MTL - Accidentally Become the Belief of the Whole World-Chapter 142 Lord (1)

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The beautiful young man stared blankly at Shi Jingge, without any movement, as if he couldn't understand Shi Jingge's words.

Shi Jingge was a little irritable, "What are you doing in a daze? Lead the way!"

"But..." The beautiful young man pursed his lips, looking a little at a loss.

"But what is it?" Shi Jingge snapped, "Do whatever I tell you to do, can't you even do this?"

Then what use do I need you for?

Even if Shi Jingge didn't say this sentence, the young man could read it from Shi Jingge's sharp eyes.

However, this is not something he can do if he wants to.

"Young master," the young man hesitated, lowered his head, and said solemnly, "Eldest young master has passed away."

The room suddenly became quiet, it was the kind of extreme silence, as if one could hear the sound of the breeze blowing.

The young man's heart suddenly beat violently, and he suddenly felt a little uneasy.

Then, he heard Shi Jingge's sneer, full of cruelty and sarcasm.

"Even you started cheating on me?"

Shi Jingge's voice has no ups and downs, but it makes people feel cold.

"Since you are so obsessed with my elder brother, why do you want to be my holy attendant?"

"Or my elder brother has too many holy servants, you can't compete, and then find another way?"


Shi Jingge applauded, but the applause was sparse and sounded full of sarcasm.

For a moment, the young man didn't know how to describe his mood at this time.

When he was blamed by the young master for no reason in the past, he would always be a little angry, but at this moment, even if the young master's blame was far-fetched, he couldn't feel angry.

On the contrary, there is something which may be called pity.

"For the sake of you following me for many years, I'll just be a favor, how about setting you up?"

"It also prevents you from saying that I have a bad temper outside."

"See how good-tempered I am, I won't be angry if I'm betrayed."

Shi Jingge smiled coldly, with an uncontrollable hostility in his eyebrows and eyes.

Only then did the young man realize that Shi Jingge's dark circles were very heavy, as if... as if he hadn't slept for several days.


Is it because of the young master?

When the news of the eldest young master came, the young young master didn't even move, he didn't care, finally stood up, and went upstairs to sleep without even looking at it.

At that time, even if everyone didn't say anything, their hearts were still cold.

My own brother passed away, I didn't feel any sadness when I was a younger brother, and went directly upstairs to sleep, what kind of monster is this?

But... is the young master really asleep?

Such heavy dark circles have already explained everything.

"Go away." Shi Jingge's cold voice came, and the young man subconsciously looked up at him, only to see a distorted smile on his face, "You don't really think I don't know where his bedroom is, do you?" ?”

A smile slowly appeared on Shi Jingge's face, with arrogance, he said triumphantly: "Since you are not willing to make up such nonsense that he is not at home, then I will personally find him out."

After a pause, he sneered, "Who can fool this little trick?"

Shi Jingge pushed the young man away and strode out. The young man froze for a moment, and chased after him without hesitation.

"Young Master!" The young man called out, and Shi Jingge's footsteps paused slightly, but immediately moved again, and he was aggressive, as if he was going to find fault with him.

Shi Jingge quickly found his elder brother's room. Even though the two brothers' rooms were very close to each other, when he was younger, Shi Jingge always went to his elder brother's room, and at night he had to tell stories to sleep.

At that time, his elder brother was the busiest time, and he had to receive and learn too much every day, but he could spare a little time every day to recite two stories for his younger brother and tell him to him at night.

But later, the two gradually had conflicts. Shi Jingge hated his elder brother and never went to the other's room again. He couldn't even accept that the other's room was next to his own. The reason was that seeing each other every day felt disgusting.

So Shi Jingge said harshly, if he doesn't leave, he can leave by himself.

The elder brother who has always doted on his younger brother, no matter how tough his words are, he is still the one who backs down in real actions.

So he moved out overnight.

Of course, he didn't move very far, but under his avoidance, at least he no longer bowed his head and didn't see him when he looked up. Shi Jingge didn't care too much. Anyway, his ultimate goal was to stop seeing his elder brother. .

Therefore, in the perception of young people, since the young master moved out of the original room, the young master has never been to the young master's room, and even it is not clear which room the young master lives in, but now he can know the way come here.

Shi Jingge slammed on the door so hard that the door kept ringing. He pursed his lips tightly and didn't speak, but there were very complicated emotions in his eyes.

It seemed to be annoyed, but also a little shy, a little excited, and a little aggrieved.

All kinds of emotions are intertwined, making the young man's mood complicated.

Shi Jingge smashed the door for a long time, but no one opened it for him. The complexity in his eyes gradually disappeared, and finally turned into anger, and even his lips were tightly pressed together, depressed and angry.

His hand gradually stopped, the young man thought he was going to leave, but who knew he spoke.

