MTL - After 800 Years, I’ve Become The Taboo Lifeform-Chapter 76 A hero in the green forest, a sad past (Ninth update please subscribe!

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  Chapter 76 Green forest hero, sad past events (Ninth update please subscribe!)


  【You killed the young Baijiao, and prevented the Baijiao from making waves and harming the human race. Your merit +1000】


   "Because I haven't done any evil, so the merit added is less?"

  Wei Buyi sighed softly in his heart.

   With this thousand merits in hand, there is still a thousand short of exchanging the Heavenly Tribulation Token. Although it is not much, I don’t know when it will be redeemed. I can only blame the Heavenly Tribulation for not working hard enough recently!

  On the cliff.

  Bai Jiao's body was broken into pieces.

  There are blood stains and white scales everywhere.

  The bearded swordsman almost fell to the ground with his eyes wide open.

  But Wei Buyi gently lifted him up with his true energy.

   "You saved my life!"

  The bearded swordsman had a loud voice, clasped his fists and said:

   "I thought you were a mortal, but I didn't expect you to be so skilled in swordsmanship. Hey, this white dragon is not easy to deal with. Deng owes you a favor from now on!"

  Wei Bujuan saw that he had a straightforward personality.

  I also decided to cut to the chase.

  So he smiled and asked:

   "I am an immortal cultivator lying on a flat mountain. I figured out that there is a special movement here to kill Jiao. I see that you have some natural talents. Would you like to cultivate immortals with me?"

  He originally thought that what he said said, even if the other party didn't fall down crying and bow down, he would think carefully about his suggestion.

   Who knew that Deng Ludao's expression changed:

   "Hey! Unlucky! Another person who wants me to cultivate immortality?"

   Immediately he thought of something.

   Pointing to the white dragon corpse on the ground with staring eyes, he asked:

   "This monster is not raised by you, is it?"

  Wei Buyi was stunned:

"how you said that?"

  The bearded swordsman folded his arms and shook his head, saying:

"Similar things have happened to me three times. They all said that I am a cultivator, that my bones are good, and they want to take me to cultivate immortals; after being rejected by me, I followed secretly. After that, I will encounter some difficult things. A powerful monster, when I was at the end of my life, someone jumped out and dealt with it, and then invited me to cultivate immortals again... Heh! If I hadn't been running around all the time, I would have been more careful, and after careful investigation several times, I got a lot of information—— I have been deceived by those wicked guys a long time ago!"

  Wei Buyi smiled dumbly.

  He wanted to explain.

  But seeing this bearded man with firm eyes and a suspicious face.

   It is known that this person has a deep prejudice against cultivators.


   "That's right. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has seen this guy's talent. It's normal for someone to try to recruit someone. I just didn't expect him to see through it three times with such a crude method..."

  Wei Buyi shook his head inwardly.

   Then he opened his mouth and said:

   "This white dragon was lying deep in the ground before. Although I am the owner of this place, I didn't notice it. Besides, this thing is a monster after the mating of a real dragon and a big snake. How can it obey my orders?"

  The bearded man is skeptical.

  Wei Bujuan didn't bother to defend himself.

  At that moment, he used his sword energy to scrape out a soft, newly formed inner alchemy from Bai Jiao's corpse.

  Take out the token of Panhu Water Mansion and the River God Order of Moon Shadow River, and seal the soul of the white dragon in the Water Mansion.

   So far.

  He Shen Luo Xiaotian had an extra white flood dragon as his subordinate.

   This excited him.

   directly left behind Nie Xiaoxian who was working together.

   Keep playing with the white flood in the Moon Shadow River.

   This white flood has just been beheaded.

   Still haven't figured out what happened.

   Still full of hostility.

  It also wants to attack Luo Xiaotian.

  It's a pity that he was restrained by the power of the God of the River, but he repeatedly injured his own soul.

  After several times.

  It finally knows how powerful it is.

   reluctantly lowered his head.

   obediently became the mount of a river god!


  The bearded man can't see these actions of Wei Buyi, he can only see Wei Buyi holding a shaking bottle, a river god's order and other things to "pretend to be a ghost".

after awhile.

   Seeing Wei Buyi stop.

  The bearded man sneered and said:

   "You all asked me to cultivate immortality, but what good is it?"

  Wei Buyi casually replied:

   "You can live longer."

  The bearded man pointed to a slowly crawling turtle at the bottom of the canyon and said:

   "It can live longer, why don't I just be a turtle?"

  Wei Buyi frowned.

  He heard a hint of inexplicable hostility in the bearded man's tone.

   I didn't bother to argue with him anymore.

   just said lightly:

   "Sophistry is useless..."

   After saying that, he was ready to leave.

