MTL - 70s: Raising a Baby-Chapter 206

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   Chapter 206

   Ye Jinzhi was slightly surprised to see them, how could they be here.

   Ye Jinzhi didn't want to go when she received an invitation letter. Since she took over the company, she has often received various invitations, some for birthday celebrations, and some for dinners held by their company for several years.

  These invitations indicate that they are holding events, but they are actually commercial receptions. Everyone is looking for investors or partners.

   Ye Jinzhi was accustomed to these dinner parties. In his last life, he spent most of the night at various receptions for almost half a month.

   It doesn't matter that she attended the reception alone in her previous life, there is no one in her family who needs her to be concerned about.

   In this life, Ye Jinzhi has taken over the company for so long, and he has attended very few receptions. He can count them on one hand.

  Others she pushes as she can, and she doesn't participate if she doesn't. There are so many children at home waiting for her to come home. Usually, she asks her subordinates to go instead of her and give a gift by the way.

  It's been a long time, everyone in the circle knows that Ye Jinzhi doesn't like to attend cocktail parties, it is difficult to invite her, and many people who want to take advantage of the opportunity to attend the cocktail party to talk to her about cooperation have no hope.

   So this time when I saw that I came to the banquet, not only others were surprised, but even the host was surprised.

  Although they knew that Ye Jinzhi would not participate, they would all send out invitations. In short, their intentions must be there, and maybe someone will come.

   The organizer was a clothing company that Ye Jinzhi had cooperated with before. When he saw Ye Jinzhi pushing the door and entering, he thought he had read it wrong.

   He thought that he could not let Ye Jinzhi participate in person because of his own face, so it was already very good for him to send someone here.

   "Mr. Ye, I didn't expect you to come in person." When the host saw Ye Jinzhi coming in, he walked over with a glass of wine.

   "Happy birthday to Mr. Liu, this is my little thought." The man who had been standing beside Ye Jinzhi handed out the gift box in his hand.

   "You're welcome, Mr. Ye, come here."

   Ye Jinzhi was led into the crowd, whether he knew it or not, when he saw that Shouxing respected the woman beside him so much.

   followed involuntarily, thinking of saying hello, and although some of them did not know each other, among so many men in the audience, a woman was so welcome.

  Those with a bit of brains would not think that it was because of the good-looking girl that she attracted so many people to say hello.

  Everyone is not a fool. Most of the people at the reception came with a purpose, and it was a business matter, and private love would not be put on it.

Besides, there are mostly men in their circle, and it is difficult for women to stand out among a group of men. Although there is no shortage of women on the field, most of them are assistants or lovers. Even if there are a few, they are businessmen, but no one here is willing to take care of them. .

  You can guess who this is with a little brainstorming.

   Ye Jinzhi first became famous for her appearance, she was so beautiful, the first impression she gave was a vase, and she was incompetent.

   But this woman, known as a vase, has completely impressed everyone in just one month.

  The people around Ye Jinzhi went from the one at the beginning, to the four or five in the back, and then to a group of people now.

   Originally, this venue was not very big, the weather was hot, and Ye Jinzhi felt out of breath when surrounded by so many people.

   But her face was still very calm, with a faint smile, but this smile did not reach her eyes, and there was a sense of alienation in her whole body.

   But it didn't affect everyone's enthusiasm at all, and they kept trying to squeeze into Ye Jinzhi's side.

   Ye Jinzhi's popularity is not only because of her ability, but also for a very practical reason, she loves to do "charity".

   This "charity" is not the charity that everyone understands, but that she invests in startups for many unknown people, and these investments are almost never returned and receive no remuneration.

   There were those big bosses who attended the party, but there were also some who tried their best to come in and want to attract people to invest.

  Many people joked that Ye Jinzhi was taking advantage of him. He had so much money that he even invested in those businesses that would lose money at first sight.

  Some people can't bear to look at it and remind Ye Jinzhi kindly, but Ye Jinzhi just smiled, and it's up to me.

   In the eyes of others, Ye Jinzhi is "poverty alleviation", but only Ye Jinzhi knows that although these projects she invested in cannot be profitable at the moment, they will have a big market in the future.

   "Miss, do you want to take a breath outside?" The man kept guarding Ye Jinzhi's side, not letting anyone get too close.

   Those who surrounded him were worried that he didn't dare to get too close, but he didn't get too close.

   With Ye Jinzhi as the center, the people around her almost surrounded her, Ye Jinzhi felt that her back had started to sweat.

  Liu was always the closest to Ye Jinzhi, and the man's words naturally reached his ears.

