MTL - 80s Wedding Night: Cannon Fodder’s Original Partner is Gone-Chapter 3 Strange inheritance, trial reward

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   Chapter 3 Strange Heritage, Trial Rewards

  Song Baozhu reached out and touched his forehead, but he didn't feel any pain, but felt more and more strange.

   What is that ball of light just now?

  There is no such thing in the dream!

   While wondering, she suddenly heard—

  【A suitable inheritor is detected, and the inheritance trial is started. 】

  Song Baozhu: "???!!!"

   Where did the sound just come from?

   What is talking?

   "Who are you? Come out!" She clenched her fists nervously, her eyes constantly scanning around, but she found nothing.

   At this moment, that voice sounded again—

  【Trial 1: Drill wood to make fire. 】

  【Reward: 10 catties of flour. 】

  【Please select the trial time. Now, or next time. 】


   Song Baozhu said tentatively.

   Who knew that as soon as the voice fell, she felt a flower in front of her eyes, and then... appeared in a strange place.

  This is obviously a room, but it is surrounded by stone walls, the room is bare, and no furniture can be seen.

  Only she had some wood and dead branches in front of her.

  【Please use existing materials to drill wood to make fire, you can get rewards after successfully making fire. 】

  Song Baozhu silently looked at the wood in front of him: "…"

   She wants a box of matches.

   After tangled for a moment, she asked, "Can I give up?"

  【If you give up the trial, the entire inheritance will end, should you give up? 】

  Song Baozhu suddenly panicked!

   The whole lineage is over?

  Although she doesn't know what this inheritance is, she can get a reward after completing a trial. How can she give up such a good thing?

   How rare is flour now!

  It is not easy to buy with money, it is best to have food stamps! Otherwise, you can only try your luck in the black market!

   So Song Baozhu said decisively: "Don't give up, continue! I'll participate!"

   After he finished speaking, he sat on the ground and started tossing the broken wood.

   Although she is from the country, she has never done anything like drilling wood to make fire!

  We already have matches, who would be so foolish as to drill wood to make fire!

   is not enough to support.

  It’s okay now, you can’t do it if you don’t.

   For 10 catties of flour and future rewards, she fought hard!

  Song Baozhu knew about drilling wood to make fire, but she only knew about it. Now that she started it herself, she knew how troublesome it was!

   Failed several times, and the blood blisters were rubbed out of the palm of her hand, and she finally got a bit of a trick and drilled the fire out.

   Seeing that the flames finally appeared, Song Baozhu's heart was in his throat!

   She has already got out of the fire, shouldn't it be time for a reward?

   I waited nervously for a moment, and the strange sound from before finally reappeared—

  【Trial 1: Drill wood to make fire, the completion rate is 100%, the trial is successful, the reward is stored in the warehouse, pay attention to check. 】

As soon as the    voice fell, the small fire in front of Song Baozhu suddenly disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

  Song Baozhu: "!!"

   actually disappeared!

  Is the other party a fairy?

   Also, what about her reward?

   "Where is the warehouse?"

   As soon as she finished asking, a strange room appeared in front of her.

   The room was empty, with only one bag.

  Song Baozhu immediately realized that this room was probably the so-called warehouse.

  Just, how is she going to get the flour out?

  Song Baozhu was going to ask, but she felt itchy when she looked at the bag and couldn't help but reach out and scratch it.

   Who knew that I actually caught something!

  Song Baozhu was startled, but instinctively grabbed the bag and pulled it back.

  In an instant, the strange room in front of her disappeared, leaving only the bag in her hand.

   The bag is white cotton, heavy in the hand.

   She opened it quickly, and it sure contained flour!

   And at a glance, you can tell that the quality of this flour is very good!

  Song Baozhu watched it for a while, then reluctantly sealed the bag and tried to put it back in the warehouse.

   She didn't forget that she came in from the toilet.

   It would be too suspicious if he suddenly went out with a bag of flour!

   As soon as she thought of this, she heard a "bang bang bang" sound, as if someone was knocking on the door.

  Song Baozhu was startled, and with a flash in front of her eyes again, she went back to the toilet.

  Song Baozhu: "???"

   Before she could think about it, she heard the sound of "bang bang bang" again.

  Someone shouted—

   "Is there anyone inside? Open the door!"

   Song Baozhu then realized that what she heard in the space just now was this voice.

   She quickly packed up and ran to open the door.

   She didn't want the other party's cry to alarm more people, so she would be embarrassed to death!

   As soon as the door was opened, the people outside immediately scolded: "You are sick! Lock the door when you go to the toilet!"

  Song Baozhu immediately raised his face and gave him a fierce look.

   said eloquently: "There is no door inside, what if a rogue runs in and peeks?"

   That's right, the hospital's toilet has only one door on the outside. Although half a wall is built to block it, there is no door in the end.

   can't stop the rogue peeping at all.

   That person was choked by Song Baozhu and could not speak, and when Song Baozhu took the opportunity to run away, she realized it later.

   The woman just now was black and fat, as strong as a bear. Which rogue couldn't think of it and ran in to peep at her?

  I want to eat fart!

   She glared at Song Baozhu's back angrily, and wanted to catch up to find Song Baozhu's theory, but when she saw Song Baozhu's sturdy back, she was instantly cowardly.

   That's all, she... She doesn't care about this crazy woman!

  The woman slipped into the toilet, and Song Baozhu also returned to the ward.

   As soon as I entered, I heard Song Xihua ask: "Sister, can't you pull it out? Why are you coming back now?"

  Song Baozhu blushed instantly: "!!"

   After a while, she glared at her stinky brother fiercely: "You can't pull it out! If you can't speak, don't say it, no one will treat you as a mute!"

   It's a pity that she still thinks about going back and makes pancakes for her family to eat, and now she doesn't have his share!

After   , she immediately checked the time on her watch.

  This watch is still about to get married, and the dowry specially prepared for her by her family costs more than 100 yuan, which is not cheap.

   However, seeing the time above, Song Baozhu was stunned.

  Although she didn't pay much attention to time in the space, she failed many times when drilling wood to make fire, and she must have spent a lot of time.

   But now the time on the watch has only passed 20 minutes, obviously something is wrong!

   Is time in space different from outside?

   By the way, the time-travelling girl in the dream seems to have mentioned this.

   And there is not only spiritual spring water in the space, but also planting.

  It's a pity that she started some inheritance trials just after she entered, and she didn't see the spiritual spring water and planting fields.

   Be sure to check it out next time you go in!

  Song Baozhu suddenly thought of something and asked Song Xihua, "Have you washed your canning bottle?"

   "It's been cleaned long ago!" Song Xihua showed the cleaned glass jar to Song Baozhu, and muttered unconvincingly, "I'm not like you, it takes so long to go to the toilet."

  Song Baozhu rolled his eyes at him and hummed in disgust.

   The bird bird knows the ambition of Honghu!

   What's wrong with taking more time?

   She just earned 10 catties of flour!

   For these 10 catties of flour, her hands were blistered with blood!

  Song Baozhu looked at the blood blister on her hand distressedly, but was stunned again.

   (end of this chapter)