  Unexpectedly, the bearded man stopped him:

   "Hey... Please stay a little longer. Although I doubt that this white dragon was domesticated by you, it is also possible that you did save my life. How can Deng refuse to repay such kindness?"

   "I can do three things for you, um, let me explain in advance, except for this swordsmanship, Deng is pretty good, and everything else is very ordinary... Also, don't ask me to cultivate immortals!"

  Wei Buyi shook his head and said:

   "I don't have anything for you to do."

  The bearded man insisted:

   "Do you have an enemy? I'll kill him for you!"

  Wei Buyi subconsciously pulled out the hatred list—well, there are enemies, thousands of them.

  But he glanced at the bearded man, laughed and said:

   "My enemies are all immortal cultivators, you can't beat them."

  The bearded man said:

   "So what about the immortal cultivators, ever since Deng entered the green forest, there are several heads of immortal cultivators under his hands!"

   "Tell me the name, if you can't choose the head, I will give you my head!"

  Wei Bujuan secretly thought it was weird.

  In his previous life, this guy was called the Sword Fairy in White Clothes. He thought he was a handsome and handsome guy, but after reincarnating, he turned into a bearded man and his appearance was lowered, so why did his personality become so stubborn?

   "Could it be that you have experienced some blows?"

  Wei Buyi thought secretly.

  He wanted to use magic to send this annoying spirit away, but just before he raised his hand, he suddenly saw the corpses all over the place. For some reason, a hidden blood factor was awakened.

   Then he opened his mouth and asked:

   "Can you cook?"

  The bearded man slapped his chest loudly:

"Deng has traveled all over the world. Apart from his excellent swordsmanship, his cooking skills are even more extraordinary. Yes, this dragon meat is not usually eaten. Just wait, I will go to the mountains to find some fruits and vegetables for seasoning, and then I invite you to try my cooking skills !"

   As he spoke, he carried his sword and went excitedly to Shimeng Mountain.


   "It's a straight person, although a bit too reckless..."

  Wei Buyi sat down on the spot.

   Breath adjustment and care.

  It took about an hour to touch it.

  Deng Ludao just came back with a handful of red, green and green herbs and spiritual fruits.

   Then he deftly built a fire in the lee.

   Then he rubbed his sword and scraped off several pieces of plump and juicy dragon meat.

  He grilled meat with a sword.

   It took half an hour.

  The hillside is overflowing with the smell of meat.

  Even Wei Buyi, who was meditating to refine his true energy, couldn't help moving his nose.

   "Don't worry, don't worry!"

  Deng Ludao laughed loudly and said:

   "This dragon meat is too skinny, it needs to be baked for more time!"

   Another half an hour passed.

  I saw that the meat was already oozing with oil.

  Deng Lu Dao This is Shi Shiran, who evenly spreads the stone-ground berry juice, mixed with some flowers and plants that Wei Buyi can't understand, on the meat.

   "Here! You can eat it!"

  Deng Ludao readily handed the best piece of meat to Wei Buyi.

  Wei Bujuan saw this.

   Simply take a gourd of wine from the wine-making gourd!

  He has brewed this wine for a long time.

  The quality has already met the standard of Xianjiu.

   It just never had a chance to be unsealed.

  Today is unavoidable to Kaifeng.

after all.

  Wei Buyi hasn't had a serious meal of meat for a long, long time.


   Immortal wine comes out.

  Deng Ludao's eyes immediately went wrong:

   "There is wine, why didn't you say it earlier!?"

   "If I had said that there was wine earlier, even if you were a cultivator, I wouldn't hate you so much..."

  Wei Buyi ate a mouthful of meat, and took another sip of wine.

   Then he simply threw the rest of the wine to the other party.

   Deng Ludao was overjoyed.

   Start binge drinking.

   Half an hour later.

  The wine gourd was already empty, lying sideways on a rock.

  By the campfire.

  The bearded Deng Ludao hugged Wei Buyi and refused to let go.

   And still howling:


  "...Brother, I am not born with a bad temper, I actually know it from the bitterness!

  Think about Hongliu County twenty years ago.

  Your sister-in-law was born as beautiful as a flower, your father and I are also the headhunters of Megatron, and your son is even smarter and can speak from birth. Humanity is a natural child prodigy. Isn't this a harmonious family bestowed by heaven?

  Who would have thought that lowly servant girl would be promiscuous.

  I am away all year round due to official business.

  She is fine.

   Actually sneaked around while I was not at home and hooked up with a cultivator of immortality!

  She still dared to run after the incident!

  Almost abducted my only son!

  I was so angry that I killed all the sharp men and women, but I was also chased and killed by the sect that the immortal cultivator belonged to.

  After saving a life by chance, he fell into the road and became a hero of the green forest...


   Oh no, yes, Dad!

  You comment.

  Is it my fault that I hate cultivators? "


  (end of this chapter)