MTL - After Becoming a Male God, I Broke Three Big Guys-Chapter 87

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Xu Yufei is an encounter CP fan.

You must know that she has never been a three-dimensional real person cp before, but this time, because of "Linear Sniper", she fell vertically into the encounter pit and couldn't climb out. Hanging Erlang to be a serious senior X dislikes an upright and arrogant younger brother, just the character design is delicious!

Of course, what attracted Xu Yufei was not only the character attributes of the encounter, but more because she saw the different sense of reality between the brothers and the business cp.

Neither of them are people who fry CP. As an idol from a boy group, Ji Weitong is a taboo of scandals. Qiao Yu has also heard rumors that the program team planned to bind him with An Xin Yun but was rejected. But who would have guessed that two people who both refused to fire cp ended up making a big one together.

"Linear Sniper" was the happiest time for the party when it was on the air. Different program themes have provided rich inspiration for Mrs. Scissorhands, cut out various encounters in the past and present life, deep sadomasochism, and gave birth to a large number of high-quality editing works. The more famous ones among the encounter fans are:

【Encounter】Stockholm Lover || Mafia Master & Undercover || Kissing you and sinking the dagger into you

【Chance|Rainy Season】Sweet summer//We are a once-in-a-lifetime chance

【Chance|Ji Weitong X Qiao Yu】Double undercover snipers || Dance with you on the tip of the knife

All kinds of fan works are blooming, and CP fans can eat all they can while waiting for the show to be broadcast.

Of course, it is not long-term only if the fan works do not have real-life cps with candy from the main character. It is the interaction between Qiao Yu and Ji Weitong that can make cp fans honestly rooted in the pit of luck.

Xu Yufei was nailed to the pit by the ninth issue of "Linear Sniper".

In that episode, in order to end Qiao Yu's monopoly in "Linear Sniper", the program team formulated two rules of the game. On the bright side, it is a single-soldier operation, but if Qiao Yu wants to win, he needs to survive from the other five guests.

The other guests were all laughing, as if they were already winning. Only Ji Weitong turned his back on the dominant side without hesitation and stood beside Qiao Yu.

It was very difficult to win that game two to four. The program team gave almost all the advantages to the other four guests, forcing Qiao Yu into a dead end.

Ji Weitong always patiently stayed by his side, using himself as bait to lure Chu Xinghan and He Bing away at the most dangerous moment.

Before Ji Weitong was taken off the stage, Chu Xinghan complained, "I just said that the director shouldn't tell you, if you really betray Xiaoyu, then there will be a ghost."

Ji Weitong spread his hands, "No way, who asked you to join forces to bully our younger brother."

CP fans, including Raindrops, who have been puzzling over their luck all the time, all blushed because of this sentence. Everyone else thought it was a game, so no one cared about Qiao Yu's feeling of being betrayed by them, but Ji Weitong did.

In his eyes, his younger brother is still an underage boy, not as strong and indifferent as others think.

Everyone may betray Qiao Yu, but Ji Weitong will not.

After the broadcast of this episode, the "Linear Sniper" program group was greatly controversial. My child is better than others, but is this why you are targeting him? The raindrops almost didn't get angry, and they all had the heart to let the younger brother quit the show.

Fortunately, the program team solemnly issued an apology soon. If he really wants to quit or his brother breaches the contract, the raindrops can only calm down.

But it is also because of this issue that Raindrop's favorability towards Ji Weitong has increased, and his tolerance to CP fans has also increased. Usually, he is also friendly when encountering commemorative albums in the square.

Fortunately, the program group did not act as a demon after the show, and the first season of "Linear Sniper" came to a successful conclusion.

But after the show, the younger brother and Tongtong did not deliberately "untie" them. The younger brother will be on Tongtong's show, and Tongtong's Weibo will also have his younger brother showing his face, even Weifan has to admit that their relationship is indeed very good.

Now that "One Day with a Good Friend" is on the air, both Wei Fans and CP fans are all standing in front of the TV. When Reuters came out before, they were looking forward to it, and they really counted the days until tonight.

At the beginning of the show, Qiao Yu appeared at the airport terminal. After seeing the VJ carrying the camera, he took off his mask and waved his hand. It was still cold in the morning, and he was wearing a beige motorcycle jacket with a white T-shirt underneath, which attracted countless eyes as soon as he walked out of the exit.

But just when Qiao Yu was about to approach the choreographer and the director, a brown bear rushed out from behind the pillar and ran to Qiao Yu at a brisk rhythm and hung on his back.

Qiao Yu was so pressed that he bent down slightly, and reflexively hit Brown Bear with his elbow. Brown Bear hit the lower abdomen, and fell to the ground with exaggerated movements.

In the next second, Ji Weitong, who had put himself into Brown Bear's body, took off his hood, revealing a star-like face, "It's a heavy hand, brother!"

Fans off the screen actually guessed Brown Bear's identity more or less. Although the scene just now was a bit oolong, at this time, his aunt couldn't help but smile.

[Woooooo is too sweet, how can Ji Weitong be so good at it]

【Where is this friend? It's clearly a daily date for young couples! 】

[When Tongtong proposes to me, I will also let him arrange this way]

[Before, what did the hospital say? Is there any help? 】

Here Qiao Yu was stunned for a while, and quickly bent down and handed him his hand, "Are you alright?"

"It's alright." Ji Weitong stood up following his strength, and picked it up from the ground just now, "Have you had breakfast yet?"

Qiao Yu shook his head, "Not yet."

I knew Ji Weitong's expression was like this, "I brought you siu mai and soy milk."

