him, looked a little appetizing.

Xie Mingtu smiled softly and called her mother.

At this moment, Liu Shufeng didn't know how to describe her mood at this time. The tall and handsome young man in front of her was actually her son-in-law. Smile so softly.

Xiaoman's white and tender hands were also in his.

Liu Shufeng rubbed her face, no way, her joy must be beyond words.

When you were the most beautiful, my mother felt that the two of you were destined, and it really was fate."

"Come here, bring Xiaoman in and sit down."

Liu Shufeng's live performance is that the mother-in-law looks at the son-in-law, and the more she looks at it, the more pleasing the eye is.

After Yang Guihua and Tang Hong saw the couple outside, they were immediately dumbfounded. This... this tall and handsome man is the poor boy in the village, Xie Mingtu, whom Su Xiaoman married?

Isn't he just a piece of cow dung?

Why does this cow dung look good? It is said that she can drive a tractor... Oh, this young and beautiful couple standing together is really eye-catching.

Tang Hong looked at Su Xiaoman with an ugly face. This woman looked even better after she got married. At first glance, she was nourished by love. .

Looking at Su Xiaoman's face, Tang Hong suddenly felt a little embarrassed, she wanted to wipe everything off her face, no matter how much she applied, it couldn't compare to her clear water. .

Standing across from her, like a harlequin.

The only person who can compare to her is her fiance. Tang Hong's heart is sour. No matter how good-looking Su Xiaoman's husband is, he is just a poor boy in the country, but she wants to marry into the city of.

"Father, mother, sister-in-law... Mingtu and I have prepared gifts for you all." Su Xiaoman asked Xie Mingtu to bring out all the things he brought and prepared them for their father, Su Guodong, of course it was Shang Good tobacco leaves and tobacco pots, Su Guodong couldn't move his eyes as soon as he saw these good tobacco leaves.

"My daughter is still thinking of me, oh, it's all good tobacco leaves."

"Mingtu helped pick it." Su Xiaoman helped Comrade Xie Gouzi to check his favorability. She saw that the one who hated Xie Mingtu the most in her family was her own father, Su Guodong.

As expected, when he heard that the tobacco leaves were picked by his son-in-law, Su Guodong looked at the tobacco leaves in his hand, and immediately his nose was not his eyes.

Xie Mingtu nodded honestly.

Liu Shufeng kicked Su Guodong's leg with one foot, tutted twice, and said in disgust, "Look at how proud you are."

"Mother, I made you a suit myself."

" Made clothes for mother? You really are, you child, mother is so old, there are always a few old clothes, don't worry about wearing them, you, keep some cloth, It’s better to make more clothes for you young people, right? Xiaoman, you should make some clothes for your son-in-law.” Liu Shufeng was holding the new clothes, although she was extremely happy in her heart, but she didn’t say anything. Forgive people.

"Mother, Manman did it for me." Xie Mingtu's body was as stiff as a piece of wood, standing in front of Liu Shufeng, but the smile on his face never stopped. Speaking of which, he It was the first time I felt the love from my elders.

Mother-in-law pulled him to greet him.

He was overwhelmed by this sudden and violent love.

Seeing this, Su Xiaoman simply left Xie Mingtu alone to Liu Shufeng, and asked her mother to take her son-in-law to chat with her, and let Xie Gouzi experience her mother-in-law's love for him.

Xie Mingtu, who was stiff and numb in the scalp, asked her for help with a pair of dog eyes, but she just smiled, helpless.

"Sister-in-law, I bought you a vanishing cream, come and try it, it is just to moisturize your skin in autumn and winter."

"Oh, you prepared these for me." The Su family's sister-in-law was very happy, and came over and whispered to Su Xiaoman.

"And here are the shoes for the eldest brother, the belt for the second brother, and the third brother..."

The third brother Su next to him couldn't help it for a long time, and said, "Little sister, I have been waiting for a long time, do you still remember your third brother!"

"Third brother, I remember you, and I picked a lighter for you."

My sister-in-law went to the kitchen to cook with my elder brother. Xie Mingtu couldn't stand the care of his mother-in-law, which was like a scorching summer sun. He followed his father-in-law Su Guodong to help the Su family.

Liu Shufeng couldn't stop laughing when she saw their husband and wife standing together, and couldn't help sighing: "Old Su, if you looked like this when you were young, I would have married two years earlier. is you."

Su Guodong snorted coldly, thinking back then, he was also a handsome young man, but now he is old, wrinkled and his face is bigger.

He glared at Xie Mingtu viciously. Before, a thousand of his daughters were unwilling to marry the Xie family boy, so they went out together for ten days and a half months, holding hands, and Mingtu also When I woke up, my daughter was already this brat's.

