MTL - Accidentally Become the Belief of the Whole World-Chapter 1 young master (1)

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"Let's play for a while!"

"That's right, Shi Shao, don't leave so early!"

"Where is this? What are you doing so early? The night has just begun!"

On the long corridor, the door of a luxury box was opened, and seven or eight people walked out surrounded by a young man.

The young man has an exquisite appearance, with a pair of peach blossom eyes sparkling with water, and has a unique style.

It's a pity that when I opened my mouth, all the temperament was gone.

"Fuck you—" the young man scolded with a smile, "A moment in spring night is worth a thousand dollars, understand? The young master finally lifted the ban, so how can I waste time with you?"

"Get lost! Get away from me, my lord! It's an eyesore!"

"When Shi Shao hasn't left yet, why do you dislike us as an eyesore?"

"That's right, how do we rough guys compare with that soft girl?"

The people around were laughing and booing, and three of them looked at each other, and they all saw excitement in each other's eyes.

"You know you can't talk so much?" Shi Jingge took a few steps backwards, distanced himself from the others, and cursed with a smile, "Hurry up, don't dirty my eyes!"

And at this moment, the box next to Shi Jingge suddenly opened, and a person bumped straight into him.

Shi Jingge staggered forward, but fortunately the two assistants had quick eyesight and grasped him so that he didn't fall directly to the ground.

"Oh my god!" Shi Jingge turned his head and cursed on the spot, "Who the **** hit me—"

The girl who fell on the ground looked at him pitifully, and Shi Jingge's voice stopped abruptly.

He knelt down and asked with interest: "He looks pretty good, what's his name?"

At the same time, several people came out of the box, and the girl who fell on the ground closed her eyes in despair, her heart ashamed.

"Hey, boy, hurry up and get out of here," a rough voice suddenly came, with anger, "Or don't blame me for being rude!"

The two assistants behind Shi Jingge stepped forward and stood in front of Shi Jingge. Shi Jingge stood up slowly. The man still wanted to get angry, so Shi Jingge said casually: "Who are you talking about?"

"damn it-"

The man had just cursed a few words when Shi Jingge pushed the two assistants away and stood in front of him.

When he met Shi Jingge's face, he immediately shuddered, and swallowed the rest of his words.

This face—he knew this face!

Isn't this the young master of the Shi family, Shi Jingge?

Who in the circle doesn't know that the young master of the Shi family is good-looking, but he is ruthless, utterly unreasonable, and doesn't follow any rules. He is a little devil who can't be messed with at all!

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding," the man nodded and bowed, apologizing again and again, "I'm blind to Mount Tai, I really didn't expect to meet Shi Shao here."

"Why, where am I going, do I have to make a report to you?" Shi Jingge sneered.

The man was so excited that he almost knelt down to Shi Jingge, and if he had ten more guts, he wouldn't dare to have such thoughts!

"Master," an assistant leaned close to Shi Jingge's ear and whispered, "This is Hua Mingyi, a member of the MX Zhaoxing girl group."


"That's right," the assistant thought for a while, "The only female guest who has won the mvp in that game variety show is Hua Mingyi."

"Oh, it's her."

The man was still apologizing, and Shi Jingge didn't bother to talk to him, he just pointed at the girl and asked, "Is this yours?"

How dare a man respond? He shook his head again and again.

Although he has been staring at this little beauty for a long time, and he has arranged with her agent, knowing that this little beauty is in urgent need of money, and he will definitely be able to get started recently. up?

But... How dare he rob someone from Young Master Shi?

"Well, from now on, she is mine."

Shi Jingge stared at the man, "Any comments?"

How dare a man? Nodding and bowing, he sent the person away.

Just looking at the backs of Shi Jingge and his party, I feel a little unwilling.

"Mr. Zhang," someone in the private room came out to persuade, "At that time, the young master was not something we could offend, so forget it."

"I heard that a few days ago, he also robbed the person Mr. Wu was eyeing, and Mr. Wu could only recognize him by pinching his nose."

Mr. Zhang sighed, "Why are you so unlucky that you just met him?"

The man patted Mr. Zhang as a consolation, "However, at this time, the young master is really as lustful as the rumors say."

"Isn't it?" Mr. Zhang was on fire, "When you see him, you rush to take them back. What kind of good can you be?"

The man smiled, "Isn't that good? If it falls into that person's hands, I'll know you're good."

Mr. Zhang thought, yes, the young master's reputation is very bad at this time, Hua Mingyi falls into his hands, and he doesn't know how much he will suffer.

He knew that Hua Mingyi was having a hard time, so he felt better in an instant.

