MTL - A Woman Disguises Herself As a Man and Enters the Men’s Dormitory To Be the Pet of the Villains-Chapter 345 I'm not human

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When Jing Yunkui heard Ruan Qiuliang's words, the corners of his lips slightly hooked. He didn't deny it, but just said it.

"I once saw a book that said that the most sincere feeling should be to give up. I thought it was nonsense, but when I was deeply involved in it, I realized that this sentence made sense."

"I just want to send her away."

Ruan Qiuliang couldn't understand, the group of monsters on him were very afraid of Jing Yunkui, so he felt a lot lighter.

Ruan Qiuliang said in a low voice, "That's not good... No. 004 will misunderstand you. In fact, you are a good person."

Jing Yunkui laughed all of a sudden.

"Good guy? You think I'm a human...? No, I'm a monster, a real monster."

Ruan Qiuliang was stunned when he heard this, what else did he want to say, Jing Yunkui had already put on the cloak again, and walked towards the closed door, the moment he put on the cloak, there seemed to be a little sadness in his eyes .

Then, this sadness was replaced by the tenderness on his face.

He said that if he wanted to send Gu Lan away, he would send Gu Lan away.

Gu Lan, you are not allowed to refuse.

At this time, the milky voice system spoke in Jing Yunkui's mind, " should go back too, the master is not very happy, young master."

Gu Lan dragged Yun Zhe and Hua Yin into the psychiatric hospital. This place is completely different from the outside—

It turned out to be bright here.

It was so bright that Gu Lan was not used to it at all, and, unfortunately, they were in a banquet hall.

There was a lot of wine in the hall, and the sudden appearance of Gu Lan, Yun Zhe, and Hua Yin was like a few embarrassing extras in a high-end movie. Although they were all handsome, their aura was really incompatible with the extravagant atmosphere around them. .

Can a warrior from an apocalyptic movie be the same as a person in a romance movie?

Gu Lan just stood there without saying a word. She squinted her eyes to adapt to the light, and her whole body naturally showed a "killing" atmosphere. Yun Zhe and Hua Yin even stood in front of Gu Lan. It was obvious that this state was also caused by the two of them do not understand.

Yun Zhe's eyes scanned the banquet hall up and down, and he seemed to see something that surprised him.


Isn't it the... real world in the brain?

Is it true or not?

It is hard to imagine that the real world exits in a mental hospital. Yun Zhe is analyzing various data.

Hua Yin's lips curled up, "Gu Lan, are you hungry?"

Gu Lan moved her shoulders, she shrugged to the surprised people around her, and then walked forward naturally, she replied to Hua Yin.

"Well, I'm hungry. I think the whiskey over there is good. Let's have a drink."

When Gu Lan got to the table and picked up a bottle of whiskey, someone screamed in the banquet hall. A fair-haired old woman with a height of at least 1.9 meters covered her face and let out a painful sound.

"Gu Lan?!—"

The word "Gu Lan" seems to have magical power, as if in an instant, Gu Lan felt that at least ten weapons were aimed at her, Yun Zhe and Hua Yin stood in front of Gu Lan, their expressions were also very serious .

Yun Zhe said in a low voice, "Manuel No. 043, large-caliber firearm. Master, you move another 0.3 centimeters to my right, and turn your head 15 degrees to the left."

Hua Yin pursed his bright red lips, he looked up at the screaming woman, then smiled, his voice was low and a little sinister.

"-you are not human."

Gu Lan smiled, "You can still swear."

Hua Yin narrowed his eyes and looked at the men and women in suits and evening gowns at the banquet, and said coldly.

"It's not scolding, they are really not human. Today I just said that human skin has three layers, but that woman's skin has only one layer. Moreover, she has three eyes, the other eye is hidden on the top of her head, and her wig is a bit bald ,I saw."

Hearing Hua Yin say, "The wig is a bit bald," the 1.9-meter blonde woman instantly became angry. She made a sharp voice, "You are bald! Your whole family is bald! This is the latest and best quality wig!"

"I dress up so beautifully, but you call me bald, you are too much!"

Next to her, a man who was about the same height as her, but with empty trouser legs, as if there were two chopsticks inside instead of legs, showed a flattering expression and said flatteringly to the 1.9 meter woman.

"Oh, Mina, it's because he doesn't know how to appreciate it. It's wonderful to be bald. In fact, I don't think you need to imitate human aesthetics. How beautiful our round, bald heads are~"

The man's words seemed to press a switch.

Gu Lan saw that five or six men in the banquet took off their wigs. They, no, they threw their wigs on the ground, and their strange heads were revealed after the wigs were thrown away.

One has tentacles on its head, like an upside-down octopus. It also tore off the mask on its face and threw it on the ground. Plenty of octopus tentacles.

I don't know why Gu Lan thought of the octopus friend of the heroine in Master Xing's "Mermaid". I have to say, this thing is quite similar, except that this guy's face is also completely an octopus.

This "brother octopus" was obviously grumpy, and he cursed.

"Damn Xipi, I'm suffocating! I don't like pretending to be a human! I want to be a woman, but I can't even wear a skirt. Damn it! It's all the fault of that old antique. Pretend to be a human."

