MTL - After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible-Chapter 19 , clues

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"But what?" Gu Qingzhuo couldn't help asking.

"Six years ago, there was an honest and honest Huang Daniu who left the village. He was only twenty-five years old at the time, about the same age as the dead villagers. At that time, Huang Daniu was very close to one of them, Huang Daniu, and he wore one since he was a child. Pants. However, Huang Daniu's family died early, and he was left alone, so he left the village and went outside to seek a living."

"However, when he left, a widow in the village also happened to die. Everyone said that Huang Daniu killed him and reported it to the government, but he left here and I don't know where to go, and the government has never found him." Muramasa said.

"So, it is possible that Huang Daniu came back, killed these rogues in the village, and then fled here?" Gu Qingzhuo said.

"It's possible." Luo Yao said.

"So, as long as we find Huang Daniu, we can solve this case." Xiao Yuluo laughed.

"Not necessarily." Meng Xing shook his head.

"Why?" Xiao Yuluo asked in surprise.

"Huang Daniel may die, or he may have traveled far away. It must be difficult to find him," Meng Xing said.

"So, as long as the murderer is not caught, the case will not be solved."

"Brother Meng, do you have a plan?" Li Zhukuai asked. As a member of the government, he naturally hopes to solve the case as soon as possible.

"No." Meng Xing shook his head.

The crowd fell silent for a while.

Meng Xing said, "Think about it here, I'll walk around and see if I find anything."

"I'll go with you." Xiao Yuluo said.

Gu Qingzhuo saw Xiao Yuluo follow Meng Xing, his face was a little ugly, but he couldn't say anything.

Xiao Yuluo was so good to this Meng Xing, and he was always worried about his safety, which made Gu Qingzhuo a little tasteful.

He and Xiao Yuluo have known each other for so long, and he has never seen her so caring about him. Every time he sees him, he is treated like an ordinary senior brother.

Meng Xing walked ahead and looked at every place carefully. However, the houses here are sparse. Each house is almost a dozen feet apart, rarely next to each other, and the houses are mottled and dilapidated, and many of them are thatched cottages, which shows the hard life of the villagers. .

Ten days have passed since the murder case, how easy is it to find clues? Unless it's a corpse exhumation, but for people in this era, the most taboo is to dig up other people's graves, so that the dead can't live in peace.

And Meng Xing is not a criminal investigator, and he is not familiar with many methods of solving cases, so he can only try some of the methods he saw on TV in his previous life.

He was walking in the village with some methods of solving cases that he had seen in his previous life running in his mind, and speculating and pondering in combination with the current situation.

Before I knew it, when I came to a farmland, I saw that the seedlings were growing very well, green and green, and looking at the height of the seedlings, it seemed that they had just been sown.

Meng Xing looked around, but found nothing.

Suddenly, three options appeared in front of him.

[1. Return to the original place, and find nothing. 】

[Two, lead people into the cave in front. 】

[Three, breaking into the cave alone. 】

"No result notification? Is it safe inside? However, this system can also trick people. Sometimes it doesn't show results, but it puts people in danger. The trouble needs to be solved by himself." Meng Xing thought to himself.

After suffering a few system losses, Meng Xing was also a little more cautious.

"Also, where is the cave? Why didn't I find it?" Meng Xing looked around. There were rice fields in front of him, and there was only a road on the left leading to the mountain.

After walking three feet to the left, I saw a cave blocked by a huge boulder on the side of the mountain, which almost blocked the entire cave. According to the system's prompts, it is obviously dangerous, and you have to be careful.

This place is relatively remote, and there should be fewer people coming here. Moreover, the boulder blocked the cave, and ordinary people couldn't move it at all. Unless more than a dozen people worked together, it was possible to remove the boulder.

Of course, with the strength of his eighth-grade condensing phase master, he can easily move away.

Meng Xing thought about it, chose the first option, turned around and left.

[The task has been completed, get a random reward: Strength +1]

This system is good. In special circumstances, it can warn of some dangers.

"Meng Xing, you looked at that cave just now, did you find anything?" Xiao Yuluo asked.

"I didn't find it. However, it's a bit strange that the cave was blocked with a boulder. Let's go and ask Muzheng what's going on." Meng Xing said.

"Actually, you don't need to ask him, with my strength, I should be able to remove that boulder." Xiao Yuluo said.

"The two of us go into the cave, there may be great danger, we should ask the village leader first, and then call others to come here." Meng Xing said.

"Okay." Xiao Yuluo had no clue about these matters, so he could only listen to Meng Xing.

Although she is the guardian of the outer sect disciples, the responsibility of this guardian is only to accompany the outer sect disciples down the mountain to practice, or to give instructions to the outer sect disciples in their cultivation, and there are very few cases of investigation.

However, she didn't expect Meng Xing to know so much. He was so knowledgeable about this case, and attentive, that he was able to find some abnormal situations.

A chopping wood disciple knew so much, Xiao Yu couldn't think of the reason.

"Meng Xing, when did you come to Jianchi Peak of Zhenwuzong?" Xiao Yuluo asked.

"Three years ago, when I was fifteen."

"where is your home?"

The memory of the original owner appeared in Meng Xing's mind, and he said, "Qiongzhou, a small town, my father was the landlord of the town. He died early, so he entrusted his family to bring me to Zhenwu Sect."

"Senior sister, you are asking me so many questions. Do you want to check my household registration? See if I am a fugitive from Daqin?" Meng Xing said again.

Xiao Yuluo smiled and said, "Our True Martial Sect has a lot of fugitives. If the elders or peak masters in the sect see those who are qualified to cultivate martial arts, UU reading will bring them back to the sect to train them. become a disciple."

Meng Xing nodded, but it is true that people from the sect go down the mountain to select disciples every year. As long as they have the aptitude for cultivation, they will be trained well, but if the aptitude is not good, they will also be expelled from the sect.

Xiuwu Zongmen, just like the companies in the previous life, will also implement the rules of the game of survival of the fittest. Although it is cruel, it is very realistic.

Otherwise, these martial arts sects would not be able to exist for so long, and would soon be eliminated by other forces.

Before arriving at the village, Gu Qingzhuo glanced at Meng Xing and said sourly, "Junior Brother Meng, you have been here for so long, you should have found traces of the case, right? I think you are quite sure about solving the case, analysis. It's all righteous, but don't let us down!"

Meng Xing nodded and said, "There are some discoveries. However, we still need to ask Muramasa."

"Old man, what is the purpose of the cave at the back of the village blocked with boulders?" Meng Xing turned to the village chief and asked.

"That cave was formed naturally. It is said that it has existed for hundreds of years. Usually, almost no one goes there. But..." Muramasa pondered.

"Uncle, what did you think of?" Meng Xing asked hastily.

"However, five years ago, a huge boulder rolled down the mountain and automatically rolled onto the entrance of the cave, blocking the cave. At that time, the villagers thought it was an earthquake, and they were quite frightened," said the villager.

"Five years ago, that is to say, one year after Huang Daniu left and the widow in the village died?" Meng Xing said.

The village's face suddenly changed greatly, his voice trembled, and he said, "I remembered that the day the boulder rolled down happened to be June 12, and it was also June 12 when Huang Daniu left and died with the widow in the village. Exactly a year apart."