MTL - Accidentally born in the ’60s-Chapter 18

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Zhen Zhen fell directly ten meters underground and fell on a big rock. Fortunately, what Zhen Zhen came out of was the consciousness of the soul, otherwise she would have to bleed and pat her head in fear, Zhen Zhen sat up on the stone, thinking about walking around to the farmhouse here, and by the way to the mountain have a look.

Zhen Zhen's consciousness just took a few steps, and suddenly the surrounding soil trembled slightly, as if she wanted to talk about something, Zhen Zhen stopped, closed her eyes and merged her consciousness with the soil for a moment. Then she opened her eyes in surprise and looked back at the stone that had caught her just now.

The ground was dark, and she could not see anything with her eyes. Zhen Zhen wrapped the stone with her consciousness and carefully explored its color, size and texture. I saw that this stone was the size of a watermelon, and the oddly-shaped whole was golden. Almost instantly, Zhen Zhen guessed what it was: Goutou Jin.

Godhead gold is mostly produced next to gold mines. Apart from increasing the yield of crops, Zhen Zhen rarely sinks her consciousness to the ground. She suddenly realized that there may be more Resources and Treasures. Leaving Gootoujin, Zhen Zhen felt the guidance of the earth, about two or three miles away, she found a gold mine.

Zhen Zhen didn't go deep into it, firstly, she was too young to do anything even if she discovered gold mines, and secondly, she had to wait until the ten years of catastrophe had passed if she wanted to mine. Slowly floating up from the ground, Zhen Zhen walked back all the way to increase the income of the crops on both sides. After her consciousness returned to her body, Wang Sufen's sister-in-law He Dongmei had already cooked and set up a kang table in the south of the East Room. On the kang, Wang Sufen's parents and elder brother accompanied Mrs. Li's family to dinner, and He Dongmei took the children to eat at the Westinghouse.

As soon as everyone sat down, Zhen Zhen also turned over and sat up, Mrs. Li quickly put down the wine glass she just picked up, went down to the kang and put on her shoes, then went to the opposite north kang, and carried Zhen Zhen to the In the arms: "Bao woke up? Are you hungry?"

Zhen Zhen rubbed her eyes and yawned, her bright eyes seemed to be misted with water, Mrs. Li hurriedly carried her off the kang and walked around the room twice, Seeing that Zhen Zhen became more energetic, she carried her to the table and sat down.

Father Wang looked at Madam Li holding Zhen Zhen in his palm, and couldn't help saying: "My mother, you can't help your child, let Sufen hold her, you Eat quickly."

Mr. Li waved her hand and said, "We Zhen Zhen are still not in good spirits, I will hold her for a while, and then let Sufen feed her when she wants to eat. My family, I am not afraid that you will laugh at me. After my granddaughter was born, I couldn't leave her without a single step, and I would die if I didn't see her for a while. I went to work in the mountains a while ago, and I really couldn't put Zhen Zhen at home for her sister-in-law to watch. It's like you've lost your soul."

Dad Wang looked at his granddaughter, and it was indeed very painful to look at the white and tender, but he really couldn't think of this person who still loved his granddaughter more than his grandson? However, the family has a way of living, and Father Wang was worried in his heart, but he didn't dare to ask any questions. But she didn't despise Zhen Zhen like she used to, thinking in her heart that this child only sent some eggs when he was born, and he didn't go there for a while, this is the first time he came to the house, so he had to give a red envelope, or else Just because the mother-in-law dotes on this child so much, I am afraid that she will be unhappy in her heart.

Zhen Zhen leaned in Old Lady Li's arms for a while, then reached for a spoon to eat, Wang Sufen hurriedly took her over and scooped the boiled mashed rice porridge for her to eat. Zhen Zhen's little tooth usually chews all the wild fruits that are soft and juicy, but if she eats vegetables, she can't bite. Wang Sufen can only take a piece of potato and crush it with a spoon for Zhen Zhen to feed her.

Ms. Li took a sip of wine, picked up a piece of braised pork and put it in her mouth. Daughter-in-law's braised pork is fragrant, we usually cook it at home, but it doesn't smell like this."

The old lady Wang said quickly: "My eldest daughter-in-law's father used to be a pig butcher before liberation. It's a must to get blood sausage. It's a pity that these days are not good. We can't fatten our pigs by relying on wild vegetables, and we are reluctant to feed sweet potatoes. I haven't eaten his family's blood sausage for several years."