"it's me."

The voice was very low, very different from the one who just slammed on the door.

Shi Jingge was silent for a while again, his fingers clenched into fists at some point, he turned his head away from looking at the door, like a child throwing a tantrum.

But there was still no movement, Shi Jingge waited patiently for a long time, only to wait until he ran out of patience, his expression changed suddenly, and he roared vigorously: "Open the door!"

But no one would open the door for him.

The owner of that room is no longer there.

These words surged in the young man's mind, and he suddenly felt a little sad.

"Young Master," the young man lowered his head, his voice was very soft, as if he was afraid of irritating Shi Jingge, "Eldest Young Master is really gone."

He couldn't bear it, but he reminded Shi Jingge of this fact again.

Shi Jingge stared blankly at the door, his whole body seemed to be depressed for a moment, as if all the spurs that he pretended to be pulled out, "...he is really not there? How could it be? I saw it last night Where is he? He went out overnight? Where did he go? Why didn't he follow me..."

The sound stopped abruptly.

Shi Jingge's lips pursed, but the young man's attention was attracted by a sentence in it.

"Last night, did you see the eldest young master?" The young man pinched his palm vigorously and repeated this sentence in a deep voice.

Shi Jingge sneered, and gave him a dissatisfied look, "Didn't you see it?"

"Is your eye failing? If it fails, go to a therapist immediately."

An inexplicable emotion suddenly appeared in the young man's heart.

...Does the young master really hate the young master so much?

Before the young man could make any more noise, Shi Jingge's voice sounded again, "He still blocked my way, I asked him what he was doing, but he didn't say a word, just looked at me like that, just like what I did to him!"

After a pause, Shi Jingge added two more words, "...annoying!"

I don't know if it's the illusion of the young man, but he always feels that when the young master says the word "annoying", his voice is raised.

...a sense of showing off.

...Maybe he thought too much?

The young man didn't speak, but Shi Jingge spoke.

He looked like he didn't care and asked casually.

"What did he do?"

The young man opened his mouth, but in the end he couldn't utter a complete sentence.

He suddenly realized that perhaps the truth was too cruel for this young master.

But if he doesn't say it, someone will always say it for him.

"Little master!"

"what are you doing?!"

An angry shout came suddenly, and the young man turned his head to look, and saw a man with an ordinary appearance but an exceptionally tall stature.

It is one of the young master's holy servants, Song Mingyu.

The young man noticed that almost the moment Song Mingyu's voice sounded, Shi Jingge's expression changed.

His whole body was full of aggression, indifferent and perverse, as if he had entered combat mode in an instant.

Song Mingyu strode over, looked at Shi Jingge with anger and contempt in his eyes, and said forcefully: "Young master, the eldest master has already gone, can you leave him at peace?"

Shi Jingge raised his head arrogantly, "What kind of thing are you, worthy of talking to me like this?"

"You!" Song Mingyu gasped for breath.

Shi Jingge slammed the door hard in front of him, Song Mingyu clenched his fists tightly, as if he could hear the sound, the young man took a step forward, and quietly blocked Shi Jingge behind him.

Song Mingyu's breathing was short, obviously he was struggling to suppress it, and the young man always felt that he was going to jump up in the next second and knock the young master's head off.

As the holy servant of Shi Jingge, the young man must not allow such a situation to happen.

"Tell him," Shi Jingge raised his head triumphantly, "come out and see me, or I'll drive out all his servants!"

Song Mingyu looked at Shi Jingge in disbelief, the eldest and young master had passed away, how could he come to see him?

You don't need such a ridiculous reason to drive them out, do you?

"I'll smash his room!"

"Come out and see me!"

Song Mingyu laughed back angrily, "Since the young master wants to see the young master so much, why don't you go see him yourself?"

Before Shi Jingge could speak, the young man shouted sharply, "Song Mingyu!"

Song Mingyu glanced at the young man, breathing more heavily, but he didn't say anything.

"This is his servant? He doesn't understand any rules."

"If he doesn't come to apologize to me today, you will get out of Shi's territory."

"You are not welcome on the Shi family's territory."


The young man's eyes widened in astonishment, and Song Mingyu finally couldn't suppress his anger, "Okay, okay, you want to see the young master, right? I'll take you there!"

The young man shouted: "Song Mingyu!"

But Song Mingyu was dazzled by anger, even a young man couldn't hold him down anymore.

He even took a step forward, walked around the young man, and grabbed Shi Jingge's clothes!

"Song Mingyu!" The young man raised his hand and slashed at Song Mingyu, "How dare you?!"

At the same time, Shi Jingge's high-spirited voice also sounded.

"Let's go."

"What are you doing in a daze?"


The young man's movements paused slightly, and a sudden sourness surged up in his heart, which made him a little at a loss.