Hua Mingyi is really struggling now.

How long?

Who else can make Mr. Zhang, a pious bastard, nod and bow?

It can only be Shi Jingge, a well-known **** in the circle.

For a moment, Hua Mingyi didn't even know whether it was better to fall into Mr. Zhang's hands, or to fall into the time scene singer.

Hua Mingyi was in a daze, being pushed onto the car, he shrank aside, not daring to say a word.

She originally thought that she would be molested and humiliated, but who knows, Shi Jingge didn't say a word.

Shi Jingge didn't speak, and the others naturally didn't speak, the car was extremely quiet.

Only the assistant who had just introduced Hua Mingyi to Shi Jingge took out his phone and fiddled with it for a while, then quickly put it back.

Boldly, Hua Mingyi took a look at Shi Jingge and found that his eyes were closed, so he couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief.

There was a lot of alcohol in the car.

He must have drunk a lot too.

Then today... can I hide from it?

Hua Mingyi suddenly had some hope in his heart.

At this time, Shijingge is receiving the plot transmission from the system.

He is a tasker, as long as he completes the task, he can accumulate energy. When the energy is accumulated enough, he can return to his own world and come back from the dead.

And this world is his first mission.

The object he possessed was a lustful, lustful young master who "raised" one lover after another, both male and female, and also liked to pry around corners, **** other people's lovers, create problems for others, and watch others left and right Embarrassment, because of this caused a lot of trouble, it is really not a good thing.

[World repulsion: 100. 】

[Your task is to reduce the world's rejection of you to 50 without OOC. 】

The voice of System 111 is particularly cold.

[This system recommends that you change your mind and start a new life without OOC. 】

[To put it simply, it is to cleanse yourself, be a good person, and do more good deeds, so that you can last forever. 】

[This is the easiest way to complete the task. 】

Shi Jingge was silent for a few seconds, and asked curiously: [Can the world repulsion degree only be reduced to 50? 】

【of course not. 】

[What if it drops below 50? Will there be other rewards? 】

[Yes, there is a bonus to energy. 】

[What about dropping to 0? ] Shi Jingge asked again.

【impossible. ] System 111 said categorically, showing a bit of disdain.

[Why is it impossible? 】

[Impossible is impossible, there is no reason. 】

Shi Jingge stopped asking, and reorganized the memory of the original owner.

The time period he traveled through was not bad. Although the young master was not very good, he listened to his mother very much.

His mother passed away early, when he was still young, he really couldn't remember a few words his mother said, so what he remembered, he obeyed very much.

My mother once said that you are still a child before the age of twenty, and you are not allowed to fall in love early. The young master remembered this sentence, so he hasn't done anything yet.

However, today is the young master's 20th birthday.

As early as half a month ago, the young master had found a lover for himself, snatched it from someone else three days ago, and sent it to a high-end community, waiting for today.

The driver also knew about the young master's plan, so he knew where he was going early in the morning, but now there is another one in the car...

Is this... still going there?

The driver originally wanted to ask, but seeing that the young master didn't speak and his expression was not good-looking, he didn't dare to ask, so he had to act according to the original plan.

It's just vaguely feeling that the girl in the car is a bit pitiful.

The girl obviously didn't want to.


The car quickly arrived at the destination, assistant Qi Xuan called Shi Jingge, and the group got out of the car.

Hua Mingyi didn't want to get out of the car, but was roughly pulled by his assistant Wei Han, and he was dragged out of the car directly.

Hua Mingyi staggered and was pushed into the elevator. In her eyes, the elevator was like a beast with its mouth wide open, which terrified her.

Hua Mingyi was a little dazed.

It wasn't until another female voice sounded that she raised her head in fear.

The target is a tall woman wearing simple home clothes, with delicate and bright features, which looks familiar.

But Hua Mingyi didn't have the energy to think about who it was, she just felt like she was going to blow up.

There's another...another...?

What is this for?

"Shi Shao." Li Zhuoyun didn't expect that Shi Jingge would appear here, and there was another girl beside him, and he was flustered for a while.

But she quickly calmed down, greeted calmly, and did not forget to ask: "How come Shi Shao is free today?"

It has been three days since Shi Jingge brought her here, these three days are enough for her to calm down and think of a countermeasure to deal with this young master.


... This young master is even more shameless than she imagined!

Li Zhuoyun's eyes paused slightly on Hua Mingyi's face, and his heart tightened.

What does Jing Ge want to do at this moment?

Fuck, he doesn't want to play so big, does he?

Li Zhuoyun was a little anxious, and cursed several times in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it on his face.