Mr. Li sighed: "I see that the rain in the past two months has been more frequent than the previous two years. I just hope that next year will be better."

Zhen Zhen drank a small bowl of porridge after listening to the short words of her family and parents. Her stomach was full, but Zhen Zhenzui didn't want to be idle, she stretched out her hand and took a cucumber from the basket with wild vegetables, put it in her mouth and chewed it hard, but she was able to bite down bits and pieces. I don't eat cucumbers less, but it is the first time to eat cucumbers like this. She used to hear the old man say that cucumbers don't taste like cucumbers, but she still didn't understand, but now she knows that, compared with the pure natural and pollution-free cucumbers of today, the cucumbers grown in the greenhouses of later generations can be considered radishes at most.

He Dongmei ate a piece of cake with potatoes in the Westinghouse, and came over to see if there was anything else to buy, Mrs. Li looked at her with a smile: "My daughter-in-law, you don't have to be busy, these dishes are no longer available. Young and old, we can't eat much, can you sit down and eat?"

"I'm full, auntie." He Dongmei quickly resigned, she saw that Zhen Zhen was full, and reached out to hug her: "Old girl, I'll take care of the child for you, Hello, chatting with our parents."

Zhen Zhen didn't like to sit here all the time, she hurriedly stretched out her hand, He Dongmei took her into his arms and said with a smile: "Zhen Zhen smells worse than my house. When the ball was a child, it was much more worry-free.”

Zhen Zhen thought she had four brothers and one sister-in-law to be very lively, but when she went to Westinghouse, my mother, five boys and three girls, Zhen Zhen looked back at He Dongmei in shock , I really can't think of how this aunt gave birth to so many children.

Eight children were surrounded by a kang table, all their heads were lowered and they were cooking vegetables in their mouths. He Dongmei sat down on the edge of the kang holding Zhen Zhen, Zhen Zhen took a look at the table , a small pot of potato braised pork has no soup left, and several children are desperately grabbing eggplants to eat. If Lao Wang's family used to be reluctant to put oil in cooking, just boil it with water and eat it. Today is a distinguished guest, and He Dongmei is cooking with oil.

Five boys eat like wolves, picking up large pieces and stuffing them into their mouths, while the three girls obviously hesitated, only one seven or eight-year-old stretched out his chopsticks again, and the rest The next two only dared to lower their heads and nibble on the pancakes, so He Dongmei didn't forget to mumble: "Okay, what are you doing with so much food, and you can't pull the wood to work, it's enough to keep your stomach from starvation."

Zhen Zhen saw that they forgot to eat the cucumbers. Although the old Li family lived a difficult life, Zhen Zhen ripened the crops in time when they were about to run out of food, and they could still catch fish every three to five days. Fish catch a hare and a pheasant, it is better than the average person. And Mrs. Li treats her better than her grandchildren put together, Zhen Zhen almost forgot that this was an era when there was some preference for sons over daughters.

The three girls are only ten years old, and the youngest is only three years old. They are twins. After drinking it, he got off the dining table.

Is it her own birth? Although He Dongmei was distressed about the food, she didn't say anything more, she put Zhen Zhen in the arms of her eldest daughter Chun Ni, and instructed her: "Take your little sister to the garden. Play for a while, I'll go wash some wild vegetables for you, be careful not to fall on her, she's the golden lump of your old aunt's family."

Zhen Zhen almost didn't choke on the cucumber when she heard the word "Jin knot", she handed the cucumber to He Dongmei with lingering fear, He Dongmei took the cucumber and went to the kitchen to get a small piece of leftover The foreign persimmons were put into her hands.

Chun Ni carried Zhen Zhen and took Shani and Qiuni to the garden. The old Wang's garden was at the west end of the earthen house. Hungry crops, Chun Ni sat down against the root of the house, looked at the things in her own field, and looked enviously at the string of red persimmons planted by the neighbor next door through the fence.

Qiu Ni put her finger in her mouth and drooled: "I want to eat!"

Xia Ni sighed: "It's like you can eat it if you grow it? By then, it won't be all iron eggs and stinky balls. Besides, milk will not let you grow those things, saying I’m not very hungry, and I waste space. It seems that the seeds are not easy to buy. I heard that the seeds planted next door were brought by relatives from other places.”

