MTL - Accompanying the Phoenix-Chapter 23

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I removed the steel splint on the glass arm and pressed it on her acupoint. I was treated with concentration. I heard the glass and asked: "You said that you left four things around here thousands of years ago." Heavy seals, but the soldiers who patrol around here all the year do not know that there are these things. Do you probably remember where to put them?"

"Well, one is on the top of the mountain, one is at the bottom of the lake, and there is..." The line replied and let go of the hand of the glass: "The arm moves."

Sitting on the bed and squatting on the bed, he listened to the command of the line. He bent the arm and then turned his arm for a few laps. There was no place in the body that felt pain. The recovery speed made her feel surprised. It is said that such a serious injury has to recover at least half a month, and it took only three days to actually cure her.

"Oh, it seems that the big problem is gone." He grabbed the palm of the glass, and the glazed subconsciously pumped back and looked at her inexplicably. The glaze then coughed: "What?"

Stop laughing and laughing: "Would you like to be as timid as the King of Bi Cang?" He unknowingly grasped the hand of Shen Li, and then ten fingers, faintly said: "Just want to check the small joints of the left hand. You Hold my hand hard."

Suu Li heard the words and looked at him with a sigh of relief, but when he saw him look as usual, the glass dropped his eyes, but he did not work hard for a long time. He said strangely: "Where is it?"

"No..." Shen Li stunned his eyebrows. "It’s just a matter of hard work, crushing your hand."

This time, I changed the line and stopped, and smiled and said: "Wang Ye can do it with confidence and boldly, and I will lose it."

This is like a waking up of the glass, she just remembered, sitting in front of her is the heavenly heavens to stop the gods, with the body of immortality, which is the mortal cloud that will die when it is lightly pinched. Although my heart told me over and over again that this is a different person, but looking at similar faces, and this occasionally exposed like a very smile, Shen Li is too difficult to control his own thoughts. The heart is annoyed, and the palm of the hand is hard.

"Well, okay." The trip was almost immediate. "Recovery is very good." He pulled his hand back and said, "So, Wang Ye cleaned up and took me around this afternoon."

"Go in the afternoon?"

"It's ok at night."

"No, just in the afternoon."

And... unconsciously suppressed by him. Shen Li feels that this trip to the gods is really too difficult.

"There is only one mountain in the south of the military camp. It is no matter what the years have been. But in the past few hundred years, it has hindered the suffocation to go to other parts of the devil. Today is coming out late, there is no place for the lake to go, we will Let's go to the mountains to see." Shen Li took the map that the soldiers gave her to give a serious guide.

However, she continued to drum up her robes behind her. Shen Li pressed his temper and said: "Shen Jun, go to the mountains to see it today."

"Yeah." Stopping the clothes on the mopping floor, the fingertips move, the long clothes are cut off, and the white satin is slowly thrown away with the suffocating wind: "Go."

The glazed eyes followed the Yunjin satin eyes and did not turn around. In the devil world, even the clothes can not be worn by the demon, and such things are things that others have discarded, and the glass is turned to look at the white robe made by the brocade, even after waiting for a few days in the devil world. I have not seen how dirty it is. It is said that she killed the Shanwei fox that day, she fainted on the line of clouds, wiped him a blood stain, but it was wiped clean with water.

It is really unreasonable to think that the soldiers who are guarding the border are dirty and the eyes are drooping. It is really like a throat.

Seeing that the glass has not moved, I asked strangely, "What?"

"Nothing." Shen Li shook his head, and then walked in front without saying a word.

In the afternoon, the mountains are already foggy, and the suffocating air is not scattered all the year round. Even in the daytime, it is impossible to see things in five steps. The glazed glass looked at the map in front and looked for the direction, while breaking the dead branches of the road by hand, even though the dead branches were already fragile and smashed under the suffocation of the suffocating air.

"It’s close to the camp, but it’s far from the market. The soldiers don’t come to this place very often. They are not familiar with it, so the map is only painted halfway up the mountain. If you fly directly, this sky will make you We can't see the place where we settled, so we have to find out the way up the mountain." After Shen said this, there was no one to answer the truth for a long time. Her heart was strange. Looking back, there was only fog and smog behind it. There is a stop figure.

She glanced at her eyes and blinked her eyes. It is said that when the **** came to the devil world, he found the wrong way. Now... is it not lost again?

"Stop the gods?" Shen Liang went back along the way, "God."

How long did it go back, Shen Liu suddenly felt that the surrounding air changed slightly, and the flow of breath became inexplicable, and she found a few steps, a breeze crossed, blowing the fog, and the white fairy was slowly coming on the other side. The place where he walked was smoggy, and the mountains that had been covered with suffocation for hundreds of years seemed to have been washed by the new rain. Although the green leaves were still missing, the air was fresh.

Shen Liu squinted at him, watching the white whisper fluttering under the breath of breath, reflecting the rare light of the demon world, printed into the bottom of the glass, so that the dark emotions in her heart disappeared.

This is...the ancient god.

A **** different from the innocent and demon-like demons, no matter how dirty the air can be cleaned up...

The fluttering robes swept past her, and walked to the front two steps, looking back and looking at it: "Where should I go?"

