MTL - Absolute Deal-Chapter 659 You and I have fate

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Xiao Yangjian bowed towards Bai Ye with a serious and serious face.

Bai Ye waved his hand and said, "You don't have to do this big gift. We can discuss each other. I am your sister's adoptive father, but you don't have to call it that."

Before I even tried, you fell.

This made Bai Ye's interest all of a sudden.

What about the process of fighting wits and courage for good and teaching bad children?

No process, no fun at all.

Both the process and the result are very necessary.

"You have a real life-saving and re-creation grace for me, and it is right and proper to say 'foster father'." Xiao Yangjian said, and paused again, "Of course, if you think I am a burden—"

Obviously, he had already learned what happened from Yang Chan and Howling Dog.

And accepted and digested these things with calmness, maturity, tenacity, and reason that even ordinary adults do not have.

In the whole process, is the most calm one.

"How could it be?" Bai Ye interrupted Yang Jian's words, "You are very talented, and your future is boundless. Come on, this is the "Eight Nine Mysterious Art" that you traded to me before, and now I teach it to you again, you are here In this world, practice well first, and when it’s almost time, you can join my boss team and become a generation boss.”

"Yes, foster father!"

Xiao Yangjian clasped his fists and looked straight.

It took another half a month to bring the various transactions between Heavenly Court and the Trading Pavilion into the daily routine and get on the right track.

Taishang Laojun also lived a fulfilling life of alchemy today, and a retired old man who gave a lecture tomorrow with a second spring and a new job.

The night was only idle.

However, it is only relatively leisurely.

He was paralyzed on the soft sofa in the trading pavilion's residence, looking like he was really eating and waiting to die, but he was actually thinking about the next step and how he should take it.

Until now.

The Rod of Power and Wealth itself also has the specially formed core fragment of the illusory dream.

It was still not completely absorbed by Bai Ye and became his own power.

But it was much better than the previous situation where he couldn't even use his own strength to maintain balance.

Now Bai Ye's own strength has long been restored, and he can completely absorb both of them with just one step.

However, it is not easy to step out of this foot.

Bai Ye felt that after absorbing the two completely, he could leap to a whole new realm.

Therefore, this step appears to be much more difficult.

Of course, this difficulty is also relative.

Even if Bai Ye doesn't do anything, just lie down like this every day and grind with water, you can slowly wear it out and absorb it completely.

It just takes a long time.

How can a manly man be so salted?

Bai Ye thought about it and planned to try other methods for "breakthrough".

As a non-martialist, he rarely has a strong interest in "breakthrough".

"Or, can you try to use 'external force' to break the balance?"

Bai Ye thought about it.

In fact, the body of the Rod of Power and Wealth has not been fully restored so far.

The original Rod of Power and Wealth was in broken form.

Later, Bai Ye found some fragments and carried out some recovery.

The fragments of the Rod of Power and Wealth are themselves "high-end items".

After being broken and separated, it will not remain unchanged.

Whether passive or active, the fragments themselves are changing.

The shards found by Bai Ye will increase the overall recovery of the Rod of Power and Wealth more than the benefits brought by the return of the shards that were originally separated.

In this way, even if there are not many fragments recovered.

The integrity of the Rod of Power and Wealth has also been improved to a considerable extent.

Bai Ye didn't have much thought of getting all the pieces back as soon as possible.

There is no need for that.

Take the random route.

You must know that some fragments, combined with other powers, are actually considered to be free from the rod of power and wealth and completely independent.

The core of the illusory world is such a fragment.

Now, Bai Ye wondered if he should find another shard.

Break the balance between the two to achieve the purpose of complete absorption.

In this way, you can step out at the door.

Of course, it is also possible to accidentally kill yourself.

As for death - death is definitely not death.

With this certainty, there is still a white night.

Bai Ye didn't care about other risks, and was quite eager to try it.

Very exciting idea.

Just like ordinary people trying bungee jumping, skydiving, etc., or more dangerous extreme sports.

"Try it."

Bai Ye no longer slumped on the sofa, and sat up straight again.

Start to sense the position of the fragments in the dark.

If you have money and spare time, you can "do what you want" without any planning.

Just go ahead, what plan do you want?

"Hey... Sure enough, even if a 'magical treasure' at the level of the Rod of Power and Wealth is broken, there are only a few that remain unchanged and wait for others to excavate."