Chun Ni touched Qiu Ni's hair: "That stuff is not delicious, wait another month or so, if you want anything on the mountain, then my sister will take it off for you."

Zhen Zhen looked at the persimmon she hadn't eaten in her hand, then looked at the three sisters with yellow faces, and carefully controlled a seed to plant beside the fence, under the shield of the eggplant seedlings It quickly took root and sprouted and blossomed, and in an instant, three bright red persimmons hung on it.

The three of Chun Ni were still staring at the fence, but no one noticed that there were three ripe persimmons under the fence root, Zhen Zhen had no choice but to control the butterfly around Shani's head. Shani immediately forgot the persimmon when she saw the butterfly, and ran to catch it. After a few steps, she ran into the ground. In a hurry, Chunni shouted: "Don't step on the seedlings, be careful mom hits you."

Suddenly Shani stopped, she quickly turned her head and glanced into the yard. Seeing that no one was outside, she hurriedly peeled off the eggplant seedlings, and picked off the three persimmons that were pressing down on the back. He hurried back with his clothes in his pocket.

Chun Ni hurriedly hugged Zhen Zhen and dragged Shani and Qiu Ni to the back of the room, and whispered to Shani: "What's the matter, why are there foreign persimmons?"

"I don't know either." Shani shared the persimmons among Chunni and Qiunii, and said in a low voice, "It's just growing behind the eggplants, it's estimated that the seeds are planted next door. Time to leave our house?"

"Can't you?" Chun Ni estimated the distance: "Unless the wind blows."

Xia Ni blew her: "It doesn't matter how long it is, eat it quickly, and let Mom see you will be gone." Then she took a bite out of her hand, sour The sweet persimmon juice flowed into her mouth, and Shani couldn't help squinting her eyes: "It's delicious."

Chunni wiped the persimmon on her clothes twice, and just about to put it to her mouth and then took it off, Shani and Qiuni ate it all over their faces, seeing Chunni not eating, they endured He kept asking her: "Sister, why don't you eat, Mom will come out in a while."

"Why don't I keep it for the two of you." Chunni said hesitantly, "Actually, I don't really like this stuff."

"You can pull it down." Shani rolled her eyes at her, grabbed Chunni's persimmon, and stuffed it in her mouth: "Hurry up and eat it, don't get us involved, do you think you are? Stupid, you have to keep a tail for stealing food, don't you get beat up?"

After washing his hands and face, and checking each other's body for no marks, he breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, the foreign persimmon seedling quickly shrank into mud and fell to the ground.

He Dongmei washed the wild vegetables and sent them into the house, then drove a few boys out to play, and cleaned up the tableware and chopsticks, and then she remembered Zhen Zhenlai. She looked outside the house and saw no one, so she quickly Looking in the vegetable garden, I found a few people behind the room.

I took Zhen Zhen from Chun Ni's arms and couldn't help but glared at her: "I didn't let you play in the yard, let me look for you for a long time, I thought you were messing with other people's children If you lose it, I told you that selling the three of you together is not as valuable as a girl."

Xia Ni looked at He Dongmei unconvinced, and couldn't help but ask her, "Were we born to you? Why does the old woman love her daughter so much, why don't you love us?"

He Dongmei laughed angrily when she heard it: "If you don't hurt you, you still give you food and drink all day long? You say what am I raising you for, white-eyed wolf!"

Chun Ni was frightened and hurriedly grabbed Shani, Shani shook off Chunni's hand and stared at He Dongmei in dissatisfaction: "Anyway, you know how you treat us, okay? Just eat as many kids as you can, and let me and my sister do the housework."

He Dongmei saw that she was shouting loudly. She was afraid that the sound would spread to the house and people would hear it. Man, I won't let your brother and your brother go to work to earn money after they are full? You just clean up at home, what does it matter if you eat more and eat less, and you can starve to death?"

Seeing how much filial piety to my father and my milk every year, my aunt has brought the meat to the house for the past few years." Shani turned her head and walked out, leaving a vicious sentence: "Anyway, if you don't treat me well, Well, don't expect me to honor you in the future."

He Dongmei couldn't be mad at her. She grew up like this at home when she was a child. She couldn't do it when she raised a daughter. When she was angry, she chased after her and wanted to slap her. Aware of He Dongmei's intention, Shani turned her head and stared fiercely at He Dongmei.