The young master used to hate others being disrespectful to him, and he hates it now, but... there are more important things that make him ignore these small details.

The young master who doesn't like to use his brain the most also used the aggressive method. see the young master.

It's not been a day or two since Song Mingyu hated Shi Jingge. He has always hated this kind of dude, but Shi Jingge was doted on and protected by the Shi family. No matter how much he hated Shi Jingge, he could only force this loathing into his heart, except that Jingge didn't exist at that time.

But after the young master passed away, Song Mingyu's disgust and hatred for Shi Jingge exploded.

The reason is probably because Shi Jingge was too indifferent and casual about the death of the young master.

As one of the young master's holy servants, Song Mingyu knows best how much the young master attaches importance to Shi Jingge. He has done too much for this younger brother, but when he died unexpectedly, Shi Jingge didn't even look at him. And happily go out to play cards with friends!

Don't you even want to pretend?

While Song Mingyu was worthless for the young master, he also hated Shi Jingge deeply.

When he thought that the position of future lord might be handed over to Scene Singer, he felt that the future was dark.

Can such a cold-hearted dude be a good lord?

I dare not even dream of thinking like this!

Song Mingyu dragged Shi Jingge downstairs, not caring about Shi Jingge's footsteps, etc. Shi Jingge was a little upset, but he endured it.

Anyway, there will always be a chance to teach Song Mingyu a lesson in the future, so I don't care about this moment.

The young man easily read this from Shi Jingge's expression changes.

For a moment, he couldn't help smiling wryly.

...The young master is really easy to understand.


The two traveling masters of the Shi family rushed back as soon as they received the news. Although they had already made preparations, they still burst into tears the moment they saw the body of the eldest son.

That is their most outstanding child and the pride of their life.

Now he is lying here alone, with a peaceful expression, as if he is just falling into a deep sleep.

Madam slowly stretched out her fingers, her movements were trembling. She knew all about it, but she still had a sense of luck. What if... what if her child was still alive?

She put her fingers under his nose slowly, and waited quietly for a while, but she still didn't feel anything.

That's right, the handsome young man lying in the ice coffin was no longer breathing.

He has left them.

At last she wept violently.

The husband at the side stretched out his arms to hug her, and his face was already full of tears.

There is a magic circle in the ice coffin, and there are two eternal flowers, which can keep the corpse immortal.

And he passed away unexpectedly without any physical harm, so that the young man in the ice coffin really seemed to be asleep.

They wished it was just a prank or something, and the next second their son could open his eyes and hug them.

But it was clear that their hopes were dashed.

The master's crying made the surrounding servants' eyes turn red, and they shed tears silently, making the scene desolate.

The Shi family has always produced good lords. They are gentle and lenient to others. The residents of the Shi family's territory can basically have enough food and clothing. Everyone lives and works in peace and contentment, and lives a happy and stable life.

The young master is even more talented and intelligent, and has even been praised by the king. Everyone believes that when the young master succeeds the lord in the future, he will definitely be able to lead the residents of the territory to live a more prosperous life.

But it's a pity that the young master left them before that day came.

The cool wind hit, cold to the bones, while the surroundings were full of sadness, there were some fierce quarrels.

"Who is it?!" Shi Lingyi, who was always generous and gentle, turned his head and looked over, and was surprisingly angry, "Who is making noise here?!"

Soon, Shi Jingge appeared in his realization.

The corners of Shi Lingyi's lips moved slightly, and a wave of anger and powerlessness hit him head-on, making him a little unsteady.

"Time Scene Song!"

Shi Lingyi's voice was full of anger, this was the first time Shi Lingyi called him so angrily since Shi Jingge was born.

Madam Zhu Muyu also slowly walked out of Shi Lingyi's embrace, silently looking at Shi Jingge, half of her eyes were angry, half were empty.

In the news they received, naturally they would not describe what Shi Jingge did to his elder brother. After they came back, they would not see Shi Jingge here, so they would naturally ask a few questions.

But how could the servants bluntly tell them Shi Jingge's attitude? I had no choice but to find an "excuse" for Shi Jingge, try to be as tactful as possible, and not be too irritating when Ling Yi and Zhu Mu talked.

But Shi Lingyi and Zhu Muyu were all focused on the eldest son at this moment, how could they have the time to distinguish the "tactful" in the servant's mouth?

So, when Jing Ge really appeared here in such a noisy manner, Shi Lingyi and Zhu Muyu were shocked, angry and chilled.

...How, how can it be noisy here? !

... Here is his brother!

Hearing Shi Lingyi's voice, Shi Jingge's expression changed slightly.

He forcefully pushed Song Mingyu's hand away, his expression hard to hide his anger, and his voice was even more indifferent, "Is this what you mean by bringing me to him?"

"It's really worthy of being his holy servant."