The accompanying choreographer spoke at this time: "The siomai and soy milk program groups that Ji Weitong purchased have been confiscated. Today, you can only use the money you earned through various means during the program to support your expenses."

Fans who have watched "A Day with My Best Friends" are familiar with this routine. Generally speaking, the talented guests in the next session will go to the show, and the untalented guests will go to work part-time.

Ji Weitong quit, "My brother is not yet an adult, how can you let a child go hungry?"

The director was unmoved: "There is no way, please hand in your mobile phone next, and we will send you a spare phone."

Ji Weitong wanted to say something else, but Qiao Yu had already taken out his mobile phone and handed it over to the director and gave him a look. Ji Weitong looked at him for three seconds, but was still defeated.

[Tongtong is so good in front of his younger brother! ! 】

[Haha, thank you Senior Ji for taking care of our younger brother! 】

[Tongtong is really good to his brother! I'm sour]

Then the screen moved to the SUV, because the theme of the show was to film a day with celebrity friends, so there was no one else in the car, only a small camera. Ji Weitong drove the car dutifully, and from time to time told his brother next to him to drink more water to satisfy his hunger.

The filming location of the show is in a suburban villa, which is a little far from the city. They plan to go to the city to make some money by performing arts. A combination set of guitars, speakers, and microphones is ready for them.

In order to earn enough for one day's expenses as soon as possible, the two set the venue for the performance in the commercial street with the largest traffic in the city center.

Qiao Yu and Ji Weitong arrived at just nine o'clock in the morning, and there were not many people around, so the two of them adjusted the sound and adjusted the microphone stand to prepare for the work.

Originally, the off-screen fans thought that there were not many people around the commercial street, and they were worried that the two would not be able to earn food money, but it soon turned out that their worries were unnecessary.

Qiao Yujia Jiweitong's top-level traffic combination is undoubtedly huge, and employees and passers-by who go to work near the gap between their debugging equipment have already surrounded three floors in front of them.

After explaining the reason for today, Ji Weitong rarely smiled shyly, "If you have spare change and like our performance, you can help us appropriately."

As soon as the words fell here, a female fan had already pulled out five large red bills and put them in the guitar case.

Seeing that others were about to follow suit, Ji Weitong reluctantly put the guitar case away, then picked up the money and handed it back to the female fan, "Thank you for your kindness, but please don't put more than ten yuan in bills. ."

The female fan was anxious to put the money back, "It doesn't matter Tongtong! I have money!"

"I'm rich too." Ji Weitong said with a smile and turned away.

Others also understand that if they give too much, the two of them will not accept it, but now is the era of mobile payment, and everyone has almost no cash in their hands, let alone small bills under ten yuan. Many people can only Go to a nearby store to exchange money.

[Suddenly I feel that Ji Weitong is a very upright person, I want to become a fan haha]

【Tongtong is really good all the time! When I was in Korea, I never accepted expensive gifts from fans, and even paid fans living expenses. 】

[Believe me, Tongtong is really a treasure boy! Fan him is not a loss! 】

Picking up the guitar, Ji Weitong handed the microphone back to Qiao Yu, "Let's start."

Qiao Yu nodded and fixed the microphone. Following Ji Weitong's plucking of the strings, he approached the microphone gently and pressed the tip of his tongue against his upper jaw:

"How many times I wanted to reach out and touch,

But woke up in the early morning without you,

How can I find your trace,

feel your breath again


It's "miss" by Ji Weitong!

This is the third time Qiao Yu has sung "miss". The scene where they just discussed the song selection in the car has not been broadcast, so it is undoubtedly a huge surprise for CP fans at this moment!

[Hahaha, I feel that Xiaoyu sings "miss" more than when he sings his own songs]

【! ! Isn't "miss" really a love song of chance encounters! 】

[There is a great **** at station b who has made a binaural version of the younger brother and Tongtong, you deserve double happiness! 】

A cappella singing is still a test of singing skills under these conditions, but Qiao Yu obviously did a good job, and the scene was as stable as the original soundtrack, which was on a par with Ji Weitong's original singing. Raindrops took this opportunity to ask for Qiao Yu's third single on the barrage.

The camera showed the guitar case in front of Ji Weitong, and the various banknotes piled up into a hill.

At the time of this song, more and more passersby came to watch and fans from nearby Wenfeng came. Ji Weitong simply winked at Qiao Yu, and Qiao Yu nodded understandingly.

"This is the end of today's performance, thank you for your support."

Before the onlookers could hold back, Ji Weitong had already carried his guitar case and ran away with Qiao Yu.

The BGM in the latter part of the show was very timely: Zhejiang Wenzhou, Zhejiang Wenzhou, and Jiangnan Leather Factory closed down, the **** owner Huang He owed 350 million, and ran away with his sister-in-law...

[New article asks for advance receipt! ! 】

"I was forced to HE today too"

Non-quick wear, an independent story composed of many small worlds.

Story 1: A young concubine who doesn't want to make progress X a bad-tempered and abusive prince

Story 2: Forced to attack the salty fish heroine X Mo De's emotionally perverted brother

Story 3: The gentle and generous queen of the palace X the despicable and beautiful emperor's favorite

It's all because the male protagonist is too perverted. If he doesn't want to die in place, he can only be forced to HE!

Don't panic if you miss the 520 episode, here is a flag:

[For every 50 collections of the new article, I will send an 800-word fanwai ▲The fanwai will send one baby to the first 50 pre-collected babies, remember to take a screenshot after collection]

[It seems that there is a baby who missed the extravaganza because of school. If this is the case, I will be private. 】