He Dongmei was taken aback and took a step back involuntarily. Although she didn't value the girl, she didn't want to leave her heart just like that. .

He Dongmei stood with Zhen Zhen in her arms for a long time and didn't know what to say, but looking at Chun Ni and Qiuni, who looked a little horrified, she finally felt a little uncomfortable and tucked her hair behind her ears. After a long while, he said, "I'll give you two pieces of meat when you wait for the rest of the table. If you have more meat, your father should find out."

Chun Ni lowered her head and big drops of tears fell, He Dongmei sighed, and walked back in embarrassment: "It's not too much trouble."

Ms. Li ate dinner and chatted again, so she took her family back to rush back. .

Wang Sufen put the sleeping Zhen Zhen on the kang and asked casually, "Your sister-in-law hasn't come back yet?"

"No." Mingxi said: "Her home is so far away, my sister-in-law left this morning so late, she might have to stay overnight before coming back."

Old Mrs. Li sat at the door and smoked a cigarette, and couldn't help muttering: "Old Wu's house has only one room, so there is no place for her to sleep. Last time she came back from her parents' house, I Seeing that her clothes were stained with soil, I only found out that she was sleeping on the kitchen floor after inquiring."

Wang Sufen glanced at the sky: "It's still early before dark, and I guess I'll be back in a while."

Mr. Li took another puff of cigarette, looked at Wang Sufen and asked, "I think I will do the wedding of Dongzi and Osmanthus this winter, and now I'm free, you go to the street tomorrow Check it out, buy everything that should be bought, don’t delay it until the end of the year, it will be difficult to buy anything at that time.”

"Okay." Wang Sufen said cheerfully: "I told Carpenter Xu in front of him a few days ago that he should pack a big box, or I'll send two catties of meat to his house soon. , urging him to hurry up."

"In!" Mrs. Li nodded: "I asked your younger brother and sister to leave me some cloth tickets. Last time, your fourth brother also got a few back, and returned to Guihua and Dongzi. One person made a new cotton-padded coat, and another set for Zhen Zhen, Mingbei's cotton-padded jacket and trousers when he was a child have all been removed, and they are long gone."

The two of them discussed it, and then the king, Sufen, began to go back and buy things. As for the furniture, it is even easier. The wood in the mountains is ready-made, although it is owned by the state, but as long as it is not taken out and resold, like building a house, building a cabinet, etc. as usual, just talk to the management. Just do whatever you want.

Xu carpenter moved much faster when he saw the meat, and the rural wedding box did not need any style, just a square and sturdy one. A month later, two boxes and a kang qin were ready, so I quickly borrowed a cart to pull it over to Lao Li's house.

Osmanthus has been a little uneasy since she left in Mingdong. After seeing it, Mrs. Li didn't say much, until the house was pulled back and placed, she hurriedly pulled Osmanthus to see, and Osmanthus' face became a little more joyful.

Mr. Li took a look around with the cigarette bag, pressed the box and nodded with satisfaction: "This thing is sturdy and can be used for decades." When it was time to visit, Mrs. Li couldn't help but feel a little dissatisfied. Usually, she likes to draw some flowers, grass, etc. on the Kangqin in Beicha. It's good to see festive meaning. The Kangqin made in the early years in the past has these things. In recent years, there is no paint and no one willing to paint, so this step is omitted.

Ms. Li was a little unwilling. She always felt that the marriage of her eldest grandson would be better. She took a few puffs of cigarettes, but remembered one thing: "Osmanthus, I remember your mother. It used to be a lady from a big family, will she paint these things?"

Gui Hua hesitated for a moment: "My mother knew it when she was young, but she hasn't touched anything since the liberation, and the paint, banknotes, etc. are all hidden at home, and I don't know what she knows now. I can't draw anymore."

"Drawing two strokes is better than being bald." Mrs. Li took down her cigarette bag: "Tomorrow you will go and invite your mother."

The author has something to say:

take a look.

Only discovered mining. Kaka grew up ten years old there when he was a child, and lived in my grandfather's house when he was a child, so I still have some impressions of the daily life there. In addition, I will ask the elderly at home if I am not sure about the place, and try to make the deviation as small as possible.

There are also readers who talk about the problem of golden fingers, Kaka's article is indeed a thick golden finger, who made us Zhen Zhen so awesome, haha, good night!