MTL - Admiral in the Marvel Universe-v2 Chapter 442 To save the world...

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In the distance, under the influence of seeing and hearing, the conversation between the father and daughter clearly entered Cao Gui's ears, scratching his head, Cao Gui laughed a little dumbly.

Dr. Pym's approach is very normal. Because of Pym particles and Ant-Man equipment, he lost his beloved wife, which caused a psychological shadow throughout his life. Not to mention his own daughter, even himself, he was very secretive about Pym particles. As a last resort, he didn't want to use it.

This approach reminded Cao Gui of Yao Lao and his two apprentices in Dou Poli. Many people said that Yao Lao was unfair. Obviously Han Feng was closer than his own son, but Yao Lao never put "Burning Judgment" down. It was passed on to Han Feng, which caused the following series of things.

But in fact, in the tens of thousands of years after the ancient emperor Tuoshe in the Dou Qi Continent, only Xiao Yan was the only practitioner of "Burning Jue". Before Xiao Yan's success, Yao Lao did not know that this so-called evolutionary method had There are no downsides.

Because it is too weird, Yao Lao has been cautious after getting it, and he did not dare to cultivate himself, nor did he dare to cultivate for his apprentices.

Moreover, the evolution of "Burning Judgment" is too difficult. It needs to use different fires as raw materials. Yao Lao himself almost died when refining the cold fire of bone spirit, not to mention his own disciples to devour a variety of different fires.

The most important thing is... it's just a heaven-level exercise, don't I, Venerable Medicine, have it?

Therefore, Yao Lao has been pressing him not to give it to Han Feng, and the reason for giving it to Xiao Yan is very simple. At that time Yao Lao was already desperate, and Xiao Yan was not his own. If something went wrong, he would not feel distressed, and he might help himself recover. Body, give it a try, maybe a bicycle can become a motorcycle.

Of course, this kind of thinking has disappeared in the later interactions. Sometimes Yao Lao regrets teaching Fen Jue to Xiao Yan. Not everyone can suffer the pain of Forging a Body with Different Fire. Xiao Yan eats it because of Fen Jue. too much suffering.

Closer to home, Gwen and Beth were sent back to New York by Cao Gui to study shrinking particles, but Cao Gui did not go back. Instead, he hung far behind Dr. Pym and his daughter, and followed them to a quaint three-story building. small building.

Although this building is quaint, it is not simple. All kinds of mahogany furniture, floors, and all kinds of extravagant decorations are low-key and luxurious with connotations.

At Hope's request, Pym brought his plans together, but Hope was very unhappy about it. Like Han Feng, she felt unhappy and unbalanced towards her own father at the same time:

Why choose others not to choose me? After all these years, am I still inferior to an outsider worthy of your attention?

In this regard, Hope had another quarrel with his own father, and neither side would let the other, but... the father is the father, and he has the power to fight back. No matter how dissatisfied Hope is, he can only endure it.

But at this moment, an ant came flying quietly and drew a few arcs in front of Dr. Pym. Suddenly, Dr. Pym's face changed greatly.

At the same time, the doorbell rang, and the father and daughter looked at each other with a wary expression. Ant only told him that a stranger was coming, but Ant could not tell what the stranger looked like.

After a moment of hesitation, the father and daughter opened the door.

"Good afternoon, Dr. Pym." Cao Gui smiled.

"It's you?" Dr. Pym's face sank. He has always been unwelcome to people from S.H.I.E.L.D., especially because the other party is still coveting the Pym particles in his hand.

"Mr. Cao, is there anything I can help you with?" Hope smiled, pulled his father, got out of the way, and invited Cao Gui in.

Although Dr. Pim was displeased, he still let Cao Gui in. Now that things are going on, Dr. Pim's first priority is to take back the company.

"The purpose of my visit is very simple. I want some Pym particles." As soon as he sat down, Cao Gui said straight to the point:

"There are not many requirements, just ten and twenty."

Dr. Pym suddenly looked gloomy and said coldly: "I'm sorry, I don't have any Pym particles, please go back, I don't welcome people from S.H.I.E.L.D."

Cao Gui smiled and said, "Dr. Pym, if I'm not mistaken, you should be thinking about how to retrain an Ant-Man?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Dr. Pym said coldly, but the alarm bell was ringing in his heart. The SHIELD people were watching him?

Impossible, one kilometer of the house is full of his own ant eyeliner, no one can completely avoid it, not to mention, it is only the means of S.H.I.E.L.D.

How did this guy... know?

Cao Gui's smile didn't change: "If I'm not mistaken, the new Ant-Man... should be named Scott Lang?"

"You may not believe it. I had a bit of an intersection with him in Los Angeles. If I opened my mouth, he would never refuse."

"Damn it!" Dr. Pym roared, Scott Lang was a tool he had been looking for for a long time... heir, this man is not ambitious, he cares about his daughter and wife, the most important thing is... He is still with a criminal with a criminal record engineer.

The most important thing is to have the technology, but there is no way to get involved with the government. The trouble is, there is no way for him to find someone who can replace him.

But the problem is, now that the two of them have not officially met, they are known by this S.H.I.E.L.D. person...

Thinking of this, Dr. Pym's expression changed instantly: "You... are not from S.H.I.E.L.D., at least not just from S.H.I.E.L.D."

"That's not important." Cao Gui smiled and said, "If you don't give it to me, I can naturally ask Scott to ask for it, and the result will not change."

"..." Dr. Pym was silent for a while, staring at Cao Gui with cold eyes. This old man had an idea that if he couldn't solve the problem, he would solve the problem.

But... Cao Gui smiled slightly, leaned back, looked at him with a slight smile, and didn't care about his eyes at all.

Dr. Pym was suddenly shocked, this person may not be an ordinary person.

"Dr. Pym, have you considered a question?" Cao Gui said with a smile: "Darren Cross is not long away from success, why didn't I wait for him, but came to you?"

"And I know your plans. It's too easy to deal with the two of you. Just tell Darren Cross your plans."

"Why?" Dr. Pym was stunned for a moment. He was so focused on the Pym particle that he almost ignored it.

"It's very simple, I have the same idea as you, Pym particles can't spread!" Cao Gui laughed.

This answer made Dr. Pym stunned: "Then why are you still obsessed with this thing."

"Probably to save the world, right?" Cao Gui shrugged, he had the confidence to deal with Thanos, but... even so, he had to keep some backhands, and if he failed, there was still the possibility of a comeback.

"..." For this answer, UU Reading www.uukanshu. Dr. Com Pym had a toothache and could not wait to slap him.

Looking at the silent Dr. Pym, Cao Gui shrugged: "You just say whether to give it or not?"

"I have three ways to get what I want. You can get it even if you don't give it to me. It's just a little troublesome."

"But... what is the cost, you have to consider it yourself."

"...Okay." Dr. Pym rubbed his eyebrows: "I can give you something, but I have a request, you want to help me take back my company."

"Deal!" Cao Gui smiled slightly, he was just a shareholder, and it didn't matter who was the boss if he got dividends.

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