The glazed eyes blinked, and this came back to the gods. I just wanted to take the map out of my hand, but I was hit by a thing, my hand slipped, the map turned with the wind, and it drifted down the mountain and disappeared. In the smog below, Shen Shi wants to jump down, but feels that his feet are dragged by something and look back. A small wild boar with four ears on her head bit her foot and neck. Although it didn't hurt the essence, this delay made her unable to find the map.

Her heart Xiehuo together, bend mention the boar's tail curled up on its **** severely beat two hand: "! Things get in the way."

The wild boar is very arrogant and moves around her hand. A pair of blushing eyes stared at the glass and yelled at her. The brow wrinkles: "The pollution caused by suffocation has turned into a monster, put it down, I will burn it."

"No need." The little wild boar was thrown down by the forest, accompanied by a panicked scream, and there was no trace. "There are many things that have been turned into monsters in the devil's world." Going, but they are mostly animals, and they are not aggressive. Generally, the people can deal with them." Shen Li found the way he had just walked back with his memory, and climbed up and said, "Live in this mountain." It’s not easy. As far as it is concerned, it’s not too bad to do it. It’s too unreasonable to kill it. Even if it does bad things in the future, it will have to wait until it is done.”

Waiting for a small sigh, look at the back of the glazed: "Bi Cang Wang actually has such kindness." His emotions slightly precipitated, and as Shen Lan took a long way, he said, "According to my habits, it is I like to control it before the trouble gets bigger." He paused and stared at the glass.

"That's the case..." The glazed side glanced at him. The eyes that turned too fast did not pay attention to the emotions of the eyes. Her lips were hooked and the smile revealed the natural confidence and innocence. "The days are not too boring. Yet."

After a moment of silence, he smiled slyly: "It is quite boring."

The more you go to the mountains, the more you can't find the direction, the darkness of the eyes, the glare of the glass. However, he said: "It’s better to have a moon and a moon. It’s better.” His steps are like walking in his backyard. Shenli sees him like this, and he is not urging. He only slowly wanders on the barren hill with him.

Unconsciously, it went dark, passing through a mountain road with dead wood, the glass suddenly turned bright, and the moon at the top of the head was big and round, which made her surprised and could not help but open her mouth. In the devil world, how long has it not been seen It’s been like this moonlight.

"The top of the mountain, climbed up." The trip came from behind her. In the white coat, the moonlight left a clear and distinct outline in the dark pupil of the glass. He slowly moved forward. Parked in front of a huge dead wood.

It was only after the glaze saw that the big tree on the top of the mountain was different from other trees. Although it has been defeated, some branches still have leaves that dance in the wind with the night, and they want to fall.

The detective was placed on the trunk, and the dead wood seemed to make a crying sound. The trunk trembled, and the earth screamed with it. Hanging eyebrows, half sighing, half comforting: "Working hard." White light swayed from the palm of his hand, poured into the dead wood, followed its roots into the earth. The glaze can almost see the traces of Guanghua smashing under his feet.

The land trembled as if it had awakened the mountain's knowledge and the fog was exhausted. The glaze stood on the edge of the cliff and looked down the mountain. Only then did they find that the road they walked in the afternoon was illuminated by the light, like a character, printed on the mountain.

Moonlight, dead wood and this unidentified character are connected in a line, through the heavens and the earth, smog.

It turned out that he had calculated it from the beginning. He set off in the afternoon and drew a seal character on the mountain. By the power of Yuehua, he cleared the mountain and smothered the seal. Such a comprehensive arrangement. He did not disclose half points.

This person...

"Bi Cang Wang." Suddenly, she waved at her under the tree. In the heart of the glass, he took the wire and went forward, but he saw him picking up his toes. He took a new leaf that had just grown from the tree and handed it to the glass. He smiled and said: "The leaves that grow out of the devil."

After receiving the glass, I touched the slightly cold leaf surface. I don’t know what it is, the leaves of the devil world, how angry this new green color is. I really want to let the children of the Devils see such leaves. Her eyes were soft and her lips curled slightly. Too much attention to the touch of the leaves of the glass did not see, the man's eyes next to him also softened, looking at her, silently bent lips.

"Would you like to sit on the tree for a while?"

I stayed in the glass: "Is it okay?" She pointed her finger at the trunk and didn't dare to touch it. "Can't it be broken?"

She was teased by her: "I broke it, I lost it."

He will take a look at the waist and the two sit on the thick, strong trunk. Moonlight shines into the canopy of the secret room. The glass grows and looks at the branches and the new leaves slowly grows up. I can’t help feeling: "It’s wonderful." She said, "They are singing."

Hearing words, he took a leaf and put it on his lips, and a melodious tone blew from his mouth. Suddenly, the glass looked back and looked at it. Seeing that he was so easy to blow, he put the leaves in his hand and learned to blow him up. But when she tried hard, the breath of the mouth blew the leaves out fiercely, and the new leaves, like the sharp arrows, came out and went straight into the land.

"Oh!" The music stopped in the tree, and the glass was stunned. He turned to look at him, and then his eyes smashed: "God, are you laughing at me?"

"No, I think." He looked at the night sky and smiled. "The moonlight is too good tonight."

Read Monarch of Time
RomanceReincarnationAdventureMartial Arts