"Sure enough, I know how to fulfill his wish and send me to my parents!"

Song Mingyu was so accused by Shi Jingge, of course he was angry, but the old lady was right in front, and the ice coffin was still there, no matter how angry he was, it was impossible for him to quarrel with Shi Jingge here, so he could only grit his teeth and pretend he didn't hear it. Not a word.

Seeing that Shi Jingge stopped, Zhu Muyu reached out and rubbed his temples, and said to the servant beside him, "Go, bring me Shi Jingge."

The servant nodded, answered "Yes", then walked quickly towards Shi Jingge, and said to Shi Jingge: "Young master, Mrs. Madam is waiting for you in front, please hurry over."

Shi Jingge frowned, gave Song Mingyu a vicious look, and said coldly, "You wait for me."

After leaving these words, Shi Jingge strode forward.

Song Mingyu stared fixedly at Shi Jingge's back, his expression seemed to be angry and sad.

After a while, he let out a breath and followed slowly.

But Shi Jinghua's figure involuntarily appeared in his mind.

Have you seen it? Eldest young master, the younger brother you love and care about the most has finally come to see you.

Shi Jingge came over, stopped when he was three steps away from Shi Lingyi and Zhu Muyu, and reluctantly called out: "Dad, Mom, are you back?"

For a moment, Shi Lingyi and Zhu Muyu didn't even know what to say. After a while, Zhu Muyu rubbed his temples tiredly, "Come here."

Shi Jingge pursed his lips, looking unwilling, but looked at Zhu Muyu's red and swollen eyes, and didn't say much after all, just walked over silently.

Zhu Muyu put his hand on Shi Jingge with great strength, making Shi Jingge involuntarily turn his head to look at her, frowned and said, "Mom?"

Zhu Muyu's breathing was a little heavy, as if she was engaged in some kind of battle between heaven and man, and after a while, she let out a breath slowly.


Zhu Muyu squeezed out these three words with difficulty, and stopped talking.

Shi Lingyi held her hand, and the two interlocked their fingers without saying anything.

They have been hit hard recently, and they really can't stand a heavier blow.

As a result, they didn't speak, but Shi Jingge did.

"Dad, Mom?" Shi Jingge frowned, and his tone was full of confusion and incomprehension, "What's wrong with you? Why do you feel weird?"

Both Zhu Muyu and Shi Lingyi didn't speak, Shi Jingge shrugged, and didn't pursue the answer to this question, just pretending to be nonchalant and asking, "Where's Big Brother?"

In an instant, Zhu Muyu and Shi Lingyi looked straight at Shi Jingge with the same expression of disbelief.

...How could Shi Jingge ask this question? !

...Doesn't he even know what happened to his elder brother? !

No, impossible.

Such a big matter must have been reported to Shi Jingge immediately.

How could Shi Jingge not know? !

Zhu Muyu's nails were dug into his palm, "What did you say?"

"Mom?" Shi Jingge glanced at Zhu Muyu suspiciously, "I said what did big brother do? Why didn't you come to greet you? You knew you were coming back today, but you ran out overnight last night?"

"Oh, of course, it's also possible that he ran out early in the morning and overnight."

"I saw him yesterday afternoon, and he must have run out after the afternoon."

"Do you think he is too much? He clearly knows that you will come back!"

"It's still me?"

Shi Jingge raised his head, and his tone became complacent, "I knew I was waiting for you at home."

"Knowing that my parents haven't seen me for so long, they must miss me."

"It's not like that guy, who doesn't know how to be considerate to you!"

The appearance of Shi Jingge was the same as every time he sued the boss in front of them.

But neither Zhu Muyu nor Shi Lingyi paid attention to this point, they were both shocked by Shi Jingge's words.

Shi Lingyi's lips trembled, "...what did you say?"

"Dad, what's wrong with you?" Shi Jingge frowned slightly, "Can't you hear me clearly?"

"When did you meet your elder brother?" Shi Lingyi asked without answering, staring at Shi Jingge closely.

"Yesterday afternoon," Shi Jingge replied unhappily, "he blocked me at the stairs and didn't say a word, just stared at me like that, it scared me to death."

In an instant, there was silence in the air, and everyone looked at Shi Jingge in disbelief. is it possible? !

Eldest young master just... just... three days ago!

Only Song Mingyu, as if he could bear it to the extreme, suddenly sneered, and said in a sharp voice: "Little master, do you dare to take a few more steps forward?"

The author has something to say: I said that I will add an update tomorrow, does anyone believe it? 【Cute.jpg】

no adopted son hhhh

Similarity means that both worlds have magic~

So, do you want to guess Brother Xu's identity again hhhh

All the cuties still have red envelopes today~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-05-27?23:59:08~2021-05-28?23:58:23~

Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: Yanwu? 12 bottles; Named Waste? 5 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!