"When will you be able to dress up as our race?"

The man next to "Brother Squidward" also lost all his disguise. It turned out to be a catfish spirit. Its head was completely like a catfish. It had something like a beard on its chin, but it sounded like a three or four-year-old baby's voice.

"Pretending to be like you, do you want to cut my tail into tentacles? And you are too ugly like that, who wants to. But this mask makes my face so uncomfortable...I feel like my face is going to be dehydrated. Which one of you will give me some?"

Gu Lan stared dumbfounded at the moment when the "catfish spirit" just finished speaking, an "elephant monster" next to him raised his nose, spit out the "catfish spirit" with water all over his face, and then the "catfish spirit" wiped his face, showing a look of unfinished business. looking like, still shouting.

"Cool, come again."

Gu Lan: ...

These things don't seem to have a high IQ.

Why does she seem to be in a zoo?

Before Gu Lan finished speaking, a human-looking woman, an extremely beautiful woman, suddenly strode up to her side, and when she got closer, she could see that the woman's cheeks could be parted like fish gills, revealing the flesh inside .

The woman looked up at Yun Zhe, then at Hua Yin, and finally her eyes fell on Gu Lan. She poked her head out, wanting to smell Gu Lan's body, but she was not close to Gu Lan, Hua Yin's bright operation The knife came out.

Hua Yin smiled and said, "Is it a fish? Cut it open and have a look?"

The woman froze for a moment, then she straightened her body. She was in a good figure and dressed coolly. Gu Lan's eyes widened and she touched her nose subconsciously.

Luckily no nosebleed.

Compared to Gu Lan's lust, Hua Yin and Yun Zhe are too calm.

The woman straightened her chest and said to Hua Yin with a sneer, "You are so rude!"

After the woman's voice fell, the other "humans" and "monsters", regardless of whether they took off their masks or not, all looked at Gu Lan, Hua Yin and Yun Zhe, and the "Octopus" at the beginning kept rubbing its face with its tentacles .

It whispered in its mouth.

"I can't take it anymore... I really want to eat, I really want to eat—"

The "catfish monster" next to it tugged its tentacles and reminded in a low voice.

"What to eat, have you forgotten our rules? Don't eat human beings, all human beings will be arrested..."

Their communication was not over yet, there was already a toad-like thing with pimples all over its face pounced on Gu Lan fiercely, its eyes were full of greed and hunger.

It's so hungry!

As soon as it rushed over, Gu Lan's face changed, Yun Zhe and Hua Yin stood behind her, and she grabbed Hua Yin and Yun Zhe with her arms to make them hide behind her. At the critical moment, Yun Zhe and Hua Yin wanted to Protect Gu Lan.

And Gu Lan also wanted to protect them!

The toad monster was getting closer and closer to Gu Lan, and the big-breasted girl who was approaching Gu Lan quietly retreated with a weird smile on her face.

The monsters in the entire hall were waiting for Gu Lan to be eaten.

They hate Gu Lan too much, and it's so interesting to see human beings fighting among themselves, human beings are like this, greedy and calculating, only narrow-minded—

They also wanted to eat Gu Lan, but no one dared to eat Gu Lan here.

After all, there is now a "don't eat humans" convention.

They are all waiting for the first person to break the rules, and then they have a reason to do it again.

Although they are not human, they have a lot of wisdom.

Just when the toad monster was approaching Gu Lan, Gu Lan, Yun Zhe, Hua Yin were still fighting with each other like Kong Rong Rangli.

"I'll stand in front!"

"Master, I will protect you!"

"Get out of the way, I'm strong and tough, I'm coming!"

The toad monster's eyes were bulging, and it came to Gu Lan in a few jumps. Before its body could get close to Gu Lan, it first stretched out its big tongue full of bumps like its face—the tip of the tongue was still forked, dripping saliva It fell on the floor and directly corroded the floor!

Gu Lan's eyes widened, "This thing is still poisonous—"

She immediately grabbed the big-breasted woman next to her who was about to watch a good show, "Okay, brothers, stop acting! I've got a shield!"

Hua Yin and Yun Zhe immediately changed their faces, and they took the woman that Gu Lan was holding and flung them towards Toad in a tacit understanding.

Just when Gu Lan and the others were making their move, UU reading www. Seeing their movements, the other monsters in the banquet hall at finally found the motivation to do it, and each of them showed their ferocious faces and prepared to attack Gu Lan and the others.

Just when the situation is critical and the war is about to break out—

"Bang" a gunshot.

The toad monster that hadn't rushed towards Gu Lan was shot in the head directly, and the green poisonous liquid splashed. Gu Lan backed up. She took two steps back and suddenly bumped into a person, or someone standing behind her on purpose .

Gu Lan tensed up and was about to escape first—

The man behind stretched out his hand and wrapped his strong arms around her waist. Then, a black cloak wrapped Gu Lan tightly, and a familiar deep voice rang in Gu Lan's ear.

"When the opponent's blood splatters, close your eyes and be careful of the venom entering your eyes."

"By the way, do you want to play with guns? I'll give you the gun. Be careful not to hit yourself."