The heart of a woman, the needle in the sea, changes so fast.

This mother and daughter really like to be handsome.

"You, take the axe and chop wood for me."

Liu Shufeng went back to the house to talk to Yang Guihua, she was very happy at the moment, no matter what cousin or niece married a worker in the city, their family was married to the same village, and they had a good time Just be happy.

don't worry."

The smile on Yang Guihua's face was a little stiff. Although Liu Shufeng in front of her said, "Oh my daughter is not as lucky as yours", but that face was full of joy, and the whole person was proud and happy not.

I don't know what she's bragging about, but she's just a poor son-in-law in the countryside.

"Such a son-in-law is good, my family is Manman, I used to like an educated youth, and I was a big boy, but how can our family climb into such a family, do you think so, if If you really marry such a family, let's not talk about wealth or wealth, our family Manman will definitely be angry."

"I gave birth to this precious daughter, how can I let her go to another home to be angry, and our mother's family can't support her."

Yang Guihua heard what she said, and immediately refuted, wanting to find unpleasantness for the proud Liu Shufeng, "That's not what I said, I think, your Xiaoman is so beautiful, even if married It's enough for that Jiang Zhiqing in your village."

"Your family Xiaoman had the opportunity to marry, if it was Jiang Zhiqing who rescued Xiaoman at the beginning, it would be a great thing, that Jiang Zhiqing is the son of a cadre in the compound. I heard that his family background...even the girls in the city are lining up to marry him." Yang Guihua winked at Liu Shufeng.

work in.”

"His family has seen a lot of women who have jobs and culture in the city, can they look down on our Xiaoman? When the time comes, he will give enough power to bully my family Xiaoman, what should I do? I would like my daughter to be angry, let alone beat the mandarin ducks, there are many men who have a lot of guts, and after returning to the city, in case they fall in love with other Yingying Yanyan..."

"For that kind of family, I stay away from it, and I don't want to climb high,"

Compared to her pampered daughter growing up and marrying someone, she would rather go down to please another man and his family, she would rather her daughter live happily.

"When I asked Xiaoman to marry Mingtu, I just liked his family background." Liu Shufeng said so stubbornly, in fact, the main reason was that Xie Mingtu was tall and handsome. It can also be accepted, their Su family can cover it.

Xie Mingtu, who was outside the door, was still chopping firewood, he was stunned for a moment, and then he was very glad that his mother-in-law took a fancy to him.

Let her take it back, but was stopped by Su Xiaoman.

During the meal just now, Liu Shufeng hinted that they should split up as soon as possible and go out to have a single. On the way back, Su Xiaoman pushed Xie Mingtu's elbow and asked him what he was thinking.

Work hard to make money, build a big house for Manman, and let Manman live a good life.

Su Xiaoman nodded and analyzed: "The third sister-in-law definitely wants to split up, the eldest sister-in-law...I don't know yet. Your mother and the second sister-in-law will probably make trouble and don't want to split up."

In this family, the most reluctant to split up the family is Sun Mei and the second family, especially the Xie second family, who are favored by Sun Mei in the Xie family, and there are many families in the family. All the money is spent on his family.

The second family can't wait for the other brothers to work in vain to support their family.

"Wait for another month, eldest brother will be back." Xie Mingtu suddenly said something.

Su Xiaoman is puzzled: "?"

"My eldest brother will split up last year, and my mother won't give it."

Su Xiaoman thought that of course Sun Mei would not give it, "Your mother is willing to separate you from the third brother, but she probably doesn't want to separate the eldest brother."

The eldest of the Xie family is a soldier and sends money back every month. Sun Mei is in charge of the money, but she is mean to the children of the old family. Let’s see how the three children of Mr. Xie have lived. What kind of life did Xie Yaozu live in, and what kind of life did Xie Yaozu of the second family live?

Elder Xie and Third Xie are her own sons, and Tie Dan are also her own grandchildren, but Sun Mei doesn't take them to heart at all.

Boss Xie sent money back to his mother to take care of his children, but the money was not used on the children, but was used by the mother to support her son and nephew.

The elder sister-in-law Qin Xiuying is an orphan. Rather than staying at Xie's house, of course she wants to take her children out to pay for orders. The money that Boss Xie sends back every month is not much, but it is enough to manage the family and take care of the three children.

"This time my eldest brother comes back, he should also mention the family separation."

Listening to him, Su Xiaoman's eyes lit up, "That's just right, split up!"

"Mingtu, did you hear anything last night?"

Xie Mingtu was silent for three seconds, then said slowly, "I heard."