   "Let's all disperse, let President Ye take a breath." He waved his hands to disperse the crowd.

   Although everyone is reluctant, but in the end, the host is the host, so they can only disperse reluctantly, but they are still wandering around, looking for an opportunity.

   "I'm sorry." Ye Jinzhi nodded to President Liu, and with the help of the man, went to the window to get some air.

   There was a man standing beside him, even if someone wanted to come up to chat with Ye Jinzhi, they were too intimidated to come forward.

   After all, the muscles on his body are not practiced in vain.

  The weather at night is cooler than the daytime, and standing by the window can still feel the breeze outside, which is very cool.

   was standing here to rest, Ye Jinzhi was lying by the window, and suddenly heard a murmur, obviously a foreigner, or German.

   Ye Jinzhi didn't hear what they were saying, and she had no intention of spying on other people's privacy.

   Hearing that they were still continuing, Ye Jinzhi sighed and decided to leave.

   Just two steps out, Ye Jinzhi noticed that the voice just stopped, thinking that he was seen by them.

   Ye Jinzhi didn't want to be too busy, and just wanted to pretend that she didn't understand, but as if nothing had happened, she heard someone shouting behind her.


   Ye Jinzhi didn't care, thinking he was calling someone else, just as he was about to continue walking, he heard footsteps behind him and slowly approached him.

  The man also noticed the movement here and walked towards Ye Jinzhi.

   "Mia, don't you remember me?"

   This time, Ye Jinzhi was sure that he was calling him, and he turned his head even though he was puzzled.

   "Christiff!" Ye Jinzhi couldn't help crying when he saw his face, full of surprise.

   "Long time no see, I didn't expect to meet you here." Christif had a faint smile on his mouth.

   "Hey, Mia, remember us?" Another person came from behind.

   "Of course I remember, Andrew, long time no see." Ye Jinzhi sighed a little when he saw them.

The    man looked at the two foreigners in front of him, his eyes were slightly surprised, and he obviously recognized them.

   Ye Jinzhi didn't stay here for long, and left halfway through the reception.

   She came this time for the equipment of their security company, and that person also knew about Ye Jinzhi, so things were settled easily.

   On the way back, Ye Jinzhi sat in the back seat. It was still a little cold at night with the window open, so Ye Jinzhi rolled the window up.

   Leaning against the car window, her face was full of exhaustion. Although she only stayed halfway, she rested for more than ten minutes in one night.

   Someone behind her saw her talking to Christie and the others, and soon someone came up to talk again.

   She was still wearing high heels, standing there the whole time with a wine glass in her hand, listening to a group of people talking.

   "Have you checked them?" Ye Jinzhi said suddenly.

  The man was stunned for a while, and quickly realized who Ye Jinzhi was referring to as "they".

   "I checked." They didn't hide it at all. They went back and checked after seeing the two foreigners.

   Then Ye Jinzhi was silent, and the man thought she would continue to ask, but he did not expect Ye Jinzhi to play cards according to the routine.

   Ye Jinzhi heard him say that he had checked, but he did not act, indicating that Christif and the others were not involved with her, so that's fine.

  Sometimes it is not a good thing to know too much.

   There are almost no cars on the road, the journey is smooth, and we will soon arrive at the gate of the compound.

   Seeing that he was about to drive in, Ye Jinzhi stopped him.

   "Just stop here, I'll just walk back this way, and you can go back to rest early."

   "Miss, let me take you in." The man was worried.

   Ye Jinzhi waved his hand, got his things and got out of the car, "I'll get some air, go back quickly."

   Watching Ye Jinzhi's figure slowly walk away, the man started the car and turned around to go back.

  The compound can lack everything here, but there is no shortage of safety. There will be people patrolling at night, and there are street lights on the roadside, so there is no need to worry about safety.

  Although no one would force her to drink at the cocktail party, she still had to take a few sips. This is interpersonal communication.

  I was still a little dizzy at first, but got off the car and walked for a while, breathing fresh air, Ye Jinzhi felt much better when he got to the door, and the pier was not so high.

  The door to the yard was not closed, it was reserved for Ye Jinzhi by a few children.

   Ye Jinzhi closed the courtyard door, but did not rush into the house, but walked to the swing and sat down.

   There was still a faint light downstairs in the house. It was a few children who had left a lamp for Ye Jinzhi. When he looked up at the second floor, it was dark. The children should have fallen asleep at this time.

   It is not polluted by smog yet, look up at the sky, the twinkling stars are shining in the sky, very beautiful.