After a long time, Bai Ye, who finally vaguely sensed the location of a piece of debris in the vast "world ocean", couldn't help but sigh.

The main body of the Rod of Power and Wealth "find" Bai Ye as its agent.

A piece of the fragment became something in the hands of Tathagata and Jin Chanzi, merging with the power of the two.

It also combines with other powers to form the "Dream Illusory Core Fragment" that is now absorbed by Bai Ye.

And now, Bai Ye sensed the debris, and there was also a special "adventure".

It seems to have become a person?

It may be a coincidence that "self-awareness" was born and became the magic weapon that is conscious of itself.

It is also possible that it happened to merge with a certain intelligent creature—similar to the situation of Tang Monk in Journey to the West.

"It's very spiritual."

Bai Ye stood up, opened the door of time and space to that world, and stepped in.

The place where it appears is where the fragments are.

Not nearby, but directly in front of "Shard".

"You... cough, cough, who is it?"

As soon as Bai Ye appeared, the "Independent Fragment Man" in front of him opened his mouth, coughed, and spit out a large mouthful of blood before asking the question.

Bai Ye found out that the reason for the vomiting blood was not to ask questions.

But when you ask questions, think about doing it.

For the stranger who appeared suddenly, he was extremely vigilant and planned to strike first.

It's a pity that the injury was too serious, so she was stillborn.

"This brother, do you feel familiar when you see me?"

Bai Ye looked at the man sitting against the wall of the dark alley in front of him and asked.

The man was fair-skinned, with a sharp outline and a handsome face.

The most striking thing is that it does not match the youthful face, and the hair is born early.

But the gray hair did not make the person look premature, but added a different kind of charm, so that it can be described as beautiful and good-looking.

Of course, the current state is definitely not good.

There was a deep scar on his face, and blood was running down his face.

There were also several extremely serious injuries all over the body, and blood was almost all over the body.

Jianghu people, a very good-looking, but dead end in the martial arts.

And the people who left him at the end of the road were standing in the alley, with a full eight corpses.

The bladed sword shattered.

The price paid was extremely tragic.

"No..." The white-haired man looked at Bai Ye, replied instinctively, said a word, and gave birth to a strange feeling.

"Forget it, let's go straight to the subject."

Bai Ye "expressed his heart directly", "If it is a normal situation, you should be lucky to meet me. But this time is special, so do you have any last wishes? Let's make a deal. If you have any wishes, I will help you fulfill them. , and you, the 'soul' after death will be mine."

"Bull's head, horse's face?"

The man laughed, and dark red blood flowed out of his mouth with his smile.

He raised his hand and wiped it away again: "I can't think of the ghost messenger of the underworld who will help people realize their wishes?"

"I'm not them, and I'm much more powerful than Niu Tau and Ma Mian."

Bai Ye said, "Have you ever seen such a handsome ox head and horse face?"

The man froze for a moment, then burst out laughing.

It's a pity that it turned into a cough without laughing twice.

After coughing twice, he staggered and stood up against the wall, looking more energetic than before.

Undoubtedly, it wasn't that he survived, but that the light returned.

"My last wish..." The man looked at Bai Ye and said slowly, "I want to soar to the sky and stand out."


When he was about to die, his inner desire, or ambition, completely burst out: "I want the dragon to fly for nine days! Step onto the peak! To the top! The world is unparalleled!"

After speaking, the man lost most of his energy and looked at Bai Ye, as if mocking and sneering: "Can you do it for me?"


Bai Ye nodded, "Because you are dying, so, I will do it for you, set foot on the peak in your name, and finally let you take a look at the scenery of the peak, how about it?"

"Can you really?" The man put his hand on Bai Ye's without letting himself fall to the ground.

He understands that once he falls, he really can't stand up.

"Of course, your time is running out. Tell me your name if you agree to the deal."

Bai Ye didn't mind and said.

The man looked at Bai Ye and said word by word: "I, call, white, worry, fly!"

"very good."

Bai Ye laughed, stretched out his hand, and tapped Bai Choufei's forehead, "We really have a fate, you and I both have the surname Bai."

"Bai Ye, the pavilion master of the trading pavilion."

Introduce myself...

"This transaction, you made a lot of money."

"The name Bai Choufei will become a legend."