Shi Jingge frowned, and pushed Hua Mingyi, who staggered and bumped directly into Li Zhuoyun.

"I'll send you someone to be your companion."

"How lonely a person is."

"Two people will not be lonely."

The young master sat down on the sofa and said carelessly.

The meaning behind these words is really amazing.

It really is a beast.

Li Zhuoyun hated in his heart, felt the girl leaning on him trembled more violently, felt a little pity in his heart.

What is the use of mere pity?

Her situation was not much better.

Seeing this situation, Wei Han gave Qi Xuan a hand, "Young Master, brother Qi and I are going outside for a walk, what do you think?"

Shi Jingge frowned and glanced at him, a little unhappy.

"Why do you go? I pay you wages to make you run around? Is this money so easy to get?"

Wei Han choked for breath, and hurriedly apologized, but he couldn't help but sigh in his heart that this young master is really not an ordinary person, he played so big as soon as he came up, he was awesome.

It's just pity for these two.

Look at that starlet, he's **** shaken like a sieve.

It's a pity that the more painful thing is yet to come, ha.

The atmosphere in the room was almost freezing, Qi Xuan pushed his glasses and persuaded: "Young master, today is your birthday, sir and young master are reading it, it's getting late, why don't you go back and meet?"

"I heard that the young master has carefully prepared a gift for you."

"Forget it," Shi Jingge collapsed on the sofa and rolled his eyes, "My elder brother is the only one who prepared a gift for me? It doesn't look like him if you don't whip me!"

"Besides, who doesn't know what I'm going to do today? If I leave early, I won't be laughed to death by them tomorrow?"

"Master, I'm here today!"

As he said that, Shi Jingge pointed to Hua Mingyi and Li Zhuoyun, "What are you two still doing in a daze? Why don't you come over?"

Neither of them wanted to move, and in the end it was Wei Han who pushed them over.

Qi Xuan gave Wei Han a hand, but Wei Han ignored him and just pushed him over.

Qi Xuan turned his head away, with a bit of pity in his eyes.

"What are you two doing blankly? Come here!"

"Co-author, I called her two, didn't I call you two?"

The young master laughed angrily, with a very unkind expression on his face.

Wei Han walked over quickly, Qi Xuan bit the bullet and walked over, wanting to persuade him again.

It's just that before he even spoke, the young master said with great interest, "Do you have all your mobile phones in your hand?"

"Don't take it out quickly?"

For a moment, Li Zhuoyun could hardly control his temper, and wished to curse.

This young master didn't want to play around at all.

This **** wants to destroy them!

How can there be such a beast?

Li Zhuoyun can still hold on, Hua Mingyi has been tossed all night and suffered countless frights, how can he still sit still?

Just came out of the wolf's lair and met jackals, and then a series of things that subverted the three views. Now I find that there is no most shameless but more shameless. Hua Mingyi's whole mentality has collapsed.

What do you want a mobile phone for?

What else can I do?

Record a video!

After recording the video, that is the handle. If the handle is held in other people's hands, what will happen to them?

Just in case...if mom finds out about all this...Hua Mingyi almost collapsed.

"Please, your lord has a lot, please let me go, I beg you, please let me go."

"I don't know how I offended you, I apologize to you, I was wrong, I was really wrong, okay?"

"Anything is fine, don't take the phone, okay?"

"Holding a mobile phone will ruin my whole life! It's ruined!"

"I beg you... please let me go..."

Hua Mingyi was a little hysterical as she spoke, and it didn't look right. The two assistants hurriedly stood in front of Shi Jingge, who stared at her dumbfounded, as if frightened.

But Hua Mingyi didn't know how the burst of strength broke through the obstruction of the two assistants, and he threw himself on Shi Jingge as soon as he saw it—

Shi Jingge jumped three feet high, and took a few steps back, "Stay the **** away from me!"

"I'll wipe out what kind of nasty things are in your **** mind-get out-get out of my way!"

The terrified appearance and the speed of escaping caused a group of question marks to appear in everyone's mind.

—Why does this young master look like the one who was underestimated?

The young master hid behind the sofa, as if he felt safe, and finally cursed.

"Fuck, crazy, what are you thinking?"

"What else can you do with a mobile phone? Playing games! Thanks to you, you also won the mvp in variety shows, wait, your **** mvp can't be done in secret, right?"

As he said that, Shi Jingge looked at Hua Mingyi suspiciously, and cursed, "Your mother is so unlucky!"

Hua Mingyi:?

Li Zhuoyun:?

Two assistants: ?

Alright, coauthoring this little young master has organized such a big battle at night, but he actually came out to find company to play with?

Fuck, isn't this **** too fantasy?