   "Ouch, ooh."

  Suddenly, Ye Jinzhi heard Heisang's cry, and then felt the palm of his hand being licked by the warm tongue, Heisang kept turning around Ye Jinzhi, very excited.

   Hesang should have heard the movement and ran out.

   "Shh, please don't call me lightly." Ye Jinzhi touched Heisang's head and whispered to him.

   Heisang is also very psychic, finds a place to lie beside Ye Jinzhi's feet, keeps silent, and accompanies her beside her.

   One person and one wolf were in the yard. After an unknown amount of time, Ye Jinzhi felt a little sore in his raised neck, and slowly lowered his head to find that Heisang was asleep.

   "Heisang, let's go back." Ye Jinzhi felt a little cold, and goosebumps already appeared on his bare arms.

  Ye Jinzhi walked into the living room and found that there was a note on it. It was written by Ah Zhao, saying that she had left food for her in the kitchen.

   Ye Jinzhi didn't feel hungry when he didn't see the note, but he felt hungry when he saw the note.

   In the evening, she ate nothing, drank a little wine, and that kind of dinner was just an excuse for everyone to talk about work, and few people would eat.

   went to the kitchen to have a look, the food was still warm, and there was a bowl of sweet soup.

   It's so late that Ye Jinzhi didn't want to eat too much, so he only drank the sweet soup.

   Sitting at the dining table, drinking the warm and sweet soup, Ye Jinzhi felt much better in his stomach and felt much better.

   On the second floor, Ye Jinzhi found that several children had left a lamp for her in the corridor.

  After washing, Ye Jinzhi didn't read a book for a while as usual, and just put the quilt on to sleep, she was too sleepy.

  The whole house fell into a deep sleep, very quiet.

   There was a place where all night long, the lights were on from night to morning, and the people inside were also awake all night, and their eyes were full of red blood.

   But everyone didn't seem to be tired. They were full of energy and excited. They didn't look like people who didn't sleep all night.

   Yuan Shaochen was used to this kind of life. When training in the field, they often practiced for several nights, and they probably only slept for two or three hours during those nights.

   found that it was already bright outside, and someone shouted "Let's rest for a while", and a group of people slowly stood up and stretched their waists.

   "Go back to wash first, have breakfast, and come back in an hour."

   Yuan Shaochen and the others did not get up until they had finished walking, sorted out the results of the night, put them away, and then went back to wash up.

  At home, Ye Jinzhi thought he would wake up very late today, but when he woke up, he found that it was still early, and he was more awake than usual.

   Several children had already gone out for morning exercises. Ye Jinzhi was not in a hurry to go downstairs. She changed into her pajamas and wore a yoga suit she made herself.

   She got up early today, she was going to do yoga, she hadn't exercised for a long time, so she took advantage of the time to exercise early to get sweaty.

   Although I haven’t done it for a long time, my body doesn’t seem to have forgotten the action, except that I didn’t insist on it for as long as before.

   After finishing this set, she sweated a lot, her clothes were soaking wet, and a lot of her sweat was dripping from the cushion below.

   After resting for a while, a few children also came back from morning exercise, so Ye Jinzhi got up and went to take a bath.

   The time control was just right, and a few children just came back after changing clothes and going downstairs.

   "Good morning, Mom." Ayan was about to rush over when he saw Ye Jinzhi.

   "Good morning, go take a shower." Ye Jinzhi dodged to the side, just after taking a shower, don't let him wash him in vain.

   "Go upstairs to take a shower and come down for breakfast."

   "I was the first to wash."

   "I go first, I want the first."

   "Look who can run faster."

   Early in the morning, the house was very lively, listening to the noise of several children, Ye Jinzhi smiled unconsciously.

   "Mom, we have a sports meeting tomorrow."

  Eating breakfast, several children talked to Ye Jinzhi about the school sports meeting.

   "Then what should I prepare?" Ye Jinzhi forgot what she had to bring when she was studying.

   "No, the teacher asked us to wear sports uniforms. If we don't have it, school uniforms are fine." Hao waved his hand.

   "Mom, I signed up for running, high jump and relay." Ayan counted with his fingers.

   Ye Jinzhi saw that his expression was not very happy, and thought he didn't want to participate, but just as he was about to ask, he heard him sigh.

   "Well, the teacher said that everyone can only participate in three events at most, otherwise I can participate in more." Ayan sighed with his cheeks raised.

   "After participating so many times, it's time to collide with each other." Axu interjected.

   (end of this chapter)