MTL - 80s Wedding Night: Cannon Fodder’s Original Partner is Gone-Chapter 14 Shen Xuan is going to be nervous.

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  Chapter 14 Shen Xuan is dying of tension

   Although Song Dagang was far away earlier, he couldn't hear what Song Baozhu said to the two female educated youths, but watching the two female educated youths run away one after another, he always felt that something was wrong.

   Shen Xuan instantly became nervous.

  Although he has nothing to do with Feng Yuwei at all, he is still a little worried that the Song family has misunderstood.

  Fortunately, Song Baozhu did not elaborate on Feng Yuwei's words, but simply explained: "Oh, nothing, that female educated youth named Feng Yuwei seems to be a little wrong, and she said some inexplicable things."

   She neither wanted her family to have unnecessary misunderstandings, nor did she want them to know that Feng Yuwei wanted to rob Shen Xuan.

   "Feng Yuwei?" Song Dagang recalled, and when he remembered who Feng Yuwei was, his brows furrowed, "When you say that, I remember one thing.

  This morning, Feng Zhiqing went to the pig farm and said he was looking for someone. I asked her who she was looking for, but she refused to say, and then left. "

  Speaking of this, he suddenly thought of something, and looked at Shen Xuan sharply: "Shouldn't she be looking for you?"

   Although the pig farm is quite big, there are not many people there.

   Especially with the busy farming season recently, the production team is busy rushing to harvest, and almost all the people go to the fields, and even fewer people on the pig farm side.

  Song Dagang only needs to simply rule out, and he can suspect Shen Xuan.

   After all, there are only so many people on the pig farm, and Shen Xuan is the best looking.

Before    changed, Song Dagang might not think too much. Now that Shen Xuan is married to Song Baozhu, of course he will think more.

   Shen Xuan was staring at him, and he was almost nervous.

   He also did not expect that Feng Yuwei, the woman with a sick mind, actually went to the pig farm to find him in the morning!

   So while I was nervous, I couldn’t help but secretly rejoice.

  Fortunately, he didn't meet Feng Yuwei when he went there, otherwise if the woman talked nonsense in front of Song Dagang, he would really be wronged!

   Just when he was nervous and didn't know how to explain, Song Baozhu suddenly asked, "Feng Yuwei went to the pig farm this morning?"

   Her thoughts turned sharply, and she suddenly remembered that Qiao Lin had said before that Feng Yuwei suddenly fainted in the wheat field today.

   Could it be that Feng Yuwei was reborn at that time?

   That's why she ran to the pig farm and wanted to find Shen Xuan?

   Surely so!

   Yesterday she married Shen Xuan, and Feng Yuwei didn't make a fuss when they set the wine.

   Today, Feng Yuwei suddenly glared at her and deliberately said that to provoke her and Shen Xuan. She must have been reborn!

   This woman really has a sick mind!

   She didn't seem to have any friendship with Shen Xuan in her previous life, right? Now that he was reborn, he went directly to the pig farm to find Shen Xuan, and he didn't know where the confidence came from.

  Song Baozhu was very disdainful in her heart, and her face was not very good-looking.

   And Song Dagang's face was even uglier than hers.

"She has indeed been there." He said, looking at Shen Xuan coldly, and warned impolitely, "Shen Xuan, since you and Baozhu are married, you can live with Baozhu in peace in the future, but there is nothing wrong with that. some thought."

   Shen Xuan's heart froze, and he quickly said with a serious face: "Grandpa, don't worry, I hate irresponsible men the most in my life. Since I have married Baozhu, I will never have an outsider!"

Song Dagang's face was cold, and he didn't believe him because of his words, but still warned: "Remember what you said now, if you dare to bully my granddaughter, don't blame me for being rude to you! I don't have any other skills. It is a pig that has been killed for a lifetime, this craft is very familiar!"

  Shen Xuan only felt cold all over his body.

   Thinking of the scene where Song Dagang killed a pig, his back was even colder.

   He was in a pig farm, but he saw Song Dagang killing pigs a lot.

  Song Baozhu glanced at him and saw that his face turned pale with fright, and suddenly felt a little sympathetic to him.

   But she didn't want Shen Xuan to hate the Song family, so she took Shen Xuan's shoulders and supported him: "Grandpa, don't scare him! He's not that kind of person!

   Obviously it is that Feng Zhiqing who has a sick mind, why do you blame Shen Xuan. Well, it's not too late to go to work, and the rush to collect can't be delayed. "

   Anyway, she will divorce Shen Xuan in the future, no matter what kind of person he is!

   After Song Baozhu finished speaking, she quickly pulled Shen Xuan away, lest he would be uncomfortable staying with the Song family.

   As soon as they walked away, Song Dagang snorted coldly on the back: "Hmph, this girl got married and learned to turn her elbows out!"

   His good granddaughter was not like this before, she must have been brought down by Shen Xuan!

  Song Shengnan looked helpless: "Dad, where did you think, Baozhu is not such a person."

   "Why isn't she?" Song Dagang saw her, and he was even more angry, "I think she is just like you, and she knows how to protect men all day long!"

   After he finished speaking, he gave his son-in-law Song Junsheng an angry look.

  Song Junsheng looked up at the sky in embarrassment and was speechless: "…"

   His skin is fair and his face is handsome. Even though he is old now and still wears the coarse clothes he was working in, he still looks handsome and outstanding.

   He doesn't look like a country farmer, but rather like an elegant professor who came out of the university, visited privately in a private manner, and experienced rural life.

   He knew that Song Dagang had eaten his daughter's jealousy again, so he was not angry, but felt a little empathy.

  Song Dagang gave birth to a daughter, Song Shengnan. Because Zhou Dani suffered a dystocia and injured her body during childbirth, she could not get pregnant again. Song Shengnan became the only child of the couple.

   Song Dagang did not abandon Zhou Dani and marry her because she could not be reborn, but raised Song Shengnan with her. Song Junsheng has always admired this father-in-law.

   Not to mention the circumstances of the past, even now, after the wife is unable to bear children, there are many people who divorce and remarry their husbands.

  Song Dagang would rather not have a son and be with Zhou Dani, how can he not be admired?

   So even if Song Dagang always raised his nose and eyes at him, Song Junsheng would not turn against him even if he was a little emotional.

   Now that his only precious daughter is married, he truly understands Song Dagang's sadness over the years.

   was more considerate of the old father-in-law.

   However, Song Junsheng didn't care about Song Dagang, but Song Shengnan was very protective of her husband.

   "Dad—" She gave Song Dagang a dissatisfied look, "Didn't Baozhu say everything, it's that Feng Zhiqing's brain is sick, why are you staring at Junsheng? Junsheng didn't do anything wrong."

Song Dagang snorted bitterly: "Hey, look at you, you know how to protect him all day long, and teach Baozhu badly! I think Baozhu learned from you! She will follow suit in the future, and protect Shen every day. Xuan, if I don't listen to you, you will cry when the time comes!"

   He wasn't really angry, or he was emotional, so he couldn't help but compete with his daughter.

  Song Shengnan also knew his temperament, so of course he wouldn't really argue with him.

   So he quickly retorted with a smile: "Baozhu is my daughter, she is smart, she will definitely treat Shen Xuan obediently, Dad, just wait and see!"

  Song Dagang rolled his eyes and didn't want to pay attention to her: "Humph!"

   Song Baozhu, who had already dragged Shen Xuan away, suddenly sneezed loudly: "Ah!"

   She rubbed her nose in confusion and asked suspiciously, "Could it be that Feng Yuwei is scolding me behind my back?"

   Feng Yuwei who was not present: ? ? ? ?



   (end of this chapter)